View Javadoc
1   package ejava.projects.eleague.ejb;
3   import;
5   import static junit.framework.TestCase.*;
7   import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
8   import javax.annotation.Resource;
9   import javax.ejb.EJBException;
10  import javax.ejb.Stateless;
12  import org.slf4j.Logger;
13  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
15  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club;
16  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact;
17  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType;
18  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division;
19  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague;
20  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata;
21  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season;
22  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team;
23  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason;
24  import ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue;
25  import ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser;
27  /**
28   * This class provides a sanity parse check of the XML file when deployed
29   * to the server as an EJB. This test verifies the right XML classes get
30   * deployed.
31   */
32  @Stateless
33  public class ParserTestEJB implements ParserTestRemote {
34  	private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParserTestEJB.class);
36  	@Resource(name="vals/xmlFile")
37  	private String xmlFile;
39  	@PostConstruct
40  	public void init() {
41  		log.debug("*** ParserTestEJB ***");
42  		log.debug("xmlFile=" + xmlFile);		
43  	}
45  	public void ingest() throws Exception {
48  		InputStream is = null;
50  		int clubs=0;
51  		int contacts=0;
52  		int md=0;
53  		int seasons=0;
54  		try {
55  			log.trace("getting input file:" + xmlFile);
56  			is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(xmlFile);
57  			if (is == null) {
58  				throw new Exception(xmlFile + " was not found");
59  			}
61  			log.trace("creating parser");
62  			ELeagueParser parser = new ELeagueParser(ELeague.class, is);
64  			log.trace("starting parse loop");
65  			Object object=null;
66  			do {
67  		        object = parser.getObject(
68  						"contact", "league-metadata", "club", "season");
69  		        if (object instanceof Club) {
70  		            log.debug("found Club");
71  		            testClub((Club)object);
72  		            clubs += 1;
73  		        }
74  		        else if (object instanceof Contact) {
75  		        	log.debug("found Contact");
76  		        	testContact((Contact)object);
77  		        	contacts += 1;
78  		        }
79  		        else if (object instanceof LeagueMetadata) {
80  		        	log.debug("found LeagueMetadata");
81  		        	testLeagueMetadata((LeagueMetadata)object);
82  		        	md += 1;
83  		        }
84  		        else if (object instanceof Season) {
85  		        	log.debug("found Season");
86  		        	testSeason((Season)object);
87  		        	seasons += 1;
88  		        }
89  		        else if (object != null) {
90  		            fail("object of unknown type:" + object);
91  		        }
92  			} while (object != null);
93  		}
94  		catch (Throwable ex) {
95  			log.error("error parsing doc",ex);
96  			throw new EJBException("error parsing doc:" + ex);
97  		}
98  		finally {
99  			if (is != null) is.close();
100 		}
101 		assertTrue("no clubs found", clubs > 0);
102 		assertTrue("no contacts found", contacts > 0);
103 		assertTrue("no metadata found", md > 0);
104 		assertTrue("no season found", seasons > 0);
105 		log.debug(clubs + " clubs found");
106 		log.debug(contacts + " contacts found");
107 		log.debug(md + " metadata found");
108 		log.debug(seasons + " seasons found");
109 	}
111 	void testSeason(Season season) {
112 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
113 			.append("season=")
114 			.append(season.getId())
115 			.append(", refId=")
116 			.append(season.getRefid())
117 			.append(", contests=")
118 			.append(season.getContest().size())
119 			.append(", divisions=")
120 			.append(season.getDivision().size())
121 			.append(", starts=")
122 			.append(season.getStarts())
123 			.append(", ends=")
124 			.append(season.getEnds())
125 			);
126 		assertNotNull("season id null", season.getId());
127 		assertNotNull("season name null", season.getName());
128 		assertNotNull("season refId null", season.getRefid());
129 		assertNotNull("season contest list null", season.getContest());
130 		assertNotNull("season ends null", season.getEnds());
131 		assertNotNull("season refId null", season.getRefid());
132 		assertNotNull("season starts null", season.getStarts());
134 		for (Division d : season.getDivision()) {
135 			testDivision(d);
136 		}
137 	}
139 	void testDivision(Division d) {
140 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
141 			.append("division=")
142 			.append(d.getId())
143 			.append(", group=")
144 			.append(d.getGroup())
145 			.append(", level=")
146 			.append(d.getLevel())
147 			.append("refId=")
148 			.append(d.getRefid())
149 			.append(", contact=")
150 			.append(d.getContact())
151 			.append(", ranking=")
152 			.append(d.getRanking())
153 			.append(", teams=")
154 			.append(d.getTeamSeason().size())
155 			);
156 		assertNotNull("division id null", d.getId());
