Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
Figure 75.2. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery qdef = cb.createQuery();
Root<Customer> c = qdef.from(Customer.class);
Using an untyped CriteriaQuery to be able to switch between different query output types within example
Figure 75.3. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=?
No rows found because 'CAT' does not match anything because of case
Figure 75.5. Criteria API Definition
Figure 75.6. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=lower(?) -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat
One customer found because case-sensitive compare now correct
Figure 75.7. Equivalent JPAQL
select UPPER(c.firstName) from Customer c where c.firstName=LOWER('CAT')
Figure 75.8. Criteria API Definition
Figure 75.9. Runtime Output
select upper(customer0_.FIRST_NAME) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=lower(?) -found result:CAT
First name of customer located returned in upper case
Figure 75.10. Equivalent JPAQL
select TRIM(LEADING 'c' FROM c.firstName) from Customer c where c.firstName='cat')
Figure 75.11. Criteria API Definition
qdef.select(cb.trim(Trimspec.LEADING, 'c', c.<String>get("firstName")))
Figure 75.12. Runtime Output
select trim(LEADING ? from customer0_.FIRST_NAME) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=? -found result:at
Customer's name, excluding initial 'c' character, returned
Figure 75.13. Equivalent JPAQL
select c from Customer c where CONCAT(CONCAT(c.firstName,' '),c.lastName) ='cat inhat')
Figure 75.14. Criteria API Definition
cb.concat(c.<String>get("firstName"), " "),
"cat inhat"));
Figure 75.15. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where (customer0_.FIRST_NAME||?||customer0_.LAST_NAME)=? -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat
Customer located after concatenation of fields yields match
Figure 75.17. Criteria API Definition
Figure 75.18. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where length(customer0_.FIRST_NAME)=3 -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat
Customer found where length of firstName matches specified length criteria
Figure 75.20. Criteria API Definition
.where(cb.greaterThan(cb.locate(c.<String>get("firstName"), "cat", 2),0));
Figure 75.21. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where locate(?, customer0_.FIRST_NAME, 2)>0
No firstName found with 'cat' starting at position=2
Figure 75.22. Equivalent JPAQL
select c from Customer c where LOCATE('at',c.firstName,2) > 1
.where(cb.greaterThan(cb.locate(c.<String>get("firstName"), "at", 2),1));
Figure 75.23. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where locate(?, customer0_.FIRST_NAME, 2)>1 -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat
firstName found with 'at' starting at a position 2
Figure 75.24. Equivalent JPAQL
select SUBSTRING(c.firstName,2,2) from Customer c where c.firstName = 'cat'
Figure 75.25. Criteria API Definition
qdef.select(cb.substring(c.<String>get("firstName"), 2, 2))
.where(cb.equal(c.get("firstName"), "cat"));
Figure 75.26. Runtime Output
select substring(customer0_.FIRST_NAME, 2, 2) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where customer0_.FIRST_NAME=? -found result:at
Return the two character substring of firstName starting at position two
Figure 75.28. Criteria API Definition
cb.substring(c.<String>get("firstName"), 2, 2),
Figure 75.29. Runtime Output
select customer0_.CUSTOMER_ID as CUSTOMER1_3_, customer0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_3_, customer0_.LAST_NAME as LAST3_3_ from JPAQL_CUSTOMER customer0_ where substring(customer0_.FIRST_NAME, 2, 2)=? -found result:firstName=cat, lastName=inhat
Find the customer with a two characters starting a position two of firstName equaling 'at'
Figure 75.31. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Sale> qdef = cb.createQuery(Sale.class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
qdef.where(cb.lessThan(s.<Date>get("date"), cb.currentDate()));
Figure 75.32. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_1_, sale0_.amount as amount1_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_1_, sale0_.date as date1_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_1_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ where sale0_.date<current_date() ... -found result:date=1998-04-10 10:13:35, amount=$100.00, buyer=1, clerks(1)={1, } ... -found result:date=1999-06-11 14:15:10, amount=$150.00, buyer=2, clerks(2)={1, 2, }
Located two Sales that occurred prior to today's date
Figure 75.35. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_1_, sale0_.amount as amount1_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_1_, sale0_.date as date1_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_1_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ where sale0_.date=current_date()
Located no sales on today's date
Update with a bulk query
Criteria API added Bulk Updates in JPA 2.1
Figure 75.37. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaUpdate<Sale> qupdate = cb.createCriteriaUpdate(Sale.class);
Root<Sale> s2 = qupdate.from(Sale.class);
qupdate.set(s2.<Date>get("date"), cb.currentDate());
int rows = em.createQuery(qupdate).executeUpdate();
Update all sales to today
Figure 75.41. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_1_, sale0_.amount as amount1_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_1_, sale0_.date as date1_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_1_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ where sale0_.date=current_date() ... -found result:date=2013-06-05 00:00:00, amount=$100.00, buyer=1, clerks(1)={1, } ... -found result:date=2013-06-05 00:00:00, amount=$150.00, buyer=2, clerks(2)={1, 2, }
Now locating sales for today's date
Bulk commands (i.e., update) invalidate cached entities. You must refresh their state with the database or detach/clear them from the persistence context to avoid using out-dated information.
