All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AcceptFilter |
Account |
An account is tracked
Account |
Account |
This class provides a base class for table-per-class inheritance strategy
Account |
This is an example eSales Account class.
Account |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
AccountDAO |
AccountDAO |
AccountDAOException |
AccountException |
This class is thrown by Account methods to report a business exception.
AccountMgmt |
AccountMgmtCommand |
AccountMgmtException |
AccountMgmtImpl |
This class provides a simple example of the account mgmt implementation.
Actor |
Actor |
Actor_ |
Adapter1 |
Adapter1 |
Adapter2 |
Adapter2 |
Adapter3 |
Adapter3 |
Adapter4 |
Adapter4 |
Address |
Address |
This class provides a thin example of how to setup an Address business
object class for the project.
Address |
This class provides a thin example of how to setup an Address business
object class for the project.
Address |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Address |
Address |
Address1 |
This class provides an example of using GroupSequences where you can
organize validation groups into a sequence which will short circuit
once one of the groups fails.
Address2 |
This class provides an example of using GroupSequences where you can
organize validation groups into a sequence which will short circuit
once one of the groups fails.
AddressType |
Java class for AddressType complex type.
AddressType |
Java class for AddressType complex type.
AddressType |
AgentImpl |
AgentReservationException |
AgentReservationSession |
AgentReservationSessionEJB |
This class provides an example of a Stateful session bean that will try to
coordinate its local transaction with the tranaction of a remote session
AgentReservationSessionLocal |
AgentReservationSessionRemote |
AgentSessionImpl |
AidSchedulerEJB |
This class is primarily an example of an EJB mostly configured through
an external ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.
AidSchedulerLocal |
This interface is part of an EJB example to leverage the XML deployment
descriptor as much as possible.
AidSchedulerRemote |
This interface is part of an EJB example to leverage the XML deployment
descriptor as much as possible.
Album |
This class provides an example of inheriting from a non-entity base class.
Alias |
This is an example annotation for giving something an alternate name.
Animal |
Animal2 |
AnnotatedEJB |
App |
Applicant |
The class provides a set of OneToOne relationship examples.
Applicant |
This class provides an example of the inverse side of a
one-to-one bi-directional relationship.
Application |
This class triggers JAX-RS behavior in the server and registers
all JAX-RS classes below the @ApplicationPath listed here
Application |
This class provides an example of the owning side
of a one-to-one, bi-directional relationship.
AsyncClient |
This client provides a JMSConsumer callback to process incoming messages.
Attendee |
This entity class provides an example of a dependent with a relationship to a parent entity that
should only exist to support this entity.
Auction |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
AuctionAdminHandlerServlet |
AuctionConfig |
AuctionItem |
AuctionItemDAO |
AuctionMgmt |
AuctionMgmtActionEJB |
This class contains some demo methods to perform example actions on
behalf of the AuctionMgmtEJB.
AuctionMgmtEJB |
AuctionMgmtLocal |
AuctionMgmtRemote |
AuditorBase |
AuditorRemote |
AuditRecord |
Author |
Author |
This class provides an example of one end of a ManyToMany relationship.
AuthorDAO |
Auto |
Auto |
Auto |
Auto |
This class is an example of the inverse/parent side of a one-to-one,
bi-directional relationship that allows 0..1 and changing related entities.
Auto.Type |
Auto2 |
This class is an example of the inverse/parent side of a one-to-one,
bi-directional relationship that allows 0..1 and changing related entities.
Auto2.Type |
BadRequestException |
This exception is thrown to report a bad name given.
BakeSchedulerEJB |
This class is primarily an example of configuring an EJB through
BakeSchedulerRemote |
BankException |
Base64Binary |
Java class for base64Binary complex type.
BaseObject |
This class provides an example of a non-entity base class that can be
mapped into tables defined by entities that derive from this class.
BasicAuthnFilter |
Basket |
This entity class provides an example of mapping a collection of non-entity/embeddable class instances
to a dependent/child table and relating the child table to this entity table using a foreign key.
BeanCount |
Bear |
Bear2 |
Bid |
Bid |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Bike |
This class provides the basic annotations required to make a class usable
by Java Persistence without any further mapping.
Bike |
This class provides a pure POJO class that is mapped by BIKE-orm.xml
into the database.
BmtCreateEJB |
Book |
This is an example entity class that will get mapped into the database
using a DAO.
Book |
This class provides an example of using an XML descriptor to define
BookDAO |
This interface provides an example DAO interface for a Book.
Booking |
BookingAgent |
BookingAgentEJB |
This class provides a few conveniences methods to help inspect the
impact of the actions taken with the stateful AgentReservationSession bean.
