
jim stafford


Why log?

Why log?

Logging has many uses within an application — spanning:

  • auditing actions

  • reporting errors

  • providing debug information to assist in locating a problem

With much of our code located in libraries — logging is not just for our application code. We will want to know audit, error, and debug information in our library calls as well:

  • did that timer fire?

  • which calls failed?

  • what HTTP headers were input or returned from a REST call?

Why use a Logger over System.out?

Why use a Logger over System.out?

Use of Loggers allow statements to exist within the code that will either:

  • be disabled

  • log output uninhibited

  • log output with additional properties (e.g., timestamp, thread, caller, etc.)

Logs are:

  • commonly are written to the console and/or files by default — but that is not always the case

  • can be exported to centralized servers or database(s)

    • form integrated picture of distributed system

    • provide search and alarm capabilities.

However simple or robust your end logs become, logging starts with the code and is a very important thing to include from the beginning (even if we waited a few modules to cover it).


The student will learn:

  • to understand the value in using logging over simple System.out.println calls

  • to understand the interface and implementation separation of a modern logging framework

  • the relationship between the different logger interfaces and implementations

  • to use log levels and verbosity to properly monitor the application under different circumstances

  • to express valuable context information in logged messages

  • to manage logging verbosity

  • to configure the output of logs to provide useful information


At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, the student will be able to:

  1. obtain access to an SLF4J Logger

  2. issue log events at different severity levels

  3. filter log events based on source and severity thresholds

  4. efficiently bypass log statements that do not meet criteria

  5. format log events for regular and exception parameters

  6. customize log patterns

  7. customize appenders

  8. add contextual information to log events using Mapped Diagnostic Context

  9. trigger additional logging events using Markers

  10. use Spring Profiles to conditionally configure logging

Starting References

There are many resources on the Internet that cover logging, the individual logging implementations, and the Spring Boot opinionated support for logging.

  1. Spring Boot Logging Feature provides documentation from a top-down perspective of how it supplies a common logging abstraction over potentially different logging implementations.

  2. SLF4J Web Site provides documentation, articles, and presentations on SLF4J — the chosen logging interface for Spring Boot and much of the Java community.

  3. Logback Web Site provides a wealth of documentation, articles, and presentations on Logback — the default logging implementation for Spring Boot.

  4. Log4J2 Web Site provides core documentation on Log4J2 — a top-tier Spring Boot alternative logging implementation.

  5. Java Util Logging (JUL) Documentation Web Site provides an overview of JUL — a lesser supported Spring Boot alternative implementation for logging.

Logging Dependencies

  • supplied through dependency on spring-boot-starter

    • its dependency on spring-boot-starter-logging

  • only need to supply additional dependencies when

    • changing default logging implementation

    • making use of optional, specialized logging extensions

Spring Boot Starter Logging Dependencies
$ mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] info.ejava.examples.app:appconfig-logging-example:jar:6.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] \- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:jar:2.7.0:compile
[INFO]    +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:jar:2.7.0:compile
[INFO]    +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure:jar:2.7.0:compile
[INFO]    +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-logging:jar:2.7.0:compile (1)
[INFO]    |  +- ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.11:compile
[INFO]    |  |  +- ch.qos.logback:logback-core:jar:1.2.11:compile
[INFO]    |  |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.36:compile
[INFO]    |  +- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-to-slf4j:jar:2.17.2:compile
[INFO]    |  |  \- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:jar:2.17.2:compile
[INFO]    |  \- org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:jar:1.7.36:compile
1dependency on spring-boot-starter brings in spring-boot-starter-logging

Logging Libraries

  • spring-core dependency brings in its own repackaging and optimizations of Commons Logging within spring-jcl

    • spring-jcl provides a thin wrapper that looks for logging APIs and self-bootstraps itself to use them — with a preference for the SLF4J interface, then Log4J2 directly, and then JUL as a fallback

    • spring-jcl looks to have replaced the need for jcl-over-slf4j

  • spring-boot-starter-logging provides dependencies for the SLF4J API, adapters and three optional implementations

    • implementations — these will perform the work behind the SLF4J interface calls

    • adapters — these will bridge the SLF4J calls to the implementations

      • Logback implements SLF4J natively - no adapter necessary

      • log4j-to-slf4j bridges Log4j to SLF4J

      • jul-to-slf4j - bridges Java Util Logging (JUL) to SLF4J

Logging Default

If we use Spring Boot with spring-boot-starter right out of the box, we will be using the SLF4J API and Logback implementation configured to work correctly for most cases.

Spring and Spring Boot Internal Logging

Getting Started

Lets begin with a comparison with System.out so we can see how they are similar and different


System.out was built into Java from day 1

  • no extra imports are required

  • no extra libraries are required

System.out writes to wherever System.out references — default is stdout

You have seen many earlier examples just like the following.

Example System.out Call
@Profile("system-out") (1)
public class SystemOutCommand implements CommandLineRunner {
    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("System.out message");
1restricting component to profile to allow us to turn off unwanted output after this demo

System.out Output

Example System.out Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=system-out (1)

System.out message (2)
1activating profile that turns on our component and turns off all logging
2System.out is not impacted by logging configuration and printed to stdout

Turning Off Spring Boot Logging

Where did all the built-in logging (e.g., Spring Boot banner, startup messages, etc.) go in the last example?

Turning Off Spring Boot Logging

The system-out profile specified a logging.level.root property that effectively turned off all logging.

spring.main.banner-mode=off (1)
logging.level.root=OFF (2)
1turns off printing of verbose Spring Boot startup banner
2turns off all logging (inheriting from the root configuration)

Technically the logging was only turned off for loggers inheriting the root configuration — but we will ignore that detail for right now and just say "all logging".

Getting a Logger

  • fundamental design idiom — separate interface from implementation

  • our calling should have simple access to a simple interface to express

    • information to be logged

    • the severity of that information

  • want implementation to have limitless capability to produce and manage logs

    • but want only to pay for what we likely will use

  • Logging frameworks allow that to occur

    • provide primary access thru a logging interface

    • provide a means to create an instance of that logger

logging factory stereotypes
Figure 1. Logging Framework Primary Stereotypes
  • Factory creates Logger

Different APIs and Techniques to Get Logger

Lets take a look at several ways to obtain a Logger using different APIs and techniques

Java Util Logger Interface Example

  • Java Util Logger (JUL) has been built into Java since 1.4

  • primary interface is the Logger class — both factory and interface for Logger

logging jul logger factory
package info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.factory;
import java.util.logging.Logger; (1)

public class JULLogger implements CommandLineRunner {
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JULLogger.class.getName()); (2)

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        log.info("Java Util logger message"); (3)
1import the JUL Logger class
2get a reference to the JUL Logger instance by String name
3issue a log event

JUL Example Output

  • output shows code using JUL interface integrated into Spring Boot logs

Example Java Util Logging (JUL) Output
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
20:40:54,136 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.factory.JULLogger - Java Util logger message
However, JUL is not widely used as an API or implementation. I won’t detail it here, but it has been reported to be much slower and missing robust features of modern alternatives. That does not mean JUL cannot be used as an API for your code (and the libraries your code relies on) and an implementation for your packaged application. It just means using it as an implementation is uncommon and won’t be the default in Spring Boot and other frameworks.

