Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
Now that we are done the tour into one-to-many relations and collections themselves, we can turn our attention on the many side and aspects associated with implementing a many-to-one relationship. Our first stab at this will stick to the uni-directional case. Many to one, uni-directional relationships are especially appropriate when the many side is huge and should best be obtained through a query rather than a through a collection in the parent entity. However, many things we learn here will apply to the one-to-many/many-to-one bi-directional case.
Create a JUnit test class to host tests for the many-to-one mappings.
Put the following JUnit test case base class in your src/test tree. You can delete the sample test method once we add our first real test. JUnit will fail a test case if it cannot locate a @Test to run.
package myorg.relex;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.*;
public class Many2OneTest extends JPATestBase {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Many2OneTest.class);
public void testSample() {
Verify the new JUnit test class builds and executes to completion
relationEx]$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest ... -HHH000401: using driver [org.h2.Driver] at URL [jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/h2db/ejava] ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Many-to-one relationships map easily to the database because that is exactly how relationships are commonly formed in the database -- a foreign key from the many/child table to the one/parent table. We will start simple and then get into some interesting cases.
In this section you will create a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship where the child entity references the parent entity using a separate foreign key.
Put the following class in your src/main tree. It provides an example of the inverse side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship -- which means it will have no reference to the relationship.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example one/parent entity in a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship.
* For that reason -- this class will not have any reference to the many entities that may possibly
* reference it. These many/child objects must be obtained through the entity manager using a find or query.
public class State {
@Id @Column(length=2)
private String id;
@Column(length=20, nullable=false)
private String name;
protected State() {}
public State(String id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
public String getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Put the following class in your src/main tree. This entity class provides an example of the owning side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship materialized through a foreign key column in the entity class table. It currently relies on defaults that we will experiment with and change.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of the owning side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship
* that is realized through a foreign key from the child to the parent entity.
public class StateResident {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private int id;
// optional=false,
// fetch=FetchType.EAGER
// @JoinColumn(
// name="STATE_ID",
// nullable=false
// )
private State state;
private String name;
protected StateResident() {}
public StateResident(State state) {
this.state = state;
public int getId() { return id; }
public State getState() { return state; }
public void setState(State state) {
this.state = state;
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Add the two entity classes to your persistence unit.
Generate the database schema for the two entity classes and the relationship. Notice the provider automatically generated a foreign key column and named it after the entity table the column references.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_STATE ( id varchar(12) not null, name varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); create table RELATIONEX_STATERES ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32), state_id varchar(12), <!------- GENERATED FK Column primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_STATERES add constraint FK88A9D0FF4006DFB7 foreign key (state_id) references RELATIONEX_STATE;
Change the child entity to make use of a foreign key column explicit -- with a specific name and nullable constraint.
private State state;
Regenerate the database schema and note the changes made to the schema using the more explicit declaration of the foreign key column. It now
uses a specified column name
is defined to be non-nullable
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_STATERES ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32), STATE_ID varchar(12) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_STATERES add constraint FK88A9D0FF4006DFB7 foreign key (STATE_ID) references RELATIONEX_STATE; ...
Note there are two ways to get the provider to recognize whether the foreign key column is required. We demonstrated the table/column-centric approach above. The following uses a relationship-centric approach. You can optionally change your relationship definition to the following to show that the foreign key column is defined to be non-null in both cases.
// nullable=false
private State state;
create table RELATIONEX_STATERES ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32), STATE_ID varchar(12) not null, primary key (id) );
Create the following test method in your JUnit test case. This test method will create an instance of both the one and many side, relate them, and persist them. The flush() is only there so we can control/see the specific database commands and is not a required call within the body of the transaction. Note we arranged the order of the persists and left off any cascade definitions to show a point here that will initially cause an error.
public void testManyToOneUniFK() {
log.info("*** testManyToOneUniFK ***");
State state = new State("MD", "Maryland");
StateResident res = new StateResident(state);
log.debug("persisting child");
log.debug("persisting parent");
Build the module and run the new test method. Notice this produces a foreign key constraint error because the child is being persisted to the database prior to the parent being managed.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniFK ... -*** testManyToOneUniFK *** -persisting child Hibernate: select state_.id, state_.name as name28_ from RELATIONEX_STATE state_ where state_.id=? Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_STATERES (id, name, STATE_ID) values (null, ?, ?) ... Tests in error: testManyToOneUniFK(myorg.relex.Many2OneTest): org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: NULL not allowed for column "STATE_ID"; SQL statement:(..) ... [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
We could attempt to fix this with a cascade.PERSIST from the child to the parent, but that just seems wrong. The parent should exist prior to assigning children. There may be additional business rules that must go on to create the parent that is outside the scope of creating the child and child/parent relationship.