BookingAgentLocal |
BookingAgentRemote |
BookingDAO |
Borrower |
This class forms a uni-directional, one-to-one relationship with the
Person class, joined by common primary keys.
Borrower |
This class provides an example of the one/parent side of a one-to-many, bi-directional relationship
that will be realized through a foreign key from the many/child side of the relationship.
BoxOffice |
This class provides an example of a the owning entity of a
one-to-one, uni-directional relationship where the dependent's
primary key is derived from the parent, the parent uses
a composite primary key, and the dependent used an @EmeddedId
and @MapsId.
Bread |
This class provides an example of an entity that is part of a single table
inheritance approach.
Bunny |
Bus |
This entity class provides an example of the one side of a one-to-many, uni-directional relation
that is realized through a JoinTable.
Buyer |
BuyerController |
BuyerEJB |
BuyerHandlerServlet |
BuyerLocal |
BuyerMDB |
This class will listen for market events and cause further bidding to
BuyerRemote |
CallMe |
This is a test interface that will be used to designate which methods
of a class should get called, and in what order, within a demo.
Car |
This class provides an example of providing more explicite mappings between
the entity class and the database using annotations.
Car |
This class provides an example of providing more explicit mappings between
the entity class and the database using orm.xml.
Car |
This class is an example of the one/inverse side of a one-to-many, bi-directional
relationship mapped using a compound foreign key that is partially derived from the
parent primary key.
Cart |
The shopping cart contans all the items a user has cached for purchase.
Cat |
Cat2 |
Catalog |
The catalog maintains a view of the inventory known to our application.
CatalogImpl |
Categories |
This class is used to represent a collection of categories to/from the
CategoriesResource |
This class implements a web facade for the product catageories in the
inventory management.
Category |
This class represents a product category which has a many-to-many
relationship with product.
CdiDemo |
CdiDemoConfig |
This class implements a set of CDI producer fields and methods that are
used to inject resources into beans within the application.
CheckingAccount |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class using separate
classes per-concrete derived class.
Checkout |
Choice1EJB |
Choice2EJB |
Circle |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a
mixed strategy of inheritance.
CityStateOrZip |
Defines a type constraint annotation for expressing an address must have
either city&state or zip code expressed.
CityStateOrZip.List |
Defines an array of annotations so that more than one can be applied.
CityStateOrZipValidator |
This type check will determine if city and state or zip where expressed for
an Address.
Clerk |
Clerk |
Clerk_ |
ClientErrorException |
ClientErrorException |
Club |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ClubDAO |
This interface defines the data access methods defined for the Club
portion of the League.
ClubDAOException |
This class defines an unchecked exception that can be thrown by the
ClubMgmt |
ClubMgmtException |
ClubMgmtImpl |
This class provides a simple example of the account mgmt implementation.
Coach |
This class demonstrates a one-to-one, uni-directional relationship
where the foreign key is used to define the primary key with the
use of @MapsId
Coach.Type |
ColorType |
This enum is used by the Vase classes to provide an example of how
to map enums to the database.
ConfigBeanEJB |
ConfigBeanRemote |
Contact |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Contact |
ContactInfo |
ContactNormalizer |
ContactNotFound |
ContactRole |
ContactRoleType |
Java class for ContactRoleType complex type.
ContactsEJB |
ContactsNormalizerInterceptor |
ContactsRemote |
ContactType |
Contest |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Cook |
CookEJB |
CookLocal |
CookQualifier |
This class is used to select CookEJB instances from an Injected
CDI bean Instance provider.
Cow |
Cow2 |
CowPK |
CreateEJB |
Cube |
This class provides an attempt to re-define the JOIN InheritanceType of the
parent class to a TABLE_PER_CLASS type.
CurrentUser |
Customer |
Customer |
Customer |
This class provides an entity sub-class example for a join inheritance
Customer |
Customer_ |
Customer.Rating |
CustomerClient |
Defines an interface to the customer business logic using JAX-RS
CustomerDAO |
This interface defines basic DAO capabilities for the customer domain.
CustomerDAOImpl |
This class implemenets a DAO for the Customer domain.
CustomerJaxRSClientImpl |
This class implements a JAX-RS Client interface to the customer
web application.
CustomerMgmt |
This interface defines the business interface for the customer management
CustomerMgmtEJB |
CustomerMgmtLocal |
CustomerMgmtRemote |
CustomerRepresentation |
This class provides base definition and helper methods for representations
within the customer domain.
CustomerResources |
This class defines producers for resources required within the customer
Customers |
This class is used to represent a collection of customers to/from the
Customers |
CustomersResource |
This class provides a JAX-RS resource for interfacing with customer
DAOException |
This is the base exception for example DAOs.
