Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 38. JPA Collections

38.1. Setup
38.2. Entity Identity
38.2.1. Instance Id
38.2.2. Primary Key Id
38.2.3. Switching Ids
38.2.4. Business Id
38.3. Collection Ordering
38.3.1. Ordered Collections
38.4. Collection Interfaces
38.4.1. Using Maps with Collections
38.5. Summary

In this chapter we will take a closer look at the collections used within a relationship and how we can better map them to the business need. We will primarily look at collection ordering and access.

Create a JUnit test class to host tests for the collection mappings.

This section will focus on how Java and JPA determine the identity of an entity and when one instance equals another. To demonstrate the concepts, please the following artifacts in place.

  1. Place the following mapped superclass in place in your src/main tree. Mapped superclasses are POJO base classes for entities that are not themselves entities. The reason we did not make this class an entity is because it is abstract and will never exist within our example tree without a subclass representing the entity. Each instance of the mapped superclass will be assigned an instanceId, a database primary key (when persisted), and a business Id (name).

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
    import javax.persistence.Column;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
    import javax.persistence.Temporal;
    import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
    import javax.persistence.Transient;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
     * This class is used as a common base implementation by several implementations
     * of hashCode/equals.
    public abstract class Ship {
        protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
        private static AtomicInteger instanceId = new AtomicInteger();
        private int oid = instanceId.getAndAdd(1);
        protected int id;
        @Column(length = 16)
        protected String name; //businessId
        protected Date created;
        public int getId() { return id; }
        public Ship setId(int id) {
            this.id = id;
            return this;
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public Ship setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
            return this;
        public Date getCreated() { return created; }
        public Ship setCreated(Date created) {
            this.created = created;
            return this;
        public abstract int peekHashCode();
        protected int objectHashCode() {
            return super.hashCode();
        public int hashCode() {
            return logHashCode(peekHashCode());
        public int logHashCode(int hashCode) {
            log.info(toString() +
                    ".hashCode=" + hashCode);
            return hashCode;
        public boolean logEquals(Object obj, boolean equals) {
            log.info(new StringBuilder()
                .append(obj==null?null : ((Ship)obj).id + ",oid=" + ((Ship)obj).oid)
            return equals;
        public String toString() {
            return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(id=" + id + ",oid=" + oid + ")";
  2. Place the following entity class in you src/main tree. This class will be used to represent a parent/one end of a one-to-many relationship. It is currently incomplete. We will add more to it later.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class provides an example one/parent entity with a relationship to many child/dependent
     * objects -- with the members in each collection based on a different hashCode/equals method.
    public class Fleet {
        @Id @GeneratedValue
        private int id;
        private String name;
        public int getId() { return id; }
        public void setId(int id) {
            this.id = id;
        public String getName() { return name;}
        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
  3. Add only the entity class to the persistence unit. Do not add the mapped superclass.


In this section we will demonstrate how using the default java.lang.Object hashCode and equals methods is used within Java collections and impacts JPA code. This technique works when working with a single instance that represents a real object. If two objects are of the same class but different instances -- then they will have a different hashCode identity and equals will be returned as false even if every Java attribute they host has an equivalent value.

  1. Add the following entity class to your src/main tree. This class represents an entity that implements hashCode and equals using the default java.lang.Object hashCode/equals implementation except it will print some debug when these methods are called. Notice that it extends the managed superclass you added earlier.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals 
     * using the default java.lang.Object implementation. Note this implementation is instance-specific. 
     * No other instance will report the same value even if they represent the same row in the DB.
    public class ShipByDefault extends Ship {
        public int peekHashCode() {
            return super.objectHashCode();
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (this == obj) { return logEquals(obj, true); }
                boolean equals = super.equals(obj);
                return logEquals(obj, equals);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return logEquals(obj, false);
  2. Add the entity class to your persistence unit.

