Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 48. Primary Keys

48.1. Generated Simple Primary Keys
48.1.1. GenerationType.AUTO
48.1.2. GenerationType.IDENTITY
48.1.3. GenerationType.SEQUENCE
48.1.4. GenerationType.TABLE

IDENTITY Requires Provider to Get All PK Values from Database

The provider must obtain the next primary key value from the database each time. Notice in the first case above -- the provider has already flushed the INSERT to the database during the persist and before our manual call to flush()

SEQUENCE Strategy Allows Clients to Self-Generate Groups of PK Values

The provider generates allocationSize primary key values before performing a flush or follow-on poll of the sequence. An allocationSize greater than one (1) is much less communication with the database than the IDENTITY strategy -- which would be somewhat analogous to a SEQUENCE allocationSize=1.

TABLE Strategy Allows Clients to Self-Generate Groups of PK Values

As will SEQUENCE, the TABLE strategy allows each client to generate an allocationSize amount of primary key values before requiring a flush of the current batch or polling for a new table value.