DAOException |
DAOException |
DAOException |
DAOException |
This class provides a base exception to report DAO checked exceptions.
DAOFactory |
DataChecks |
Date |
Java class for date complex type.
DateConverter |
This class will convert the dateTime strings from XML documents to/from
java.util.Date instead of the default XMLGregorianCalendar.
DateConverter |
DBChecks |
DBUtil |
This class will execute a set of drop and create DDL scripts against
a supplied entity manager.
DecalType |
Java class for DecalType complex type.
Director |
Director |
Director_ |
Division |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Dmv |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Dog |
Dog.Breed |
Dog.Color |
Dog.Sex |
Door |
This class provides an example use of a composite @EmbeddedId primary key
where one of the properties of the Embeddable is re-used as a foreign key.
DoorPK |
Drill |
This class provides an example of a entity mapped to the database using
a generated primary key AUTO-matically generated by the Java Persistence
provider (i.e., not using the database for key value).
Drill |
This class provides an example of a entity mapped to the database using
a generated primary key AUTO-matically generated by the Java Persistence
provider (i.e., not using the database for key value).
Driver |
This class provides an example of the owning/dependent side of a one-to-one
relationship where the inverse/parent represents a 0..1 or changing relation.
Driver2 |
This class provides an example of the owning/dependent side of a one-to-one
relationship where the inverse/parent represents a 0..1 or changing relation.
Drivers |
DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType |
Java class for DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType complex type.
DtoMapper |
DtoMapper |
EDmvException |
EDmvIngestCommand |
This class provides an example of how one might wrap the business logic
within a Java main() versus JUnit so that it can be run in a
more standard operational environment.
EDmvIngestor |
This class provides a _sparse_ example implementation of how one can use
the parser to ingest the information from the XML file to populate the
EDmvMgmtCommand |
This class provides an example wrapper of the business logic to show
how the business logic cab be wrapped in a main to be run outside
of JUnit.
EDmvMgmtImpl |
This class provides a simple example of both the person and registration
management implementation.
EDmvParser |
This class will read in Java objects from a specified XML file.
EggBeater |
This class provides an example of using a TABLE GeneratedValue schema.
EggBeater |
This class provides an example of using a TABLE GeneratedValue schema.
EJBClient |
This class provides utiltity functions for working with an EJB in the JNDI
ELeague |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ELeagueParser |
This class will read in Java objects from a specified XML file.
Employee |
This class provides an entity sub-class example for a join inheritance
Employee |
Provides example of one-to-one unidirectional relationship
using a primary key join.
ENCAuditorEJB |
ErrorController |
ESales |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ESalesIngestCommand |
ESalesIngestor |
ESalesParser |
This class will read in Java objects from a specified XML file.
Event |
EventDTO |
EventMgmt |
EventMgmtDAO |
EventMgmtDAOImpl |
EventMgmtEJB |
EventMgmtImpl |
EventMgmtRemote |
EYEType |
Java class for EYEType complex type.
Fan |
This class demonstrates the use of SEQUENCE generator strategy using
Fan |
This class demonstrates the use of SEQUENCE generator strategy using
Fleet |
This class provides an example one/parent entity with a relationship to many child/dependent
objects -- with the members in each collection based on a different hashCode/equals method.
Floor |
FloorDTO |
Gadget |
This class demonstrates the use of IDENTITY generator strategy using
Gadget |
This class demonstrates the use of IDENTITY generator strategy using
GetEJB |
GMonth |
Java class for gMonth complex type.
Grade |
Greeter |
GreeterEJB |
GreeterRemote |
This interface extends the Greeter business interface to provide a means for
remote clients and clients from different classloaders to communicate with
the session EJB.
Greeting |
This class represents a serializable DTO object that can be used to send and
receive data to/from a remote interface.
GreetingEJB |
GreetingsResource |
Group |
This class provides an example of the owning side of a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship.
Guest |
GYear |
Java class for gYear complex type.
HelpMojo |
Display help information on jpa-schemagen-maven-plugin.
Call mvn jpa-schemagen:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Horse |
Horse.Jockey |
HospitalEJB |
This EJB is associated with an example to have the deployment leverage the
XML deployment descriptors as much as possible.
HospitalLocal |
HospitalRemote |
HotelDAO |
HotelInitEJB |
The following EJB provides an example of an EJB using BEAN-managed transactions.
HotelInitRemote |
HotelInitResourceLocalEJB |
The following EJB provides an example of an EJB using BEAN-managed transactions.
