Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 105. Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) JSR-299

105.1. History
105.2. Injection Concept
105.3. CDI Activation
105.4. Summary

  • Beans can be simple POJOs, EJBs, Servlets, etc.

  • CDI Beans generalize behavior provided by larger frameworks

  • Type-safe, Java-based container injection

  • Container will match injection point with managed bean of requested type

  • Error if container finds multiple classes satisfying requested type

  • @Annotation qualifier specializes injection type to remove ambiguity

  • java.lang.annoation


    how long the class is retained (default=CLASS)


    • CLASS - annotation recorded in class file but not available at runtime

    • RUNTIME - annotation recorded in class and available at runtime

    • SOURCE - annotation discarded by compiler


    kind of Java construct the annotation applies to


    • TYPE

    • FIELD

    • METHOD


    • (more)

  • javax.inject (JSR-330)


    an injection target


    string qualifier (for JSPs, etc. to reference bean using text)


    identifies qualifier annotations

  • javax.enterprise.inject (JSR-299)


    an injection source


    no qualifiers


    runtime source of type Bean

Activated when beans.xml is located in appropriate location

  • Can be blank or empty

  • Example shows XML alternative to using @Veto - which makes a bean unavailable for injection