Class SecurePingResource

  • @Path("ping")
    public class SecurePingResource
    extends Object
    This JAX-RS resource class acts as a HTTP facade for calls to the EJB tier. Declarative encryption and authentication requirements are specified by the web.xml. This class primarily implements the structural URIs and proxies the user calls/responses to/from the EJBs. Note we could have made this a stateless session EJB and added @RolesAllowed to be enfored here. A pure JAX-RS resource class does not honor those declarative annotations.
    • Field Detail

      • logger

        private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger
      • ctx

        private ctx
      • uriInfo

        private uriInfo
    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurePingResource

        public SecurePingResource()
    • Method Detail

      • whoAmI

        public whoAmI()
      • isCallerInRole

        public isCallerInRole​(@PathParam("role")
                                                        String role)
      • anonymous

        public SecurePingResource.Pinger anonymous()
        This method will return a sub-resource that is the same as the "secure" path except this path is configured to not require any identity or encryption.
      • authenticated

        public SecurePingResource.Pinger authenticated()
        This method returns a sub-resource and will require that sub-resource to be envoked with HTTPS and an authenticated user in either the "admin" or "user" role base on the web.xml.
      • makeExceptionResponse

        private makeExceptionResponse​(Exception ex)
        This method is used to report an unexpected error condition in the endpoints.
        ex -
        error message
      • makeResourcePayload

        private PingResult makeResourcePayload​(String ejbResponse)
        This helper method builds a DTO to be marshaled back to the caller.
        ejbResponse -
        dto filled in