  3. Add the following test method and initial code to your collections JUnit test case. This test provides a simple demonstration how two instances with the same values will report they are different when using the default java.lang.Object implementations of hashCode and equals.

        public void testByDefault() {
            log.info("*** testByDefault ***");
            Ship ship1 = new ShipByDefault();
            Ship ship2 = new ShipByDefault();
            assertFalse("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship2.hashCode());
            assertFalse("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship2));
  4. Build the module, run the new JUnit test case, and observe the results. Notice how the two instances have the same databaseId (unassigned at this point) but a different instanceId, significantly different hashCodes and an equals that does not match.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByDefault
     -*** testByDefault ***
  5. Add the following lines of code to the existing test method to persist the entity and attempt to retrieve it while still in the cache.

            log.debug("persisting entity");
            Ship ship3 = em.find(ShipByDefault.class, ship1.getId());
            assertTrue("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship3.hashCode());
            assertTrue("unexpected inequality", ship1.equals(ship3));
  6. Rebuild the module, re-run the test method and observe the equality that occurs. The two variable instances have the same hashCode and are equal because they reference the same entity instance.

     -persisting entity
            (id, created, name) 
            (null, ?, ?)
  7. Add the following lines of code to your existing test method to show how the equality of the instances depends on whether the cache is still in place.

            log.debug("getting new instance of entity");
            Ship ship4 = em.find(ShipByDefault.class, ship1.getId());
            assertFalse("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship4.hashCode());
            assertFalse("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship4));
  8. Rebuild the module, re-run the test method, and observe the fact we now have inequality now that we have different instances. We can be sure they are different instances -- even though they both represent the same database Id -- by the value printed for the oid.

     -getting new instance of entity
            shipbydefa0_.id as id29_0_,
            shipbydefa0_.created as created29_0_,
            shipbydefa0_.name as name29_0_ 
            RELATIONEX_SHIP shipbydefa0_ 

You have finished demonstrating how entities using the default java.lang.Object implementation of hashCode and equals identify themselves as equal only if they are referencing the same instance. This works as long as the instance is available to be referenced but would not work in cases where we want the identity to span instances that might share the same properties. In the next section we will look at factoring in database Id into the hashCode and equality implementations.

In this section we will will demonstrate an attempt at modeling the hashCode and equals property through the database-assigned primary key. After all -- this value is meant to be our Id for the entity.

  1. Add the following entity class to your src/main tree. This class will base its hashCode and equals solely on the assigned (or unassigned) primary key.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals 
     * using its database assigned primary key. Note the PK is not assigned until the 
     * entity is inserted into the database -- so there will be a period of time prior
     * to persist() when all instances of this class report the same hashCode/equals. 
    public class ShipByPK extends Ship {
        public int peekHashCode() {
            return id;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (this == obj) { return logEquals(obj, true); }
                boolean equals = id==((ShipByPK)obj).id;
                return logEquals(obj, equals);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return logEquals(obj, false);
  2. Add the entity class to your persistence unit.

  3. Add the following test method to your existing unit test. This test will demonstrate how we can get two instances to logically represent the same thing.

        public void testByPK() {
            log.info("*** testByPK ***");
            Ship ship1 = new ShipByPK();
            Ship ship2 = new ShipByPK();
            assertTrue("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship2.hashCode());
            assertTrue("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship2));
  4. Rebuild the module and run the new test method. Notice how two object instances with the same database primary key value can easily report the same hashCode and report they are equal.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByPK
     -*** testByPK ***
  5. Add the following lines of code to your existing test method. This code will demonstrate how an earlier unmanaged instance and a newly found managed instance will report they are the same.

            log.debug("persisting entity");
            log.debug("getting new instance of entity");
            Ship ship4 = em.find(ShipByPK.class, ship1.getId());
            assertTrue("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship4.hashCode());
            assertTrue("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship4));
  6. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how the common primary key value causes the two instances to be equal.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByPK
     -getting new instance of entity
            shipbypk0_.id as id29_0_,
            shipbypk0_.created as created29_0_,
            shipbypk0_.name as name29_0_ 
            RELATIONEX_SHIP shipbypk0_ 
  7. Add the following lines of code to your existing test method. This will demonstrate that even though the two instances report they are equal, the provider still treats them as being distinct and not interchangeable.

            log.debug("check if entity manager considers them the same");
            assertFalse("em contained first entity", em.contains(ship1));
            assertTrue("em did not contained second entity", em.contains(ship4));
  8. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Note how the entity manager is able to tell the two instances apart and is not making any calls to hashCode or equals to determine if they are contained in the persistence context. This is helpful because we don't get confused by which instance is actually currently managed.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByPK
     -check if entity manager considers them the same
  9. Up to now, we have been showing all good things about the databaseId approach. Add the following code to your existing test method to demonstrate an issue with the technique. In the following code we attempt to create two separate, logical instances and add them to a Set. Since elements of sets are unique and the implementation of the class is based off of a currently uninitialized primary key -- only the second entry is added to the set.