SLF4J Logger Interface Example

  • example sequence similar to JUL sequence

    • except using SLF4J Logger interface and LoggerFactory class

logging logger factory
package info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.factory;

import org.slf4j.Logger; (1)
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class DeclaredLogger implements CommandLineRunner {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeclaredLogger.class); (2)

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        log.info("declared SLF4J logger message"); (3)
1import the SLF4J Logger interface and LoggerFactory class
2get a reference to the SLF4J Logger instance using the LoggerFactory class
3issue a log event

SLF4J LoggerFactory Improvement

One immediate improvement SLF4J has over JUL interface is the convenience getLogger() method that accepts a class. Loggers are structured in a tree hierarchy and it is common best practice to name them after the fully qualified class that they are called from. The String form is also available but the Class form helps encourage and simplify following a common best practice.

SLF4J Example Output

SLF4J Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=factory (1)
20:40:55,156 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.factory.DeclaredLogger - declared SLF4J logger message
1supplying custom profile to filter output to include only the factory examples

Lombok SLF4J Declaration Example

Naming loggers with fully qualified classname is so common that Lombok library able to automate declaring Logger during Java compilation

Lombok Example Call
package info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.factory;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@Slf4j (1)
public class LombokDeclaredLogger implements CommandLineRunner {
    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        log.info("lombok declared SLF4J logger"); (3)
1@Slf4j annotation automates the import statements and Logger declaration
2Lombok will declare a static log property using LoggerFactory during compilation
3normal log statement provided by calling class — no different from earlier example

Lombok Example Output

Since Lombok primarily automates code generation at compile time, the produced output is identical to the previous manual declaration example.

Lombok Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
20:40:55,155 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.factory.LombokDeclaredLogger - lombok declared SLF4J logger message

Lombok Dependency

Of course, we need to add the following dependency to the project pom.xml to enable Lombok annotation processing.

Lombok Dependency
<!-- used to declare logger -->

Logging Levels

  • Logger returned from the LoggerFactory

    • has an associated level — represents its verbosity threshold

  • Logger methods indicate their severity

logging logging levels
  • logging severity level calls supported by SLF4J span from trace() to error()

  • logging threshold levels supported by Spring Boot and Logback also span from TRACE to ERROR and include an OFF

    • all levels are case insensitive

  • treat TRACE being less (severe) than ERROR

Severity levels supported by other APIs ( JUL Levels, Log4J2 Levels) are mapped to levels supported by SLF4J.

Common Level Use

Although there cannot be enforcement of when to use which level — there are common conventions. The following is a set of conventions I live by:


Detailed audits events and verbose state of processing

  • example: Detailed state at a point in the code. SQL, params, and results of a query.


Audit events and state giving insight of actions performed

  • example: Beginning/ending a decision branch or a key return value


Notable audit events and state giving some indication of overall activity performed

  • example: Started/completed transaction for purchase


Something unusual to highlight but the application was able to recover

  • example: Read timeout for remote source


Significant or unrecoverable error occurred and an important action failed. These should be extremely limited in their use.

  • example: Cannot connect to database

Log Level Adjustments

Obviously, there are no perfect guidelines. Adjustments need to be made on a case by case basis.

When forming your logging approach — ask yourself "are the logs telling me what I need to know when I look under the hood?", "what can they tell me with different verbosity settings?", and "what will it cost in terms of performance and storage?".
The last thing you want to do is to be called in for a problem and the logs tell you nothing or too much of the wrong information. Even worse — changing the verbosity of the logs will not help for when the issue occurs the next time.

Logging Level Example Calls

The following is an example of making very simple calls to the logger at different severity levels.

Logging Level Example Calls
package info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels;
public class LoggerLevels implements CommandLineRunner {
    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        log.trace("trace message"); (1)
        log.debug("debug message");
        log.info("info message");
        log.warn("warn message");
        log.error("error message"); (1)
1example issues one log message at each of the available LSF4J severity levels

Logging Level Output: INFO

Logging Level INFO Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=levels (1)

06:36:15,910 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - info message (2)
06:36:15,912 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - warn message
06:36:15,912 ERROR info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - error message
1profile sets info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels threshold level to INFO
2messages logged for INFO, WARN, and ERROR severity because they are >= INFO

logging.pattern.console=%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger - %msg%n (3)

logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels=info (2)
logging.level.root=OFF (1)
1all loggers are turned off by default
2example package logger threshold level produces log events with severity >= INFO
3customized console log messages to contain pertinent example info

Logging Level Output: DEBUG

Lower threshold for logger to DEBUG — get one additional severity level than INFO in output

Logging Level DEBUG Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=levels \
--logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels=DEBUG (1)

06:37:04,292 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - debug message (2)
06:37:04,293 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - info message
06:37:04,294 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - warn message
06:37:04,294 ERROR info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - error message
1logging.level sets info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels threshold level to DEBUG
2messages logged for DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR severity because they are >= DEBUG

Logging Level Output: TRACE

Lower threshold for logger to TRACE — get two additional severity levels than INFO in output

Logging Level TRACE Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=levels \
--logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels=TRACE (1)

06:37:19,968 TRACE info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - trace message (2)
06:37:19,970 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - debug message
06:37:19,970 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - info message
06:37:19,970 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - warn message
06:37:19,970 ERROR info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - error message
1logging.level sets info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels threshold level to TRACE
2messages logged for all severity levels because they are >= TRACE

Logging Level Output: WARN

Lower threshold for logger to WARN — get one less severity level than INFO in output

Logging Level WARN Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=levels \
--logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels=WARN (1)

06:37:32,753 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - warn message (2)
06:37:32,755 ERROR info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - error message
1logging.level sets info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels threshold level to WARN
2messages logged for WARN, and ERROR severity because they are >= WARN

Logging Level Output: OFF

Lower threshold for logger to OFF — get no output produced

Logging Level OFF Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=levels \
--logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels=OFF (1)

1logging.level sets info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels threshold level to OFF
2no messages logged because logger turned off

Discarded Message Expense

  • substantial savings can come from turning off verbose severity level thresholds

  • however — even disabled threshold calls can increase execution time

    • building message to be logged carries its own expense

Example Expensive toString()
class ExpensiveToLog {
    public String toString() { (1)
        try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception ignored) {}
        return "hello";
1calling toString() on instances of this class will incur noticeable delay

Blind String Concatenation

What is wong here?

