The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 6.2 with sun_checks.xml ruleset.
Category | Rule | Violations | Severity |
blocks | LeftCurly | 92 | Error |
RightCurly | 56 | Error | |
coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | 32 | Error |
HiddenField | 42 | Error | |
MagicNumber | 11 | Error | |
MissingSwitchDefault | 1 | Error | |
design | DesignForExtension | 124 | Error |
VisibilityModifier | 4 | Error | |
imports | AvoidStarImport | 4 | Error |
javadoc | JavadocMethod | 137 | Error |
JavadocPackage | 2 | Error | |
JavadocStyle | 1 | Error | |
JavadocType | 12 | Error | |
JavadocVariable | 49 | Error | |
misc | FinalParameters | 182 | Error |
naming | ConstantName | 1 | Error |
regexp | RegexpSingleline
143 | Error |
sizes | LineLength | 126 | Error |
whitespace | FileTabCharacter | 9 | Error |
GenericWhitespace | 1 | Error | |
OperatorWrap | 85 | Error | |
WhitespaceAfter | 43 | Error | |
WhitespaceAround | 489 | Error |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 19 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 22 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 22 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 28 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 28 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 30 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 31 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 32 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 33 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter lhs should be final. | 35 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rhs should be final. | 35 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 43 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not followed by whitespace. | 43 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 43 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 44 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'person' hides a field. | 44 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 47 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getPerson' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 48 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 48 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). | 49 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getFirstName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 49 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 49 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 49 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 49 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 49 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 49 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 49 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 50 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getLastName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 50 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 50 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 50 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 50 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 50 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 50 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 50 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 51 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getModName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 51 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 51 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 51 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 51 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 51 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 51 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 51 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 52 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getBirthDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 52 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 52 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 52 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 52 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 52 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 52 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 52 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). | 53 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setFirstName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 53 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter name should be final. | 53 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 53 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 107). | 54 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setLastName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 54 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter name should be final. | 54 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 54 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 54 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 54 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 54 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 54 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 105). | 55 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setModName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 55 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter name should be final. | 55 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 55 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 55 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 55 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 55 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 107). | 56 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setBirthDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 56 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter date should be final. | 56 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 56 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 56 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 56 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 56 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 56 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRoles' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 58 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 58 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setRoles' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 62 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 62 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter roles should be final. | 62 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'roles' hides a field. | 62 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 65 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 66 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 68 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 68 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 68 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 70 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 71 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter obj should be final. | 72 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 73 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 74 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 75 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 75 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 75 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 75 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 76 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 78 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 78 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 83 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 83 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 85 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 86 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 88 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | javadoc | JavadocPackage | Missing file. | |
Error | imports | AvoidStarImport | Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - javax.persistence.*. | 7 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 9 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 12 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 12 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 14 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 17 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 21 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 21 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 22 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 25 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not followed by whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 25 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 26 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'person' hides a field. | 26 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getPerson' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 30 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 30 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). | 31 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getFirstName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 31 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 31 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 31 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 32 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getLastName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 32 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 32 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 32 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 33 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getModName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 33 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 33 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 33 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 34 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getBirthDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 34 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 34 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 34 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 112). | 35 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setFirstName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 35 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter name should be final. | 35 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 35 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 35 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 35 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 35 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). | 36 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setLastName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 36 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter name should be final. | 36 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 36 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). | 37 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setModName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 37 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter name should be final. | 37 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 37 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 37 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 37 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 37 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). | 38 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setBirthDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 38 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter date should be final. | 38 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 38 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 38 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should be alone on a line. | 38 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ';' is not followed by whitespace. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 38 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovies' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 40 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setMovies' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 46 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movies should be final. | 46 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'movies' hides a field. | 46 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'addMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 49 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movie should be final. | 49 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 57 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 58 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 60 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 60 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 60 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 62 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 63 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter obj should be final. | 64 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 66 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 66 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 66 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 66 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 67 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 67 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 67 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 67 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 68 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 70 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 70 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 75 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 75 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 77 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 78 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 80 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | imports | AvoidStarImport | Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - javax.persistence.*. | 10 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 12 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 13 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 13 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 14 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 16 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 28 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 28 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 28 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 28 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 29 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 29 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 29 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 29 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 30 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 31 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 32 |