            Set<Ship> ships = new HashSet<Ship>();
            Ship ship5 = new ShipByPK().setName("one");
            Ship ship6 = new ShipByPK().setName("two");
            log.debug("add first ship to the set");
            assertTrue("first entity not accepted into set", ships.add(ship5));
            log.debug("add second ship to the set");
            assertFalse("second entity accepted into set", ships.add(ship6));
            assertEquals("unexpected set.size", 1, ships.size());
            log.debug("ships=" + ships);
  10. Rebuild the module, re-run the test method, and note the final contents of the Set only contains the first entity. Since the first entity reported it equaled the second entity -- the second entity was not added to the set. This can be an issue if we want to model a relationship as a unique Set prior to the entities being persisted to the database.

     -add first ship to the set
     -add second ship to the set

You have finished demonstrating a potential option for deriving hashCode and equals that would make two separate instances logically presenting the same thing to be reported as equal. However, this solution -- as demonstrated -- has issues. It only works for persisted entities that already have their database identity assigned. This can be a serious issue for entity classes with a @GeneratedValue for a primary key and parents that house those entities within Sets. In the next section we will look at a potential hybrid solution.

In this section we will demonstrate an option for deriving hashCode and equals that will report two instances for the same logical object and attempt to compensate for addition to a set prior to being assigned a primary key.

  1. Add the following class to your src/main tree. This class will default to the java.lang.Object approach prior to being given a primary key -- and then switch to the primary key from that point forward. It sounds good -- but will also have some issues we will demonstrate.

    Is changing result of hashCode/equals legal?

    The Internet is not short on discussion of hashCode/equals and whether its value and result can be changed during the lifetime of an object. The java.lang.Object.hashCode javadoc states that "...the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified". The first part of that phrase makes the following solution suspect. The last part of the phrase at least makes it a legal option.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals 
     * using its database assigned primary key if it exists and defaults to the 
     * java.lang.Object definition if not yet assigned.  Note that this technique causes
     * a change in hashCode/equals after the persist() takes place -- invalidating anything
     * previously cached for the identity.
    public class ShipBySwitch extends Ship {
        public int peekHashCode() {
            return id==0 ? super.objectHashCode() : id;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (this == obj) { return logEquals(obj, true); }
                boolean equals = (id==0) ? super.equals(obj) :
                return logEquals(obj, equals);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return logEquals(obj, false);
  2. Add the entity class to your persistence unit.

  3. Add the following test method to your existing JUnit test case. It will be used demonstrate the benefits and issues with having an object switching hashCode values and equals results.

        public void testBySwitch() {
            log.info("*** testBySwitch ***");
            Ship ship1 = new ShipBySwitch().setName("one");
            Ship ship2 = new ShipBySwitch().setName("two");
            assertFalse("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship2.hashCode());
            assertFalse("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship2));
  4. Rebuild the module and run the new test method. Notice how the two instances are immediately determined to be different during the pre-persist state by the fact they are two different instances. If we wanted them to be the same -- we could have switched to comparing object properties.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testBySwitch
     -*** testBySwitch ***
  5. Add the following lines of code to your existing method. This will demonstrate how to the two instances can be added to a set -- unlike before.

            Set<Ship> ships = new HashSet<Ship>();
            log.debug("add first ship to the set");
            assertTrue("first entity not accepted into set", ships.add(ship1));
            log.debug("add second ship to the set");
            assertTrue("second entity not accepted into set", ships.add(ship2));
            assertEquals("unexpected set.size", 2, ships.size());
            log.debug("ships=" + ships);
  6. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Note this time around we end up with two instances in the set.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testBySwitch
     -add first ship to the set
     -add second ship to the set
     -ships=[ShipBySwitch(id=0,oid=4), ShipBySwitch(id=0,oid=5)]
  7. Add the following lines of code to your existing test method. This should demonstrate how the object shifts from using the instanceId to the databaseId once it has been assigned.