Blind String Concatenation Example
ExpensiveToLog obj=new ExpensiveToLog();
log.debug("debug for expensiveToLog: " + obj + "!");
  1. The log message will get formed by eagerly concatenating several Strings together

  2. One of those Strings is produced by a relatively expensive toString() method

  3. Problem: The work of eagerly forming the String is wasted if DEBUG is not enabled

Verbosity Check

Assume information from toString() call is

  • valuable

  • needed when we have DEBUG enabled

Verbosity check is one common solution

  • determine if end result worth the work

Two very similar ways we can do this

  • Dynamically

  • Statically

Dynamic Verbosity Check

  • check current threshold level of logger — only execute if requested severity level is enabled

    • still building expensive String when DEBUG is enabled

    • saves processing time when DEBUG not enabled

Dynamic Verbosity Check Example
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { (1)
    log.debug("debug for expensiveToLog: " + obj +"!");
1code block with expensive toString() call is bypassed when DEBUG disabled

  • works best when multiple lines of code required

  • suitable when there are very few checks within a class

Static Final Verbosity Check

  • define a static final boolean variable to result of enabled test

  • allows JVM to know value of predicate will never change

    • allowing code block and further checks to be eliminated when disabled

Static Verbosity Check Example
private static final boolean DEBUG_ENABLED = log.isDebugEnabled(); (1)
    if (DEBUG_ENABLED) { (2)
        log.debug("debug for expensiveToLog: " + obj + "!");
1logger’s verbosity level tested when class loaded and stored in static final variable
2code block with expensive toString()

  • better when multiple blocks of code to make conditional on the threshold level of same logger

  • assumes logger threshold will never change or JVM will be restarted to change value

I have seen this technique commonly used in libraries where they anticipate many calls and they are commonly judged on their method throughput performance.

SLF4J Parameterized Logging

  • SLF4J API offers another solution

    • removes need for if clause — cleaning code extra conditional blocks

  • SLF4J Logger interface has a format and args variant for each verbosity level call

    • threshold consulted prior to converting any of the parameters to String

  • curly braces ("{}") express ordered insertion point in format spec for args

  • no format options — lazily calls toString() on each arg and inserts result

SLF4J Parameterized Logging Example
log.debug("debug for expensiveToLog: {}!", obj); (1) (2)
1{} is a placeholder for the result of obj.toString() if called
2obj.toString() only called and overall message concatenated if logger threshold set to ⇐ DEBUG

Simple Performance Results: Disabled

  • major cost differences between blind concatenation and other methods

  • parameterized logging technique on par with threshold level techniques with far less code complexity

Disabled Logger Relative Results
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=expense \

11:44:25.462 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - warmup logger
11:44:26.476 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - \

concat: 1012, ifDebug=0, DEBUG_ENABLED=0, param=0 (1) (2)
1eager blind concatenation pays toString() cost even when not needed (1012ms)
2verbosity check and lazy parameterized logging equally efficient (0ms)

Simple Performance Results: Enabled

  • expensive toString() called for each of the four techniques

    • neither provide noticeable processing delay over the other when logging threshold met

    • do not put much weight on a few milliseconds difference between calls

Enabled Logger Relative Results
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=expense \

11:44:43.560 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - warmup logger
11:44:43.561 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - warmup logger
11:44:44.572 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - debug for expensiveToLog: hello!
11:44:45.575 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - debug for expensiveToLog: hello!
11:44:46.579 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - debug for expensiveToLog: hello!
11:44:46.579 DEBUG info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - debug for expensiveToLog: hello!
11:44:47.582 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.expense.DisabledOptimization - \

concat: 1010, ifDebug=1003, DEBUG_ENABLED=1004, param=1003 (1)
1all four methods paying the cost of the relatively expensive obj.toString() call

Exception Logging

  • SLF4J parameterized logging treats Exceptions special if last parameter

    • will not have its toString() called

    • stack trace for Exception is logged instead

Example Exception Logging
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
    try {
        log.info("calling iThrowException");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.warn("caught exception", ex); (1)

private void iThrowException() throws Exception {
    throw new Exception("example exception");
1Exception passed to logger with message

Exception Example Output

  • message is printed in its normal location

  • stack trace is added for the supplied Exception parameter

Example Exception Logging Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

13:41:17.119 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample - calling iThrowException
13:41:17.121 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample - caught exception (1)
java.lang.Exception: example exception (2)
        at info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample.iThrowException(ExceptionExample.java:23)
        at info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample.run(ExceptionExample.java:15)
        at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunner(SpringApplication.java:784)
    at org.springframework.boot.loader.Launcher.launch(Launcher.java:51)
        at org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher.main(JarLauncher.java:52)
1normal message logged
2stack trace for last Exception parameter logged

Exception Logging and Formatting

  • can use parameterized logging with Exceptions

  • snippet below shows a format with two parameters and an Exception

  • (previous example was a format with no non-Exception parameters)

Example Exception Logging with Parameters
log.warn("caught exception {} {}", "p1","p2", ex);
Example Exception Logging with Parameters Output
13:41:17.119 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample - calling iThrowException
13:41:17.122 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample - caught exception p1 p2 (1)
java.lang.Exception: example exception (2)
        at info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample.iThrowException(ExceptionExample.java:23)
        at info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.exceptions.ExceptionExample.run(ExceptionExample.java:15)
        at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.callRunner(SpringApplication.java:784)
    at org.springframework.boot.loader.Launcher.launch(Launcher.java:51)
        at org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher.main(JarLauncher.java:52)
1two early parameters ("p1" and "p2") where used to complete the message template
2Exception passed as the last parameter had its stack trace logged

Logging Pattern

  • previous examples showed logging output using a custom pattern

  • expressed using logging.pattern.console property

Sample Custom Pattern
logging.pattern.console=%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger - %msg%n

Example Pattern Contents

The pattern consisted of (ref: Logback Conversion Documentation):

logging.pattern.console=%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger - %msg%n
  • %date (or %d)- time of day down to millisecs

  • %level (or %p, %le)- severity level left justified and padded to 5 characters

  • %logger (or %c, %lo)- full name of logger

  • %msg (or %m, %message) - full logged message

  • %n - operating system-specific new line

If you remember, that produced the following output.

