Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
By the time you hit this chapter, you should have had the opportunity to see many relationship combinations and now we will cover the last official one: many-to-many. The many-to-many relationship is not a common relationship because it relates entities without any properties associated with the relationships. Commonly a relationship that starts off being a many-to-many will turn into a many-to-one and one-to-many to allow for properties to be assigned to the relationship. In UML data modeling they would refer to the "one"/entity in the middle as an Associated Class
Create a JUnit test class to host tests for the many-to-many mappings.
Put the following JUnit test case base class in your src/test tree. You can delete the sample test method once we add our first real test. JUnit will fail a test case if it cannot locate a @Test to run.
package myorg.relex;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.*;
public class Many2ManyBiTest extends JPATestBase {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Many2ManyBiTest.class);
public void testSample() {
Verify the new JUnit test class builds and executes to completion
relationEx]$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyBiTest ... -HHH000401: using driver [org.h2.Driver] at URL [jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/h2db/ejava] ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
In this section we are going to form a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship. As always with uni-directional relationships, that means we will be able to navigate the relationships from only the owning side. The only way to access the owning side from the inverse side is through a JPA query.
Place the following class in your src/main tree. This class provides an example of the inverse side of a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship so there will be no reference to the relationship within this class. This class, however, has implemented a hashCode() and equals() method so that instances can be correctly identified within multiple collections.
package myorg.relex.many2many;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of the inverse side of a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship
public class Individual {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private int id;
@Column(length=32, nullable=false)
private String name;
protected Individual() {}
public Individual(String name) {
this.name = name;
public int getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public int hashCode() {
return name==null? 0 : name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
if (this == obj) return true;
Individual rhs = (Individual) obj;
if (name==null && rhs.name != null) { return false; }
return name.equals(rhs.name);
} catch (Exception ex) { return false; }
Add the following class to your src/main tree. This class provides an example of the owning side of a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship. Therefore it defines the mapping from the entities to the database. The current implementation of the class relies on default mapping. We will make that more explicit shortly.
package myorg.relex.many2many;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of the owning side of a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship.
public class Group {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private int id;
// joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="GROUP_ID"),
// inverseJoinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="MEMBER_ID"))
Set<Individual> members;
@Column(length=32, nullable=false)
private String name;
protected Group() {}
public Group(String name) {
this.name = name;
public int getId() { return id; }
public Set<Individual> getMembers() {
if (members == null) {
members = new HashSet<Individual>();
return members;
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Add the new entitiy classes to your persistence unit.
Generate schema for the new entities and their relationship. Notice how the provider chose to use a join table mapping with foreign keys back to the individual entity class tables.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_GROUP ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32) not null, primary key (id) ); create table RELATIONEX_GROUP_RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL ( RELATIONEX_GROUP_id integer not null, members_id integer not null, primary key (RELATIONEX_GROUP_id, members_id) ); ... create table RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_GROUP_RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL add constraint FK4DBB1EB9B0D6112E foreign key (members_id) references RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL; alter table RELATIONEX_GROUP_RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL add constraint FK4DBB1EB9CE0046D6 foreign key (RELATIONEX_GROUP_id) references RELATIONEX_GROUP;
Make the database mapping more explicit by defining the name for the join table and its individual columns.
public class Group {
Set<Individual> members;
Regenerate database schema for the two entities and their relation. Note that this time, the name of the join table and its columns follow what was specified in the mapping.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_GROUP ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32) not null, primary key (id) ); create table RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER ( GROUP_ID integer not null, MEMBER_ID integer not null, primary key (GROUP_ID, MEMBER_ID) ); ... create table RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL ( id integer generated by default as identity, name varchar(32) not null, primary key (id) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER add constraint FK2ADA1F0A50B9540D foreign key (MEMBER_ID) references RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL; alter table RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER add constraint FK2ADA1F0AD00E5846 foreign key (GROUP_ID) references RELATIONEX_GROUP;
Note too -- the many-to-many mapping prevents a single entity from being related multiple times to another entity. This is enforced by the two foreign keys of the join table being used as a compound primary key for that table.