            log.debug("getting new instance of entity");
            Ship ship4 = em.find(ShipBySwitch.class, ship1.getId());
            assertTrue("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship4.hashCode());
            assertTrue("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship4));
  8. Rebuild the module and re-run the updated test method. Notice how the previously managed from the persist() and the newly managed instance from the find() report they represent the same object.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testBySwitch
     -getting new instance of entity
            shipbyswit0_.id as id29_0_,
            shipbyswit0_.created as created29_0_,
            shipbyswit0_.name as name29_0_ 
            RELATIONEX_SHIP shipbyswit0_ 
  9. Add the following of code to the existing unit test. This will attempt to find the entity that we know exists in the set.

            log.debug("set=" + ships);
            log.debug("checking set for entity");
            assertFalse("set found changed entity after persist", ships.contains(ship1));
  10. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice the entity can no longer be found in the set. This is because the hashCode has changed from when it was originally inserted into the set. This can't be good. Lets stop here with this solution.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testBySwitch
     -set=[ShipBySwitch(id=1,oid=4), ShipBySwitch(id=0,oid=5)]
     -checking set for entity

You have finished trying out a technique where we shift the hashCode/equals implementation based on a change in state. The javadoc for java.lang.Object states this is legal for the instance to do this, but this technique obviously does not work when the hashCode is stored separate from the entity -- like in a HashedSet. This technique represents the last automatic calculation of hashCode/equals we will try -- and they all had some type of deficiency. We will next look at using business identity within the entity properties to derive the hashCode and equals.

In this section we will look at one last identity mechanism. It is based on a "business identity". In this approach we model our entity with enough properties such that they may be able to uniquely identity the entity without a database Id. It is possible the designer could use these field(s) as the primary key or just make them the implementation basis for hashCode and equals. In the following example we will use both a database-assigned primary key and separate identifying business properties.

  1. Add the following entity class to your src/main tree. This entity class derives its hashCode and equals using a name and createTime property. It may be possible that two entities have the same name -- but no two entities should be created with the same name in the same millisecond.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals 
     * using its business identity. Note that it is not always easy to derive a business Id
     * for an entity class.
    public class ShipByBusinessId extends Ship {
        public int peekHashCode() {
            return (name==null ? 0 : name.hashCode()) + 
                   (created==null ? 0 : (int)created.getTime());
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (this == obj) { return logEquals(obj, true); }
                boolean equals = name.equals(((ShipByBusinessId)obj).name) &&
                        created.getTime() == (((ShipByBusinessId)obj).created.getTime());
                return logEquals(obj, equals);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return logEquals(obj, false);
        public String toString() {
            return super.toString() + 
                    ", name=" + name + 
                    ", created=" + (created==null ? 0 : created.getTime()); 
  2. Add the new entity class to your persistence unit.

  3. Add the following test method to your existing JUnit test case. The first part of the test simply verifies we can determine the two instances are different. Note that since we are factoring in the createTime into the businessId -- a delay is inserted to make sure we get at least one millisecond different in createTime. Depending on how our entities are created -- this may not be necessary.

        public void testByBusinessId() {
            log.info("*** testByBusinessId ***");
            Ship ship1 = new ShipByBusinessId().setName("one").setCreated(new Date());
            try { Thread.sleep(1);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
            Ship ship2 = new ShipByBusinessId().setName("two").setCreated(new Date());
            assertFalse("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship2.hashCode());
            assertFalse("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship2));
  4. Build the model and run the new test method. Note that we are factoring in both name and createTime into the hashCode/equals and ignoring the databaseId and instanceId.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByBusinessId
     -*** testByBusinessId ***
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364958763502.hashCode=-840726444
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=5), name=two, created=1364958763503.hashCode=-840721349
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364958763502.equals(id=0,oid=5)=false
  5. Add the following to your test method. Since we have a unique identities at this point, both instances will be placed into the set. We will also notice later that since the hashCode/equals does not change -- the set will be usable after the calls to persist() complete.