Error | whitespace | GenericWhitespace | '>' is followed by an illegal character. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 38 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '36' is a magic number. | 38 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 38 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 40 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 41 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 41 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 41 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '32' is a magic number. | 41 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 41 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 41 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 41 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 43 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 45 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 45 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 47 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 48 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 48 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 48 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 48 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '6' is a magic number. | 48 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 48 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 50 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 51 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 52 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). | 53 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 53 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 54 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 55 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 55 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 57 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 58 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 58 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 58 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 58 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '4000' is a magic number. | 58 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 58 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 60 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 61 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 61 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 61 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 63 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 64 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 66 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 66 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 66 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '20' is a magic number. | 66 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 66 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 69 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 69 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 69 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 70 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 70 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 71 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 71 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 73 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 74 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 75 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 96). | 75 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 75 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 75 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 78 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 79 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not followed by whitespace. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 79 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 80 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 80 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'id' hides a field. | 80 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). | 83 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 83 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 83 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'id' hides a field. | 83 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter minutes should be final. | 83 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'minutes' hides a field. | 83 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 83 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'rating' hides a field. | 83 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 83 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'releaseDate' hides a field. | 83 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 83 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'title' hides a field. | 83 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 84 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 84 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 86 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 86 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 89 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 89 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 91 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 92 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 92 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 93 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 94 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 94 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 95 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 95 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 95 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'title' hides a field. | 95 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getReleaseDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 100 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 100 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setReleaseDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 101 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 101 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 101 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'releaseDate' hides a field. | 101 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRating' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 106 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 106 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setRating' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 107 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 107 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 107 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'rating' hides a field. | 107 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 109 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 109 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 109 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMinutes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 113 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 113 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setMinutes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 114 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 114 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter minutes should be final. | 114 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'minutes' hides a field. | 114 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getGenres' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 119 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 119 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 123 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setGenres' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 125 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 125 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter genres should be final. | 125 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'genres' hides a field. | 125 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'addGenres' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 129 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 129 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter genre should be final. | 129 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 130 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 130 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 137 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getPlot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 138 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 138 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setPlot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 139 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 139 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter plot should be final. | 139 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'plot' hides a field. | 139 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getDirector' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 144 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 144 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setDirector' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 145 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 145 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter director should be final. | 145 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'director' hides a field. | 145 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getCast' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 150 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 150 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 151 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 151 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 152 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 152 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 154 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setCast' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 156 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 156 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter cast should be final. | 156 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'cast' hides a field. | 156 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'addRole' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 159 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 159 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter role should be final. | 159 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 160 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 160 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 160 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 168 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 170 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 170 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 170 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 171 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 171 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 171 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 171 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 172 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 172 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 172 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 172 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 172 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). | 173 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 173 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 173 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 173 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 173 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 173 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 174 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 174 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 174 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 176 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 177 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter obj should be final. | 178 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 179 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 179 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 180 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 180 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 181 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 182 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 183 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 183 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 184 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 184 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 188 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 189 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 189 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 190 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 190 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 194 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 196 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 196 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 200 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 202 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 202 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 204 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 205 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 206 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 208 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 208 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 212 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 213 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 215 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'compareTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 216 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rhs should be final. | 217 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 218 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 218 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 219 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). | 220 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 220 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 220 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 114). | 223 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 223 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 223 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 228 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 229 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 232 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 95). | 232 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 232 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 232 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 232 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 