Account |
This class provides a base class for table-per-class inheritance strategy
Album |
This class provides an example of inheriting from a non-entity base class.
BaseObject |
This class provides an example of a non-entity base class that can be
mapped into tables defined by entities that derive from this class.
Bread |
This class provides an example of an entity that is part of a single table
inheritance approach.
CheckingAccount |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class using separate
classes per-concrete derived class.
Circle |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a
mixed strategy of inheritance.
Cube |
This class provides an attempt to re-define the JOIN InheritanceType of the
parent class to a TABLE_PER_CLASS type.
Customer |
This class provides an entity sub-class example for a join inheritance
Employee |
This class provides an entity sub-class example for a join inheritance
InterestAccount |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class using separate
classes per-concrete derived class.
Person |
This class provides an example base class in a join inheritance strategy.
Product |
This class provides an example base class in a single table inheritance
Rectangle |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a
mixed strategy of inheritance.
Shape |
This class provides an example of mixing two inheritance stratgies;
non-entity inheritance and join.
Soup |
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a
single table inheritance strategy.
ToothPaste |
This class provides an example entity class that derives from a non-entity
class and accepts all mapping defaults.