HotelMgmt |
HotelMgmtEJB |
HotelMgmtImpl |
HotelMgmtLocal |
HotelMgmtRemote |
HotelRegistrationEJB |
This class provides a stateless EJB wrapper around stateless logic
that performs operations on the hotel.
HotelRegistrationLocal |
HotelRegistrationRemote |
HotelReservationException |
HotelReservationImpl |
HotelReservationist |
HotelReservationSession |
HotelReservationSessionEJB |
This class provides an example of a stateful session bean wrapper around
stateless server calls.
HotelReservationSessionImpl |
This class represents some stateful business logic that caches desired
reservations until the caller calls commit.
HotelReservationSessionLocal |
HotelReservationSessionRemote |
House |
House |
This class provides an example of a parent/inverse side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship where
the parent and foreign key must use a compound value.
HousePK |
This class provides an example compound primary key value that will be used in a many-to-one,
uni-directional relationship.
IDType |
Java class for IDType complex type.
Image |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImageType |
Java class for ImageType complex type.
Individual |
This class provides an example of the inverse side of a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship
InitServlet |
InjectedEJB |
This EJB will get injected into another session EJB.
InjectedTyped |
InjectedTypedEJB |
This EJB will get injected into another session EJB.
InjectedTypedLocal |
InjectedTypedRemote |
InterestAccount |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class using separate
classes per-concrete derived class.
InternalErrorException |
InternalErrorException |
InvalidAccount |
InvalidParam |
InvalidParameterException |
InvalidParameterException |
InvalidProduct |
InvalidRequestException |
InvalidRequestException |
InvalidReservationChangeException |
InvalidReservationChangeException |
Inventory |
Inventory |
This class is used as an example of a @OneToMay, using a join table.
InventoryClient |
Defines a remote interface used by clients of the WAR-deployed EJB.
InventoryConfig |
This class is used to provide resources required by the application.
InventoryDAO |
Defines the interface for the CRUD inventory methods.
InventoryDAOImpl |
This DAO implementation uses JPA and an injected entity manager to
perform CRUD operations on inventory data.
InventoryJaxRSClientImpl |
This class implements a JAX-RS Client interface to the inventory
web application.
InventoryMgmtEJB |
This class implements the core transactional business logic for the
inventory management.
InventoryMgmtRemote |
This interface defines the RMI interface to the Inventory service
deployed on the server.
InventoryMgmtRMIEJB |
This EJB acts as a remote facade for the InventoryEJB business logic.
InventoryRepresentation |
This class provides base definition and helper methods for representations
within the inventory domain.
Item |
This class provides an example of a child entity that derives its primary key from
the parent/one side of a many-to-one relation.
ItemPK |
This class provides an example primary key class for a child entity that
derives one of its primary key values from its parent entity in a many-to-one
ItemType |
This class is an example of a parent in a many-to-one, uni-directional relation where the
primary key of the child is derived from the primary key of the parent.
JAXBUtil |
JAXBUtils |
JDBCAccountDAO |
This class implements data access to the club portion of the league
using JDBC.
This class provides a _sparse_ example of a JDBC DAO providing a mapping
of objects related to people in the DB.
JDBCVehicleDAO |
This class provides a _sparse_ example of a JDBC DAO that implements
O/R mapping for objects related to vehicles.
JMSUtil |
JNDIAuditorEJB |
JndiDemo |
JNDIHelper |
This is a helper class used to help locate EJBs when running in a
remote web container -- such as Jetty.
JNDIReader |
This EJB provides server-side lookups of various names using a JNDI InitialContext
and SessionContext.
JNDIReaderRemote |
JNDIUtil |
This class helps work with the JNDI tree.
Job |
JobsDao |
JobsDaoImpl |
JobsMgmtEJB |
JobsMgmtRemote |
JPAAccountDAO |
JPAAccountDAO |
This class provides a sparse example of a JPA DAO for the class project.
JPAAuctionItemDAO |
JPAAuthorDAO |
This class implements a DAO using javax.persistence.EntityManager.
JPABookDAOImpl |
This class provides a simple DAO implementation based on JPA
JPABookingDAO |
This class provides a sparse example of a JPA DAO for the class project.
This class represents a simple base type for a JPA DAO.
JPAFilter |
JPAPersonDAO |
JPAPersonDAO |
This class provides a _sparse_ example of a JPA DAO for the class project.
JPAReservationDAO |
JPASchedulerDAOImpl |
This class represents a single JPA DAO implementation for tasks.
JPASchemaGen |
JPASchemaGenMojo |
This plugin will generate SQL schema for a specified persistence unit.
