jim stafford



The student will learn:

  • how the WWW defined an information system capable of implementing system APIs

  • identify key differences between a truly RESTful API and REST-like or HTTP-based APIs

  • how systems and some actions are broken down into resources

  • how web interactions are targeted at resources

  • standard HTTP methods and the importance to use them as intended against resources

  • individual method safety requirements

  • value in creating idempotent methods

  • standard HTTP response codes and response code families to respond in specific circumstances


At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, the student will be able to:

  1. identify API maturity according to the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM)

  2. identify resources

  3. define a URI for a resource

  4. define the proper method for a call against a resource

  5. identify safe and unsafe method behavior

  6. identify appropriate response code family and value to use in certain circumstances

World Wide Web (WWW)

Example WWW Information System

httpapi www slides
  • standard set of content types

  • accessed through a standard set of methods

  • related through location-independent links using URLs


  • Representational State Transfer (REST)

  • an architectural style for creating web services

    • web services conforming to this style are considered "RESTful" web services [3]

  • defined in 2000 by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation

    • was also used to design HTTP 1.1. [5]

  • relies heavily on concepts and implementations used in the World Wide Web

    • centers around web resources addressable using URIs


  • at the heart of REST is the notion of hyperlinks to represent state

    • called "Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State" (HATEOAS)

    • example:

      • presence of address_change link may mean the address of a person can be changed and client accessing that person representation is authorized to initiate change

      • presence of current_address and addresses links identifies how client can obtain current and past addresses for the person

httpapi rest hyperlinks slides
  • interface contract allows

    • clients dynamically determine current capabilities of resource

    • resource dynamically add capabilities over time

Clients Dynamically Discover State

HATEOAS permits the capabilities of client and server to advance independently through the dynamic discovery of links. [6]

httpapi rest hyperlinks clients
Figure 3. Example of Clients Dynamically Discovering State Represented through Hyperlinks

Static Interface Contracts

  • remote procedure call (RPC) techniques define static interface contracts

  • documented in detail to represent a certain level of capability offered by the server and understood by the client

  • capability change rollout under RPC approach may require coordination between all clients involved

httpapi rpc
Figure 4. RPC Tight Coupling Example

Internet Scale

As clients morph from

  • a few, well known sources

  • to millions of lightweight apps running on end-user devices

the need to decouple service capability deployments through dynamic discovery becomes more important

Do you have control of when clients update?

Design interfaces, clients, and servers with forward and backward compatibility in mind to allow for flexible rollout with minimal downtime.

How RESTful?

  • open and interfacing concepts of WWW are attractive to today’s API designers

  • however, implementing dynamic discovery is difficult

    • potentially making systems more complex and costly to develop

  • REST officially contains more than most interface designs use or possibly need to use

    • causing developments to take only what they need

    • triggers some common questions:

"What is your definition of REST?"
"How RESTful are you?"

Buzzword Association


  • for many developers and product advertisements eager to get their names associated with a modern and successful buzzword

    • REST is (incorrectly) anything using HTTP that is not SOAP

  • for others

    • REST is (still incorrectly) anything that embraces much of the WWW but still lacks the rigor of making the interfaces dynamic through hyperlinks


  • places us in state where much of world refers to something as REST and RESTful

  • when what they have is far from the official definition

REST-like or HTTP-based

Giving a nod to this situation, we might use a few other terms:

  • REST-like

  • HTTP-based

Better yet and for more precise clarity of meaning, I like the definitions put forward in the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM).

Richardson MaturityModel (RMM)

Level 3

  • using Hypermedia Controls i.e., the basis for Roy Fielding’s definition of REST

  • dynamic discovery of state and capabilities thru hyperlinks

Level 2

  • using HTTP Methods i.e., handle similar situations in the same way

  • standardized methods and status codes

  • publicly expose method performed and status responses to better enable communication infrastructure support

Level 1

  • using Resources i.e., divide and conquer

  • e.g., rather than a single aggregate for endpoint calls, make explicit reference to lower-level targets

Level 0

  • using HTTP soley as a transport

  • e.g., CORBA tunneled all calls through HTTP POST

"REST-like"/"HTTP-based" APIs

Common "REST-like" or "HTTP-based" APIs are normally on a trajectory to strive for RMM Level 2 and are based on a few main principals included within the definition of REST.