Re-order the creates to better simulate the parent being created prior to adding the child entities.
log.debug("persisting parent");
log.debug("persisting child");
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. With the re-ordered persist() calls the provider is able to successfully store our parent, child, and relationship.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniFK ... -persisting parent -persisting child Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_STATE (name, id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_STATERES (id, name, STATE_ID) values (null, ?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method. This will verify we can obtain the child and its associated parent.
log.debug("getting new instances");
StateResident res2 = em.find(StateResident.class, res.getId());
log.debug("checking child");
assertEquals("unexpected child data", res.getName(), res2.getName());
log.debug("checking parent");
assertEquals("unexpected parent data", state.getName());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method will the extra calls to retrieve a fresh instance. Notice, under these conditions, the provider chose to use an EAGER fetch during the find() and there was no LAZY load during the calls to the child and parent.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniFK ... -getting new instances Hibernate: select stateresid0_.id as id29_1_, stateresid0_.name as name29_1_, stateresid0_.STATE_ID as STATE3_29_1_, state1_.id as id28_0_, state1_.name as name28_0_ from RELATIONEX_STATERES stateresid0_ inner join <!=== EAGER fetch of parent RELATIONEX_STATE state1_ on stateresid0_.STATE_ID=state1_.id where stateresid0_.id=? -checking child -checking parent ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Optionally change the fetch type for the parent to a LAZY fetch. Although the provider is permitted to ignore requests for LAZY fetch (but must honor requests for EAGER), we do get a shallower query during the find() for the child and then a second query for the parent when it is accessed.
@ManyToOne( optional=false, fetch=FetchType.LAZY ) @JoinColumn(name="STATE_ID") private State state;
-getting new instances Hibernate: select stateresid0_.id as id29_0_, stateresid0_.name as name29_0_, stateresid0_.STATE_ID as STATE3_29_0_ from RELATIONEX_STATERES stateresid0_ where stateresid0_.id=? -checking child -checking parent Hibernate: select state0_.id as id28_0_, state0_.name as name28_0_ from RELATIONEX_STATE state0_ where state0_.id=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add another child object for the same parent.
log.debug("add more residents"); StateResident resB = new StateResident(res2.getState()); em.persist(resB); em.flush();
Rebuild and re-run the test method. Observe the provider issues a database insert for only the new child entity with its foreign key already set to the existing parent.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniFK ... -add more residents Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_STATERES (id, name, STATE_ID) values (null, ?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your unit test. This will clear the cache of all instances and query for new instances. Note that we need to make use of the query since this is a uni-directional relationship and the parent has no knowledge of the relationship.
log.debug("getting new instances of residences"); em.clear(); List<StateResident> residents = em.createQuery( "select r from StateResident r " + "where r.state.id=:stateId", StateResident.class) .setParameter("stateId", res.getState().getId()) .getResultList(); assertEquals("unexpected number of residents", 2, residents.size());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice since we are using a LAZY fetch, only the child entities are returned from the database.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniFK ... -getting new instances of residences Hibernate: select stateresid0_.id as id29_, stateresid0_.name as name29_, stateresid0_.STATE_ID as STATE3_29_ from RELATIONEX_STATERES stateresid0_ where stateresid0_.STATE_ID=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
If you change the relationship back to an EAGER fetch, you will notice the provider still initially queries for the child entities and then issues a second query for parents matching specific values.
@ManyToOne( optional=false, fetch=FetchType.EAGER ) @JoinColumn(name="STATE_ID") private State state;
-getting new instances of residences Hibernate: select stateresid0_.id as id29_, stateresid0_.name as name29_, stateresid0_.STATE_ID as STATE3_29_ from RELATIONEX_STATERES stateresid0_ where stateresid0_.STATE_ID=? Hibernate: select state0_.id as id28_0_, state0_.name as name28_0_ from RELATIONEX_STATE state0_ where state0_.id=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method. This will verify that all managed children (the many) reference a common parent (the one) instance. We are implementing the check in terms of a change to one parent and attempting to observe that change in another child.
log.debug("changing state/data of common parent");
residents.get(0).getState().setName("Home State");
assertEquals("unexpected difference in parent data",
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Observe our assertion passes and we have a single update to the database.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniFK ... -changing state/data of common parent Hibernate: update RELATIONEX_STATE set name=? where id=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You have finished going through a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship mapped using a single foreign key column in the child entity table. The parent maintains no collection or reference to the children. All references are maintained by the entity and obtained through a find() or query() of the children. This is quite appropriate when the size of the many can be quite large and is best to be queried for where paging can be leveraged or other types of queries to reduce the total count returned.