Add the following test method to the existing JUnit test case. This method will create an owning and inverse instance and relate the two.
public void testManyToManyUni() {
log.info("*** testManyToManyUni ***");
log.debug("persisting owner");
Group group = new Group("board");
log.debug("persisting inverse");
Individual individual = new Individual("manny");
log.debug("relating parent to inverse");
Build the module and run the test method. Notice how the owning side and inverse side are persisted and then related through the join table.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... -*** testManyToManyUni *** -persisting owner Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP (id, name) values (null, ?) -persisting inverse Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL (id, name) values (null, ?) -relating parent to inverse Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER (GROUP_ID, MEMBER_ID) values (?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method. This will get new instances from the database and verify what what was done in the previous block was correctly performed.
log.debug("getting new instances");
Group group2 = em.find(Group.class, group.getId());
log.debug("checking owner");
assertEquals("unexpected group.name", group.getName(), group2.getName());
log.debug("checking inverse");
assertEquals("unexpected size", 1, group2.getMembers().size());
assertEquals("unexpected member.name", individual.getName(), group2.getMembers().iterator().next().getName());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how the owning entity is first LAZY loaded during the find() and then the join table and inverse entity table is queried for once we navigate the collection.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... -getting new instances Hibernate: select group0_.id as id43_0_, group0_.name as name43_0_ from RELATIONEX_GROUP group0_ where group0_.id=? -checking owner -checking inverse Hibernate: select members0_.GROUP_ID as GROUP1_43_1_, members0_.MEMBER_ID as MEMBER2_1_, individual1_.id as id44_0_, individual1_.name as name44_0_ from RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER members0_ inner join RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL individual1_ on members0_.MEMBER_ID=individual1_.id where members0_.GROUP_ID=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Note that the LAZY load was because of our (default fetch specification and does not have anything directly to do with the many-to-many relationship formed.
Add the following lines to your test method this will add two (2) additional members to the original owning entity.
log.debug("adding inverse members");
Individual individualB = new Individual("moe");
Individual individualC = new Individual("jack");
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how the persist and the addition to the owning entity collection caused an insert into both the entity and join table for both entities added.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... -adding inverse members Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL (id, name) values (null, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL (id, name) values (null, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER (GROUP_ID, MEMBER_ID) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER (GROUP_ID, MEMBER_ID) values (?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to your test method to add a second owning entity and add a few of the existing inverse entities to the new entity. This is where the many-to-many is unique. Many-to-many allows a single entity to be related to multiple parents.
log.debug("adding owning members");
Group groupB = new Group("night shift");
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how there was an insert for the new owning entity and then followed only by inserts into the join table to form the relationships.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... -adding owning members Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP (id, name) values (null, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER (GROUP_ID, MEMBER_ID) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER (GROUP_ID, MEMBER_ID) values (?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method to verify the number of collections each inverse entity is a member of.
log.debug("checking relations");
assertEquals("unexpected relations for member 1", 1, em.createQuery(
"select count(g) from Group g where :individual member of g.members", Number.class)
.setParameter("individual", individual)
assertEquals("unexpected relations for member 2", 2, em.createQuery(
"select count(g) from Group g where :individual member of g.members", Number.class)
.setParameter("individual", individualB)
assertEquals("unexpected relations for member 3", 2, em.createQuery(
"select count(g) from Group g where :individual member of g.members", Number.class)
.setParameter("individual", individualC)
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Observe the selects being done to determine which entities each is associated with and the evaluation of that result passes.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... Hibernate: select count(group0_.id) as col_0_0_ from RELATIONEX_GROUP group0_ where ? in ( select individual2_.id from RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER members1_, RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL individual2_ where group0_.id=members1_.GROUP_ID and members1_.MEMBER_ID=individual2_.id ) limit ? (x3) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. This will remove the relationship between one of the inverse entities and both owning entities. At the conclusion we verify the entity relation we removed does not exist.