            Set<Ship> ships = new HashSet<Ship>();
            log.debug("add first ship to the set");
            assertTrue("first entity not accepted into set", ships.add(ship1));
            log.debug("add second ship to the set");
            assertTrue("second entity not accepted into set", ships.add(ship2));
            assertEquals("unexpected set.size", 2, ships.size());
            log.debug("ships=" + ships);
  6. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Of no surprise -- we get both instances inserted into the set.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByBusinessId
     -add first ship to the set
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364959025047.hashCode=-840464899
     -add second ship to the set
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=5), name=two, created=1364959025048.hashCode=-840459804
     -ships=[ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364959025047, ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=5), name=two, created=1364959025048]
  7. Add the following lines to your test method. In this section we will be determining whether a managed and unmanaged instance will have the same Id. Note the extra effort to zero out the databaseId for the unmanaged instance.

            log.debug("getting new instance of entity");
            Ship ship4 = em.find(ShipByBusinessId.class, ship1.getId());
            ship1.setId(0); //making sure that databaseId not used in hashCode/equals
            assertTrue("unexpected hashCode", ship1.hashCode() == ship4.hashCode());
            assertTrue("unexpected equality", ship1.equals(ship4));
  8. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Note how the instances match even when one does not have the databaseId to work with.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testByBusinessId
    -getting new instance of entity
            shipbybusi0_.id as id29_0_,
            shipbybusi0_.created as created29_0_,
            shipbybusi0_.name as name29_0_ 
            RELATIONEX_SHIP shipbybusi0_ 
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364959720863.hashCode=-839769083
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=1,oid=6), name=one, created=1364959720863.hashCode=-839769083
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364959720863.equals(id=1,oid=6)=true
  9. Add the following lines to your test method. This is where the hashCode/equals basis switch failed us last time.

            log.debug("set=" + ships);
            log.debug("checking set for entity");
            assertTrue("entity not found after persist", ships.contains(ship1));
  10. Rebuild your module and re-run the test method. This time around you should notice the entity is able to be found within the set.

    -set=[ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=5), name=two, created=1364959903295, ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364959903294]
     -checking set for entity
     -ShipByBusinessId(id=0,oid=4), name=one, created=1364959903294.hashCode=-839586652

You have finished working through the business identity solution for calculating hashCode and equals. This technique has the benefit of being stable from the time the instance was created in memory and through persistence into the database. It was a bit harder to calculate because we needed to find enough stable entity properties persisted to the database so we could derive the values. If these values are actually unique -- we could have considered using them for the primary key but that would have added database complexity/expense.

In this section we will demonstrate the use of ordering a collection mapped with JPA. The previous sections mapped the many aspects of the collection but did not represent any specific ordering within the collection.

  1. Put the following class in your src/main tree. We will use this entity as something we wish to sort within our application. It is currently incomplete and does not sort without some external help.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
     * This class represents an example entity that has an order in its parent's list.
    public class Segment {// implements Comparable<Segment>{
        private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Segment.class);
        @Id @GeneratedValue
        private int id;
        private int number; //a one-up sequence used to order a route
        @Column(name="TO", length=16)
        private String to;
        @Column(name="FM", length=16)
        private String from;
        public int getId() { return id; }
        public int getNumber() { return number; }
        public Segment setNumber(int number) {
            this.number = number;
            return this;
        public String getTo() { return to; }
        public Segment setTo(String to) {
            this.to = to;
            return this;
        public String getFrom() { return from; }
        public Segment setFrom(String from) {
            this.from = from;
            return this;
        public int compareTo(Segment rhs) {
            if (this == rhs) { return 0; }
            int result = number - rhs.number;
            log.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + toString() + 
                    ".compareTo" + rhs.toString() + 
                    "=" + result
            return result;
        public String toString() {
            return "(id=" + id + ",number=" + number + ")";
  2. Put the following entity class in your src/main tree. This class will be the owning side of a one-to-many relationship of what should be ordered children entities. It is currently incomplete and we will modify in the following steps.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
     * This entity class provides an example of an ordered list of child entities ordered by a business property
     * in the child entity.
    public class Path {
        private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Path.class);
        @Id @GeneratedValue
        private int id;
        @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
    //    @OrderBy("number ASC")
        private List<Segment> segments;
        private String name;
        public int getId() { return id; }
        public List<Segment> getSegments() {
            if (segments==null) { segments = new LinkedList<Segment>(); }
            return segments; 
        //private class SegmentComparator implements Comparator<Segment>
        public Path addSegment(Segment segment) {
            Collections.sort(segments, new Comparator<Segment>() {
                public int compare(Segment lhs, Segment rhs) {
                    if (lhs == rhs || lhs==null && rhs == null) { return 0; }
                    if (lhs != null && rhs == null) { return 1; }
                    if (lhs == null && rhs != null) { return -1; }
                    int result = lhs.getNumber() - rhs.getNumber();
                    log.debug(lhs.getClass().getSimpleName() + lhs.toString() + 
                            ".compareTo" + rhs.toString() + 
                            "=" + result
                    return result;
    //      Collections.sort(segments);
            return this;
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
  3. Add the two entity classes to the persistence unit.