6 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 7 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 8 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 9 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 11 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not followed by whitespace. | 11 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 11 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 12 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 12 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'title' hides a field. | 12 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 12 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'releaseDate' hides a field. | 12 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 16 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 17 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 17 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getReleaseDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 18 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 18 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 19 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 22 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 22 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 23 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 23 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 25 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 26 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter obj should be final. | 27 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 29 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 29 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 30 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 31 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 102). | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 35 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 35 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 35 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 36 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 36 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 36 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 38 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 38 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 40 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 3 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 4 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 4 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 5 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 5 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 6 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 7 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 8 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 9 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 11 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 11 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 11 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 11 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter alt should be final. | 12 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 12 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 12 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 12 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 13 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 14 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 15 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter mpaa should be final. | 15 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 16 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 16 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 16 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 18 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 18 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 90). | 20 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | imports | AvoidStarImport | Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - javax.persistence.*. | 5 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 8 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 8 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 11 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 11 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 12 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 12 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 12 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '36' is a magic number. | 12 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 12 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 14 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 16 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 17 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 21 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '32' is a magic number. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 21 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 21 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 23 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 24 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 24 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 24 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 24 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 25 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 26 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 30 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 32 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'id' hides a field. | 32 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movie should be final. | 32 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'movie' hides a field. | 32 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter role should be final. | 32 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'role' hides a field. | 32 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 37 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movie should be final. | 37 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'movie' hides a field. | 37 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter role should be final. | 37 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'role' hides a field. | 37 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 42 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 43 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 43 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 45 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 45 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 46 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movie should be final. | 46 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'movie' hides a field. | 46 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 46 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 46 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 46 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRole' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 47 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 47 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getActor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 49 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 49 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setActor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 50 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 50 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter actor should be final. | 50 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'actor' hides a field. | 50 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 5 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 6 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 6 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 8 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 9 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not followed by whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 10 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 11 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 12 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 12 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 13 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 13 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movie should be final. | 13 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'movie' hides a field. | 13 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 17 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRole' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 18 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 18 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setRole' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 19 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 19 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter role should be final. | 19 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'role' hides a field. | 19 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 24 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 26 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 27 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 27 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 29 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 30 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter obj should be final. | 31 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 33 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 33 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 33 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 34 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 34 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 35 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 36 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 37 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 39 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 39 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 39 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 39 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 39 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 39 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 40 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 40 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 40 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 40 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 40 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 40 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 42 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 42 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 44 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 45 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 49 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | imports | AvoidStarImport | Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - javax.persistence.*. | 5 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 8 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 8 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 9 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 9 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 9 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 120). | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 10 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 10 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 13 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 13 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 14 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 14 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 14 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '36' is a magic number. | 14 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 14 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 16 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 17 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '128' is a magic number. | 17 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 17 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 19 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '128' is a magic number. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 22 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 23 |
Error | coding | MagicNumber | '32' is a magic number. | 23 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 23 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 26 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 27 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 27 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 29 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '{' is not followed by whitespace. | 30 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '}' is not preceded with whitespace. | 30 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 31 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'id' hides a field. | 31 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 31 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 32 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 33 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 33 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getFirstName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 36 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 36 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setFirstName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 37 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 37 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter firstName should be final. | 37 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'firstName' hides a field. | 37 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 41 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getLastName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 42 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 42 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setLastName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 43 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 43 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter lastName should be final. | 43 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'lastName' hides a field. | 43 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 47 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getModName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 48 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 48 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setModName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 49 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter modName should be final. | 49 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'modName' hides a field. | 49 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 53 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getBirthDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 54 