Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
In the previous chapter we formed queries based on JPAQL -- which are based on entity and property names and the relationships defined within the entity class structure. In a real application, there is also a need to form queries that go outside the boundaries of the entity class model -- but should still be pushed to the database to be performed. JPA provides us an escape hatch to execute raw SQL queries. Unlike JPAQL, SQL queries need not have a direct relation to the JPA entity model. We will start with something simple and then move to more complex usage of the SQL query capability within JPA.
In this section you will setup a JUnit test case to do work within this chapter.
Create a JUnit test case in src/test called SQLQueryTest. Have this class extend QueryBase. Create an initial test method to verify the setup/teardown works correctly.
package myorg.queryex;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.Test;
public class SQLQueryTest extends QueryBase {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SQLQueryTest.class);
public void test() {}
Build the module and run the test case.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest ... Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You may remove the sample @Test at this time since we will be adding more tests below.
In this section you will create a simple SQL Query using the entity manager.
Add the following test method to your JUnit test case. This test case will form a native SQL query, have it executed by the entity manager, and be provided with result values. There is no need to open/close SQL Connections, create/close SQL Statements, or work with SQL ResultSets. The results are provided in a List for getResultList() or a value in getSingleResult() that we must cast to the appropriate type.
public void testSQLQuery() {
log.info("*** testSQLQuery ***");
List<String> titles = em.createNativeQuery(
"select title from queryex_movie " +
"order by title ASC").getResultList();
for (String title : titles) {
assertEquals("unexpected number of titles", 7, titles.size());
Notice the query expressed is in terms of tables and columns in the database schema and not JPA entity and property names.
Run the new test method and observe the database query that resulted.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLQuery ... -*** testSQLQuery *** Hibernate: select title from queryex_movie order by title ASC -Animal House -Apollo 13 -Diner -Footloose -Sleepers -Tremors -Wag The Dog ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Notice the query issued to the database is exactly what you entered.
You have completed issuing a native SQL query using the entity manager. Native SQL queries support many of the same features as JPAQL queries
Single/Multiple Results
Parameters -- although the JPA spec limits this to ordinal parameters. Using named parameters for native SQL queries is not portable.
Named Queries
As you will see in the follow-on sections -- we can also use SQL queries to return managed entities. This will allow you to tweak the SQL used within a query and not give up receiving a managed entity in what is returned.
Since JPAQL queries can only be expressed in terms of the entity model, there may be times when a more complicated native SQL query is required to obtain the entities you wish to work with. In this section you will use the simplest form of this capability -- where nothing additional is needed except the specification of the entity. We can use this form when the result returns a single entity class.
Add the following test method to your existing JUnit test case. We will form a query that takes advantage of the knowledge that DIRECTOR and PERSON have a primary key join relationship and share the same primary key value. The select provided skips an unnecessary join of the intermediate DIRECTOR table and performs a join from MOVIE straight to the PERSON table -- where a column value is being evaluated.
public void testSQLResultMapping() {
log.info("*** testSQLResultMapping ***");
List<Movie> movies = em.createNativeQuery(
"select m.* from queryex_movie m " +
"join queryex_person p on p.id = m.director_id " +
"where p.first_name = 'Ron'" +
"order by title ASC", Movie.class).getResultList();
log.debug("result=" + movies);
for (Movie movie: movies) {
log.debug("em.contains(" + movie + ")=" + em.contains(movie));
assertTrue(movie + " not managed", em.contains(movie));
assertEquals("unexpected number of movies", 2, movies.size());
The native SQL query is free to do whatever it takes to identify the entity of interest
The native SQL query is required to supply all columns required by the entity
The returned entity is managed
Note -- the example used above is not outside the capability of a JPAQL query. We are using it as a decent example showing some SQL complexity.
Run the new test method.
$ mvn clean test -P\!h2db -Ph2srv -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLResultMapping -*** testSQLResultMapping *** Hibernate: select m.* from queryex_movie m join queryex_person p on p.id = m.director_id where p.first_name = 'Ron' order by title ASC -result=[Apollo 13 (1995), Tremors (1990)] -em.contains(Apollo 13 (1995))=true -em.contains(Tremors (1990))=true ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Notice the query executes whatever is in the native SQL and returns the columns required by the default entity mapping. The returned entity instances are managed by the persistence context -- any changes to these entities will cause a database update.
Add the following lines to access an object related to the returned entity.
log.debug("checking unmapped entity name"); assertEquals("unexpected director first name", "Ron", movies.get(0).getDirector().getPerson().getFirstName());
Notice that we are going to be traversing a few relationships during the above call. These entities will have to be loaded if they are not yet loaded in the persistence context.