  4. Add the following test method to your existing JUnit test case. This test will verify we can add several elements to a list within the parent entity and have the list maintain the entry order.

        public void testOrderBy() {
            log.info("*** testOrderBy ***");
            Segment s1 = new Segment().setNumber(1).setFrom("A").setTo("B");
            Segment s2 = new Segment().setNumber(2).setFrom("B").setTo("C");
            Segment s3 = new Segment().setNumber(3).setFrom("C").setTo("D");
            Path path = new Path();
            log.debug("path.segments=" + path.getSegments());
            Iterator<Segment> itr = path.getSegments().iterator();
            assertEquals(2, itr.next().getNumber());
            assertEquals(3, itr.next().getNumber());
            assertEquals(1, itr.next().getNumber());
  5. Build the module and run the new unit test. Notice the list maintained the order we entered the elements even though it may not be the way we wish to have them ordered later.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testOrderBy
     -*** testOrderBy ***
     -path.segments=[(id=0,number=2), (id=0,number=3), (id=0,number=1)]
  6. Add the following to the test method. This will store the entities and get a fresh instance from the database.

            log.debug("getting new path instance from database");
            em.flush(); em.clear();
            Path path2 = em.find(Path.class, path.getId());
            itr = path2.getSegments().iterator();
            log.debug("path2.segments=" + path2.getSegments());
  7. Re-build the module and re-run the test method. Notice how the provider queried for the child entities without any regard for order. They come out in a random order (even though it appears somewhat predictable here).

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testOrderBy
     -path.segments=[(id=0,number=2), (id=0,number=3), (id=0,number=1)]
     -getting new path instance from database
            path0_.id as id30_1_,
            path0_.name as name30_1_,
            segments1_.segments_id as segments5_30_3_,
            segments1_.id as id3_,
            segments1_.id as id31_0_,
            segments1_.FM as FM31_0_,
            segments1_.number as number31_0_,
            segments1_.TO as TO31_0_ 
            RELATIONEX_PATH path0_ 
        left outer join
            RELATIONEX_SEGMENT segments1_ 
                on path0_.id=segments1_.segments_id 
     -path2.segments=[(id=1,number=2), (id=2,number=3), (id=3,number=1)]
  8. Lets add a requirement the Segments be ordered by a business property; number. We can make this happen by adding the following metadata to the list within the parent entity. Add an @OrderBy("number ASC") to the collection. Note that we can order in an ASCending or DESCending order. The default is ASC.

        @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
        @OrderBy("number ASC")
        private List<Segment> segments;
  9. Add the following assertions that verify the returned collection has a list of elements ordered by the specified business property.

            log.debug("path2.segments=" + path2.getSegments());
            assertEquals(1, itr.next().getNumber());
            assertEquals(2, itr.next().getNumber());
            assertEquals(3, itr.next().getNumber());
  10. Rebuild the module and and re-run the unit test. Notice the provider has added an "order by" to the SQL query and our list comes back in a stable, predictable order by number.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testOrderBy
            path0_.id as id30_1_,
            path0_.name as name30_1_,
            segments1_.segments_id as segments5_30_3_,
            segments1_.id as id3_,
            segments1_.id as id31_0_,
            segments1_.FM as FM31_0_,
            segments1_.number as number31_0_,
            segments1_.TO as TO31_0_ 
            RELATIONEX_PATH path0_ 
        left outer join
            RELATIONEX_SEGMENT segments1_ 
                on path0_.id=segments1_.segments_id 
        order by
            segments1_.number asc
     -path2.segments=[(id=3,number=1), (id=1,number=2), (id=2,number=3)]
  11. Thats great that we can get the list ordered in a way we want when pulled from the database. However -- what if we wanted things ordered without a round-trip to the database. Java Lists are meant to be sorted so lets add a few extra steps to this section.