log.debug("removing relations");
log.debug("verifying relation removal");
assertEquals("unexpected relations for member 1", 0, em.createQuery(
"select count(g) from Group g, IN (g.members) m where m = :individual", Number.class)
.setParameter("individual", individualB)
Rebuild the module and re-run the unit test. Notice the two join table rows being deleted to officially remove the entity from the two collections. Notice also with the different query -- we changed the subquery to an INNER JOIN.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... -removing relations -verifying relation removal Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER where GROUP_ID=? and MEMBER_ID=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER where GROUP_ID=? and MEMBER_ID=? Hibernate: select count(group0_.id) as col_0_0_ from RELATIONEX_GROUP group0_ inner join RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER members1_ on group0_.id=members1_.GROUP_ID inner join RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL individual2_ on members1_.MEMBER_ID=individual2_.id where individual2_.id=? limit ? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method to verify the removed relationship did not impact the inverse entity. Also added is a delete of the initial entity.
log.debug("verifying inverse was not removed");
em.flush(); em.clear();
assertNotNull(em.find(Individual.class, individualB.getId()));
log.debug("removing initial owner");
em.remove(em.find(Group.class, group.getId()));
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice the check for the inverse still existing passes.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyUni ... -verifying inverse was not removed Hibernate: select individual0_.id as id44_0_, individual0_.name as name44_0_ from RELATIONEX_INDIVIDUAL individual0_ where individual0_.id=?
Notice the removal of one of the owning entities causes a search of the join table, the removal of the join table rows that are associated with the owning entity we want to delete, and then the removal of that entity.
-removing initial owner Hibernate: select group0_.id as id43_0_, group0_.name as name43_0_ from RELATIONEX_GROUP group0_ where group0_.id=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_GROUP_MEMBER where GROUP_ID=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_GROUP where id=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You have finished going through a many-to-many, uni-directional relationship. Like all many-to-many relationships, the two sides of the relationship must be linked through a join table. In this case the foreign keys to to the entities were based on generated simple keys. In the next section we will change the relationship to be bi-directional so that we can navigate from either direction.
In the previous section we mapped a relationship only from the owning side. In this exercise we will map the many-to-many relationship from both the owning and inverse sides.
Put the following class in your src/main tree. This class provides an example of both the owning and inverse side of a many-to-many relationship because the design of the relationship is to originate and end with an entity class of the same type. The recursive nature of this example has nothing specifically to do with many-to-many relationships -- but it does make for an interesting example.
In this example, the "children" collection is the owning side and the "parent" collection is the inverse side.
package myorg.relex.many2many;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.persistence.*;
* This class provides an example of a many-to-many, bi-directional relationship that just
* happens to be recursive. Both ends of the relationship reference an instance of this class.
public class Node {
@Column(length=36, nullable=false)
private String id;
@ManyToMany(cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Node> children;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy="children", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
private Set<Node> parents;
@Column(length=32, nullable=false)
private String name;
public Node() { id=UUID.randomUUID().toString(); }
public Node(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Node(Node parent, String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Set<Node> getChildren() {
if (children==null) {
children = new HashSet<Node>();
return children;
public Set<Node> getParents() {
if (parents == null) {
parents = new HashSet<Node>();
return parents;
public int hashCode() {
return id==null?0:id.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
try {
if (this == obj) { return true; }
Node rhs = (Node)obj;
if (id==null && rhs.id != null) { return false; }
return id.equals(rhs.id);
} catch (Exception ex) { return false; }
Note that in this class design -- a convenience constructor is supplied that accepts a parent node, adds itself to that parent's children, and then adds the parent to this entity.
Add the new entity to the persistence unit.
Generate database schema for the new entity and its relationship. Notice how we only have a single entity class table and a join table that links to rows from that table to one another. In a real application, we would probably want to add an additional CHECK that parent and child cannot be equal.