Review: LoggerLevels Example Pattern Output
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

06:00:38.891 INFO  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - info message
06:00:38.892 WARN  info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - warn message
06:00:38.892 ERROR info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels - error message

Default Console Pattern

  • Spring Boot default pattern expressed in CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN property

  • following snippet depicts information found within the Logback property definition — new lines added in to help read it

%clr(%d{${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN:-yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}}){faint}
%clr(${PID:- }){magenta}

Default Console Pattern Contents

  • %d - timestamp defaulting to full format

  • %p - severity level right justified and padded to 5 characters

  • $PID - system property containing the process ID

  • %t (or %thread) - thread name right justified and padded to 15 characters and chopped at 15 characters

  • %logger - logger name optimized to fit within 39 characters , left justified and padded to 40 characters, chopped at 40 characters

  • %m - fully logged message

  • %n - operating system-specific new line

  • %wEx - Spring Boot-defined exception formatting

Default Console Pattern Output

LoggerLevels Output with Default Spring Boot Console Log Pattern
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--logging.level.root=OFF \

2020-03-27 06:31:21.475 TRACE 31203 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : trace message
2020-03-27 06:31:21.477 DEBUG 31203 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : debug message
2020-03-27 06:31:21.477  INFO 31203 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : info message
2020-03-27 06:31:21.477  WARN 31203 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : warn message
2020-03-27 06:31:21.477 ERROR 31203 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : error message
  • color triggered by level

    • red for ERROR

    • yellow for WARN

    • green for others

console coloring

Variable Substitution

  • logging configurations within Spring Boot make use of variable substitution

    • value of LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN will be applied wherever the expression ${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN} appears

    • "${}" characters are part of variable expression and will not be part of the result

Conditional Variable Substitution

  • variables can be defined with default values

  • ${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN:-yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}

    • the value of LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN will be used if defined

    • the value of "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" will be used if not defined

The "${}" and embedded ":-" characters following the variable name are part of the expression when appearing within an XML configuration file and will not be part of the result. The dash (-) character should be removed if using within a property definition.

Date Format Pattern

  • default CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN timestamp can be changed using LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN system property

    • can flexibly be set using logging.pattern.dateformat property

Setting Date Format
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--logging.level.root=OFF \
--logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels=INFO \
--logging.pattern.dateformat="HH:mm:ss.SSS" (1)

08:20:42.939  INFO 39013 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : info message
08:20:42.942  WARN 39013 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : warn message
08:20:42.942 ERROR 39013 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : error message
1setting LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN using logging.pattern.dateformat property

Log Level Pattern

  • default CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN severity level can be changed using LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN system property

    • can be flexibly set using logging.pattern.level property

  • example shows setting format to single character, left justified

    • mapping INFOI, WARNW, and ERRORE

$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--logging.level.root=OFF \
--logging.level.info.ejava.examples.app.config.logging.levels.LoggerLevels=INFO \
--logging.pattern.dateformat="HH:mm:ss.SSS" \
--logging.pattern.level="%.-1p" (1)
08:59:17.376 I 44756 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : info message
08:59:17.379 W 44756 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : warn message
08:59:17.379 E 44756 --- [           main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : error message
1logging.level.pattern expressed to be 1 character, left justified
2single character produced in console log output

Conversion Pattern Specifiers

Conversion Patterns

  • Literal Text (e.g., ---, whitespace) — hard-coded decoration/spacing around conversion specifiers

  • Conversion Specifiers - (e.g., %-40.40logger{39}) — an expression that will contribute a formatted property of the current logging context

    • starts with %

    • followed by format modifiers — (e.g., -40.40) — min/max spacing and right/left justification

      • optionally provide minimum number of spaces

        • use a negative number (-#) to make it left justified and a positive number (#) to make it right justified

      • optionally provide maximum number of spaces using a decimal place and number (.#). Extra characters will be cut off

        • use a negative number (.-#) to start from the left and positive number (.#) to start from the right

    • followed by a conversion word (e.g., logger, msg) — keyword name for property

    • optional parameters (e.g., {39}) — see individual conversion words for details on each

Format Modifier Impact Example

Table 1. %level Format Modifier Impact Example

value takes whatever space necessary

[  INFO]
[  WARN]

value takes at least 6 characters, right justified

[INFO  ]
[WARN  ]

value takes at least 6 characters, left justified


value takes no more than 2 characters, starting from the left


value takes no more than 2 characters, starting from the right

Example Override

  • must override entire CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN system property to go further

    • define it using logging.pattern.console property

  • too much to define on the command line

    • move our definition to a profile-based property file

#application-layout.properties (1)

#default to time-of-day for the date
#supply custom console layout
logging.pattern.console=%clr(%d{${LOG_DATEFORMAT_PATTERN:HH:mm:ss.SSS}}){faint} \
%clr(${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:%5p}) \
%clr(-){faint} \
%clr(%method){cyan}\ (2)
%clr(%line){cyan} \ (2)

1property file used when layout profile active
2customization added method and line of caller — at a processing expense

Expensive Conversion Words

  • added two new helpful properties

    • could be considered controversial

    • require extra overhead to obtain that information from the JVM

  • %method (or %M) - name of method calling logger

  • %line (or %L) - line number of the file where logger call was made

The additional "expensive" fields are being used for console output for demonstrations using a demonstration profile. Consider your log information needs on a case-by-case basis and learn from this lesson what and how you can modify the logs for your specific needs. For example — to debug an error, you can switch to a more detailed and verbose profile without changing code.

Example Override Output

We can activate the profile and demonstrate the modified format using the following command.

Example Console Pattern Override Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

14:25:58.428  INFO - logging.levels.LoggerLevels#run:14 info message
14:25:58.430  WARN - logging.levels.LoggerLevels#run:15 warn message
14:25:58.430 ERROR - logging.levels.LoggerLevels#run:16 error message

The coloring does not show up above so the image below provides a perspective of what that looks like.

console layout override

Layout Fields

Please see the Logback Layouts Documentation for a detailed list of conversion words and how to optionally format them.


We have demonstrated a fair amount capability thus far without having to know much about the internals of the logger framework. However, we need to take a small dive into the logging framework in order to explain some further concepts.

