View Javadoc
1   package ejava.examples.txhotel.jpa;
3   import java.util.HashMap;
4   import java.util.List;
5   import java.util.Map;
7   import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
8   import javax.persistence.Query;
10  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
11  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import ejava.examples.txhotel.dao.DAOException;
16  import ejava.examples.txhotel.dao.ReservationDAO;
18  public class JPAReservationDAO implements ReservationDAO {
19      private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JPAReservationDAO.class);
21      private EntityManager em;
23      public void setEntityManager(EntityManager em) {
24          this.em = em;
25      }
27      public Reservation createReservation(Reservation reservation)
28              throws DAOException {      
29          try {
30              log.debug("persisting reservation:" + reservation);
32              //look for the person in the database
33              Person person = reservation.getPerson();
34              if (person != null && person.getId() != 0) {
35                  person = em.find(Person.class, person.getId());
36                  reservation.setPerson(person);
37                  log.debug("found existing person:" + person);
38              }
40              em.persist(reservation);            
41              log.debug("reservation persisted:" + reservation);
42              return reservation;
43          }
44          catch (RuntimeException ex) {
45              log.debug("error persisting reservation:" + reservation, ex);
46              throw new DAOException("error persisting reservation:" + 
47                      reservation, ex);
48          }
49      }
51      public Reservation getReservation(long id) throws DAOException {
52          try {
53              log.debug("getting reservation:" + id);
54              Reservation reservation = em.find(Reservation.class, id);            
55              log.debug("found reservation:" + reservation);
56              return reservation;
57          }
58          catch (RuntimeException ex) {
59              log.debug("error getting reservation:" + id, ex);
60              throw new DAOException("error getting reservation:" + id, ex);
61          }
62      }
64      public List<Reservation> getReservations(int index, int count) 
65          throws DAOException {
66          return getReservations("getAllReservations", null, index, count); 
67      }
69      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
70      public List<Reservation> getReservations(
71              String queryName, Map<String, Object> params, 
72              int index, int count) 
73              throws DAOException {
74          try {
75              Query query = em.createNamedQuery(queryName)
76                              .setFirstResult(index)
77                              .setMaxResults(count);
78              if (params != null && !params.keySet().isEmpty()) {
79                  for(String key: params.keySet()) {
80                      query.setParameter(key, params.get(key));
81                  }                
82              }
83              List<Reservation> reservations = query.getResultList();
84              log.debug(reservations.size() + " reservations found");
85              return reservations;            
86          }
87          catch (RuntimeException ex) {
88              log.debug("error getting reservations:" + queryName + 
89                      ", params=" + params, ex);
90              throw new DAOException("error getting reservations:" + queryName + 
91                      ", params=" + params, ex);
92          }
93      }
95      public Reservation removeReservation(Reservation reservation) 
96          throws DAOException {
97          try {
98              log.debug("removing reservation:" + reservation);
99              reservation = em.find(Reservation.class, 
100                     reservation.getId());
101             em.remove(reservation);
102             log.debug("removed reservation:" + reservation);
103             return reservation;
104         }
105         catch (RuntimeException ex) {
106             log.debug("error removing reservation:" + reservation, ex);
107             throw new DAOException("error removing reservation:" + 
108                     reservation, ex);
109         }
110     }
112     public Reservation updateReservation(Reservation reservation) throws DAOException {
113         try {
114             log.debug("merging reservation:" + reservation);
115             Reservation updated = em.merge(reservation); 
116             log.debug("merged reservation:" + updated);
117             return updated;
118         }
119         catch (RuntimeException ex) {
120             log.debug("error merging reservation:" + reservation, ex);
121             throw new DAOException("error merging reservation:" + 
122                     reservation, ex);
123         }
124     }
126     public Reservation getReservationByConfirmation(String confirmation) 
127         throws DAOException {
129         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
130         params.put("confirmation", confirmation);
131         return getReservations(
132             "getReservationsByConfirmation", params, 0, 1).get(0);        
133     }
134 }