In the next section we will complicate the situation slightly by using a parent entity with a compound primary key -- which ripples over to the foreign key used by the child.
It this section we will create a new complication to the foreign key join by making the primary key of the parent entity a compound primary key (i.e, multiple columns). This will cause the related child entity to map more than one column as its foreign key to the parent.
In this example we will use an embeddable primary key class as an @EmbeddedId in the parent entity.
Place the following embeddable primary key class in your src/main tree. Notice that it models two primary key values; number and street. It currently defines no specific mappings for the two properties, but we will experiment with changes later.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example compound primary key value that will be used in a many-to-one,
* uni-directional relationship.
public class HousePK implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5213787609029123676L;
// @Column(name="NO")
private int number;
// @Column(name="STR", length=50)
private String street;
public HousePK() {}
public HousePK(int number, String street) {
this.number = number;
this.street = street;
public int getNumber() { return number; }
public void setNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
public String getStreet() { return street; }
public void setStreet(String street) {
this.street = street;
public int hashCode() {
return number + street==null?0:street.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
if (this==obj) { return true; }
HousePK rhs = (HousePK)obj;
if (street==null && rhs.street != null) { return false; }
return number==rhs.number && street.equals(rhs.street);
} catch (Exception ex) { return false; }
Note, as a primary key class, it ...
implements Serializable
implements a default constructor
overrides the default hashCode() based on the properties
overrides the default equals() based on the properties
Put the following parent entity class in your src/main tree. This class provides an example of the parent/one/inverse side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship. In that role, it has no reference to the child entity. However, since this is a compound primary/foreign key example, it defines its primary key in terms of the primary key class you added above. There were two choices in implementing the compound primary key; @IdClass or @EmbeddedId. With the @IdClass approach -- the entity would have modeled the number and street properties as properties of this class. With the @EmbeddedId approach, the entity models the properties as an opaque set encapsulated by the primary key class.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of a parent/inverse side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship where
* the parent and foreign key must use a compound value.
public class House {
// @AttributeOverrides({
// @AttributeOverride(name="street", column=@Column(name="STREET_NAME", length=20)),
// })
private HousePK id;
@Column(length=16, nullable=false)
private String name;
protected House() {}
public House(HousePK id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
public HousePK getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Add the following child entity class to your src/main tree. This class is the owning side of the many-to-one relation and therefore has a reference to the one/parent side and a mapping of the relationship to the database. We currently have the class implemented to accepts all defaults and will be soon making changes after we see what default schema is applied.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of the owning/child side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship
* where the parent uses a (embedded) compound primary key.
public class Occupant {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private int id;
// @JoinColumns({
// @JoinColumn(name="RES_NUM", referencedColumnName="NUMBER"),
// @JoinColumn(name="RES_STR", referencedColumnName="STREET_NAME")
// })
private House residence;
@Column(length=16, nullable=false)
private String name;
protected Occupant(){}
public Occupant(String name, House residence) {
this.name = name;
this.residence = residence;
public int getId() { return id; }
public House getResidence() { return residence; }
public void setResidence(House residence) {
this.residence = residence;
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Add the new entity classes to the persistence unit. Do *not* list the primary key class.
Generate schema for the model and observe the schema generated for the new entities. Notice how the default mapping properties of the primary key class was used within the parent entity table and the child table created values derived from the parent column name and parent reference variable name (i.e., (parentVarName)_(PARENT_COLUMNNAME)).