  • Logger Ancestry

  • Logger Inheritance

  • Appenders

  • Logger Additivity

Logger Tree

  • loggers are organized in hierarchy starting with a root logger called "root"

  • higher in the tree are ancestors and lower in the tree are descendants

logging logger tree

Except for root, structure of loggers depends on hierarchical name of each logger

  • X, Y.3, and security are descendants and direct children of root

  • Y.3 is example of logger lacking an explicitly defined parent in hierarchy before reaching root. We can skip many levels between child and root and still retain same hierarchical name

  • X.1, X.2, and X.3 are descendants of X and root and direct children of X

  • Y.3.p is descendant of Y.3 and root and direct child of Y.3

Logger Inheritance

  • each logger has a set of allowed properties and may

    • define its own value,

    • inherit value of parent

    • be assigned a default (as in the case for root)

Logger Threshold Level Inheritance

  • root, loggerX, security, loggerY.3, loggerX.1 and loggerX.3 set an explicit value for their threshold.

  • loggerX.2 and loggerY.3.p inherit the threshold from their parent

logging logger additivity
Figure 2. Logger Level Inheritance

Logger Effective Threshold Level Inheritance

logger namespecified thresholdeffective threshold















Example Logger Threshold Level Properties

These thresholds can be expressed in a property file.

application-tree.properties Snippet

Example Logger Threshold Level Output

  • impact of logging level inheritance from ancestors to descendants

Effective Logger Theshold Level Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

CONSOLE  05:58:14.956  INFO - X#run:25 X info
CONSOLE  05:58:14.959  WARN - X#run:26 X warn
CONSOLE  05:58:14.959 ERROR - X#run:27 X error
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960 ERROR - X.1#run:27 X.1 error (2)
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960  INFO - X.2#run:25 X.2 info (1)
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960  WARN - X.2#run:26 X.2 warn
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960 ERROR - X.2#run:27 X.2 error
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960  WARN - Y.3#run:26 Y.3 warn
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960 ERROR - Y.3#run:27 Y.3 error
CONSOLE  05:58:14.960  WARN - Y.3.p#run:26 Y.3.p warn (1)
CONSOLE  05:58:14.961 ERROR - Y.3.p#run:27 Y.3.p error
CONSOLE  05:58:14.961 TRACE - security#run:23 security trace (3)
CONSOLE  05:58:14.961 DEBUG - security#run:24 security debug
CONSOLE  05:58:14.962  INFO - security#run:25 security info
CONSOLE  05:58:14.962  WARN - security#run:26 security warn
CONSOLE  05:58:14.962 ERROR - security#run:27 security error
1X.2 and Y.3.p exhibit the same threshold level as their parents X (INFO) and Y.3 (WARN)
2X.1 (ERROR) and X.3 (OFF) override their parent threshold levels
3security is writing all levels >= TRACE


  • Loggers generate LoggerEvents but do not directly log anything

  • Appenders are responsible for taking LoggerEvent and producing a log

  • many types of appenders

    • been working exclusively with ConsoleAppender thus far

    • will work with some others before we are done

  • at this point — just know that a ConsoleLogger uses:

    • an encoder to determine when to write messages to the log

    • a layout to determine how to transform an individual LoggerEvent to a String

    • a pattern when using a PatternLayout to define the transformation

Logger has N Appenders

Each of the loggers in our tree has the chance to have 0..N appenders.

logging logger appenders
Figure 3. Logger / Appender Relationship

Logger Configuration Files

  • Spring Boot documentation recommends using -spring.xml suffixed files over provider default named files

    • assures Spring Boot can enable all documented features

  • alternately, can use explicit location using logging.config property

application-tree.properties Reference
logging.config=classpath:/logging-configs/tree/logback-spring.xml (1)
1an explicit property reference to the logging configuration file to use

Logback Root Configuration Element

logging-configs/tree/logback-spring.xml Configuration
<configuration debug="false">

Retain Spring Boot Defaults

  • lose most/all Spring Boot logging defaults when we define our own custom logging configuration file

  • restore them by adding an include.

    • same file looked at earlier for definition of CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN

logging-configs/tree/logback-spring.xml Retain Spring Boot Defaults
<configuration debug="false">
    <!-- bring in Spring Boot defaults for Logback -->
    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml"/>

Appender Configuration

Our example tree has three (3) appenders total. Each adds a literal string prefix so we know which appender is being called.

logging-configs/tree/logback-spring.xml Appenders
<!-- leverages what Spring Boot would have given us for console -->
<appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder"> (1)
        <pattern>CONSOLE  ${CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN}</pattern>
<appender name="X-appender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <pattern>X        ${CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN}</pattern>
<appender name="security-appender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <pattern>SECURITY ${CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN}</pattern>
1PatternLayoutEncoder is the default encoder
This example forms the basis for demonstrating logger/appender assignment and appender additivity. ConsoleAppender is used in each case for ease of demonstration and not meant to depict a realistic configuration.

Appenders Attached to Loggers

  • each appender attached to single logger using appender-ref element

    • console is attached to the root logger

    • X-appender is attached to loggerX logger

    • security-appender is attached to security logger

  • latching two child appender assignments within appenders profile

logging-configs/tree/logback-spring.xml Loggers
<springProfile name="appenders"> (1)
    <logger name="X">
        <appender-ref ref="X-appender"/> (2)

    <!-- this logger starts a new tree of appenders, nothing gets written to root logger -->
    <logger name="security" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="security-appender"/>

    <appender-ref ref="console"/>
1using Spring Boot Logback extension to only enable appenders when profile active
2appenders associated with logger using appender-ref

Appender Tree Inheritance

  • appenders are inherited from ancestor loggers unless overridden by property additivity=false

logging logger tree appenders
Figure 4. Example Logger Tree with Appenders

Appender Additivity Result

Table 2. Inheritance and Additivity Result
logger nameassigned thresholdassigned appendereffective thresholdeffective appender
console, X-appender
console, X-appender
console, X-appender
console, X-appender

