About Web Tier

This project demonstrates deploying the data access tier and some trivial business logic to a web-only component. It consists of two projects; data access tier and war. They are direct children to this parent project.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Web-Tier::Business Objects This project provides an example of pure-POJO business objects to be mapped by the data access tiers and used in the web application.
Web-Tier::Data Access This project provides an example of technology neutral data access tier definition. This layer allows the web tier to make use of the DAOs without full knowledge of their implementation.
Web Tier::Business Logic This project provides an example of business logic that stands between the client/web tier and the data access tier.
Web Tier::WAR This project provides an example of how to build, assenle, test, and deploy the actual WAR for a project. It depends on external projects to supply the business logic and data access tier. This project, however, is responsible for having an environment in place suitable for the other logical tiers to operate.