ASC - ascending order
DESC - descending order
Figure 75.43. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Sale> qdef = cb.createQuery(Sale.class);
Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class);
Figure 75.44. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_1_, sale0_.amount as amount1_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_1_, sale0_.date as date1_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_1_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ order by sale0_.amount ASC ... -found result:date=1998-04-10 10:13:35, amount=$100.00, buyer=1, clerks(1)={1, } ... -found result:date=1999-06-11 14:15:10, amount=$150.00, buyer=2, clerks(2)={1, 2, }
Note the ASC order on amount
Figure 75.47. Runtime Output
select sale0_.SALE_ID as SALE1_1_, sale0_.amount as amount1_, sale0_.BUYER_ID as BUYER3_1_, sale0_.date as date1_, sale0_.SALE_STORE as SALE5_1_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ order by sale0_.amount DESC -found result:date=1999-06-11 14:15:10, amount=$150.00, buyer=2, clerks(2)={1, 2, } -found result:date=1998-04-10 10:13:35, amount=$100.00, buyer=1, clerks(1)={1, }
Note the DESC order on amount
Figure 75.49. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Number> qdef = cb.createQuery(Number.class); Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class); qdef.select(cb.count(s));
Figure 75.52. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Number> qdef = cb.createQuery(Number.class); Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class); qdef.select(cb.min(s.<BigDecimal>get("amount")));
Figure 75.53. Runtime Output
select min(sale0_.amount) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ -found result:100.00
Figure 75.55. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Number> qdef = cb.createQuery(Number.class); Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class); qdef.select(cb.max(s.<BigDecimal>get("amount")));
Figure 75.56. Runtime Output
select max(sale0_.amount) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ -found result:150.00
Figure 75.58. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Number> qdef = cb.createQuery(Number.class); Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class); //select sum(s.amount) from Sale s qdef.select(cb.sum(s.<BigDecimal>get("amount")));
Figure 75.59. Runtime Output
select sum(sale0_.amount) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ -found result:250.0
Figure 75.61. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Number> qdef = cb.createQuery(Number.class); Root<Sale> s = qdef.from(Sale.class); qdef.select(cb.avg(s.<BigDecimal>get("amount")));
Figure 75.62. Runtime Output
select avg(cast(sale0_.amount as double)) as col_0_0_ from JPAQL_SALE sale0_ -found result:125.0
Figure 75.64. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
Join<Clerk,Sale> s = c.join("sales", JoinType.LEFT);
qdef.select(cb.array(c, cb.count(s)))
Get count of sales for each clerk
Figure 75.65. Runtime Output
select clerk0_.CLERK_ID as col_0_0_, count(sale2_.SALE_ID) as col_1_0_, clerk0_.CLERK_ID as CLERK1_2_, clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_2_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as HIRE3_2_, clerk0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_2_, clerk0_.TERM_DATE as TERM5_2_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ left outer join JPAQL_SALE_CLERK_LINK sales1_ on clerk0_.CLERK_ID=sales1_.CLERK_ID left outer join JPAQL_SALE sale2_ on sales1_.SALE_ID=sale2_.SALE_ID group by clerk0_.CLERK_ID ... -found=[firstName=Manny, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1970-01-01, termDate=null, sales(2)={1, 2, }, 2] ... -found=[firstName=Moe, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1970-01-01, termDate=null, sales(1)={2, }, 1] ... -found=[firstName=Jack, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1973-03-01, termDate=null, sales(0)={}, 0]
Figure 75.66. Equivalent JPAQL
select c, COUNT(s) from Clerk c LEFT JOIN c.sales s GROUP BY c HAVING COUNT(S) <= 1
Figure 75.67. Criteria API Definition
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> qdef = cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Clerk> c = qdef.from(Clerk.class);
Join<Clerk,Sale> s = c.join("sales", JoinType.LEFT);
qdef.select(cb.array(c, cb.count(s)))
.having(cb.le(cb.count(s), 1));
Provide a list of Clerks and their count of Sales for counts <= 1
Figure 75.68. Runtime Output
select clerk0_.CLERK_ID as col_0_0_, count(sale2_.SALE_ID) as col_1_0_, clerk0_.CLERK_ID as CLERK1_2_, clerk0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST2_2_, clerk0_.HIRE_DATE as HIRE3_2_, clerk0_.LAST_NAME as LAST4_2_, clerk0_.TERM_DATE as TERM5_2_ from JPAQL_CLERK clerk0_ left outer join JPAQL_SALE_CLERK_LINK sales1_ on clerk0_.CLERK_ID=sales1_.CLERK_ID left outer join JPAQL_SALE sale2_ on sales1_.SALE_ID=sale2_.SALE_ID group by clerk0_.CLERK_ID having count(sale2_.SALE_ID)<=1 ... -found=[firstName=Moe, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1970-01-01, termDate=null, sales(1)={2, }, 1] ... -found=[firstName=Jack, lastName=Pep, hireDate=1973-03-01, termDate=null, sales(0)={}, 0]
Wed matched on Moe (1 sale) and Jack (0 sales)