JPAVehicleDAO |
This class provides a _sparse_ example of a JPA DAO for the class project.
JsonbUtil |
JSONUtils |
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType |
Java class for JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType complex type.
LeagueIngestor |
LeagueMetadata |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
LeagueTestUtil |
LeagueTestUtilImpl |
Ledger |
Library |
This class provides an example of using the java.util.Map with
License |
This class provides an example of a recipient of cascade actions.
LicenseApplication |
This class provides an example initiation of cascade actions to a
related entity.
LifecycleInterceptor |
Lineup |
This class provides an example of a parent that uses a Map to reference child members.
Loan |
This class provides an example of the many/child side of a many-to-one, bi-directional relationship.
LocationType |
Java class for LocationType complex type.
LoggingFilter |
LookupAuditorEJB |
MakeModelPK |
This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be
embedded into the referenced class.
MakeModelPK |
This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be
embedded into the referenced class.
Manufacturer |
This class provides an example of an object with no identity of its own
and must be stored within a containing object.
Manufacturer |
This class provides an example of an object with no identity of its own
and must be stored within a containing object.
ManyManyEntity |
This class represents a stand-alone object in a Many-to-Many,
uni-directional relationship.
ManyManyInverseEntity |
This class represents a the inverse side of a Many-to-Many bi-directional
relationship stored as a Map.
ManyManyOwningEntity |
This class represents the owning side of a Many-to-Many, bi-directional and
uni-directional relationship.
MeasureType |
Java class for MeasureType complex type.
Media |
This class represents a media topic, for which there are many copies and
MediaCopy |
This class provides an example of a ManyToOne mapping.
MediaCopy2 |
This version of MediaCopy uses the @MapsId annotation to link the
relationship and primary key properties together.
MediaCopyPK |
MediaCopyPK2 |
Member |
Member |
Provides example of one-to-one unidirectional relationship
using join table.
Member.Role |
MessageCatcher |
This is a support class uses to receive messages by test cases that
are sending messages either to a queue or a topic.
MessageCatcher |
This is a support class uses to receive messages by test cases that
are sending messages either to a queue or a topic.
MessageDTO |
MinAge |
Defines a constraint annotation for expressing a minimum age.
MinAge.List |
Defines an array of annotations so that more than one can be applied.
MinAgeValidator |
Mortgage |
This class provides an example use of a composite @EmbeddedId primary key
where one of the properties of the Embeddable is derived from foreign key.
MortgagePK |
Movie |
Movie |
Movie_ |
MovieDAOImpl |
MovieDAOImpl.Pair<T,U> |
MoviePK |
MoviePK |
MovieRating |
MovieRating |
MovieRole |
MovieRole |
MovieRole_ |
MovieRolePK |
MovieRolePK |
Mower |
This class provides an example of expressing an IdClass for a compound
primary key using annotations.
Mower |
This class provides an example of expressing an IdClass for a compound
primary key using annotations.
MowerPK |
This is an example of a class that can be used for a Java Persistence
MyAnnotatedClass |
MyCheckedProductException |
MyCheckedRollbackProductException |
MyClient |
Name |
This class represents a serializable DTO object that can be used to send and
receive data to/from a remote interface.
Name |
Napsack |
This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within
the containing class.
Napsack |
This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within
the containing class.
NapsackPK |
This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be
embedded into the referenced class.
NapsackPK |
This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be
embedded into the referenced class.
NCPair |
Node |
This class provides an example of a many-to-many, bi-directional relationship that just
happens to be recursive.
NormalizerBase |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the ejava.projects.eleague.dto package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the ejava.projects.esales.dto package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the info.ejava.projects.edmv._1 package.
Occupant |
This class provides an example of the owning/child side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship
where the parent uses a (embedded) compound primary key.
OneManyChild |
This class represents a child in a One-to-Many, uni-directional
relationship, relative to the parent.
OneManyChild |
This class implements the many side of a uni-directional One-to-Many
OneManyInverseParent |
This class represents a parent in One-to-Many, bi-directional relationship.
OneManyOwningChild |
This class represents the child in a One-to_Many, uni-directional and
bi-directional relationship.
OneManyOwningParent |
This class represents a parent in a One-to-Many, uni-directional
relationship, relative to the parent.
OneManyOwningParent |
This class implements a parent in a OneToMany, uni-directional relationship
test case.
Order |
OrderDAO |
Owner |
OwnerDAO |
OwnerDTO |
ParserTestEJB |
ParserTestEJB |
This class provides a sanity parse check of the XML file when deployed
to the server as an EJB.
