Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
Create query using JPA-QL String
javax.persistence.Query createQuery(String jpaql);
<T extends Object> javax.persistence.TypedQuery<T> createQuery(String jpaql, Class<T>);
Create query using native SQL
javax.persistence.Query createNativeQuery(String sql);
javax.persistence.Query createNativeQuery(String sql, Class sqlMapping);
javax.persistence.Query createNativeQuery(String sql, String sqlMapping);
Create query using Criteria API
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder();
javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel getMetamodel();
<T extends Object> javax.persistence.TypedQuery<T> createQuery(javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery<T>);
Create query from Named Query
javax.persistence.Query createNamedQuery(String queryName);
<T extends java.lang.Object> javax.persistence.TypedQuery<T> createNamedQuery(String queryName, Class<T>);
Obtains exactly one result
TypedQuery returns type-safe result
Figure 69.1. Get a Unique Object based on Query
TypedQuery<Store> query = em.createQuery(
"select s from Store s where s.name='Big Al''s'", Store.class);
Store store = query.getSingleResult();
select store0_.STORE_ID as STORE1_4_, store0_.name as name2_4_ from ORMQL_STORE store0_ where store0_.name='Big Al''s'
Figure 69.2. Throws NoResultException when not Found
try {
store = em.createQuery(
"select s from Store s where s.name='A1 Sales'", Store.class)
catch (NoResultException ex) { ... }
Figure 69.3. Throws NonUniqueResultException when multiple Found
try {
Clerk clerk = em.createQuery(
"select c from Clerk c where lastName='Pep'", Clerk.class)
catch (NonUniqueResultException ex) { ... }
Returns zero or more results
TypedQuery returns type-safe result
Figure 69.4. Return List of Results Based on Query
TypedQuery<Clerk> query = em.createQuery(
"select c from Clerk c where lastName='Pep'", Clerk.class);
List<Clerk> clerks = query.getResultList();
assertTrue("unexpected number of clerks:" + clerks.size(), clerks.size() > 1);
for(Clerk c : clerks) {
logger.info("found clerk: {}", c);
select clerk0_.CLERK_ID as CLERK1_0_, clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_0_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as HIRE3_0_, clerk0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_0_, clerk0_.TERM_DATE as TERM5_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ where clerk0_.LAST_NAME='Pep' ... -found clerk:firstName=Manny, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1970-01-01, termDate=null, sales(2)={1, 2, } -found clerk:firstName=Moe, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1970-01-01, termDate=null, sales(1)={2, } -found clerk:firstName=Jack, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1973-03-01, termDate=null, sales(0)={}
Returns a java.util.stream.Stream
Useful when obtaining large results set, bypass paging
Allows query results to be scrolled by a processing stream
Figure 69.5. Return Stream of Results based on Query
TypedQuery<Customer> query = em.createQuery(
"select c from Customer as c",
Stream<Customer> s = query.getResultStream();
Map<String, Customer> resultMap = s.collect(
Collectors.toMap(c->c.getFirstName()+c.getLastName(), c->c ));
for (Entry<String, Customer> result : resultMap.entrySet()) {
logger.info("found={}", result);
int rows = resultMap.size();
assertTrue("unexpected number of customers", rows > 0);
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_1_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST_NA2_1_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST_NAM3_1_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_
The java.util.stream
capability contains many features
that perform filtering of results -- emulating the purpose of the SQL where
clause. The database where clause is a much better place to implement filters.
Avoid using streams in an attempt to override core RDBMS capability when
the data is available within the database.