Re-run the unit test and notice the extra calls to the database to retrieve the related entities on demand since they were not previously loaded into the persistence context during the previous query.
$ mvn clean test -Ph2db -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLResultMapping ... -result=[Apollo 13 (1995), Tremors (1990)] -em.contains(Apollo 13 (1995))=true -em.contains(Tremors (1990))=true -checking unmapped entity name Hibernate: select director0_.PERSON_ID as PERSON1_2_0_ from QUERYEX_DIRECTOR director0_ where director0_.PERSON_ID=? Hibernate: select person0_.ID as ID0_0_, person0_.BIRTH_DATE as BIRTH2_0_0_, person0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST3_0_0_, person0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_0_0_ from QUERYEX_PERSON person0_ where person0_.ID=? ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You have finished a quick look at loading a single entity using using a SQL query. In the next section we will look at eagerly fetching more of the object graph into the persistence context during the initial query.
In the previous section you mapped a native SQL query to a single entity and had to do very little work besides specifying the targeted entity and supplying a query that would result in the targeted entity to be populated and managed on return. In this section we will expand our requirements to loading a graph of related entity types during a single query. To do that we must leverage a @SqlResultSetMapping
Define the following SqlResultSetMapping on the Movie entity. This will define a SqlResultSetMapping called "Movie.movieMapping" that will include Movie, Director, and Person entities. All will use their default column mapping.
@SqlResultSetMapping(name="Movie.movieMapping", entities={
public class Movie implements Comparable<Movie>{
Add the following test method to your existing test case.
public void testSQLMultiResultMapping() {
log.info("*** testSQLMultiResultMapping ***");
List<Object[]> results = em.createNativeQuery(
"select * from queryex_movie m " +
"join queryex_director dir on dir.person_id = m.director_id " +
"join queryex_person p on p.id = dir.person_id " +
"where p.first_name = 'Ron'" +
"order by title ASC", "Movie.movieMapping").getResultList();
log.debug("query returned " + results.size() + " results");
for (Object[] result: results) {
Movie movie = (Movie)result[0];
Director director = (Director) result[1];
Person person = (Person)result[2];
log.debug("em.contains(" + movie + ")=" + em.contains(movie));
log.debug("em.contains(" + director + ")=" + em.contains(director));
log.debug("em.contains(" + person + ")=" + em.contains(person));
assertTrue(movie + " not managed", em.contains(movie));
assertTrue(director + " not managed", em.contains(director));
assertTrue(person + " not managed", em.contains(person));
assertEquals("unexpected number of movies", 2, results.size());
We have replaced the specification of the Movie.class entity with a SqlResultSetMapping that includes Movie.class and several other entities
The query now returns a List of Object[] with each element in the Object[] containing an entity instance we specified in the @SqlResultSetMapping
What we get returned is a set of entities that are now managed by the container. The query is the same as in the previous section -- we are now instructing the provider to map those results to entity instances and have them managed.
Run the test method and observe the result.
$ mvn clean test -Ph2db -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLMultiResultMapping ... -*** testSQLMultiResultMapping *** Hibernate: select * from queryex_movie m join queryex_director dir on dir.person_id = m.director_id join queryex_person p on p.id = dir.person_id where p.first_name = 'Ron' order by title ASC
Up to here, we have what we expected. However in the next statements we see the PERSON being re-fetched for each row.
Hibernate: select person0_.ID as ID0_0_, person0_.BIRTH_DATE as BIRTH2_0_0_, person0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST3_0_0_, person0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_0_0_ from QUERYEX_PERSON person0_ where person0_.ID=? Hibernate: select person0_.ID as ID0_0_, person0_.BIRTH_DATE as BIRTH2_0_0_, person0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST3_0_0_, person0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_0_0_ from QUERYEX_PERSON person0_ where person0_.ID=? -query returned 2 results -em.contains(Apollo 13 (1995))=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Tremors (1990))=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Re-write the query to enumerate each column being selected in an attempt to expose the issue with the above query.
List<Object[]> results = em.createNativeQuery(
"select " +
"m.id, m.minutes, m.rating, m.release_date, m.title, m.director_id, " +
"dir.person_id, " +
"p.id, p.first_name, p.last_name, p.birth_date " +
"from queryex_movie m " +
"join queryex_director dir on dir.person_id = m.director_id " +
"join queryex_person p on p.id = dir.person_id " +
"where p.first_name = 'Ron'" +
"order by title ASC", "Movie.movieMapping").getResultList();
Notice there are two columns labeled "ID"; MOVIE.ID and PERSON.ID.
