Severity |
Category |
Rule |
Message |
Line |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocPackage |
Missing file. |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
29 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). |
31 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
31 |
Error |
naming |
ConstantName |
Name 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. |
31 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
32 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
33 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
34 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
35 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
36 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
37 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
38 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
39 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
40 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
41 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
42 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
43 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 81). |
44 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
44 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
45 |
Error |
naming |
ConstantName |
Name 'jndiName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. |
45 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
46 |
Error |
whitespace |
FileTabCharacter |
File contains tab characters (this is the first instance). |
46 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
48 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
49 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
49 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
51 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
52 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
54 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
57 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. |
59 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. |
59 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
62 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. |
62 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. |
62 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
66 |
Error |
design |
DesignForExtension |
Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. |
69 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @throws tag for 'ServletException'. |
69 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
71 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). |
74 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'==' is not preceded with whitespace. |
74 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. |
74 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. |
75 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. |
75 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
77 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
80 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
81 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
82 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
83 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
84 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
85 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
86 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
87 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
88 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 82). |
88 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
89 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
90 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
101 |
Error |
design |
DesignForExtension |
Method 'doGet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. |
101 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
101 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @param tag for 'request'. |
101 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
102 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
102 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @param tag for 'response'. |
102 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @throws tag for 'ServletException'. |
103 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @throws tag for 'IOException'. |
103 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'==' is not preceded with whitespace. |
112 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. |
112 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. |
113 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. |
113 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
114 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
120 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
122 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
127 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
129 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
131 |
Error |
blocks |
LeftCurly |
'{' should have line break after. |
139 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should have line break before. |
139 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. |
139 |
Error |
blocks |
EmptyBlock |
Must have at least one statement. |
139 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'{' is not followed by whitespace. |
139 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'}' is not preceded with whitespace. |
139 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
147 |
Error |
design |
DesignForExtension |
Method 'doPost' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. |
147 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
147 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @param tag for 'request'. |
147 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
148 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
148 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @param tag for 'response'. |
148 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @throws tag for 'ServletException'. |
149 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Expected @throws tag for 'IOException'. |
149 |
Error |
design |
DesignForExtension |
Method 'destroy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. |
154 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
154 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
157 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
158 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
159 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
159 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
161 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
161 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
163 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
164 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
165 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
166 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
167 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
168 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
169 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
170 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
171 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
171 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
173 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
173 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
175 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocVariable |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
175 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
177 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
177 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
178 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
181 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
182 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
183 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
183 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
183 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
184 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
184 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter t should be final. |
184 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
187 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). |
187 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
187 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
189 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
190 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
191 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
193 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
194 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
198 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
200 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
205 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
206 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
206 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
206 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
207 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
207 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
207 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
210 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). |
210 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
210 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
212 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
213 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
214 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
216 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
217 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
221 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
223 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
228 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
229 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
229 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
229 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
230 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
230 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
230 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
233 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). |
233 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
233 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
234 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
236 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
240 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
241 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
242 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
244 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
245 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
249 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
251 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
256 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
257 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
257 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
257 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
258 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
258 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
258 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
261 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). |
261 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
261 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
262 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
264 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
268 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
269 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
270 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
272 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
273 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
277 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
279 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
284 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
285 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
285 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
285 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
286 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
286 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
286 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
289 |
Error |
sizes |
LineLength |
Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). |
289 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
289 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
290 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
292 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
294 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
298 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
300 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
305 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
306 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
306 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
306 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
307 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
307 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
307 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
310 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
312 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'for' is not followed by whitespace. |
314 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. |
314 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. |
314 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'<' is not preceded with whitespace. |
314 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'<' is not followed by whitespace. |
314 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
317 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
319 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
321 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
325 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
327 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
332 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
333 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
333 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
333 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
334 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
334 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
334 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
337 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAfter |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. |
338 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
341 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
343 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
344 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'==' is not preceded with whitespace. |
344 |
Error |
whitespace |
WhitespaceAround |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. |
344 |
Error |
whitespace |
OperatorWrap |
'?' should be on a new line. |
344 |
Error |
coding |
AvoidInlineConditionals |
Avoid inline conditionals. |
344 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
346 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
351 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
352 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
354 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
355 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
359 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
361 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
366 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
367 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
367 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
367 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
368 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
368 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
368 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
372 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
374 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
375 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
377 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
378 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
382 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
384 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocType |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
389 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
390 |
Error |
javadoc |
JavadocMethod |
Missing a Javadoc comment. |
390 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter request should be final. |
390 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
391 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter response should be final. |
391 |
Error |
misc |
FinalParameters |
Parameter teller should be final. |
391 |
Error |
coding |
MagicNumber |
'100' is a magic number. |
394 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
401 |
Error |
coding |
MagicNumber |
'100' is a magic number. |
408 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
410 |
Error |
blocks |
RightCurly |
'}' should be on the same line. |
412 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
416 |
Error |
regexp |
RegexpSingleline |
Line has trailing spaces. |
418 |