Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
Following sections contain but may not show the following code in all cases
Figure 73.1. Boiler-plate code
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
//example-specific criteria API definition goes here
CriteriaQuery<T> qdef = ...
//repeated display loop eliminated
TypedQuery<T> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<T> objects = query.getResultList();
for(T o: objects) {
log.info("found result:" + o);
Get CriteriaBuilder from EntityManager
Build example-specific query definition in CriteriaQuery using CriteriaBuilder
Execute Query/Print results
Figure 73.3. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Customer> qdef = cb.createQuery(Customer.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
defines source of root query terms
returns object leveraged in query body
"select" defines root query objects -- all path references must start from this set
no "where" clause indicates all entities are selected
Figure 73.4. In Programming Context
CriteriaQuery<Customer> qdef = cb.createQuery(Customer.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
TypedQuery<Customer> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<Customer> results = query.getResultList();
Figure 73.5. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat -found result:firstName=thing, lastName=one -found result:firstName=thing, lastName=two
Figure 73.7. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<String> qdef = cb.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
Allows return of simple property
c.get("lastName") is called a "path"
All paths based from root query terms (thus requirement for Root<Customer> c object)
Single path selects return typed list of values
Figure 73.8. In Programming Context
CriteriaQuery<String> qdef = cb.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
TypedQuery<String> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<String> results = query.getResultList();
Query result is a List<String> because "c.lastName" is a String
Figure 73.9. Runtime Output
select customer0_.LAST_NAME as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ -lastName=inhat -lastName=one -lastName=two
Figure 73.11. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
qdef.select(cb.array(c.get("firstName"), c.get("hireDate")));
Select specifies multiple terms within array()
Terms are expressed thru a path expression
Terms must be based off paths from root terms in the FROM (or JOIN) clause -- thus why Root<Clerk> c was retained from cb.from() call
Figure 73.12. In Programming Context
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
qdef.select(cb.array(c.get("firstName"), c.get("hireDate")));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
assertTrue("no results", results.size() > 0);
for(Object[] result : results) {
assertEquals("unexpected result length", 2, result.length);
String firstName = (String) result[0];
Date hireDate = (Date) result[1];
log.info("firstName=" + firstName + " hireDate=" + hireDate);
Query defined to return elements of select in Object[]
Figure 73.13. Runtime Output
select clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as col_0_0_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as col_1_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ -firstName=Manny hireDate=1970-01-01 -firstName=Moe hireDate=1970-01-01 -firstName=Jack hireDate=1973-03-01
Figure 73.15. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> qdef = cb.createTupleQuery();
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
Aliases may be assigned to select terms for named-access to results
Figure 73.16. In Programming Context
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> qdef = cb.createTupleQuery();
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
TypedQuery<Tuple> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<Tuple> results = query.getResultList();
assertTrue("no results", results.size() > 0);
for(Tuple result : results) {
assertEquals("unexpected result length", 2, result.getElements().size());
String firstName = result.get("firstName", String.class);
Date hireDate = result.get("hireDate", Date.class);
log.info("firstName=" + firstName + " hireDate=" + hireDate);
Query defined to return instances of Tuple class
Tuples provide access using
get(index) - simular to Object[]
get(index, Class<T> resultType) - typed access by index
get(alias) - access by alias
get(alias, Class<T> resultType) - typed access by alias
getElements() - access thru collection interface
Figure 73.17. Runtime Output
select clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as col_0_0_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as col_1_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ -firstName=Manny hireDate=1970-01-01 -firstName=Moe hireDate=1970-01-01 -firstName=Jack hireDate=1973-03-01
Figure 73.18. Equivalent JPAQL
select new ejava.jpa.examples.query.Receipt(s.id,s.buyerId,s.date, s.amount) from Sale s
Figure 73.19. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Receipt> qdef = cb.createQuery(Receipt.class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
Individual elements of select() are matched up against class constructor
Figure 73.20. In Programming Context
CriteriaQuery<Receipt> qdef = cb.createQuery(Receipt.class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
TypedQuery<Receipt> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<Receipt> results = query.getResultList();
assertTrue("no results", results.size() > 0);
for(Receipt receipt : results) {
assertNotNull("no receipt", receipt);
log.info("receipt=" + receipt);
Constructed class may be simple POJO -- no need to be an entity
Instances are not managed
Suitable for use as Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
Figure 73.21. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as col_0_0_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as col_1_0_, sale0_.date as col_2_0_, sale0_.amount as col_3_0_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ -receipt=sale=1, customer=1, date=1998-04-10 10:13:35, amount=$100.00 -receipt=sale=2, customer=2, date=1999-06-11 14:15:10, amount=$150.00
Figure 73.23. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
All paths based off root-level FROM (or JOIN) terms
Paths use call chaining to change contexts
Paths -- used this way -- must always express a single element. Must use JOINs for paths involving collections
All paths based off root-level FROM (or JOIN) terms
Figure 73.24. In Programming Context
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(qdef);
List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
assertTrue("no results", results.size() > 0);
for(Object[] result : results) {
assertEquals("unexpected result length", 2, result.length);
