Class Bread

  • @Entity
    public class Bread
    extends Product
    This class provides an example of an entity that is part of a single table inheritance approach. In this case, all derived classes will be merged into a single table defined by the parent class. This class defines its discriminiator value. @see Soup class for a sibling example where the default value is taken.
    • Field Detail

      • slices

        private int slices
      • bakedOn

        private Date bakedOn
    • Constructor Detail

      • Bread

        public Bread()
      • Bread

        public Bread​(long id)
    • Method Detail

      • getBakedOn

        public Date getBakedOn()
      • setBakedOn

        public void setBakedOn​(Date bakedOn)
      • getSlices

        public int getSlices()
      • setSlices

        public void setSlices​(int slices)