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_HOUSE ( number integer not null, street varchar(255) not null, name varchar(16) not null, primary key (number, street) ); ... create table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(16) not null, residence_number integer not null, residence_street varchar(255) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT add constraint FK6957B84D35A694BB foreign key (residence_number, residence_street) references RELATIONEX_HOUSE;
Make the following annotation change to the primary key class and observe how that impacts the schema generated.
private int number;
@Column(name="STR", length=50)
private String street;
The parent entity table inherited the column definitions from the primary key class. Since the parent column names changed, the default child entity table foreign key column names changed to match.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_HOUSE ( NO integer not null, STR varchar(50) not null, name varchar(16) not null, primary key (NO, STR) ); ... create table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(16) not null, residence_NO integer not null, residence_STR varchar(50) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT add constraint FK6957B84D81D611CF foreign key (residence_NO, residence_STR) references RELATIONEX_HOUSE;
Create a mapping override in the parent entity so one of the columns is defined by an entity override and the remaining property is still defined by the primary key class. You do not need to make any changes to the primary key class here.
public class House {
@AttributeOverride(name="street", column=@Column(name="STREET_NAME", length=20)),
private HousePK id;
Notice how the parent entity table primary key column definition is a blend of specifications from the primary key class and overrides from the parent entity class.
create table RELATIONEX_HOUSE ( NO integer not null, STREET_NAME varchar(20) not null, name varchar(16) not null, primary key (NO, STREET_NAME) ); ... create table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(16) not null, residence_NO integer not null, residence_STREET_NAME varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT add constraint FK6957B84D8AD189E5 foreign key (residence_NO, residence_STREET_NAME)
Notice how the child entity table foreign key columns, by default, change to match the parent primary key column names.
Add column specifications for the child entity table. You will notice that we are defining a @JoinColumn for each foreign key mapping we wish to override and we must wrap multiple @JoinColumn annotations within a @JoinColumns array
Note too the referencedColumnName must match what the parent entity table is currently using. That means if you are changing values or overrides with the parent primary key column *AND* you are attempting to override the default foreign key column properties -- these must match.
public class Occupant {
@JoinColumn(name="RES_NUM", referencedColumnName="NO"),
@JoinColumn(name="RES_STR", referencedColumnName="STREET_NAME")
private House residence;
create table RELATIONEX_HOUSE ( NO integer not null, STREET_NAME varchar(20) not null, name varchar(16) not null, primary key (NO, STREET_NAME) ); ... create table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(16) not null, RES_NUM integer not null, RES_STR varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT add constraint FK6957B84D739A6436 foreign key (RES_NUM, RES_STR) references RELATIONEX_HOUSE;
Add the following test method to your JUnit test case. This test will create and instance of the parent and child, relate them, and persist them. Learning from the lessons of the previous section, we made sure the parent existed prior to persisting the child.
public void testManyToOneUniCompoundFK() {
log.info("*** testManyToOneUniCompoundFK ***");
House house = new House(new HousePK(1600,"PA Ave"),"White House");
Occupant occupant = new Occupant("bo", house);
log.debug("persisting parent");
log.debug("persisting child");
Build the module and run the new test method. Notice the extra columns used to persist the primary key of the parent and the foreign key of the child.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniCompoundFK ... -*** testManyToOneUniCompoundFK *** -persisting parent -persisting child Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_HOUSE (name, NO, STREET_NAME) values (?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT (id, name, RES_NUM, RES_STR) values (null, ?, ?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method to verify we can obtain a reference to the child and parent through a find().
log.debug("getting new instances");
Occupant occupant2 = em.find(Occupant.class, occupant.getId());
log.debug("checking child");
assertEquals("unexpected child data", occupant.getName(), occupant2.getName());
log.debug("checking parent");
assertEquals("unexpected parent data", house.getName(), occupant2.getResidence().getName());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. As in the previous section, the find, by default, performs an EAGER fetch on the parent. This time, however, the join uses both primary/foreign columns.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniCompoundFK ... -getting new instances Hibernate: select occupant0_.id as id31_1_, occupant0_.name as name31_1_, occupant0_.RES_NUM as RES3_31_1_, occupant0_.RES_STR as RES4_31_1_, house1_.NO as NO30_0_, house1_.STREET_NAME as STREET2_30_0_, house1_.name as name30_0_ from RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT occupant0_ inner join RELATIONEX_HOUSE house1_ on occupant0_.RES_NUM=house1_.NO and occupant0_.RES_STR=house1_.STREET_NAME where occupant0_.id=? -checking child -checking parent ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method. This will test adding a second child for a common parent.
