Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@

Chapter 7. Eclipse Setup

7.1. Download and Install Eclipse
7.3. Define JDK location
7.4. Setup Maven Eclipse Integration (m2e)
7.5. Setup Git Eclipse Team Provider
7.6. Setup JBoss Eclipse Integration

The most current release of Eclipse IDE as of preparing these instructions is 2019-06. Eclipse IDE seems to have gone from a yearly release cycle to a three month release cycle . When they followed a yearly release cycle -- it was always released in the August/Sepember timeframe and that was the worst time to switch. The best time to upgrade when they followed the yearly cycle was in the Janurary timeframe when issues had been reported and patches had time to be released. I am not sure yet how to time the new three month cycles -- but needless to say "the latest" is not a requirement for this course. If you already have an IDE or a version of Eclipse that you are comfortable with -- there should be no reason to upgrade.

No Course Requirement for Eclipse IDE

There is no course requirement that you use Eclipse IDE or the latest Eclipse IDE. Many students have completed this course using IntelliJ.

  1. Download Eclipse IDE for JavaEE Developers Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Developers or latest from Eclipse Packages or Eclipse Downloads

  2. Install Eclipse IDE for JavaEE Developers and Start

    • For the Mac installation, a .dmg was provided. Install Eclipse to the Applications folder, pin it to the taskbar so that it is easy to locate, and start Eclipse.

    • For the Linux installation, a tar.gz archive was provided. Exctract this to a location on your computer, and start Eclipse.

    • For the Windows installation, a .zip archive was provided. Extract this to a location on your computer, pin the eclipse executable to the taskbar so that it is easy to locate, and start Eclipse.

m2e is a plugin installed into Eclipse that configures Eclipse based on the Maven pom.xml configuration. When adjusting your builds, you should always define changes within the Maven pom.xml and rely on m2e to translate that into Eclipse. Any changes added directly to Eclipse will not be seen by the command-line build.

  1. Add the Java Package Explorer to the JavaEE Perspective. I find this easier to work with than the Project Explorer used by default in the JavaEE perspective.

  2. Import the class examples into Eclipse as a Maven Project

JBoss maintains a set of Eclipse plugins to help with development and use of their products. There are too many to describe -- let alone understand in total. However, we can make use of a few. The primary one is to optionally run/manage Wildfly within Eclipse versus the command line. Follow these steps if you want to enable a few additional productivity JBoss Tools plugins.

  1. Open the Eclipse Marketplace panel using Help->Eclipse Marketplace

  2. Type Wildfly into the seach field and press Go

  3. Click Install for the JBoss Tools

  4. Complete the installation steps for JBoss Tools. There are many tools in the repository. Very few of them are needed for class or not obvious how to use them without more investigation. Choose the following suggested minimal set.

  5. Define a Server Instance for JBoss