  • HTTP Protocol

  • Resources

  • URIs

  • Standard HTTP Method and Status Code Vocabulary

  • Standard Content Types for Representations

Uncommon REST Features Adopted

  • Links are used somewhat

    • rarely used in an opaque manner

    • rarely used within payloads

    • rarely used with dynamic discovery

  • Clients

    • commonly know the resources they are communicating with ahead of time

    • build URIs to resources based on exposed details of API and IDs returned in earlier responses

That is technically not a RESTful way to do things.

RMM Level 2 APIs

  • technically one definition of REST

    • very few attempting to (or needing to) achieve it

  • rarely will find projects striving for dynamic discovery of resource capabilities as depicted by Roy Fielding and categorized by RMM Level 3

    • at best - these APIs try to make the most of HTTP and the WWW

    • term "HTTP-based" is appropriate

    • term RMM-level 2 more accurate

  • I will be targeting RMM Level 2 for the web service interfaces developed in this course

    • will generically refer to them as "APIs"

At this point lets cover key points of a RMM Level 2 API that will be covered as a part of the course

HTTP Protocol Embraced

  • various communications protocols have been transport agnostic

    • SOAP

      • mapped to protocols other than HTTP (e.g., JMS)

      • use of HTTP lacked any leverage of WWW HTTP capabilities

    • communications tunnelled though HTTP POST messages

      • example: many requests for the same status of the same resource tunnelled thru POST messages would need to be answered again-and-again by the service

      • bypasses investments made in existing and robust WWW infrastructure

  • REST communication technically does not exist outside of HTTP transport protocol

    • everything expressed within the context of HTTP

    • leverages investment into the world’s largest information system

    • example: expose resource status as a response GET of resource — would save the responding service a lot of unnecessary work and speed up client

    • fully leverages HTTP client-side and server-side caches


  • service domains broken down into key areas, known as resources

    • key characteristic of RMM Level 1 compliance

    • primarily noun-based (e.g., Documents, People, Companies), lower-level properties, or relationships

    • also include actions or a long-running activity

      • to be able to initiate them, monitor their status, and possibly perform some type of control

    • nearly anything can be made into a resource

  • limited number of HTTP methods but can have unlimited resources

    • examples:

      • products

      • categories

      • customers

      • todos

Nested Resources

Resources can be nested under parent or related resources.

  • categories/{id}

  • categories/{id}/products

  • todos/{name}

  • todos/{name}/items

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

Resources are identified using Uniform Resource Identifier (URIs).

  • URIs have a generic syntax with precise rules

    • composed of several components

    • specialized by individual schemes (e.g., http, mailto, urn)

    • precise generic URI and scheme-specific rules guarantee uniformity of addresses

Example URIs (1) (2)
urn:isbn:0-395-36341-1 (3)
1example URL URI
2example email URI [9]
3example URN URI; "isbn" is a URN namespace [8]

URI Generic Syntax

  • URI components listed in hierarchical significance — from left to right

Generic URI components [10]
URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragment]
Authority Subcomponents [10]
authority = [userinfo@]host[:port]
Table 1. Generic URI Components


sequence of characters, beginning with a letter followed by letters, digits, plus (+), period, or hyphen(-)


naming authority responsible for the remainder of the URI


how to gain access to the resource (e.g., username) - rare, authentication use deprecated


case-insensitive DNS name or IP address


port number to access authority/host


identifies a resource within the scope of a naming authority. Terminated by the first question mark ("?"), pound sign ("#"), or end of URI. When the authority is present, the path must begin with a slash ("/") character


indicated with first question mark ("?") and ends with pound sign ("#") or end of URI


indicated with a pound("#") character and ends with end of URI

URI Component Examples

Example URL URI Components
           -- authority                                    fragment --
          /                                                           \
\                  \
 -- scheme          -- path

Path cannot begin with two slash ("//") characters when authority is not present

Example mailto URI Components
         -- path
\                       \
 -- scheme               -- query
Example URN URI Components
 -- scheme
     -- path

URI Characters and Delimiters

  • URI characters are encoded using UTF-8

  • component delimiters: slash ("/"), question mark ("?"), and pound sign ("#")