$ mvn clean process-test-classes; more target/classes/ddl/relationEx-createJPA.ddl ... create table RELATIONEX_NODE ( id varchar(36) not null, name varchar(32) not null, primary key (id) ); create table RELATIONEX_NODE_REL ( PARENT_ID varchar(36) not null, CHILD_ID varchar(36) not null, primary key (PARENT_ID, CHILD_ID) ); ... alter table RELATIONEX_NODE_REL add constraint FK7D1BC34C3F5FCCB4 foreign key (CHILD_ID) references RELATIONEX_NODE; alter table RELATIONEX_NODE_REL add constraint FK7D1BC34C57DC6666 foreign key (PARENT_ID) references RELATIONEX_NODE;
Add the following test method to your JUnit test case. This will create two entities and relate them through a business relationship of parent and child.
public void testManyToManyBi() {
log.info("*** testManyToManyBi ***");
log.debug("create instances");
Node one = new Node("one");
Node two = new Node(one,"two");
Build the module and run the test method. Notice how two rows are inserted into the entity table and then a row that relates them is added to the join table.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -*** testManyToManyBi *** -create instances Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE (name, id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE (name, id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE_REL (PARENT_ID, CHILD_ID) values (?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. This will obtain new instances of the entities in our object tree and verify their contents. It also shows the impact of EAGER and LAZY fetching.
log.debug("getting new instances from owning side");
Node one2 = em.find(Node.class, one.getId());
assertNotNull("owning side not found", one2);
log.debug("checking owning side");
assertEquals("unexpected owning.name", one.getName(), one2.getName());
log.debug("checking parents");
assertEquals("unexpected parents.size", 0, one2.getParents().size());
log.debug("checking children");
assertEquals("unexpected children.size", 1, one2.getChildren().size());
assertEquals("unexpected child.name", two.getName(), one2.getChildren().iterator().next().getName());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice that because of the EAGER fetch specification on parents, the join table and entity table is queried during the find() operation.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -getting new instances from owning side Hibernate: select node0_.id as id45_1_, node0_.name as name45_1_, parents1_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_3_, node2_.id as PARENT1_3_, node2_.id as id45_0_, node2_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE node0_ left outer join RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents1_ on node0_.id=parents1_.CHILD_ID left outer join RELATIONEX_NODE node2_ on parents1_.PARENT_ID=node2_.id where node0_.id=? -checking owning side -checking parents
Because of the LAZY fetch specification on children, the join table and child entities are not searched for until specifically requested.
-checking children Hibernate: select children0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_45_1_, children0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL children0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on children0_.CHILD_ID=node1_.id where children0_.PARENT_ID=? Hibernate: select parents0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_1_, parents0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on parents0_.PARENT_ID=node1_.id where parents0_.CHILD_ID=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method to add a few additional inverse entities. The new entities are registered with the owning side within the constructor. All are persisted during the subsequent call to persist() on the owning side because of the cascade=PERSIST definition on the owning side.
log.debug("adding more inverse instances");
Node twoB = new Node(one2, "twoB");
Node twoC = new Node(one2, "twoC");
Rebuild the module and re-run the unit test. Notice the two inserts for the inverse entities and two inserts in the join table relating the new entities to the owning side. We now have one owning entity and three inverse entities related.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -adding more inverse instances Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE (name, id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE (name, id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE_REL (PARENT_ID, CHILD_ID) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE_REL (PARENT_ID, CHILD_ID) values (?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. This tests obtaining our object tree form the inverse side. This is a feature unique to bi-directional relationships.
