Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
No caller context
Elevate access
Run-as role-name and identity
security-identity of bean defaults to caller identity
import javax.annotation.security.RunAs;
public class SecurePingClientEJB
implements SecurePingClientRemote, SecurePingClientLocal {
SecurePingRemote securePingServer;
EJB can discard caller's identity/roles and run-as a specific role
Provide the roleName (e.g., "admin") you wish the method to execute with and *not* the userName (e.g., "admin1") when using the @RunAs annotation.
# jboss-web.xml
Specifies specific user-identity to run-as
Use jboss-ejb3.xml elements to define caller identity if overriding or supplying caller identity. Otherwise caller identity will be blank.
Method invoked as "user1" with role "user"
Method configured to execute with "admin" role
public String pingAdmin() {
return securePingServer.pingAdmin();
Method successfully invokes second EJB method requiring "admin" role
-looking up jndi.name=ejb:securePingClientEAR/securePingClientEJB/SecurePingClientEJB !info.ejava.examples.secureping.ejb.SecurePingClientRemote as user1 -found=Proxy for remote EJB StatelessEJBLocator for "securePingClientEAR/securePingClientEJB/SecurePingClientEJB", view is interface info.ejava.examples.secureping.ejb.SecurePingClientRemote, affinity is None -login=[user1, password1!], whoAmI=user1 -securePingClient called pingAdmin, principal=user1, <== output from EJB isUser=true, invoked by client isAdmin=false, isInternalRole=false: securePing=called pingAdmin, principal=admin1, <== output from EJB isUser=false, invoked by @RunAs EJB isAdmin=true, isInternalRole=true
user1 is allowed to call method restricted to admin when proxied by run-as EJB
proxy EJB sees caller as user1 and having user1 assigned roles
proxied EJB sees caller as admin1 and only having assigned admin role