log.debug("add more child entities");
Occupant occupantB = new Occupant("miss beazily", occupant2.getResidence());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how only the new child needs to be persisted -- along with the foreign key columns to reference the parent.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniCompoundFK ... -add more child entities Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT (id, name, RES_NUM, RES_STR) values (null, ?, ?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method. This will query for child entities related to our parent. Note this is the only way (other than find()) that we can locate the child entities since no reference to the child entities is maintained in a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship.
log.debug("getting new instances of children");
List<Occupant> occupants = em.createQuery(
"select o from Occupant o " +
"where o.residence.id=:houseId",
.setParameter("houseId", occupant.getResidence().getId())
assertEquals("unexpected number of children", 2, occupants.size());
Take extra note of what we did during the query and query parameter above. We did *not* pass in the individual primary key properties and do a property-by-property match. That would have been tedious and error prone if the primary key was re-factored. What we did instead was to pass in the opaque primary key object and let the provider, with its mapping knowledge of the primary key class and the parent/child entity classes -- form the details of the where clause.
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how the provider broke down the opaque primary key object we passed as a parameter and created the individual column tests in the where.
-getting new instances of children Hibernate: select occupant0_.id as id31_, occupant0_.name as name31_, occupant0_.RES_NUM as RES3_31_, occupant0_.RES_STR as RES4_31_ from RELATIONEX_OCCUPANT occupant0_ where occupant0_.RES_NUM=? <!== provider created breakdown from PK comparison and occupant0_.RES_STR=? to individual column comparisons Hibernate: select house0_.NO as NO30_0_, house0_.STREET_NAME as STREET2_30_0_, house0_.name as name30_0_ from RELATIONEX_HOUSE house0_ where house0_.NO=? and house0_.STREET_NAME=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You have finished taking a look at the impact of a parent entity using a compound primary key when there is a relationship from a child entity. The circumstances around this situation is not all that unlike the one-to-one case, but it is still worthy covering specifically here.
In the next section we will shift the emphasis of the compound primary key from the parent to the child where the child identity is derived from a property of the parent.
In this section we are going to revisit a topic that was addressed during the one-to-one relationship coverage. We are going to take a look at a child class that uses a compound primary key with one of the properties of the primary key derived from the foreign key to the parent entity. This means that one of the columns of the child table will be both a primary key value and a foreign key value at the same time.
Add the following parent entity class to your src/main tree. This parent entity class will have its primary key automatically assigned by the container and the foreign key of the children entities will have to reference that column.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class is an example of a parent in a many-to-one, uni-directional relation where the
* primary key of the child is derived from the primary key of the parent.
public class ItemType {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private int id;
@Column(length=20, nullable=false)
private String name;
protected ItemType() {}
public ItemType(String name) {
this.name = name;
public int getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return id +":" + name;
Since the child entities will have a two properties -- one of them derived from the parent entity -- we need to model a compound primary key class for the child entity. Place the following primary key class in your src/main tree. It models two properties
typeId - represents the primary key value of the ItemType entity
number - represents a unique value per ItemType.id given to an Item
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example primary key class for a child entity that
* derives one of its primary key values from its parent entity in a many-to-one
* relationship.
public class ItemPK implements Serializable {
public class ItemPK implements Serializable {
// @Column(name="TYPE_ID_PK")
private int typeId; //unique value from parent ItemType.id
// @Column(name="NUMBER_PK")
private int number; //unique value assigned to instances of Item
public int getTypeId() { return typeId; }
public ItemPK setTypeId(int typeId) {
this.typeId = typeId;
return this;
public int getNumber() { return number; }
public ItemPK setNumber(int number) {
this.number = number;
return this;
public int hashCode() {
return typeId + number;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
if (this == obj) { return true; }
ItemPK rhs = (ItemPK) obj;
return typeId==rhs.typeId && number==rhs.number;
} catch (Exception ex) { return false; }
public String toString() {
return "(typeId=" + typeId + ",number=" + number + ")";
Place the following child entity class in your src/main tree. This entity class uses an embedded primary key and a many-to-one relation to the parent entity. As stated, one of the properties (typeId) of the primary key will need to be the same value as the foreign key to the parent entity (itemType.id). The implementation below currently models that as two separate columns and we will need to work to correct.
package myorg.relex.many2one;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of a child entity that derives its primary key from
* the parent/one side of a many-to-one relation.
public class Item {
private ItemPK id;
// @MapsId("typeId") //refers to the ItemPK.typeId property
// @JoinColumn(name="TYPE_ID")
private ItemType itemType;
private Date created;
protected Item() {}
public Item(ItemType itemType, int number) {
this.itemType = itemType;
//typeId in PK auto-mapped to itemType FK
this.id = new ItemPK().setNumber(number);
public ItemPK getId() { return id; }
public ItemType getItemType() { return itemType; }
public Date getCreated() { return created; }
public void setCreated(Date created) {
this.created = created;
public String toString() {
return (itemType==null?null:itemType) + "pk=" + id;
Pay special notice to the fact the child entity never sets the typeId property of the primary key. This property will be ignored by the provider and the property from the foreign key used instead once we get things mapped correctly.