log.debug("getting new instances from inverse side"); em.clear(); Node two2 = em.find(Node.class, two.getId()); assertNotNull("inverse node not found", two2); log.debug("checking inverse side"); assertEquals("unexpected name", two.getName(), two2.getName()); log.debug("checking parents"); assertEquals("unexpected parents.size", 1, two2.getParents().size()); log.debug("checking children"); assertEquals("unexpected children.size", 0, two2.getChildren().size());
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Note the entity we call find() on this time has a parent and no children. Most of the work is done during the EAGER fetch on the parent relationship.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -getting new instances from inverse side Hibernate: select node0_.id as id45_1_, node0_.name as name45_1_, parents1_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_3_, node2_.id as PARENT1_3_, node2_.id as id45_0_, node2_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE node0_ left outer join RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents1_ on node0_.id=parents1_.CHILD_ID left outer join RELATIONEX_NODE node2_ on parents1_.PARENT_ID=node2_.id where node0_.id=? Hibernate: select parents0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_1_, parents0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on parents0_.PARENT_ID=node1_.id where parents0_.CHILD_ID=? -checking inverse side -checking parents -checking children Hibernate: select children0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_45_1_, children0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL children0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on children0_.CHILD_ID=node1_.id where children0_.PARENT_ID=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method to add an additional owning entity that will share a relation to one of the inverse entities. Since we didn't add a concenience method to add an existing child to a new parent, all calls here are exposed. We need to add the child to the parent collection and add the parent to the child collection.
log.debug("adding owning entity");
Node oneB = new Node("oneB");
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice how all we should get is an insert for the new owning entity and a row in the join table relating the new entity to one of the existing ones.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -adding owning entity Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE (name, id) values (?, ?) Hibernate: insert into RELATIONEX_NODE_REL (PARENT_ID, CHILD_ID) values (?, ?) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method to verify the number of relationships that exist.
log.debug("checking relationships");
assertEquals("unexpected parents", 0,
em.createQuery("select count(p) from Node n, IN (n.parents) p where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", one)
assertEquals("unexpected parents", 2,
em.createQuery("select count(p) from Node n, IN (n.parents) p where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", two)
assertEquals("unexpected parents", 1,
em.createQuery("select count(p) from Node n, IN (n.parents) p where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", twoB)
assertEquals("unexpected parents", 1,
em.createQuery("select count(p) from Node n, IN (n.parents) p where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", twoC)
assertEquals("unexpected children", 3,
em.createQuery("select count(c) from Node n, IN (n.children) c where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", one)
assertEquals("unexpected children", 0,
em.createQuery("select count(c) from Node n, IN (n.children) c where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", two)
assertEquals("unexpected children", 1,
em.createQuery("select count(c) from Node n, IN (n.children) c where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", oneB)
Rebuild the module and re-run the unit test. This shows the assertions on the queuries passing.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -checking relationships Hibernate: select count(node2_.id) as col_0_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE node0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents1_ on node0_.id=parents1_.CHILD_ID inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node2_ on parents1_.PARENT_ID=node2_.id where node0_.id=? limit ? (x3 more) Hibernate: select count(node2_.id) as col_0_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE node0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE_REL children1_ on node0_.id=children1_.PARENT_ID inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node2_ on children1_.CHILD_ID=node2_.id where node0_.id=? limit ? (x2 more) ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. This will remove a relationship between one of the two nodes. None the managed instance for the owning side had to be obtained from the persistence context so we could actually perform the removal.
log.debug("getting managed owning side");
assertNotNull(one = em.find(Node.class, one.getId()));
log.debug("removing relationship");
assertEquals("unexpected children", 2,
em.createQuery("select count(c) from Node n, IN (n.children) c where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", one)
assertEquals("unexpected parents", 1,
em.createQuery("select count(p) from Node n, IN (n.parents) p where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", two)
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice that the provider appears to be loading the related entities prior to removing the relationship.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -removing relationship Hibernate: select children0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_45_1_, children0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL children0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on children0_.CHILD_ID=node1_.id where children0_.PARENT_ID=? Hibernate: select parents0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_1_, parents0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on parents0_.PARENT_ID=node1_.id where parents0_.CHILD_ID=? Hibernate: select parents0_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_1_, parents0_.PARENT_ID as PARENT1_1_, node1_.id as id45_0_, node1_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node1_ on parents0_.PARENT_ID=node1_.id where parents0_.CHILD_ID=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL where PARENT_ID=? and CHILD_ID=? Hibernate: select count(node2_.id) as col_0_0_ ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method to remove one of the owning entities.