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 54 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setBirthDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 55 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 55 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter birthDate should be final. | 55 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'birthDate' hides a field. | 55 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 60 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 62 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 62 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 63 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 63 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 64 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 64 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 65 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 65 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 65 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 67 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 68 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter obj should be final. | 69 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 71 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 71 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 72 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 72 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 72 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 72 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 73 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 74 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 74 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 75 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '&&' should be on a new line. | 75 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '&&' should be on a new line. | 76 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '&&' should be on a new line. | 77 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 78 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '&&' should be on a new line. | 78 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 79 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 79 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 81 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 81 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 81 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 81 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '||' should be on a new line. | 81 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). | 82 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 82 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 82 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 82 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 82 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '||' should be on a new line. | 82 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 83 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 83 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 83 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 83 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '||' should be on a new line. | 83 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 84 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). | 84 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 84 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 84 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 84 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 84 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 85 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not preceded with whitespace. | 87 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '?' is not followed by whitespace. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not preceded with whitespace. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | ':' is not followed by whitespace. | 87 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 88 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 88 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 90 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 91 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 94 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 94 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 95 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 95 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 95 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 95 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 96 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 96 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). | 97 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 97 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 97 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 100 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Error | javadoc | JavadocPackage | Missing file. | |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 |
Error | whitespace | FileTabCharacter | File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). | 35 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 35 |
Error | naming | ConstantName | Name 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. | 35 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 37 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'setEntityManager' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 38 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter em should be final. | 38 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'em' hides a field. | 38 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 41 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 43 |
Error | design | VisibilityModifier | Variable 'date' must be private and have accessor methods. | 43 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 |
Error | design | VisibilityModifier | Variable 'ttype' must be private and have accessor methods. | 44 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter date should be final. | 45 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'date' hides a field. | 45 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter ttype should be final. | 45 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'ttype' hides a field. | 45 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 51 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 51 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 51 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 51 |
Error | coding | MissingSwitchDefault | switch without "default" clause. | 52 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). | 54 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). | 56 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). | 58 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 63 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 64 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 65 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 66 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 67 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 68 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). | 69 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 69 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 70 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 71 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter jpaql should be final. | 71 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'jpaql' hides a field. | 71 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter resultType should be final. | 71 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'resultType' hides a field. | 71 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 75 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter key should be final. | 75 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter value should be final. | 75 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 96). | 79 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 79 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter key should be final. | 79 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter value should be final. | 79 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter ttype should be final. | 79 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 83 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 83 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'offset' hides a field. | 83 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 87 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 87 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'limit' hides a field. | 87 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 88 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 88 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 91 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 91 |
Error | coding | HiddenField | 'orderBy' hides a field. | 91 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 94 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 98 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 102 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). | 103 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 103 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 103 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 103 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 104 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). | 107 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 107 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 102). | 108 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). | 110 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 121 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 140 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 147 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 147 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'createQuery' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 147 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for '<T>'. | 147 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter jpaql should be final. | 147 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'jpaql'. | 147 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter resultClass should be final. | 147 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'resultClass'. | 147 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 150 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocStyle | First sentence should end with a period. | 151 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 158 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 118). | 158 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'withPaging' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 158 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for '<T>'. | 158 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter query should be final. | 158 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'query'. | 158 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 158 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 158 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 158 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 158 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 158 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'orderBy'. | 158 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 176 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getKevinBacon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 176 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 178 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 179 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 180 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 181 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 185 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getKevinBaconMovieIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 186 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 186 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). | 187 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 187 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 187 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 187 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). | 188 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 190 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 191 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 191 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 192 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 192 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 193 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). | 194 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 194 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 195 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 195 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 195 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 195 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 197 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 197 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 200 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 200 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 213 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). | 213 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'oneStepFromPerson0' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 213 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter p should be final. | 213 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'p'. | 213 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 213 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 213 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 213 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 213 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 215 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 216 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 217 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 218 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 219 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 220 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 221 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 222 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 227 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 236 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'oneStepFromPersonByDAO' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 236 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter p should be final. | 236 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'p'. | 236 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 240 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 244 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 248 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 255 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). | 256 