Runtime query parameters passed into query
Figure 69.6. Name-based Query Parameters
TypedQuery<Customer> query = em.createQuery(
"select c from Customer c " +
"where c.firstName=:firstName and c.lastName=:lastName",
query.setParameter("firstName", "cat");
query.setParameter("lastName", "inhat");
Customer customer = query.getSingleResult();
logger.info("found customer for param names: {}", customer);
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_1_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_1_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_1_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=? and customer0_.LAST_NAME=? -found customer for param names:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat
:firstName and :lastName act as placeholders for runtime query parameters
Runtime parameters supplied using placeholder names
A parameter for each placeholder must be supplied - no defaults
A placeholder must exist for each parameter supplied - no extras
Figure 69.7. Ordinal-based Parameters
query = em.createQuery(
"select c from Customer c " +
"where c.firstName=?1 and c.lastName like ?2", Customer.class);
query.setParameter(1, "thing");
query.setParameter(2, "%");
List<Customer> customers = query.getResultList();
assertTrue("unexpected number of customers:" + customers.size(),
customers.size() == 2);
for(Customer c : customers) {
logger.info("found customer for param position: {}", c);
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_1_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_1_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_1_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=? and ( customer0_.LAST_NAME like ? ) -found customer for param position:firstName=thing, lastName=one -found customer for param position:firstName=thing, lastName=two
Appended numbers (?1) assign an ordinal value
No numbers supplied (?) cause default value based on order
Figure 69.8. Date-based Parameters
Calendar hireDate = Calendar.getInstance();
hireDate.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1972);
TypedQuery<Clerk> query = em.createQuery(
"select c from Clerk c " +
"where c.hireDate > :date", Clerk.class);
query.setParameter("date", hireDate.getTime(), TemporalType.DATE);
Clerk clerk = query.getSingleResult();
logger.info("found clerk by date({}): {}", hireDate.getTime(), clerk);
select clerk0_.CLERK_ID as CLERK1_0_, clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_0_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as HIRE3_0_, clerk0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_0_, clerk0_.TERM_DATE as TERM5_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ where clerk0_.HIRE_DATE>? ... -found clerk by date(Fri Oct 06 20:28:08 EDT 1972):firstName=Jack, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1973-03-01, termDate=null, sales(0)={}
Dates are specified as DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP
Figure 69.9.
TypedQuery<Sale> query = em.createQuery(
"select s from Sale s", Sale.class);
for(int i=0; i<2; i++) {
List<Sale> sales = query.setMaxResults(10)
for(Sale s: sales) {
logger.info("found sale in page({}): {}", i, s);
em.detach(s); //we are done with this
select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_2_, sale0_.amount as amount2_2_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_2_, sale0_.date as date4_2_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_2_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ limit ? ... -found sale in page(0):date=1998-04-10 10:13:35, amount=$100.00, buyer=1, clerks(1)={1, } -found sale in page(0):date=1999-06-11 14:15:10, amount=$150.00, buyer=2, clerks(2)={1, 2, } select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_2_, sale0_.amount as amount2_2_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_2_, sale0_.date as date4_2_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_2_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ limit ? offset ? ... -found sale in page(1):date=1999-06-11 14:15:10, amount=$150.00, buyer=2, clerks(2)={1, 2, }
Offset and limits passed to database
Database provides specified subset of rows
Obtain a locked copy of entity -- ready for modification
Required for some concurrent interactions with database
Figure 69.10. Obtaining a Pessimistic Write Lock
//get a list of clerks to update -- locked so others cannot change
List<Clerk> clerks = em.createQuery(
"select c from Clerk c " +
"where c.hireDate > :date", Clerk.class)
.setParameter("date", new GregorianCalendar(1972,Calendar.JANUARY,1).getTime())
.setHint("javax.persistence.lock.timeout", 0)
//make changes
for (Clerk c: clerks) {
c.setHireDate(new GregorianCalendar(1972, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 1).getTime());
select clerk0_.CLERK_ID as CLERK1_0_, clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_0_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as HIRE3_0_, clerk0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_0_, clerk0_.TERM_DATE as TERM5_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ where clerk0_.HIRE_DATE>? for update ...
