View Javadoc
1   package ejava.examples.orm.onetomany.annotated;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.Collection;
6   import javax.persistence.*;
8   /**
9    * This class implements a parent in a OneToMany, uni-directional relationship
10   * test case. We are looking to see where the foreign key gets placed; in 
11   * a link/join table or the child side of the relationship. The child class
12   * knows nothing of this relationship.<p/>
13   * 
14   * This is the schema when nothing besides @OneToMany is defined<p/>
15   * <pre>
16      @OneToMany
17      public Collection<OneManyChild> getChildren() {
18          return children;
19      }
20      </pre><p/>
21   * <pre>
22      create table ORMO2M_CHILD (
23          CHILDID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
24          name varchar(255),
25          primary key (CHILDID)
26      );
28      create table ORMO2M_PARENT (
29          PARENTID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
30          name varchar(255),
31          primary key (PARENTID)
32      );
34      create table ORMO2M_PARENT_ORMO2M_CHILD (
35          ORMO2M_PARENT_PARENTID bigint not null,
36          children_CHILDID bigint not null,
37          unique (children_CHILDID)
38      );
39      alter table ORMO2M_PARENT_ORMO2M_CHILD
40          add constraint FK9732C673B120B8B4
41          foreign key (children_CHILDID)
42          references ORMO2M_CHILD;
44      alter table ORMO2M_PARENT_ORMO2M_CHILD
45          add constraint FK9732C673C25EC1A0
46          foreign key (ORMO2M_PARENT_PARENTID)
47          references ORMO2M_PARENT;
49      </pre><p/>
50   *  
51   *  Adding @JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID") to the parent side...
52   * <pre>
53      @OneToMany
54      @JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID")
55      public Collection<OneManyChild> getChildren() {
56          return children;
57      }
58      </pre><p/>
59   * <pre>
60      create table ORMO2M_CHILD (
61          CHILDID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
62          name varchar(255),
63          PARENT_ID bigint,
64          primary key (CHILDID)
65      );
67      create table ORMO2M_PARENT (
68          PARENTID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
69          name varchar(255),
70          primary key (PARENTID)
71      );
72      alter table ORMO2M_CHILD
73          add constraint FK257187DDF37CA975
74          foreign key (PARENT_ID)
75          references ORMO2M_PARENT;
76      </pre><p/>
77   *  
78   *  Adding @JoinTable/@JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID") to the parent side...
79   * <pre>
80      @OneToMany
81      @JoinTable(
82              joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID"))
83      public Collection<OneManyChild> getChildren() {
84          return children;
85      }
86      </pre><p/>
87   * <pre>
88      create table ORMO2M_CHILD (
89          CHILDID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
90          name varchar(255),
91          primary key (CHILDID)
92      );
94      create table ORMO2M_PARENT (
95          PARENTID bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
96          name varchar(255),
97          primary key (PARENTID)
98      );
100     create table ORMO2M_PARENT_ORMO2M_CHILD (
101         PARENT_ID bigint not null,
102         children_CHILDID bigint not null,
103         unique (children_CHILDID)
104     );
105     alter table ORMO2M_PARENT_ORMO2M_CHILD
106         add constraint FK9732C673B120B8B4
107         foreign key (children_CHILDID)
108         references ORMO2M_CHILD;
110     alter table ORMO2M_PARENT_ORMO2M_CHILD
111         add constraint FK9732C673F37CA975
112         foreign key (PARENT_ID)
113         references ORMO2M_PARENT;
114     </pre><p/>
115  *  
116  *  
117  */
118 @Entity(name="O2MOwningParent") @Table(name="ORMO2M_PARENT")
119 public class OneManyOwningParent {
120     @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name="PARENTID")
121     private long id;
123     private String name;
125     @OneToMany
126     @JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID")
127     //@JoinTable(
128     //        joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="PARENT_ID"))
129     private Collection<OneManyChild> children = new ArrayList<OneManyChild>();
131     public OneManyOwningParent() {}
132     public OneManyOwningParent(long id) { = id; }
133     public OneManyOwningParent(String name) { = name; }
135     public long getId() { return id; }
137     public String getName() { return name; }
138     public void setName(String name) {
139 = name;
140     }
142     public Collection<OneManyChild> getChildren() { return children; }
143     public void setChildren(Collection<OneManyChild> children) {
144         this.children = children;
145     }
147     public String toString() {
148         StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
149         text.append("id=" + id);
150         text.append(", name=" + name);
151         text.append(", children=(" + children.size() + ")" + children);
152         return text.toString();
153     }
154 }