Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
Defines what is possible without actively imposing the dependency or plugin defined
Placed in a parent of multi-module project
Consolidate management of dependency versions without adding active dependencies to all inheriting children
Parent defines dependency versions for two artifacts (passive)
Child declares a dependency on one of the artifacts (active)
Net result is a consistent version for dependency in effective pom
Control artifact versions used in transitive dependencies
Exclude artifacts from transitive dependencies
<exclusion> <!-- gets in the way with JBoss6 and M2 -->
<exclusion> <!-- gets in the way with newer versions -->
Parent defines exclusions for possible dependency (passive)
Child includes simple dependency declaration (active)
Consolidate management of plugin versions and default configuration without adding activations to all inheriting children
Parent defines version for compiler plugin and configures for Java 8
Child of packaging=jar type automatically get compiler configured to parent specs
A more complicated example
Parent defines details of deployment to JBoss container (passive)
<!-- artifacts to deploy to server -->
Child declares plugin (active) with configuration extensions specific to child project