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'oneStepFromPersonByDAO' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 256 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 256 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter p should be final. | 256 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 256 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 256 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 256 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 260 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 264 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 266 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 266 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 269 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 273 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 273 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 273 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 273 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '+' is not preceded with whitespace. | 273 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '+' is not followed by whitespace. | 273 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | 'for' is not followed by whitespace. | 274 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 275 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 275 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '>=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 275 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '>=' is not followed by whitespace. | 275 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). | 277 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 277 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 277 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 277 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 277 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 279 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '+=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 279 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '+=' is not followed by whitespace. | 279 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '+=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 282 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '+=' is not followed by whitespace. | 282 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 284 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 284 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 284 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 284 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 297 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'oneStepFromPersonByDB' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 297 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter p should be final. | 297 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'p'. | 297 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 299 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 299 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 300 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 301 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 302 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 104). | 307 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'oneStepFromPersonByDB' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 307 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 307 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter p should be final. | 307 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 307 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 307 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 307 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 309 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 309 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 310 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 311 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 312 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 102). | 313 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 318 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 319 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocType | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 320 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 320 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 321 |
Error | design | VisibilityModifier | Variable 'query' must be private and have accessor methods. | 321 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocVariable | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 322 |
Error | design | VisibilityModifier | Variable 'queryTerm' must be private and have accessor methods. | 322 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). | 323 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter first should be final. | 323 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter second should be final. | 323 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 323 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 323 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 323 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 323 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 323 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). | 327 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesForPerson' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 327 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 327 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 327 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter parentQuery should be final. | 327 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 327 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 336 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 336 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 115). | 340 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesForPersonIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 340 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 340 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter parentQuery should be final. | 340 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 347 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 349 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 352 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 111). | 353 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getPersonIdsInMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 353 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 353 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 353 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter parentQuery should be final. | 353 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 354 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 355 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 360 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 362 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 362 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'nthRemoved' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 365 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 365 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 365 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). | 366 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter parentQuery should be final. | 366 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter parentTerm should be final. | 366 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 366 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). | 370 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 370 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 372 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). | 374 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 374 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 379 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getPeopleQuery2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 380 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 380 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 380 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter steps should be final. | 380 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). | 387 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 387 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 387 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 387 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 391 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 391 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 391 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 391 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 392 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 392 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '<' is not preceded with whitespace. | 392 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '<' is not followed by whitespace. | 392 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '-' is not preceded with whitespace. | 392 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '-' is not followed by whitespace. | 392 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). | 393 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 395 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 104). | 397 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). | 398 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 399 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 402 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 403 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 404 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getPeopleQuery' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 405 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 405 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 405 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter steps should be final. | 405 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 410 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 95). | 413 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 413 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 415 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). | 417 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 417 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 419 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 99). | 422 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 422 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 97). | 426 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 426 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 428 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 99). | 431 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAfter | ',' is not followed by whitespace. | 431 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 433 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). | 435 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 437 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 440 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). | 441 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'stepsFromPerson' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 441 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 441 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter person should be final. | 441 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter steps should be final. | 441 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 441 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 441 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 442 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 444 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 444 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 444 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 444 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 445 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '!=' is not followed by whitespace. | 445 |
Error | blocks | LeftCurly | '{' should have line break after. | 445 |
Error | blocks | RightCurly | '}' should have line break before. | 445 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 448 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 457 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). | 457 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovies' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 457 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 457 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 457 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 457 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 457 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 457 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'orderBy'. | 457 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 459 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 462 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 464 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 465 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 84). | 465 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 472 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). | 472 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByRatingUpperFunction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 472 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 472 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'rating'. | 472 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 472 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 472 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 472 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 472 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 474 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 476 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 476 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 481 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 83). | 482 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 489 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). | 489 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByRatingLowerFunction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 489 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 489 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'rating'. | 489 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 489 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 489 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 489 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 489 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 491 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 493 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 493 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 499 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 500 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 507 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 118). | 507 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByRatingValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 507 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 