Provider adds database-specific technique for lock
Lock timeout (in msecs) can be expressed through query hint
Not all databases support lock timeouts
Change database -- not query it
Bypasses cache -- cached entities out of sync with database changes
Criteria API updates/deletes added in JPA 2.1
Figure 69.11. JPA-QL Bulk Update Example
Query update = em.createQuery(
"update Clerk c set c.lastName=:newlast where c.lastName=:last");
update.setParameter("last", "Pep");
update.setParameter("newlast", "Peppy");
int rows = update.executeUpdate();
assertEquals("unexpected rows updated:" + rows, clerks.size(), rows);
update JPAQL_CLERK set LAST_NAME=? where LAST_NAME=?
Change directly applied to database, not the cached entity
Number of entities changed returned
Figure 69.12. Criteria API Bulk Update Example
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaUpdate<Clerk> qdef2=cb.createCriteriaUpdate(Clerk.class);
//"update Clerk c set c.lastName=:newlast where c.lastName=:last"
Root<Clerk> c2 = qdef2.from(Clerk.class);
qdef2.set("lastName", "Peppy")
.where(cb.equal(c2.get("lastName"), "Pep"));
Query update = em.createQuery(qdef2);
int rows = update.executeUpdate();
assertEquals("unexpected rows updated:" + rows, clerks.size(), rows);
Figure 69.13. JPA-QL Bulk Delete Example
Query update = em.createQuery(
"delete from Customer c " +
"where c.firstName like :first AND c.lastName like :last");
int rows = update.setParameter("first", "thing")
.setParameter("last", "%")
assertTrue("no rows updated", rows > 0);
delete from JPAQL_CUSTOMER where ( FIRST_NAME like ? ) and ( LAST_NAME like ? )
Bulk deletes do not trigger cascades
Entity instance exists in memory even after deleted from database
Figure 69.14. Criteria API Bulk Update Example
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaDelete<Customer> delete = cb.createCriteriaDelete(Customer.class);
//"delete from Customer c " +
//"where c.firstName like :first AND c.lastName like :last");
Root<Customer> c2 = delete.from(Customer.class);
cb.like(c.<String>get("firstName"), "thing"),
cb.like(c.<String>get("lastName"), "%")
Query update = em.createQuery(delete);
int rows = update.executeUpdate();
assertTrue("no rows updated", rows > 0);
Figure 69.15. Refresh/Clear/Detach Stale Entit(ies)
//re-sync entity with DB changes
//evict all managed entities in persistence context
//remove entity from persistence context
Keeping stale entities around will produce confusing results
"em.clear()" should be avoided except at end of transaction since un-manages everything
Register query with provider rather than ad-hoc
Available for JPA-QL and Native SQL -- not available with Criteria API
Can be registered using class annotations and orm.xml descriptor
LockMode and hints can be specified in declaration
Figure 69.16. Named Query Annotations Applied to (any) Entity Class
query="select c from Customer c " +
"where c.firstName like :first AND c.lastName like :last"),
query="select s from Sale s " +
"where s.buyerId=:custId")
public class Customer {
Figure 69.17. Using Named Query
Customer customer =
em.createNamedQuery("Customer.getCustomersByName", Customer.class)
.setParameter("first", "cat")
.setParameter("last", "inhat")
assertNotNull("no customer found", customer);
Figure 69.18. Named Native Query Annotation Example
query="select * from JPAQL_CUSTOMER c " +
"where c.FIRST_NAME = ?1")
public class Customer {
Example query uses Native SQL to return all columns for table
Figure 69.19. Using Named Native Query
List<Object[]> rows = em.createNamedQuery("Customer.getCustomerRows")
.setParameter(1, "cat")
assertEquals("unexpected customers found", 1, rows.size());
logger.info("found customer: {}", Arrays.toString(rows.get(0)));
select * from JPAQL_CUSTOMER c where c.FIRST_NAME = ? -found customer:[1, cat, inhat]