Long id = (Long) result[0];
String name = (String) result[1];
log.info("sale.id=" + id + ", sale.store.name=" + name);
Figure 73.25. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as col_0_0_, store1_.name as col_1_0_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_, ORMQL_STORE store1_ where sale0_.SALE_STORE=store1_.STORE_ID -sale.id=1, sale.store.name=Big Al's -sale.id=2, sale.store.name=Big Al's
Automatic INNER JOIN formed between Sale and Store because of the cross-entity path
Figure 73.27. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Date> qdef = cb.createQuery(Date.class);
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
Join<Clerk, Sale> sale = c.join("sales", JoinType.INNER);
Collection is brought in as a root term of the query through a JOIN expression
JOINs will match entities by their defined primary/foreign keys
INNER JOIN will return only those entities where there is a match
INNER JOIN is default JoinType when none specified
Figure 73.28. Runtime Output
select sale2_.date as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ inner join JPAQL_SALE_CLERK_LINK sales1_ on clerk0_.CLERK_ID=sales1_.CLERK_ID inner join JPAQL_SALE sale2_ on sales1_.SALE_ID=sale2_.SALE_ID -found result:1998-04-10 10:13:35.0 -found result:1999-06-11 14:15:10.0 -found result:1999-06-11 14:15:10.0
(Many-to-Many) Link table used during JOIN
Tables automatically joined on primary keys
Only Sales sold by our Clerks are returned
Figure 73.29. Equivalent JPAQL
select c.id, c.firstName, sale.amount from Clerk c LEFT JOIN c.sales sale
Figure 73.30. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
Join<Clerk, Sale> sale = c.join("sales", JoinType.LEFT);
LEFT OUTER JOIN will return root with or without related entities
Figure 73.31. Runtime Output
select clerk0_.CLERK_ID as col_0_0_, clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as col_1_0_, sale2_.amount as col_2_0_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ left outer join JPAQL_SALE_CLERK_LINK sales1_ on clerk0_.CLERK_ID=sales1_.CLERK_ID left outer join JPAQL_SALE sale2_ on sales1_.SALE_ID=sale2_.SALE_ID -clerk.id=1, clerk.firstName=Manny, amount=100.00 -clerk.id=1, clerk.firstName=Manny, amount=150.00 -clerk.id=2, clerk.firstName=Moe, amount=150.00 -clerk.id=3, clerk.firstName=Jack, amount=null
(Many-to-Many) Link table used during JOIN
Tables automatically joined on primary keys
All clerks, with or without a Sale, are returned
Figure 73.33. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Customer> qdef = cb.createQuery(Customer.class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
.where(cb.equal(c.get("id"), s.get("buyerId")));
Permits JOINs without relationship in entity model
Figure 73.34. Runtime Output
select customer1_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer1_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer1_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ cross join JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer1_ where customer1_.CUSTOMER_ID=sale0_.BUYER_ID -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat -found result:firstName=thing, lastName=one
Returns all Customers that are identified by a Sale
Figure 73.36. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Store> qdef = cb.createQuery(Store.class);
Root<Store> s = qdef.from(Store.class);
.where(cb.equal(s.get("name"), "Big Al's"));
A normal JOIN (implicit or explicit) may honor the fetch=LAZY property setting of the relation
Can be exactly what is desired
Can also cause problems or extra work if not desired
Figure 73.37. In Programming Context
@Entity @Table(name="ORMQL_STORE")
public class Store {
private List<Sale> sales = new ArrayList<Sale>();
Sales are lazily fetched when obtaining Store
Figure 73.38. In Programming Context (con.t)
CriteriaBuilder cb = em2.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Store> qdef = cb.createQuery(Store.class);
Root<Store> s = qdef.from(Store.class);
.where(cb.equal(s.get("name"), "Big Al's"));
Store store = em2.createQuery(qdef).getSingleResult();
try {
fail("did not trigger lazy initialization exception");
} catch (LazyInitializationException expected) {
log.info("caught expected exception:" + expected);
Accessing the Sale properties causes a LazyInitializationException when persistence context no longer active or accessible
Figure 73.39. Runtime Output
select store0_.STORE_ID as STORE1_0_, store0_.name as name0_ from ORMQL_STORE store0_ inner join JPAQL_SALE sales1_ on store0_.STORE_ID=sales1_.SALE_STORE where store0_.name=? limit ? -caught expected exception:org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: ejava.jpa.examples.query.Store.sales, no session or session was closed
Note that only a single row is required to be returned from the database for a fetch=LAZY relation. Although it requires more queries to the database, it eliminates duplicate parent information for each child row and can eliminate the follow-on query all together when not accessed.
Figure 73.41. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Store> qdef = cb.createQuery(Store.class);
Root<Store> s = qdef.from(Store.class);
.where(cb.equal(s.get("name"), "Big Al's"));
A JOIN FETCH used to eager load related entities as side-effect of query
Can be used as substitute for fetch=EAGER specification on relation
Figure 73.42. Runtime Output
select store0_.STORE_ID as STORE1_0_0_, sales1_.SALE_ID as SALE1_1_1_, store0_.name as name0_0_, sales1_.amount as amount1_1_, sales1_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_1_1_, sales1_.date as date1_1_, sales1_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_1_1_, sales1_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_0_0__, sales1_.SALE_ID as SALE1_0__ from ORMQL_STORE store0_ inner join JPAQL_SALE sales1_ on store0_.STORE_ID=sales1_.SALE_STORE where store0_.name=?
Sales are eagerly fetched when obtaining Store
Note that adding JOIN FETCH to parent query causes the parent rows to be repeated for each eagerly loaded child row and eliminated by the provider. This requires fewer database queries but results in more (and redundant) data to be returned from the query.
Figure 73.44. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<String> qdef = cb.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
Limits output to unique value combinations
Figure 73.45. Runtime Output
select distinct customer0_.LAST_NAME as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ -found result:two -found result:inhat -found result:one
Figure 73.47. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<String> qdef = cb.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
Figure 73.48. Runtime Output
select distinct customer0_.FIRST_NAME as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ -found result:cat -found result:thing