507 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'rating'. | 507 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 507 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 507 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 507 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 507 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 507 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'orderBy'. | 507 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 509 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 511 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 516 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 517 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). | 517 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 525 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). | 525 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesLikeTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 525 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 525 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'title'. | 525 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 525 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 525 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 525 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 525 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 525 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'orderBy'. | 525 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 527 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 529 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 540 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). | 540 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesEqualsTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 540 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 540 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'title'. | 540 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 540 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 540 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 540 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 540 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 542 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 544 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). | 549 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 556 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). | 556 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRatingsByTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 556 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 556 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'title'. | 556 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 556 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 556 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 556 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 556 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 556 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'orderBy'. | 556 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 558 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 560 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 572 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 110). | 572 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRatingsLikeTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 572 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 572 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'title'. | 572 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 572 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 572 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 572 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 572 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 572 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'orderBy'. | 572 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 574 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 576 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). | 581 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 91). | 582 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). | 583 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected an @return tag. | 589 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). | 589 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getTitlesByRating' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 589 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 589 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'rating'. | 589 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 589 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'offset'. | 589 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 589 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Expected @param tag for 'limit'. | 589 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 591 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 593 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 122). | 598 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByTitleAndReleaseDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 598 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 598 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 598 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 598 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 598 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 598 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 600 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). | 601 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 602 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). | 603 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 122). | 607 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByReleaseDateAndTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 607 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 607 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 607 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 607 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 607 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 607 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 609 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). | 610 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). | 612 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 151). | 616 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByTitleAndReleaseDateAndRating' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 616 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 616 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 616 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 616 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 616 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 616 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 616 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 618 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 124). | 619 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 620 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 92). | 621 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 100). | 626 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByReleaseDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 626 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 626 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 626 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 626 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 626 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 628 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). | 629 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). | 630 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 129). | 634 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByReleaseDateAndRating' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 634 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 634 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 634 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter rating should be final. | 634 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 634 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 634 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 636 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). | 637 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 92). | 638 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 642 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 104). | 643 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByRole' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 643 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 643 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter role should be final. | 643 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 643 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 643 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 643 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 645 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 646 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 108). | 652 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMoviesByLikeRole' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 652 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 652 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter role should be final. | 652 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 652 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 652 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 652 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 654 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 655 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 127). | 661 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getRolesByMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 661 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 661 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter title should be final. | 661 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter releaseDate should be final. | 661 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 661 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 661 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 661 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 663 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 664 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 103). | 665 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 93). | 667 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieById' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 671 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 671 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 671 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 674 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieByIdUnfetched' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 675 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 675 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 675 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 676 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '=' is not followed by whitespace. | 676 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 139). | 677 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 677 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 678 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 682 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 684 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieFetchedByIdFetched' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 685 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 685 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter id should be final. | 685 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 687 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 688 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 689 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 690 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 691 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 692 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 693 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 697 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 699 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieCastCountByDAORelation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 700 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 700 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movieId should be final. | 700 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 702 |
Error | whitespace | WhitespaceAround | '==' is not followed by whitespace. | 702 |
Error | coding | AvoidInlineConditionals | Avoid inline conditionals. | 702 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieCastCountByDAO' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 705 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 705 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movieId should be final. | 705 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 707 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 708 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 709 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 714 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieCastCountByDB' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 715 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 715 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movieId should be final. | 715 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 717 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 718 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 719 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getCastCountForMovie' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 725 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 725 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter movieId should be final. | 725 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 727 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 728 |
Error | sizes | LineLength | Line is longer than 80 characters (found 98). | 734 |
Error | design | DesignForExtension | Method 'getMovieAndDirector' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 734 |
Error | javadoc | JavadocMethod | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 734 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter offset should be final. | 734 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter limit should be final. | 734 |
Error | misc | FinalParameters | Parameter orderBy should be final. | 734 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 736 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 737 |
Error | whitespace | OperatorWrap | '+' should be on a new line. | 738 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 743 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 744 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 745 |
Error | regexp | RegexpSingleline | Line has trailing spaces. | 746 |