Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 5. (Optional!!!) Maven Proxy Setup

5.1. Nexus OSS Manual Setup
5.2. Integrate Proxy with Maven

As you should have noticed in the previous section, you can function just fine as a developer connected to the Internet as long as the critical Internet resources are available when they are needed to populate your localRepository cache. However, if you were part of a larger development team you would not want each separate developer reaching out the Internet to locate a common dependency. There is both a speed and failure issue with that type of setup.

The steps listed in this chapter are not necessary for class because you work alone and you have a localRepository cache. In fact -- I urge you not to follow them unless you feel the strong desire to dig deeper in this enterprise development setup. However, it does provide you with some experience in setting up and using a realistic production maven environment.

Still here? Okay -- lets get started...

In the previous section we installed and setup Maven in a stand-alone client mode. In that mode the individual environment communicated directly with the external Internet organizations to obtain missing artifacts. In this section we will add a proxy server between the developer and the Internet so that one or more developers can share what has already been downloaded and be completely isolated from network and remote outages. Ideally this proxy would be placed on a shared server somewhere on your local Intranet with access to the outside Internet. The instructions will act as though you are installing it locally. It is your decision whether to use it and where to install it. If you do not install and configure a proxy -- you will notice small delays in your builds while your local maven client checks Internet sources for new artifacts and updates to existing artifacts.

Figure 5.1. Maven Proxied and Non-Proxied Configuration

Maven Proxied and Non-Proxied Configuration

This procedure will take you through a manual download and setup of the Nexus OSS software and have you go thru a manual setup of all items. Use this approach if you want a minor amount of experience in setting up the sever.

  1. Download the Nexus OSS Software from Sonatype http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/go

  2. Unzip the the compressed file to your filesystem. There will be two directories created; one for the software (nexus-(version)) and another for the repository caches (sonatype-work)

    $ tar tzf ~/Downloads/nexus-x.x.x-xx-bundle.tar.gz 
    $ ls nexus-x.x.x-xx/ sonatype-work/
    LICENSE.txt  NOTICE.txt  bin  conf  lib  logs  nexus  tmp
    README.txt  nexus
  3. The server will listen on port 8081 on all interfaces ( by default. Modify nexus-x.x.x-xx/conf/nexus.properties if you want something different.

    $ more nexus-x.x.x-xx/conf/nexus.properties                                                                                                                                       
    # Jetty section
  4. Locate the startup script in the NEXUS_HOME/bin directory.

    $ ls nexus-x.x.x-xx/bin/
    jsw  nexus  nexus.bat                 


    Linux users might want to register this script in /etc/init.d. If you also configure it to automatically start at boot -- supply a value for RUN_AS_USER to keep the server from running as root. I also needed to change "su - $RUN_AS_USER" to "su -m $RUN_AS_USER..." because of the way my legacy nexus account was setup for nologin.

  5. Use the script appropriate for your platform to start and perform other controls on the server.

    $ nexus-x.x.x-xx/bin/nexus
    Usage: nexus-x.x.x-xx/bin/nexus { console | start | stop | restart | status | dump }
    $ nexus-x.x.x-xx/bin/nexus start
    Starting Nexus OSS...
    Started Nexus OSS.


    The above command attempts to run Nexus as a service. If you do not have the permission on your system to register nexus as a service, you can optionally run it as an interactive command.

    $ nexus-x.x.x-xx/bin/nexus console
    /etc/init.d/nexus console
    Running Nexus OSS...
    wrapper  | --> Wrapper Started as Console
    wrapper  | Launching a JVM...
    jvm 1    | Wrapper (Version 3.2.3) http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org
    jvm 1    |   Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    jvm 1    | 
    jvm 1    | 2012-04-26 12:14:38.531:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.5.4.v20111024

    The specific error observed on Windows was

    wrapper | The nexus-webapp service is not installed - The specified service does not exist as an installed service. (0x424)                            

  6. Access the Web UI for Nexus OSS http://localhost:8081/nexus

  7. Login with the default account of admin/admin123

  8. Change the admin password (or not) using Security->Change Password

  9. Add remote repositories

    1. Click on Views/Repositories->Repositories

    2. Click the +Add...Proxy Repository

    3. Fill in the data for the repositories in the following Repositories table. Use default values for anything not included in the table.

    4. Press Save


    If the provided list is missing any sources, check for a current list of repositories and plugin repositories in ejava-build/dependencies/pom.xml from the class source tree and add those as well.


    Nexus will check each repository as they are added. Try restarting if things get stuck.

    $ service nexus restart
    Stopping Nexus OSS...
    Stopped Nexus OSS.
    Starting Nexus OSS...
    Started Nexus OSS.
  10. Add the created repositories to the Public Repositories

    1. Select Public Repositories line towards the top of the repositories list.

    2. Select repositories form the right Available column and add them to the left column. Specify them last in the following order

      1. JBoss Nexus

      2. Apache Repo

      3. Exoplatform

      4. Webdev Snapshots

      5. Webdev Releases

    3. Press Save