Logger Inheritance Tree Output

$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

X        19:12:07.220  INFO - X#run:25 X info (1)
CONSOLE  19:12:07.220  INFO - X#run:25 X info (1)
X        19:12:07.224  WARN - X#run:26 X warn
CONSOLE  19:12:07.224  WARN - X#run:26 X warn
X        19:12:07.225 ERROR - X#run:27 X error
CONSOLE  19:12:07.225 ERROR - X#run:27 X error
X        19:12:07.225 ERROR - X.1#run:27 X.1 error
CONSOLE  19:12:07.225 ERROR - X.1#run:27 X.1 error
X        19:12:07.225  INFO - X.2#run:25 X.2 info
CONSOLE  19:12:07.225  INFO - X.2#run:25 X.2 info
X        19:12:07.225  WARN - X.2#run:26 X.2 warn
CONSOLE  19:12:07.225  WARN - X.2#run:26 X.2 warn
X        19:12:07.226 ERROR - X.2#run:27 X.2 error
CONSOLE  19:12:07.226 ERROR - X.2#run:27 X.2 error
CONSOLE  19:12:07.226  WARN - Y.3#run:26 Y.3 warn (2)
CONSOLE  19:12:07.227 ERROR - Y.3#run:27 Y.3 error (2)
CONSOLE  19:12:07.227  WARN - Y.3.p#run:26 Y.3.p warn
CONSOLE  19:12:07.227 ERROR - Y.3.p#run:27 Y.3.p error
SECURITY 19:12:07.227 TRACE - security#run:23 security trace (3)
SECURITY 19:12:07.227 DEBUG - security#run:24 security debug (3)
SECURITY 19:12:07.227  INFO - security#run:25 security info (3)
SECURITY 19:12:07.228  WARN - security#run:26 security warn (3)
SECURITY 19:12:07.228 ERROR - security#run:27 security error (3)
1log messages written to logger X and descendants are written to console and X-appender appenders
2log messages written to logger Y.3 and descendants are written only to console appender
3log messages written to security logger are written only to security appender because of additivity=false

Mapped Diagnostic Context

  • focus thus far has been on calls made within the code

    • without much concern about overall context in which calls were made

  • multi-threaded, multi-user environment have additional context information

    • e.g., userId and transactionId

  • SLF4J and logging implementations support call context information using Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) and the MDC class

    • essentially a ThreadLocal map of strings assigned to current thread

    • MDC values commonly set and cleared in container filters that fire before/after client calls executed

MDC Example

  • run() method playing role of "container filter" — setting and clearing MDC

    • setting a "user" and "requestId" key

  • doWork() method is oblivious of MDC — simply logs start and end of work

MDC Example
import org.slf4j.MDC;
public class MDCLogger implements CommandLineRunner {
    private static final String[] USERS = new String[]{"jim", "joe", "mary"};
    private static final SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
            String user = USERS[r.nextInt(USERS.length)];
            MDC.put("user", user); (1)
            MDC.put("requestId", Integer.toString(r.nextInt(99999)));
            MDC.clear(); (2)

    public void doWork() {
        log.info("starting work");
        log.info("finished work");
1run() method simulates container filter setting context properties before call executed
2context properties removed after all calls for the context complete

MDC Example Pattern

  • add %mdc (or %X) conversion word to appender pattern to make use of new "user" and "requestId" properties for current thread

Adding MDC Properties to Pattern
logging.pattern.console=%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level [%-9mdc{user:-anonymous}][%5mdc{requestId}] %logger{0} - %msg%n
  • %mdc{user:-anonymous} - the identity of the user making the call or "anonymous" if not supplied

  • %mdc{requestId} - the specific request made or blank if not supplied

MDC Example Output

  • tracking who made work request and boundary of each request — both identified and anonymous

MDC Example Output
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar --spring.profiles.active=mdc

17:11:59.100 INFO  [jim      ][61165] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [jim      ][61165] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [mary     ][ 8802] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [mary     ][ 8802] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [mary     ][86993] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [mary     ][86993] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.101 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [mary     ][67677] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [mary     ][67677] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [jim      ][25693] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [jim      ][25693] MDCLogger - finished work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - starting work
17:11:59.102 INFO  [anonymous][     ] MDCLogger - finished work
Like standard ThreadLocal variables, child threads do not inherit values of parent thread.


  • SLF4J and logging implementations support markers

  • Unlike MDC data — which quietly sit in the background — markers are optionally supplied on a per-call basis

    • trigger reporting events to appenders — e.g., flush log, send the e-mail

    • implement additional severity levels — e.g., log.warn(FLESH_WOUND,"come back here!") versus log.warn(FATAL,"ouch!!!")

The additional functionality commonly is implemented through the use of filters assigned to appenders looking for these Markers.
To me having triggers initiated by the logging statements does not sound appropriate (but still could be useful). However, when the thought of filtering comes up — I think of cases where we may want to better classify the subject(s) of the statement so that we have more to filter on when configuring appenders. More than once I have been in a situation where adjusting the verbosity of a single logger was not granular enough to provide an ideal result.

Marker Class

  • Markers have a single property called name and an optional collection of child Markers

    • allow parent marker to represent one or more values

  • Appender filters test Markers using the contains() method to determine if the parent or any children are the targeted value

  • Markers are obtained through the MarkerFactory

    • caches managed Markers it creates

    • can make detached Markers so they can be uniquely added to separate parents

Marker Example

The following simple example issues two log events. The first is without a Marker and the second with a Marker that represents the value ALARM.

Marker Example
import org.slf4j.Marker;
import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory;
public class MarkerLogger implements CommandLineRunner {
    private static final Marker ALARM = MarkerFactory.getMarker("ALARM"); (1)

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        log.warn("non-alarming warning statement"); (2)
        log.warn(ALARM,"alarming statement"); (3)
1created single managed marker
2no marker added to logging call
3marker added to logging call to trigger something special about this call

Marker Appender Filter Example

Alarm Appender
    <appender name="alarms" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <filter class="ch.qos.logback.core.filter.EvaluatorFilter">
            <evaluator name="ALARM" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.boolex.OnMarkerEvaluator">
            <pattern>%red(ALARM&gt;&gt;&gt; ${CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN})</pattern>
All Event Appender
    <appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
Both Appenders added to root Logger
    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml"/>
        <appender-ref ref="console"/>
        <appender-ref ref="alarms"/>

Marker Example Result

$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

18:06:52.135 WARN  [] MarkerLogger - non-alarming warning statement (1)
18:06:52.136 WARN  [ALARM] MarkerLogger - alarming statement (1)
ALARM>>> 18:06:52.136 WARN  [ALARM] MarkerLogger - alarming statement (2)
1non-ALARM and ALARM events are written to the console appender
2ALARM event is also written to alarm appender

File Logging

  • console logging simple to demonstrate and to try out for yourself

  • more significant application will need to write this information somewhere to store and analyze

  • Spring Boot’s default file appender

    • not active by default

    • triggered by specifying the log’s file name or path

Trigger FILE Appender
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=levels \
--logging.file.name="mylog.log" (1) (2)
1adding this property adds file logging to default configuration
2this expressed logfile will be written to mylog.log in current directory

root Logger Appenders

  • appender additivity — multiple appenders can be associated with the same logger (root logger in this case)