ParserTestEJB |
ParserTestRemote |
ParserTestRemote |
ParserTestRemote |
Passenger |
This entity class provides an example of the owning side of a
bi-directional relation where all cascades are being initiated
from the inverse side (i.e., not from here).
Path |
This entity class provides an example of an ordered list of child entities ordered by a business property
in the child entity.
Pen |
This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within
the conatining class and doing all the mapping if the PK here instead
of the PK class.
Pen |
This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within
the conatining class and doing all the mapping if the PK here instead
of the PK class.
Person |
Person |
This class provides an example base class in a join inheritance strategy.
Person |
This class provides an example of the owning side of a OneToOne
Uni-directional relationship.
Person |
Person |
Person |
This class provides an example of several of the pre-defined constraints
supplied within the validation API
Person |
Person |
This class provides a sparse _example_ of a person entity that will get
populated from the ingested data and inserted into the DB.
Person |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Person |
Person |
Target of uni-directional relationship
Person_ |
PersonDAO |
PersonDAO |
This interface provides a _sparse_ example of the methods offered by a
DAO supplying O/R mapping to the DB.
PersonHeightMeasureType |
Java class for PersonHeightMeasureType complex type.
PersonMgmt |
This interface provides a _sparse_ example for business logic related
to managing people within the DMV.
PersonNameTextType |
Java class for PersonNameTextType complex type.
PersonNameType |
Java class for PersonNameType complex type.
PersonPhysicalDetailsType |
Java class for PersonPhysicalDetailsType complex type.
PersonsType |
Java class for PersonsType complex type.
PersonWeightMeasureType |
Java class for PersonWeightMeasureType complex type.
PhoneInfo |
Photo |
This class provides an example of the "inverse side" of a OneToOne
Uni-directional relationship.
PingResult |
Player |
Provides example of one-to-one unidirectional relationship
using foreign key.
Player.Position |
POCs |
Position |
This class is an example of an entity that will be referenced from the parent in its relationship
through a Map which uses a value unique to that parent.
PostalAddress |
PostalInfo |
PostNormalizedCheck |
Defines a group of validation that can be done after data normalization complete.
PostNormizedInterceptor |
PreCheck |
This validation group is used to check if enough info is present to derive rest
PreNormalizedCheck |
Defines a group of validation that can be done prior to data normalization.
PreNormizedInterceptor |
PrePersistCheck |
This group identifies validation to occur when inserting/creating new entities
PrettyPrinter |
Put this class in your JAX-RS application to have XML output formatted
so that it is easier to read.
Produce |
This class is an example of a non-entity class that will be mapped to a dependent table
and form the many side of an @ElementCollection.
Produce.Color |
Product |
Product |
This class represents a specific product.
Product |
This class provides an example base class in a single table inheritance
Product |
Product |
Product.ProductASC |
ProductCatalog |
ProductCatalogDAO |
ProductCatalogEJB |
This EJB provides JTA transactional behavior to the DAO
ProductCatalogLocal |
ProductCategory |
Products |
This class is used to represent a collection of products to/from the
ProductsResource |
This class implements the JAX-RS interface for the injected inventory
management EJB logic.
Project |
ProjectsDao |
ProjectsDaoImpl |
ProjectsMgmtEJB |
ProjectsMgmtRemote |
PropertyRegistrationType |
Java class for PropertyRegistrationType complex type.
PropertyType |
Java class for PropertyType complex type.
Publisher |
This issues messages to a specified destination.
Purchase |
Purchase |
This class provides an example of the one/inverse side of a one-to-many, bi-directional
relationship realized through a join-table mapped from the owning/many side.
PurchaseItem |
Purchasing |
Purchasing handles payment of purchased products.
PurchasingImpl |
This class implements basic logic used to implement the purchasing
aspects of the application.
RACType |
Java class for RACType complex type.
Receipt |
Receipt |
Rectangle |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a
mixed strategy of inheritance.
ReferencedType |
Java class for ReferencedType complex type.
ReferencedType |
Java class for ReferencedType complex type.
ReferenceType |
Java class for ReferenceType complex type.
Registrar |
RegistrarException |
RegistrarHandlerServlet |
RegistrarImpl |
Requestor |
This is used to simulate work being tasked to a scheduling queue.
Reservation |
Reservation |
ReservationDAO |
ReservationEJB |
ReservationEJB |
ReservationLocal |
ReservationNotFoundException |
ReservationNotFoundException |
ReservationRemote |
ReservationRemote |
Residence |
This entity class provides an example of an entity that
will get deleted when no longer referenced by its dependent
entity in a one-to-one relation.
ResidenceType |
Java class for ResidenceType complex type.
Resident |
This class provides an example use of a composite @IdClass primary key
where one of the properties of the IdClass is derived from the foreign key.