  12. Change the behavior of adding an element to the collection. Add a sort and a Comparator so adding a new entry causes the list to be re-sorted according to the business property.

        public Path addSegment(Segment segment) {
            Collections.sort(segments, new Comparator<Segment>() {
                public int compare(Segment lhs, Segment rhs) {
                    if (lhs == rhs || lhs==null && rhs == null) { return 0; }
                    if (lhs != null && rhs == null) { return 1; }
                    if (lhs == null && rhs != null) { return -1; }
                    int result = lhs.getNumber() - rhs.getNumber();
                    log.debug(lhs.getClass().getSimpleName() + lhs.toString() + 
                            ".compareTo" + rhs.toString() + 
                            "=" + result
                    return result;
            return this;
  13. Change the order of the assert statements in the first section of the unit test. We should now have a list that is sorted by business property before being stored in the database.

            log.debug("path.segments=" + path.getSegments());
            Iterator<Segment> itr = path.getSegments().iterator();
            assertEquals(1, itr.next().getNumber());
            assertEquals(2, itr.next().getNumber());
            assertEquals(3, itr.next().getNumber());
  14. Rebuild the module, re-run the unit test, and notice how the elements of the list are ordered prior to being pulled back. We didn't save the provider or database any work -- but we did make our abstraction of the list more consistent.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testOrderBy
     -*** testOrderBy ***
     -path.segments=[(id=0,number=1), (id=0,number=2), (id=0,number=3)]
  15. Add the following to your child entity class. We are going to make the entities be able to order themselves. This works find if there is a standard, comparable property (or set of properties) and can clean up the parent classes from having to define sort information.

    public class Segment implements Comparable<Segment>{
        public int compareTo(Segment rhs) {
            if (this == rhs) { return 0; }
            int result = number - rhs.number;
            log.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + toString() + 
                    ".compareTo" + rhs.toString() + 
                    "=" + result
            return result;
  16. Change the implementation of the parent to the following. All we did was move the burden of the compare from the container to the elements within the container.

        public Path addSegment(Segment segment) {
            return this;
  17. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Observe the ordering is still preserved with the new approach.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testOrderBy
     -*** testOrderBy ***
     -path.segments=[(id=0,number=1), (id=0,number=2), (id=0,number=3)]

You have finished looking at ordered collections. You saw how a list could be ordered by the provider when queried by the database. You also saw how implementing the Java Comparator or Comparable interface could provide sorting outside of the scope of the database query.

In this section we will demonstrate the use of different collection interfaces that can be used with JPA.

In this section we will demonstrate the mapping of a collection using a java.util.Map interface. This technique is useful for un-ordered collections with elements that are normally accessed by an entity property from the parent/one side of the relationship. Note that access to any entity by any property is always available through the EntityManager and JPAQL.

  1. Add the following class to your src/main tree. This entity class will be referenced via a Map from its parent in a one-to-many, uni-directional relationship.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class is an example of an entity that will be referenced from the parent in its relationship
     * through a Map which uses a value unique to that parent.
    public class Position {
        @Id @GeneratedValue
        private int id;
        @Column(length=12, nullable=false)
        private String position; //this is not unique within this table
        @Column(length=32, nullable=false, unique=true)
        private String player; //this is unique within the table
        protected Position() {}
        public Position(String position, String player) {
            this.position = position;
            this.player = player;
        public int getId() { return id; }
        public String getPosition() { return position; }
        public void setPosition(String position) { this.position = position; }
        public String getPlayer() { return player; }
        public void setPlayer(String player) {
            this.player = player;
        public int hashCode() {
            return position==null?0:position.hashCode() + player==null?0:player.hashCode(); 
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (this == obj) { return true; }
                Position rhs = (Position) obj;
                if (position==null || player==null) { return false; }
                return position.equals(rhs.position) && player.equals(rhs.player);
            } catch (Exception ex) { return false; }
  2. Put the following class in your src/main tree. This entity class implements the one-to-many, uni-directional relationship as a Map. Since the parent uses a Map keyed by an entity property, there can only be a relationship to children from a common parent where the children have different property values. Since the property being used is not unique within the child table -- then not all children will be allowed to be associated with this parent entity at the same time.

