Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Part I. Enterprise Java (605.784.31) Development Environment Setup

2015-11-18 01:04 EST

Table of Contents

2. Java JDK Setup
2.1. Download and Install JDK
2.2. Verify your JDK is installed
3. Git Client Setup
3.1. Install Git Client
3.2. Get Class Repository
4. Maven Environment Setup
4.1. Maven Installation
4.2. Maven Configuration
4.3. Test Maven Build
4.4. Missing Dependencies
4.5. Build Local Site
5. (Optional!!!) Maven Proxy Setup
5.1. Nexus OSS Manual Setup
5.2. Integrate Proxy with Maven
6. JBoss (Wildfly) Setup
6.1. Download and Install Wildfly 9.0.1.Final
6.2. Configure JBoss Server
6.3. Add JBoss Admin Account
6.4. Enable JBoss Remote Debugging
6.5. Define JBoss Maven Properties in settings.xml
7. H2 Database Setup
7.1. Locate the h2*.jar file
7.2. Start Server
7.3. Access DB User Interface
7.4. Activate H2 Server Profile for Builds
7.5. Update JBoss to use Server Mode
8. Eclipse Setup
8.1. Download and Install Eclipse
8.2. Define JDK location
8.3. Setup Maven Eclipse Integration (m2e)
8.4. Setup EGit Eclipse Team Provider
8.5. Setup JBoss Eclipse Integration
9. Ant Setup
9.1. Install Ant