Add the two entity classes to your peristence unit. Do *not* list the primary key class.
Generate database schema for the new entity classes and their relationship. Notice how there is a typeId from the compound primary key class property and a itemType_id from the foreign key. The provider is stating that our mapping treats the two uses of the same property as two separate columns in the same table. You can tell the typeId is part of the primary key from the "primary key (number, typeId)" declaration. You can tell itemType_id is a foreign key based on the "foreign key (itemType_id)" constraint declaration.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_ITEM ( number integer not null, typeId integer not null, created timestamp, itemType_id integer not null, primary key (number, typeId) ); create table RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_ITEM add constraint FK355BBDA3C6C591FD foreign key (itemType_id) references RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE;
Add the @MapsId("typeId") annotation to the @ManyToOne relation. This signals the provider to map the column for the compound primary key "typeId" column to the same column used to map the foreign key for the itemType.
@MapsId("typeId") //refers to the ItemPK.typeId property
private ItemType itemType;
Regenerate schema and notice the two columns have mapped to the foreign key column. itemType_id still exists and has a foreign key constraint. itemType_id is now also listed in the primary key declaration.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_ITEM ( number integer not null, created timestamp, itemType_id integer, primary key (number, itemType_id) ); create table RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_ITEM add constraint FK355BBDA3C6C591FD foreign key (itemType_id) references RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE;
Make a small cosmetic change by defining the column name for the foreign key column.
@MapsId("typeId") //refers to the ItemPK.typeId property
private ItemType itemType;
Notice we are renaming the foreign key that the primary key is mapped to and not the primary key.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_ITEM ( number integer not null, TYPE_ID integer, created timestamp, primary key (number, TYPE_ID) ); create table RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_ITEM add constraint FK355BBDA349D11870 foreign key (TYPE_ID) references RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE;
Further test the assertion above about the primary key being mapped to the foreign key by trying to define the primary key columns for Item. Add the following for the ItemPK class.
public class ItemPK implements Serializable {
private int typeId; //unique value from parent ItemType.id
private int number; //unique value assigned to instances of Item
Notice only the non-FK annotation column definition was picked up from the primary key class. The other property is defined by the foreign key column definition in the entity class.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_ITEM ( NUMBER_PK integer not null, TYPE_ID integer, created timestamp, primary key (NUMBER_PK, TYPE_ID) ); create table RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(20) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_ITEM add constraint FK355BBDA349D11870 foreign key (TYPE_ID) references RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE;
Add the following test method to your unit test. As in the previous sections, this code will attempt to persist the parent, assign the managed parent to the child, and then persist the child. The flush()es were added simply to control when the database output was issued and printed and not a requirement of the scenario.
public void testManyToOneUniMapsIdEmbedded() {
log.info("*** testManyToOneUniMapsIdEmbedded ***");
ItemType type = new ItemType("snowblower");
log.debug("persisting parent:" + type);
log.debug("persisted parent:" + type);
Item item = new Item(type,1);
item.setCreated(new Date());
log.debug("persisting child:" + item);
log.debug("persisted child:" + item);
//check PK assigned
ItemPK pk = new ItemPK().setTypeId(type.getId()).setNumber(1);
assertTrue(String.format("expected PK %s not match actual %s", pk,
item.getId()), pk.equals(item.getId()));
Build the module and run the new unit test. Notice first how the parent primary key was unassigned until after the persist. After the persist, the output changed from 0 to a non-0 value. The same thing happened for the child entity. The property in the child's primary key that is mapped to the foreign key was left unassigned by the child entity class. The provider updated the primary key values during the persist and caused the primary key property to be equal to the foreign key value.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniMapsIdEmbedded ... -persisting parent:0:snowblower Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE (id, name) values (null, ?) -persisted parent:1:snowblower -persisting child:1:snowblowerpk=(typeId=0,number=1) Hibernate: ^ insert +- unassigned into RELATIONEX_ITEM (created, NUMBER_PK, TYPE_ID) values +- assigned by provider (?, ?, ?) v -persisted child:1:snowblowerpk=(typeId=1,number=1) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Place the following lines in your test method. This will cause new instances to be pulled from the database and checked against their expected values.
