Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Services::Container::Failsafe Integration Test Example This project provides a demonstration of using a failsafe integration test.
Services::Container::Failsafe HTTPS Example This project provides a demonstration of enabling HTTPS for the server in a failsafe test.
Services::Container::Docker Hello Example This project provides a demonstration of implementing a simple Docker image.
Services::Container::Docker Compose::IT Example This project provides a demonstration of implementing a heavyweight integration setup with Docker Compose.
Services::Container::TestContainers::NTest Example This project provides a demonstration of implementing a simplified integration test with back-end resources within the IDE and Maven Surefire using TestContainers. Maven failsafe and related plugins will not be needed for Docker or Docker Compose execution management.
Services::Container::Docker Compose Example This project provides a demonstration of implementing and testing multiple servics/networks using Docker containers, Docker Compose, and Testcontainers.