  • many other special characters reserved for sub-components delimiters

Ref: URI Generic Schema
Reserved Generic URI Delimiter Characters
: / @ [ ] ? (1)
1square brackets("[]") are used to surround newer (e.g., IPv6) network addresses
Reserved Sub-delimiter Characters
! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; =
Unreserved URI Characters
alpha(A-Z,a-z), digit (0-9), dash(-), period(.), underscore(_), tilde(~)

URI Percent Encoding

  • (Case-insensitive) percent encoding used to represent characters reserved for delimiters or other purposes

    • (e.g., %x2f and %x2F both represent slash ("/") character)

  • unreserved characters should not be encoded

Example Percent Encoding (1)
1slash("/") character is Percent Encoded as %2F

URI Case Sensitivity

  • generic components like scheme and authority are case-insensitive but normalize to lowercase

  • other components of URI are assumed to be case-sensitive

Example Case Sensitivity
1value pasted into browser
2value normalized by browser

URI Reference

  • reference a target URI without specifying the complete URI

    • can be the full target URI or a relative reference

  • relative reference allows

    • resources to reference one another without specifying a scheme or upper parts of the path

    • entire resource trees to be relocated without having to change relative references between them

Example Relative References

URI Reference Terms

target uri

the URI being referenced

Example Target URI
network-path reference

relative reference starting with two slashes ("//"). My guess is that this would be useful in expressing a URI to forward to without wishing to express http versus https (i.e., "use the same scheme used to contact me")

Example Network Path Reference
absolute-path reference

relative reference that starts with a slash ("/"). This will be a portion of the URI that our API layer will be well aware of.

Example Absolute Path Reference

URI Reference Terms (cont)

relative-path reference

relative reference that does not start with a slash ("/"). First segment cannot have a ":" — avoid confusion with scheme by prepending a "./" to the path. This allows us to express the branch of a tree from a point in the path.

Example Relative Path Reference
same-document reference

relative reference that starts with a pound ("#") character, supplying a fragment identifier hosted in the current URI.

Example Same Document Reference
base URI

leading components of the URI that form a base for additional layers of the tree to be appended

Example Base URI

URI Naming Conventions

  • URI specifications do not list path naming conventions

  • REST promotes opaque URIs

  • however, common practice to name resource collections with URI path ending with plural noun

Example Resource Collection URI Absolute Path References
/api/products (1)
1URI paths for resource collections end with a plural noun

URI Naming Conventions (cont.)

Individual resource URIs are identified by an external identifier below the parent resource collection.

Example Individual Resource Absolute URI Paths
/api/products/{productId} (1)
1URI paths for individual resources are scoped below parent resource collection URI

Nested resource URIs are commonly expressed as resources below their individual parent.

Example Nested Resource Absolute URI Paths
/api/products/{productId}/instructions (1)
1URI paths for resources of parent are commonly nested below parent URI

URI Variables

  • query at the end of the URI path can express optional and mandatory arguments

    • commonly used in queries

Query Parameter Example
  • nested path path parameters may express mandatory arguments

Path Parameter Example{id}


  • HTTP contains a bounded set of (9) methods

    • represent "verbs" of what we are communicating relative to resource

  • bounded set provides a uniform interface across all resources

  • four primary methods you will see in most tutorials, examples, and application code

Table 2. Primary HTTP Methods


obtain a representation of resource using a non-destructive read


create a new resource or tunnel a command to an existing resource


create a new resource with having a well-known identity or replace existing


delete target resource

Example: Get Product ID=1

Additional HTTP Methods

There are two additional methods useful for certain edge conditions implemented by application code.

Table 3. Additional HTTP Methods


logically equivalent to a GET without response payload - metadata only. Can provide efficient way to determine if resource exists and potentially last updated


partial replace. Similar to PUT, but indicates payload provided does not represent the entire resource and may be represented as instructions of modifications to make. Useful hint for intermediate caches

There are three more obscure methods used for debug and communication purposes.

Table 4. Communication Support Methods


generates a list of methods supported for resource


echo received request back to caller to check for changes


used to establish an HTTP tunnel — to proxy communications

Method Safety

  • proper execution of the internet protocols relies on proper outcomes for each method

  • with potential of client-side proxies and server-side reverse proxies in the communications chain — one needs to pay attention to what can and should not change the state of a resource

  • "Method Safety" is a characteristic used to describe whether a method executed against a specific resource modifies that resource or has visible side effects

    • Safe — resource unmodified and no visible side effects

    • Unsafe - resource modified or visible side effects

Safe and Unsafe Methods

The following methods are considered "Safe" — thus calling them should not modify a resource and will not invalidate any intermediate cache.