    • produces log file in addition to our console output

logging root appenders
Figure 5. root Logger Appenders

FILE Appender Output

  • file is being written to current directory using "mylog.log" filename

FILE Appender File Output
$ cat mylog.log (1)
2020-03-29 07:14:33.533  INFO 90958 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : info message
2020-03-29 07:14:33.542  WARN 90958 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : warn message
2020-03-29 07:14:33.542 ERROR 90958 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : error message
1written to file specified by logging.file property
  • file and parent directories will be created if they do not exist

  • will append to an existing file if it already exists

FILE Appender Defaults to Append Mode
$ cat mylog.log
2020-03-29 07:14:33.533  INFO 90958 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : info message
2020-03-29 07:14:33.542  WARN 90958 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : warn message
2020-03-29 07:14:33.542 ERROR 90958 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : error message
2020-03-29 07:15:00.338  INFO 91090 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : info message (1)
2020-03-29 07:15:00.342  WARN 91090 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : warn message
2020-03-29 07:15:00.342 ERROR 91090 --- [main] i.e.e.a.c.logging.levels.LoggerLevels    : error message
1messages from second execution appended to same log

Spring Boot FILE Appender Definition

Spring Boot Default FILE Appender Definition
<appender name="FILE"
    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy"> (2)
1performs file rollover functionality based on configured policy
2specifies policy and policy configuration to use


  • write log messages to a specified file — and at some point, switch to writing to a different file

  • use a triggering policy to determine the point in which to switch files (i.e., "when it will occur")

  • use a rolling policy to determine how the file switchover will occur (i.e., "what will occur")

  • use a single policy for both if the rolling policy implements both policy interfaces

  • use file append mode by default


  • trigger a file switch when the current file reaches a maximum size

  • trigger a file switch when the granularity of the primary date (%d) pattern in the file path/name would rollover to a new value

  • supply a name for the old/historical file using a mandatory date (%d) pattern and index (%i)

  • define a maximum number of historical files to retain

  • define a total size to allocate to current and historical files

  • define an option to process quotas at startup in addition to file changeover for short running applications

FILE Appender Properties



full or relative path of directory written to — ignored when logging.file.name provided



full or relative path of filename written to — may be manually built using ${logging.file.path}



maximum size of log before changeover — must be less than total-size-cap



maximum number of historical files to retain when changing over because of date criteria



maximum amount of total space to consume — must be greater than max-size

(no limit)


pattern expression for historical file — must include a date and index — may express compression


Invalid Logger File Property

If file logger property value is invalid, the application will run without the FILE appender activated.


If we specify only the logging.file.path, the filename will default to spring.log and will be written to the directory path we supply.

logging.file.path Example
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--logging.file.path=target/logs (1)
$ ls target/logs (2)
1specifying logging.file.path as target/logs
2produces a spring.log in that directory


If we specify only the logging.file.name, the file will be written to the filename and directory we explicitly supply.

logging.file.name Example
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log (1)
$ ls target/logs (2)
1specifying a logging.file.name
2produces a logfile with that path and name

logging.file.max-size Trigger

  • trigger to change to the next file

  • satisfied when the current logfile reaches this value — default is 10MB

  • example sets maximum to 500 Bytes

logging.file.max-size Example
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=rollover \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log \
--logging.file.max-size=500B (1)
$ ls -ltr target/logs

total 40
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  154 Mar 29 16:00 mylog.log.2020-03-29.0.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  153 Mar 29 16:00 mylog.log.2020-03-29.1.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  156 Mar 29 16:00 mylog.log.2020-03-29.2.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  156 Mar 29 16:00 mylog.log.2020-03-29.3.gz (2)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  240 Mar 29 16:00 mylog.log (1)
1logging.file.max-size limits the size of the current logfile
2historical logfiles renamed according to logging.pattern.rolling-file-name pattern


logging.pattern.rolling-file-name Default Value
  • %d timestamp pattern and %i index are required

  • %d timestamp pattern directly impacts when file changeover will occur when still below logging.file.max-size

    • changeover occurs when there is a value change in result of applying timestamp pattern

  • %i index used when logging.file.max-size triggers changeover and we already have historical name with same timestamp

  • number of historical files throttled using logging.file.max-history only when %i index used and not when file changeover is due to logging.file.max-size

  • historical file will be compressed if gz is specified as the suffix

Timestamp Rollover Example

Timestamp Rollover Example
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=rollover \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log \
--logging.file.max-size=500 \
--logging.pattern.rolling-file-name='${logging.file.name}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss}.%i'.log (1)
$ ls -ltr target/logs

total 64
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:22.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:23.0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:24.0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:25.0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:26.0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:27.0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:28.0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 17:50 mylog.log

$ file target/logs/mylog.log.2020-03-29-17\:50\:28.0.log (2)
target/logs/mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:50:28.0.log: ASCII text
1logging.pattern.rolling-file-name pattern triggers changeover at the seconds boundary
2historical logfiles are left uncompressed because of name suffix specified

Using a date pattern to include minutes and seconds is just for demonstration and learning purposes. Most patterns would be daily.

History Compression Example

History Compression Example
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=rollover \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log \
--logging.pattern.rolling-file-name='${logging.file.name}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss}.%i'.gz (1)
$ ls -ltr target/logs

total 64
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:11.0.gz (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:12.0.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:13.0.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:14.0.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:15.0.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:16.0.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  97 Mar 29 16:26 mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:17.0.gz

$ file target/logs/mylog.log.2020-03-29-16\:26\:16.0.gz
target/logs/mylog.log.2020-03-29-16:26:16.0.gz: \
gzip compressed data, from FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT), original size 79
1historical logfiles are compressed when pattern uses a .gz suffix

logging.file.max-history Example

  • constrains number of files created for independent timestamps

Max History Example
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=rollover \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log \
--logging.file.max-size=250 \
--logging.pattern.rolling-file-name='${logging.file.name}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss}.%i'.log \
--logging.file.max-history=2 (1)
$ ls -ltr target/logs

total 24
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 17:52 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:52:58.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 17:52 mylog.log.2020-03-29-17:52:59.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 17:53 mylog.log
1specifying logging.file.max-history limited number of historical logfiles. Oldest files exceeding the criteria are deleted.

logging.file.max-history property does not seem to apply to files terminated because of size. For that, we can use logging.file.total-size-cap.

