Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 2. Java JDK Setup

2.1. Download and Install JDK 11
2.2. Add JDK to PATH
2.3. Verify your JDK is installed

You will need a JDK 11 installed.

Although most of the source code and maven modules used in class are backwards compatible with JDK 8, the modules and the build system around it have been migrated to JDK 11. There are a few changes between JDK 8 and JDK 11 that will make flipping between the two difficult. Therefore target JDK 11 for use in class.

Keep 32/64-bit choices consistent

Keep the 32/64-bit choice consistent with what you download later for Eclipse.

  • Mac Users AdoptOpenJDK or thru package manager (e.g., brew)

  • Linux Users thru package manager (e.g., yum, apt)

    $ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

  • Windows Users Azul OpenJDK