Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
EJB::EJB Introduction This project provides the home for core/getting started EJB materials dealing with topics that are key to developing and deploying a simple EJB.
EJB::EJB Configuration This project provides the home for demonstrating ways to configure EJBs with resources (e.g., deployment descriptor injection, JNDI ENC, CDI)
EJB::EJB JPA This project provides the home for demonstrating concepts related to using JPA on the server-side.
EJB::Contexts and Dependency Injection This project provides the home for demonstrating concepts related to CDI.
EJB::Transactions This project provides the home for demonstrating concepts related to transactions and concurrency.
EJB::Security This project provides the home for demonstrating concepts related to security.
EJB::Interceptor This project provides the home for demonstrating concepts related to creating interceptors for EJBs and CDI beans.
EJB::Session EJB Bank Example This project is the root project for the core session bean example.
EJB::JNDI This project is the root project for the core JNDI example.
Web Tier This project demonstrates deploying the data access tier and some trivial business logic to a web-only component. It consists of two projects; data access tier and war. They are direct children to this parent project.
EJB::Web-oriented EJB This project is the root project for an example that deployes an EJB in a WAR and exposes remote API thru JAX-RS and JAXB.
EJB::Java EE Transactions This project is the root project for EJB materials.