Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Part VII. Basic EJB Development Exercise

Developing and Deploying a Basic EJB

2019-08-22 07:11 EST

Table of Contents

1. Goals
2. Objectives
47. Multi-Module JavaEE Project
47.1. Purpose
47.1.1. Goals
47.1.2. Objectives
47.2. Create Root Module
47.3. Create EJB Module
47.4. Manage Application Server
47.4.1. Application Server Setup
47.4.2. Standalone Application Server
47.4.3. Embedded Application Server
47.5. Summary
48. EAR Deployment
48.1. Purpose
48.1.1. Goals
48.1.2. Objectives
48.2. Create EAR Module
48.3. Create RMI Test Module
48.4. Deploy the EAR
48.5. Lookup and Invoke @Remote Interface
48.6. Directory Sanity Check
48.7. Summary
49. WAR Deployment
49.1. Purpose
49.1.1. Goals
49.1.2. Objectives
49.2. Create WAR Module
49.3. Add RMI Test
49.4. Embed EJB in WAR Module
49.5. Summary
50. Build Commands
50.1. Purpose
50.1.1. Goals
50.1.2. Objectives
50.2. mvn (phase)
50.3. mvn (phase) -rf :module
50.4. mvn (phase) -f (path to module)
50.5. mvn clean -Pundeploy
50.6. mvn clean -Dit.test=fully.qualified.ITPath#testMethod
50.7. Summary
51. Controlling JNDI Names
51.1. Purpose
51.1.1. Goals
51.1.2. Objectives
51.2. Eliminate Version# from EAR-based JNDI Name
51.3. Eliminate Version# from WAR-based JNDI Name
51.4. Summary
52. Debug Remote EJB
52.1. Purpose
52.1.1. Goals
52.1.2. Objectives
52.2. Running IT Tests in IDE
52.3. Debugging Deployment to Standalone Server
52.4. Debugging Deployment to Embedded Server
52.5. Summary
53. EJB Parent POM
53.1. Purpose
53.1.1. Goals
53.1.2. Objectives
53.2. Create Root POM
53.3. Summary