157 		//assertNotNull("division contact null", d.getContact());
158 		assertNotNull("division group null", d.getGroup());
159 		assertNotNull("division level null", d.getLevel());
160 		assertNotNull("division ranking null", d.getRanking());
161 		assertNotNull("division refId null", d.getRefid());
162 		assertNotNull("division teamSeason null", d.getTeamSeason());
164 		for (TeamSeason ts : d.getTeamSeason()) {
165 			testTeamSeason(ts);
166 		}
167 	}
169 	void testTeamSeason(TeamSeason ts) {
170 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
171 			.append("teamSeason=")
172 			.append(ts.getId())
173 			.append(", refId=")
174 			.append(ts.getRefid())
175 			.append(", teamName=")
176 			.append(((Team)ts.getTeam()).getName())
177 				);
178 		assertNotNull("team season id null", ts.getId());
179 		assertNotNull("team season refId null", ts.getRefid());
180 		assertNotNull("team season team null", ts.getTeam());
182 		testTeam((Team)ts.getTeam());
183 	}
185 	void testLeagueMetadata(LeagueMetadata md) {
186 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
187 			.append("league=")
188 			.append(md.getName())
189 			.append(", contactName=")
190 			.append(((Contact)md.getContact()).getName()));
191 		assertNotNull("leage name null", md.getName());
192 		assertNotNull("league contact null", md.getContact());
194 		testContact((Contact)md.getContact());
195 	}
197 	void testContact(Contact contact) {
198 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
199 			.append("contact=")
200 			.append(contact.getId())
201 			.append(", name=")
202 			.append(contact.getName())
203 			.append(", login=")
204 			.append(contact.getLogin())
205 			.append(", refId=")
206 			.append(contact.getRefid()));
207 		assertNotNull("contact ID null", contact.getId());
208 		assertNotNull("contact name null", contact.getName());
209 		assertNotNull("contact refId null", contact.getRefid());
210 	}
212 	void testClub(Club club) {
213 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
214                   .append("club=")
215                   .append(club.getId())
216                   .append(", name=")
217                   .append(club.getName())
218                   .append(", refId=")
219                   .append(club.getRefid())
220                   .append(", teams=")
221                   .append(club.getTeam().size())
222                   .append(", venues=")
223                   .append(club.getVenue().size()));
225 		assertNotNull("club id null", club.getId());
226 		assertNotNull("club contact null", club.getContact());
227 		assertNotNull("club name null", club.getName());
228 		assertNotNull("club refId null", club.getRefid());
229 		assertNotNull("club team list null", club.getTeam());
230 		assertNotNull("club venue list null", club.getVenue());
232 		for (Team team : club.getTeam()) {
233 			testTeam(team);
234 		}
235 		for (Venue venue : club.getVenue()) {
236 			testVenue(venue);
237 		}
238 	}
240 	private void testVenue(Venue venue) {
241 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
242 			.append("venue=")
243 			.append(venue.getId())
244 			.append(", name=")
245 			.append(venue.getName())
246 			.append(", ADC=")
247 			.append(venue.getAdcPage())
248 			.append(", address={")
249 			.append(venue.getStreet1())
250 			.append(" ")
251 			.append(venue.getStreet2()==null ? "" : venue.getStreet2())
252 			.append("; ")
253 			.append(venue.getCity())
254 			.append(", ")
255 			.append(venue.getState())
256 			.append(" ")
257 			.append(venue.getZip())
258 			.append("}"));
259 		assertNotNull("venue ADC null", venue.getAdcPage());
260 		assertNotNull("venue city null", venue.getCity());
261 		assertNotNull("venue directions null", venue.getDirections());
262 		assertNotNull("venue id null", venue.getId());
263 		assertNotNull("venue name null", venue.getName());
264 		assertNotNull("venue refId null", venue.getRefid());
265 		assertNotNull("venue state null", venue.getState());
266 		assertNotNull("venue street1 null", venue.getStreet1());
267 		//assertNotNull("venue street2 null", venue.getStreet2());
268 		assertNotNull("venue zip null", venue.getZip());
269 	}
271 	void testTeam(Team team) {
272 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
273 			.append("team=")
274 			.append(team.getId())
275 			.append(", name=")
276 			.append(team.getName())
277 			.append(", refId=")
278 			.append(team.getRefid())
279 			.append(", contacts=")
280 			.append(team.getContactRole().size()));
281 		assertNotNull("team id null", team.getId());
282 		assertNotNull("team name null", team.getName());
283 		assertNotNull("team refId null", team.getRefid());
284 		assertNotNull("team contactRole null", team.getContactRole());
286 		for (ContactRoleType role : team.getContactRole()) {
287 			testContactRole(role);
288 		}
289 	}
291 	void testContactRole(ContactRoleType role) {
292 		log.debug("{}", new StringBuilder()
293 			.append("contactRole=")
294 			.append(role.getId())
295 			.append(", role=")
296 			.append(role.getRole())
297 			.append(", contactName=")
298 			.append(((Contact)role.getContact()).getName()));
299 		assertNotNull("contactRole id null", role.getId());
300 		assertNotNull("contactRole role null", role.getRole());
301 		assertNotNull("contactRole contact null", role.getContact());
303 		testContact((Contact)role.getContact());
304 	}
305 }