    package myorg.relex.collection;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.persistence.*;
     * This class provides an example of a parent that uses a Map to reference child members.
    public class Lineup {
        @Id @GeneratedValue
        private int id;
        private Map<String, Position> positions;
        private String team;
        public int getId() { return id; }
        public Map<String, Position> getPositions() {
            if (positions==null) { positions = new HashMap<String, Position>(); }
            return positions; 
        public Lineup addPosition(Position position) {
            if (position==null) { return this; }
            getPositions().put(position.getPosition(), position);
            return this;
        public String getTeam() { return team; }
        public void setTeam(String team) {
            this.team = team;
  3. Add the entity classes to the persistence unit.

  4. Add the following test method to your existing JUnit test method.

        public void testMap() {
            log.info("*** testMap ***");
            Position players[] = new Position[] {
                    new Position("1st", "who"),
                    new Position("2nd", "what"),
                    new Position("3rd", "idontknow"),
                    new Position("1st", "whom"),
                    new Position("1st", "whoever")
            log.debug("persisting players");
            for (Position p: players) {
            Lineup lineup = new Lineup();
            log.debug("persisting lineup");
  5. Build the module and run the new unit test method. Nothing significant at this point to observe other than to possibly notice the foreign key assignments with some of the child table rows.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testMap
     -*** testMap ***
     -persisting players
  6. Add the following lines to the test method. This will verify the expected entities from the child table are associated with the parent and accessible through the map using a property of the child entity.

            log.debug("getting new lineup instance");
            em.flush(); em.clear();
            Lineup lineup2 = em.find(Lineup.class, lineup.getId());
            assertEquals("unexpected size", lineup.getPositions().size(), lineup2.getPositions().size());
            for (int i=0; i<lineup.getPositions().size(); i++) {
                assertNotNull(players[i].getPlayer() + " not found", lineup2.getPositions().get(players[i].getPosition()));
  7. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Nothing unique occurs with the database, but observe the asserts within the test case should be passing.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testMap
     -getting new lineup instance
  8. Add the following lines to your unit test. This will attempt to replace an entry in the Map with a new entry. This should remove the association with the former entity and form an relationship with the new entity since they share the same entity property.

            log.debug("adding new player for position");
            assertEquals("number of positions changed", lineup.getPositions().size(), lineup2.getPositions().size());
  9. Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice the foreign key being set to null for the former entity and the foreign key being set for the new entity being added to the Map.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testMap
     -adding new player for position
            and id=?
  10. Add the following lines to your test method. They will verify the foreign key state of each row in the child table using the known state of the unit test.

            log.debug("checking positions");
            List<Object[]> rows = em.createNativeQuery("select ID, LINEUP_ID from RELATIONEX_POSITION").getResultList();
            for (Object[] val : rows) {
                int id = (Integer)val[0];
                Integer lineupId = (Integer)val[1];
                if (id==players[1].getId() || id==players[2].getId() || id==players[3].getId()) {
                    assertNotNull("unexpected lineupId", lineupId);
                } else {
                    assertNull("lineupId was assigned for " + id, lineupId);
  11. Rebuild the module and re-run the unit test. The final asserts should pass.

    $ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.CollectionTest#testMap
     -checking positions
  12. The following lists the final state of the child table at the completion of the unit test.

    1       who         1st         null
    2       what        2nd         1
    3       idontknow   3rd         1
    4       whom        1st         1
    5       whoever     1st         null

You have completed a brief look at collection types used by JPA. In this exercise you used a Map which permitted a relationship with child entities that had unique values for the @MapKey. Foreign keys are created when we add a child entity to the Map and removed when we remove or overwrite entries in the Map. Other types of collections supported by JPA include Set, List, and Collection.

In this chapter we took a detour from relationships and took a deeper look at topics specifically related to identity, collection membership, collection ordering, and collection types. During this chapter we found the significance of hashCode/equals and when it would be important and a non-issue to override. We showed how to make out collections ordered at all times when desired. We saw how we could access child objects through a Map interface. In the following chapters we will get back into the grind of going through the other relationship types.