ResidentPK |
ResourceHelper |
This class provides common code build and return standard server responses
ResourceNotFoundException |
ResourceNotFoundException |
ResponseUtil |
Rider |
This class provides an example of an entity class on the many side of a one-to-many,
uni-directional relationship that will be referenced through a JoinTable.
Room |
This class provides an example use of a composite @IdClass primary key
where one of the properties of the IdClass is re-used as a foreign key.
Room |
RoomDTO |
RoomPK |
RoomUnavailableExcepton |
Route |
This class provides an example of the one side of a one-to-many, uni-directional relationship
mapped using a foreign key inserted into the child/many table.
Sale |
Sale |
Sale_ |
SaleItem |
This class provides and example of the many/owning side of a many-to-one, bi-directional
relationship that is realized using a join-table.
SampleGen |
SampleGen |
This class provides the ability to generate a sample set of League
DTOs and XML document.
SampleGen |
SampleLocal |
SampleNoIfaceEJB |
SampleRemote |
Scheduler |
This interface defines some key debug methods we need to inspect the
Session Beans that we are configuring.
SchedulerBase |
SchedulerDAO |
This interface represents a basic DAO type that manages tasks.
SchedulerResources |
This class implements a set of CDI producer fields and methods that are
used to inject resources into beans within the application.
Season |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Seat |
SeatPK |
SecurePing |
SecurePingClient |
SecurePingClientEJB |
This session bean allows all methods to be invoked and then performs
the matching operation on SecurePingEJB using a run-as with an admin role.
SecurePingClientLocal |
SecurePingClientRemote |
SecurePingEJB |
This session bean provides several methods; each of which will require
some type of role associated with the user in order to successfully
invoke them.
SecurePingHandlerServlet |
SecurePingJaxRsApplication |
SecurePingJaxRsClient |
SecurePingLocal |
SecurePingRemote |
SecurePingResource |
This JAX-RS resource class acts as a HTTP facade for calls to the EJB tier.
Segment |
This class represents an example entity that has an order in its parent's list.
Seller |
SellerController |
SellerEJB |
SellerHandlerServlet |
SellerLocal |
SellerRemote |
SEXType |
Java class for SEXType complex type.
Shape |
This class provides an example of mixing two inheritance stratgies;
non-entity inheritance and join.
Shark |
Ship |
This class is used as a common base implementation by several implementations
of hashCode/equals.
ShipByBusinessId |
This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals
using its business identity.
ShipByDefault |
This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals
using the default java.lang.Object implementation.
ShipByPK |
This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals
using its database assigned primary key.
ShipBySwitch |
This class is provides an example of an entity that implements hashCode/equals
using its database assigned primary key if it exists and defaults to the
java.lang.Object definition if not yet assigned.
Shipment |
ShopperEJB |
ShopperRemote |
ShowEvent |
This class represents the passive side of a one-to-one
uni-directional relationship where the parent uses
a composite primary key that must be represented in
the dependent entity's relationship.
ShowEventPK |
This class will be used as an IdClass for the ShowEvent
ShowTickets |
This class provides an example of a the owning entity of a
one-to-one, uni-directional relationship where the dependent's
primary key is derived from the parent and the parent uses
a composite primary key.
Soup |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a
single table inheritance strategy.
Soup.SoupType |
State |
This class provides an example one/parent entity in a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship.
StateResident |
This class provides an example of the owning side of a many-to-one, uni-directional relationship
that is realized through a foreign key from the child to the parent entity.
Stats |
StatsEJB |
This class provides an example of a Singleton EJB.
StatsLocal |
StatsRemote |
Stop |
This class provides an example of the many side of a one-to-many, uni-directional relationship
mapped using a foreign key in the child entity table.
Store |
Store |
Store_ |
Street |
StreetType |
Java class for StreetType complex type.
String |
Java class for string complex type.
Student |
StudentDAO |
StudentDAOException |
StudentJPADAO |
Subscriber |
This is used to listen to messages on a destination.
SuperType |
Java class for SuperType complex type.
Suspect |
This class provides an example of the owning side of a collection of base data types.
SyncClient |
This client will synchronously poll for messages from a JMSConsumer.
Tablet |
Tank |
This class an example of what to do with extra getter/setter fields
(or fields) that should not be considered part of the persistence.
Tank |
This class an example of what to do with extra getter/setter fields
(or fields) that should not be considered part of the persistence.
Task |
Task |
TasksDao |
TasksDaoImpl |
TasksMgmtEJB |
TasksMgmtRemote |
Team |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
TeamSeason |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Teller |
TellerEJB |
This class implements a Stateless Session Bean wrapper around the
Teller business logic.