logging.file.total-size-cap Index Example

  • example triggers file changeover every 1000 Bytes and makes use of index

Total Size Limit (with Index) Example
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=rollover \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log \
--logging.file.max-size=1000 \
--logging.pattern.rolling-file-name='${logging.file.name}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i'.log \
--logging.file.max-history=20 \
--logging.file.total-size-cap=3500 (1)
$ ls -ltr target/logs

total 32                                                               (2)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  1040 Mar 29 18:09 mylog.log.2020-03-29.2.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  1040 Mar 29 18:10 mylog.log.2020-03-29.3.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  1040 Mar 29 18:10 mylog.log.2020-03-29.4.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff   160 Mar 29 18:10 mylog.log (1)
1logging.file.total-size-cap constrains current plus historical files retained
2historical files with indexes 1 and 2 were deleted to stay below file size limit

logging.file.total-size-cap no Index Example

  • example triggers file changeover every second — makes no use of the index

Total Size Limit (without Index) Example
$ java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--spring.profiles.active=rollover \
--logging.file.name=target/logs/mylog.log \
--logging.file.max-size=100 \
--logging.pattern.rolling-file-name='${logging.file.name}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss}.%i'.log \
--logging.file.max-history=200 \
--logging.file.total-size-cap=500 (1)
$ ls -ltr target/logs                                                                                                            Jamess-MacBook-Pro.local: Sun Mar 29 18:33:41 2020

total 56
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log.2020-03-29-18:33:32.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log.2020-03-29-18:33:33.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log.2020-03-29-18:33:34.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  79 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log.2020-03-29-18:33:35.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log.2020-03-29-18:33:36.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log.2020-03-29-18:33:37.0.log (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  80 Mar 29 18:33 mylog.log (1)
1logging.file.total-size-cap constrains current plus historical files retained
The logging.file.total-size-cap value — if specified — must be larger than the logging.file.max-size constraint. Otherwise the file appender will not be activated.

Custom Configurations

  • good default logging capability

    • configurable

  • for cases when this is not enough:

    • detailed XML Logback and Log4J2 configurations can be specified

      • loggers

      • appenders

      • filters

      • etc. of nearly unlimited power

    • provided include files supply starting point for custom configurations

      • without giving up most defaults

Logback Configuration Customization

  • Spring Boot performs the configuration manually through code

  • set of XML includes supplied simulate most of what setup code performs

    • create a logback-spring.xml file with a parent configuration element

      • place in root of application archive (i.e., src/main/resources of source tree)

    • include one or more of the provided XML includes

Provided Logback Includes

  • defaults.xml - defines the logging configuration defaults we have been working with

  • base.xml - defines root logger with CONSOLE and FILE appenders we have discussed

    • puts you at the point of the out-of-the-box configuration

  • console-appender.xml - defines the CONSOLE appender we have been working with

    • uses the CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN

  • file-appender.xml - defines the FILE appender we have been working with

    • uses the RollingFileAppender with FILE_LOG_PATTERN and SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy

These files provide an XML representation of what Spring Boot configures with straight Java code. There are minor differences (e.g., enable/disable FILE Appender) between using the supplied XML files and using the out-of-the-box defaults.

Customization Example: Turn off Console Logging

  • example turns off console logging and leaves file logging enabled

<!-- logging-configs/no-console/logback-spring.xml (1)
    Example Logback configuration file to turn off CONSOLE Appender and retain all other
    FILE Appender default behavior.
    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml"/> (2)
    <property name="LOG_FILE" value="${LOG_FILE:-${LOG_PATH:-${LOG_TEMP:-${java.io.tmpdir:-/tmp}}}/spring.log}"/> (3)
    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/file-appender.xml"/> (4)

        <appender-ref ref="FILE"/> (5)
1a logback-spring.xml file has been created to host the custom configuration
2the standard Spring Boot defaults are included
3LOG_FILE defined using the original expression from Spring Boot base.xml
4the standard Spring Boot FILE appender is included
5only the FILE appender is assigned to our logger(s)

LOG_FILE Property Definition

The only complicated part is what I copy/pasted from base.xml to express the LOG_FILE property used by the included FILE appender:

LOG_FILE Property Definition
<property name="LOG_FILE"
  • use the value of ${LOG_FILE} if that is defined

  • otherwise use the filename spring.log and for the path

    • use ${LOG_PATH} if that is defined

    • otherwise use ${LOG_TEMP} if that is defined

    • otherwise use ${java.io.tmpdir} if that is defined

    • otherwise use /tmp

Customization Example: Leverage Restored Defaults

  • example shows provided FILE Appender defaults restored

Example with Default Logfile
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar  \
(no console output)

$ ls -ltr $TMPDIR/spring.log  (1)
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  67238 Apr  2 06:42 /var/folders/zm/cskr47zn0yjd0zwkn870y5sc0000gn/T//spring.log
1logfile written to restored default ${java.io.tmpdir}/spring.log

Customization Example: Provide Override

  • example specifies override for the logfile to use

  • expressed exactly as we did earlier with the default configuration

Example with Specified Logfile
java -jar target/appconfig-logging-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
--logging.config=src/main/resources/logging-configs/no-console/logback-spring.xml \
--logging.file.name="target/logs/mylog.log" (2)
(no console output)

$ ls -ltr target/logs (1)

total 136
-rw-r--r--  1 jim  staff  67236 Apr  2 06:46 mylog.log (1)
1logfile written to target/logs/mylog.log
2defined using logging.file.name

Spring Profiles

  • can easily use Spring profiles within configuration file

Example Profile Use
<springProfile name="appenders"> (1)
    <logger name="X">
        <appender-ref ref="X-appender"/>

    <!-- this logger starts a new tree of appenders, nothing gets written to root logger -->
    <logger name="security" additivity="false">
        <appender-ref ref="security-appender"/>
1elements are activated when appenders profile is activated

See Profile-Specific Configuration for more examples involving multiple profile names and boolean operations.


In this module we:

  • made a case for the value of logging

  • demonstrated how logging frameworks are much better than System.out logging techniques

  • discussed the different interface, adapter, and implementation libraries involved with Spring Boot logging

  • learned how the interface of the logging framework is separate from the implementation

  • learned to log information at different severity levels using loggers

  • learned how to write logging statements that can be efficiently executed when disabled

  • learned how to establish a hierarchy of loggers

  • learned how to configure appenders and associate with loggers

  • learned how to configure pattern layouts

  • learned how to configure the FILE Appender

  • looked at additional topics like Mapped Data Context (MDC) and Markers that can augment standard logging events

A substantial start. Many more topics exist related to distributing, structured formatting (e.g., JSON), and accessing logs can be added by you in a straight forward manner by following the core concepts of this lesson.