log.debug("deleting owner");
assertEquals("unexpected parents", 0,
em.createQuery("select count(p) from Node n, IN (n.parents) p where n=:node", Number.class)
.setParameter("node", two)
Rebuild the module and re-run the test method. Notice the provider removed owned relationships prior to removing the owning entity.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -deleting owner Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL where PARENT_ID=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE where id=? Hibernate: select count(node2_.id) as col_0_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE node0_ inner join RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents1_ on node0_.id=parents1_.CHILD_ID inner join RELATIONEX_NODE node2_ on parents1_.PARENT_ID=node2_.id where node0_.id=? limit ? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following lines to the test method. They will attempt to remove the inverse side of a relation while a relationstill exists.
log.debug("deleting inverse");
assertNotNull(twoB = em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId()));
assertNull("inverse not deleted", em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId()));
Rebuild the test method and re-run the test method. Notice how the delete never was issued to the database. Worse case -- I would have expected a foreign key violation from the join table but here the delete was never flushed to the database.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -deleting inverse ... Failed tests: testManyToManyBi(myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest): inverse not deleted ... [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
Change the test method to remove the relationship after attempting to remove the inverse side. This will help determine if the delete was waiting for the removal of the foreign key reference.
log.debug("deleting inverse"); assertNotNull(twoB = em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId())); em.remove(twoB); em.flush(); // assertNull("inverse not deleted", em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId())); one.getChildren().remove(twoB); em.flush(); assertNull("inverse not deleted", em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId()));
Rebuild the test method and re-run the test method. Notice the relationship is removed but nothing occurs to the inverse side because of it.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -deleting inverse Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL where PARENT_ID=? and CHILD_ID=? ... Failed tests: testManyToManyBi(myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest): inverse not deleted ... [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
Change the test method so the inverse entity is removed after the relationship is removed. At this point in time there are no longer any incomming references to the entity.
log.debug("deleting inverse"); assertNotNull(twoB = em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId())); em.remove(twoB); em.flush(); // assertNull("inverse not deleted", em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId())); one.getChildren().remove(twoB); em.flush(); // assertNull("inverse not deleted", em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId())); em.remove(twoB); em.flush(); assertNull("inverse not deleted", em.find(Node.class, twoB.getId()));
Rebuild the test method and re-run the test method. Notice the removal of the relationship caused the removal of a specific row from the join table. The successful removal of the entity itself caused a delete from the entity table and any relationships it owned from the join table. None of this worked, however, when there was a known relationship existing in the cache. That may have had something to do with the EAGER fetch setting for parent members.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.relex.Many2ManyTest#testManyToManyBi ... -deleting inverse Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL where PARENT_ID=? and CHILD_ID=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE_REL where PARENT_ID=? Hibernate: delete from RELATIONEX_NODE where id=? Hibernate: select node0_.id as id45_1_, node0_.name as name45_1_, parents1_.CHILD_ID as CHILD2_45_3_, node2_.id as PARENT1_3_, node2_.id as id45_0_, node2_.name as name45_0_ from RELATIONEX_NODE node0_ left outer join RELATIONEX_NODE_REL parents1_ on node0_.id=parents1_.CHILD_ID left outer join RELATIONEX_NODE node2_ on parents1_.PARENT_ID=node2_.id where node0_.id=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You have finished going through an example of many-to-many, bi-directional relationship. For fun, we used a recursive relationship in this case where the same class was on both side of the relationship and that class had a copy of the owning and inverse side of the relation so that it could navigate in either direction.
In this chapter we looked at many-to-many relationships. We stuck to simple primary keys since the details of using other compound primary key types are identical to where we covered them in more detail. The big difference here is that we could relate many entities to many other entities. As stated previously, this type of relationship is not that common because one tends to model properties of a relationship. In that case a many-to-many would turn into a many-to-one/one-to-many relationship with an association class in the middle.