log.debug("getting new instances");
Item item2 = em.find(Item.class, pk);
log.debug("checking child");
assertNotNull("child not found by primary key:" + pk, item2);
assertTrue("unexpected child data", item.getCreated().equals(item2.getCreated()));
log.debug("checking parent");
assertEquals("unexpected parent data", type.getName(), item2.getItemType().getName());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice the provider continues to perform an EAGER fetch of the parent when using find() to locate the child. The provider is able to locate the child entity using a primary key instance initialized with the parent's ID and a unique value assigned to the child number.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniMapsIdEmbedded ... -getting new instances Hibernate: select item0_.NUMBER_PK as NUMBER1_32_1_, item0_.TYPE_ID as TYPE2_32_1_, item0_.created as created32_1_, itemtype1_.id as id33_0_, itemtype1_.name as name33_0_ from RELATIONEX_ITEM item0_ inner join RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE itemtype1_ on item0_.TYPE_ID=itemtype1_.id where item0_.NUMBER_PK=? and item0_.TYPE_ID=? -checking child -checking parent ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. This will add additional child related to the same parent entity.
Item itemB = new Item(item2.getItemType(),2);
log.debug("add more child entities:" + itemB);
itemB.setCreated(new Date());
log.debug("new child entities added:" + itemB);
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice, as before, only the foreign key and unique value is assigned to the new child entity prior to calling persist(). The primary key property used to identify the parent entity is unassigned going into the persist and then updated by the provider once the persist completes.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2OneTest#testManyToOneUniMapsIdEmbedded ... -add more child entities:1:snowblowerpk=(typeId=0,number=2) Hibernate: ^ insert +- unassigned into RELATIONEX_ITEM (created, NUMBER_PK, TYPE_ID) values +- assigned by provider (?, ?, ?) v -new child entities added:1:snowblowerpk=(typeId=1,number=2) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. These will get new instances of all the children associated with a common parent. Notice we are using the foreign key during the where clause and no the primary key value. It does not matter which value we use since they are both mapped to the same column.
log.debug("getting new instances of children");
List<Item> items = em.createQuery(
"select i from Item i " +
"where i.itemType.id=:typeId",
.setParameter("typeId", item.getItemType().getId())
assertEquals("unexpected number of children", 2, items.size());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice the column used during the where clause to get the child rows is the column we mapped for the foreign key.
-getting new instances of children Hibernate: select item0_.NUMBER_PK as NUMBER1_32_, item0_.TYPE_ID as TYPE2_32_, item0_.created as created32_ from RELATIONEX_ITEM item0_ where item0_.TYPE_ID=? Hibernate: select itemtype0_.id as id33_0_, itemtype0_.name as name33_0_ from RELATIONEX_ITEMTYPE itemtype0_ where itemtype0_.id=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
If you changed the query to use the primary key instead of the foreign key we end up with the same query because (again) @MapsId caused these two properties to be mapped to the same column -- the foreign key column.
List<Item> items = em.createQuery(
"select i from Item i " +
//"where i.itemType.id=:typeId",
"where i.id.typeId=:typeId",
Hibernate: select item0_.NUMBER_PK as NUMBER1_32_, item0_.TYPE_ID as TYPE2_32_, item0_.created as created32_ from RELATIONEX_ITEM item0_ where item0_.TYPE_ID=?
You have completed going through an example many-to-one, uni-directional relationship where the child identity is partially determined from the identity of the parent. By default, the provider would have mapped these as two separate columns. By using @MapsId on the relationship -- the property within the primary key class identified by the @MapsId has its column mapped to the same column used to reference the parent entity.
This example used the @EmbeddedId. Another option would have been the use of an @IdClass.
In this chapter we took a look at variants of the many-to-one relationship using just the uni-directional case. You implemented the relationship using a simple foreign key from the child entity table as well as through a join-table. You formed relationships with simple types and embeddable types that were owned by the parent entity. You enacted orphanRemoval on first class child entities to have them deleted as well when removed from the collection.