If you re-run the updated query you will observe the same results as before except for the explicit fields in the select. However, with the explicit naming of the fields -- you can now see the overlap between m.id and p.id.
$ mvn clean test -Ph2db -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLMultiResultMapping1 -*** testSQLMultiResultMapping *** Hibernate: select m.id, m.minutes, m.rating, m.release_date, m.title, m.director_id, dir.person_id, p.id, p.first_name, p.last_name, p.birth_date from queryex_movie m join queryex_director dir on dir.person_id = m.director_id join queryex_person p on p.id = dir.person_id where p.first_name = 'Ron' order by title ASC Hibernate: select person0_.ID as ID0_0_, ... Hibernate: select person0_.ID as ID0_0_, ... -query returned 2 results -em.contains(Apollo 13 (1995))=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Tremors (1990))=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Leverage the @FieldResult specification within the @EntityResult fields attribute to be able to specify an alias for the "p.id" result as "p_id" to distinguish it from "m.id". The other columns for PERSON are fine with their default but re-specifying them seems to be required once one of the columns is specified.
@SqlResultSetMapping(name="Movie.movieMapping2", entities={
@EntityResult(entityClass=Person.class, fields={
@FieldResult(name="id", column="p_id"),
@FieldResult(name="firstName", column="first_name"),
@FieldResult(name="lastName", column="last_name"),
@FieldResult(name="birthDate", column="birth_date")
public class Movie implements Comparable<Movie>{
Update the SQL query with the alias defined above. Make sure you update the @SqlResultMapping.name in the query to match what you either added or updated above.
List<Object[]> results = em.createNativeQuery(
"select " +
"m.id, m.minutes, m.rating, m.release_date, m.title, m.director_id, " +
"dir.person_id, " +
"p.id as p_id, " + //NOTICE: the alias for PERSON.ID
"p.first_name, p.last_name, p.birth_date " +
"from queryex_movie m " +
"join queryex_director dir on dir.person_id = m.director_id " +
"join queryex_person p on p.id = dir.person_id " +
"where p.first_name = 'Ron'" +
"order by title ASC", "Movie.movieMapping2").getResultList();
Re-run the query with the alias in place and observe that everything is resolved within the results of the first query.
$ mvn clean test -Ph2db -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLMultiResultMapping2 ... -*** testSQLMultiResultMapping *** Hibernate: select m.id, m.minutes, m.rating, m.release_date, m.title, m.director_id, dir.person_id, p.id as p_id, p.first_name, p.last_name, p.birth_date from queryex_movie m join queryex_director dir on dir.person_id = m.director_id join queryex_person p on p.id = dir.person_id where p.first_name = 'Ron' order by title ASC -query returned 2 results -em.contains(Apollo 13 (1995))=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Tremors (1990))=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
Add the following statements to the test method to verify that all related objects have been eagerly fetched/resolved within the initial query.
log.debug("checking unmapped entity name");
assertEquals("unexpected director first name",
"Ron", ((Movie)((Object[])results.get(0))[0]).getDirector().getPerson().getFirstName());
Re-run the test method to show that no additional queries are issued to the database when navigating the relationships within the object graph.
$ mvn clean test -Ph2db -Dtest=myorg.queryex.SQLQueryTest#testSQLMultiResultMapping2 -query returned 2 results -em.contains(Apollo 13 (1995))=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Ron Howard)=true -em.contains(Tremors (1990))=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true -em.contains(Ron Underwood)=true -checking unmapped entity name ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
You have completed querying the main points for querying for entities using native SQL.
In this chapter you used native SQL queries to get both values and managed entities from the database. Although you can do the same thing through JPAQL and this way is not portable across database dialects, using native SQL does provide open-ended optimization or specialization of your database queries. While JPAQL is restricted to queries that are consistent with the entity model, the native SQL extension can allow you to form query that bypasses unnecessary joins or navigates both directions of a uni-directional relationship.
Clearly the power of customization is not always worth the extra effort, but definitely keep this capability in mind when you find yourself using native SQL to locate primary key values and then following up that query with an JPAQL query or entity manager command to get a managed object using that primary key.
We leveraged Java Strings and class @Annotations to express the native SQL within this exercise. However, if you find the native SQL being written is too platform-specific and you need to flexibility to run against different database platforms, it is recommended the native SQL be placed in @NamedNativeQueries and defined within an XML mapping file. Once abstracted into the XML mapping file -- platform specific versions of the XML mapping file can be created and used to keep the core DAO platform neutral.