TellerHandlerServlet |
TellerImpl |
This class implements the business logic of the Teller.
TellerLocal |
TellerRemote |
TestUtilEJB |
This EJB provides helper methods used by remote test clients.
TestUtilRemote |
This interface is used in support of testing from remote clients.
TextType |
Java class for TextType complex type.
Ticket |
This entity class provides an example of cascades being originated from
the inverse side of a bi-directional relationship.
Ticket |
TicketPK |
TicketsInitEJB |
TicketsInitRemote |
TicketsInitTxEJB |
Tire |
This class provides an example of the many/owning side of a many-to-one, bi-directional
relationship mapped using a foreign key and that foreign key is used to derive the
primary key of this class.
TirePK |
This class provides an example of an IdClass used by a child entity in a
many-to-one, bi-directional relationship where half of its primary key is
derived form the parentId;
TirePosition |
Todo |
This class is an example of the many side of a one-to-many, uni-directional relationship
which uses orphanRemoval of target entities on the many side.
TodoItem |
TodoItemDTO |
TodoList |
TodoList |
This class provides an example owning entity in a one-to-many, uni-directional relationship
where the members of the collection are subject to orphanRemoval when they are removed from the
TodoListController |
TodoListController.Action |
TodoListDTO |
TodoListListDTO |
TodoListsController |
TodoListsResource |
TodosApplication |
TodosConfig |
TodosJaxRsClient |
TodosJaxRsClientImpl |
TodosMgmtEJB |
TodosMgmtRemote |
ToothPaste |
This class provides an example entity class that derives from a non-entity
class and accepts all mapping defaults.
TrainSchedulerEJB |
TrainSchedulerEJB |
TrainSchedulerRemote |
Tx |
TxFilter |
This class will cause the JTA transaction the determines the scope of how
long JPA can communicate with the DB to be extended until after all JAXB
marshalling is complete.
TxWatcherEJB |
The sole purpose of this EJB is to enlist is to print the status of the
transaction after being enlisted in the transaction by the caller.
Umbrella |
This class provides an example of using LAZY fetch hints.
Umbrella |
This class provides an example of using LAZY fetch hints.
UnavailableException |
UnexpectedState |
UpdateEJB |
UserMgmt |
UserMgmt |
UserMgmtDAO |
This bean will be "Produced" and injected from a factory
UserMgmtEJB |
UserMgmtEJB |
UserMgmtLocal |
UserMgmtLocal |
UserMgmtRemote |
USStateCodeType |
Java class for USStateCodeType complex type.
Validation |
ValidationSequence |
This group specification defines a sequence of groups to validate
against until one of them fails or they all pass.
ValidatorInterceptor |
ValidName |
Defines a validation composition
ValidName.List |
Defines an array of annotations so that more than one can be applied.
Vase |
This class provides an example of mapping various types to the database,
like dates, enums, etc.
Vase |
This class provides an example of mapping various types to the database,
like dates, enums, etc.
VCOType |
Java class for VCOType complex type.
VehicleBasicsType |
Java class for VehicleBasicsType complex type.
VehicleDAO |
This interface provides a _sparse_ example of methods that are provided
by a DAO providing a mapping to the DB.
VehicleMgmt |
This interface provides a _sparse_ example of business logic that
provides management of vehicle registrations.
VehicleRegistration |
This class provides a sparse _example_ implementation of a vehicle
entity that will get populated from the ingested data from the parser.
VehicleRegistration |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
VehicleRegistrationsType |
Java class for VehicleRegistrationsType complex type.
VehicleType |
Java class for VehicleType complex type.
Venue |
This is an example eLeague Venue class.
Venue |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Venue |
VenueDAO |
VenueDAOImpl |
VenueMgmt |
VenueMgmtEJB |
VenueMgmtImpl |
VenueMgmtRemote |
VMAType |
Java class for VMAType complex type.
VMOType |
Java class for VMOType complex type.
WantList |
This class is an example of a uni-directional ManyToMany relationship.
WarehouseFacadeEJB |
WarehouseRemote |
WarehouseTxEJB |
Watch |
This class provides an example of joining three tables to make a single
Watch |
This class provides an example of joining three tables to make a single
WebGreeterEJB |
WebVenueMgmtEJB |
Worker |
This class simulates the job of a worker.
XMLConfiguredEJB |
XMLInjectAuditorEJB |
XRay |
This class provides an example of embedding another object within a
containing object being mapped to the database.
XRay |
This class provides an example of embedding another object within a
containing object being mapped to the database.
ZipAddress |