  • GET

  • HEAD



The following methods are considered "Unsafe" — thus calling them is assumed to modify the resource and will invalidate any intermediate cache.

  • POST

  • PUT




Violating Method Safety

Do not violate default method safety expectations

Internet communications is based upon assigned method safety expectations. However, these are just definitions. Your application code has the power to implement resource methods any way you wish and to knowingly or unknowingly violate these expectations. Learn the expected characteristics of each method and abide by them or risk having your API not immediately understood and render built-in Internet capabilities (e.g., caches) useless. The following are examples of what not to do:

Example Method Saftey Violations
GET /jaxrsInventoryWAR/api/products/1?command=DELETE (1)
POST /jaxrsInventoryWAR/api/products/1 (2)
  content: {command:'getProduct'}
1method violating GET Safety rule
2unsafe POST method tunneling safe GET command


  • Idempotence - a characteristic where a repeated event produces same outcome every time executed

    • very important concept in distributed systems that commonly have to implement eventual consistency

      • where failure recovery can cause unacknowledged commands to be executed multiple times

  • idempotent characteristic is independent of method safety

    • only requires the same result state be achieved each time called

Idempotent and non-Idempotent Methods

The application code implementing the following HTTP methods should strive to be idempotent.

  • GET

  • PUT


  • HEAD


The following HTTP methods are defined to not be idempotent.

  • POST



Relationship between Idempotent and browser page refresh warnings?

The standard convention of Internet protocol is that most methods except for POST are assumed to be idempotent. That means a page refresh for a page obtained from a GET gets immediately refreshed and a warning dialogue is displayed if it was the result of a POST.

Response Status Codes

  • each HTTP response is accompanied by a standard HTTP response code

    • tells the caller whether the request succeeded or failed

    • additional indications of a types if success or failures.

  • status codes are seperated into five (5) categories

    • 1xx - informational responses

    • 2xx - successful responses

    • 3xx - redirected responses

    • 4xx - client errors

    • 5xx - server errors

Common Response Status Codes




"We achieved what you wanted - may have previously done this"



"We did what you asked and a new resource was created"



"We officially received your request and will begin processing it later"



"Just like a 200 with an empty payload, except the status makes this clear"



"I do not understand what you said and never will"



"We need to know who you are before we do this"



"We know who you are and you cannot say what you just said"



"I understood what you said, but you said something wrong"



"Ouch! Nothing wrong with what you asked for or supplied, but we currently have issues completing. Try again later and we may have this fixed."


  • resources may have multiple independent representations

    • no direct tie between data format received from clients, returned to clients, or managed internally

  • representations are exchanged using standard MIME or Media types

  • common media types for information include

    • application/json

    • application/xml

    • text/plain

  • common data types for raw images include

    • image/jpg

    • image/png

Content Type Headers

Table 5. HTTP Content Negotiation Headers


defines a list of media types the client understands, in priority order


identifies the format for data supplied in the payload

Example Accept and Content-Type Headers
> POST /greeting/hello
> Accept: application/xml,application/json
> Content-Type: text/plain

< 200/OK
< Content-Type: application/xml
<greeting type="hello" value="hi"/>
Example JSON Accept and Content-Type Headers
> GET /greeting/hello?name=jim
> Accept: application/json,*/*

< 200/OK
< Content-Type: application/json
{ "msg" : "hi, jim" }


In this module we learned that:

  • technically — terms "REST" and "RESTful" have a specific meaning defined by Roy Fielding

  • the Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) defines several levels of compliance to RESTFul concepts, with level 3 being RESTful

  • very few APIs achieve full RMM level 3 RESTful adoption

    • but that is OK!!! — there are many useful and powerful WWW constructs easily made available before reaching the RMM level 3

    • can be referred to as "REST-like", "HTTP-based", or "RMM level 2"

    • marketers of the world attempting to leverage a buzzword, will still call them REST APIs

  • most serious REST-like APIs adopt

    • HTTP

    • multiple resources identified through URIs

    • HTTP-compliant use of methods and status codes

    • method implementations that abide by defined safety and idempotent characteristics

    • standard resource representation formats like JSON, XML, etc.