1. Introduction

In previous sections we looked closely at how to authenticate a user obtained from a demonstration user source. The focus was on the obtained user and the processing that went on around it to enforce authentication using an example credential mechanism. There was a lot to explore with just a single user relative to establishing the security filter chain, requiring authentication, supplying credentials with the call, completing the authentication, and obtaining the authenticated user identity.

In this chapter we will focus on the UserDetailsService framework that supports the AuthenticationProvider so that we can implement multiple users, multiple user information sources, and to begin storing those users in a database.

1.1. Goals

You will learn:

  • the interface roles in authenticating users within Spring

  • how to configure authentication and authentication sources for use by a security filter chain

  • how to implement access to user details from different sources

  • how to implement access to user details using a database

1.2. Objectives

At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, you will be able to:

  1. build various UserDetailsService implementations to host user accounts and be used as a source for authenticating users

  2. build a simple in-memory UserDetailsService

  3. build an injectable UserDetailsService

  4. build a UserDetailsService using access to a relational database

  5. configure an application to display the database UI

  6. encode passwords

2. AuthenticationManager

The focus of this chapter is on providing authentication to stored users and providing details about them. To add some context to this, lets begin the presentation flow with the AuthenticationManager.

AuthenticationManager is an abstraction the code base looks for in order to authenticate a set of credentials. Its input and output are of the same interface type — Authentication — but populated differently and potentially implemented differently.

The input Authentication primarily supplies the principal (e.g., username) and credentials (e.g., plaintext password). The output Authentication of a successful authentication supplies resolved UserDetails and provides direct access to granted authorities — which can come from those user details and will be used during later authorizations. Although the credentials (e.g., encrypted password hash) from the stored UserDetails is used to authenticate, it’s contents are cleared before returning the response to the caller.

security authn mgr
Figure 1. AuthenticationManager and UserDetails

2.1. ProviderManager

The AuthenticationManager is primarily implemented using the ProviderManager class and delegates authentication to its assigned AuthenticationProviders and/or parent AuthenticationManager to do the actual authentication. Some AuthenticationProvider classes are based off a UserDetailsService to provide UserDetails. However, that is not always the case — therefore the diagram below does not show a direct relationship between the AuthenticationProvider and UserDetailsService.

security provider manager
Figure 2. ProviderManager

2.2. AuthenticationManagerBuilder

It is the job of the AuthenticationManagerBuilder to assemble an AuthenticationManager with the required AuthenticationProviders and — where appropriate — UserDetailsService. The AuthenticationManagerBuilder is configured during the assembly of the SecurityFilterChain in both the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and Component-based approaches.

security authn mgrbuilder cmp
Figure 3. AuthenticationManagerBuilder

One can custom-configure the AuthenticationProviders for the AuthenticationManagerBuilder in the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter approach by overriding the configure() callback.

Configure AuthenticationManagerBuilder in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Approach
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public static class APIConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        ... (1)
1 can custom-configure AuthenticationManagerBuilder here during a configure() callback

One can custom-configure the AuthenticationProviders for the AuthenticationManagerBuilder in the component-based approach by obtaining it from an injected HttpSecurity object using the getSharedObject() call.

Configure AuthenticationManagerBuilder in Component-based Approach
public AuthenticationManager authnManager(HttpSecurity http, ...) throws Exception {
    AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder =

    builder.parentAuthenticationManager(null); //prevent from being recursive (2)
    return builder.build();
1 can obtain and custom-configure AuthenticationManagerBuilder using injected HttpSecurity object
2 I found the need to explicitly define "no parent" in the Component-based approach

2.3. AuthenticationManagerBuilder Builder Methods

We can use the local builder methods to custom-configure the AuthenticationManagerBuilder. These allow us to assemble one or more of the well-known AuthenticationProvider types. The following is an example of configuring an InMemoryUserDetailsManager that our earlier examples used in the previous chapters. However, in this case we get a chance to explicitly populate with users.

This is an early example demonstration toy
Example InMemoryAuthentication Configuration
PasswordEncoder encoder = ...
builder.inMemoryAuthentication()  (1)
        .passwordEncoder(encoder) (2)
        .withUser("user1").password(encoder.encode("password1")).roles() (3)
1 adds a UserDetailsService to AuthenticationManager implemented in memory
2 AuthenticationProvider will need a password encoder to match passwords during authentication
3 users placed directly into storage must have encoded password

2.3.1. Assembled AuthenticationProvider

The results of the builder configuration are shown below where the builder assembled an AuthenticationManager (ProviderManager) and populated it with an AuthenticationProvider (DaoAuthenticationProvider) that can work with the UserDetailsService (InMemoryUserDetailsManager) we identified.

The builder also populated the UserDetailsService with two users: user1 and user2 with an encoded password using the PasswordEncoder also set on the AuthenticationProvider.

security inmemoryauthn
Figure 4. Example InMemoryUserDetailsManager

2.3.2. Builder Authentication Example

With that in place — we can authenticate our two users using the UserDetailsService defined and populated using the builder.

Builder Authentication Example
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user1:password1
hello, jim :caller=user1

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user2:password1
hello, jim :caller=user2

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u userX:password -v
< HTTP/1.1 401

2.4. AuthenticationProvider

The AuthenticationProvider can can answer two (2) questions:

  • do you support this type of authentication

  • can you authenticate this attempt

security authn provider

2.5. AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider

For username/password authentication, Spring provides an AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider that supplies the core authentication workflow that includes:

  • a UserCache to store UserDetails from previous successful lookups

  • obtaining the UserDetails if not already in the cache

  • pre and post-authorization checks to verify such things as the account locked/disabled/expired or the credentials expired.

  • additional authentication checks where the password matching occurs

security userdetails authn provider

The instance will support any authentication token of type UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken but will need at least two things:

  • user details from storage

  • a means to authenticate presented password

2.6. DaoAuthenticationProvider

Spring provides a concrete DaoAuthenticationProvider extension of the AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider class that works directly with:

  • UserDetailService to obtain the UserDetails

  • PasswordEncoder to perform password matching

security dao authn provider

Now all we need is a PasswordEncoder and UserDetailsService to get all this rolling.

2.7. UserDetailsManager

Before we get too much further into the details of the UserDetailsService, it will be good to be reminded that the interface supplies only a single loadUserByUsername() method.

There is an extension of that interface to address full lifecycle UserDetails management and some of the implementations I will reference implement one or both of those interfaces. We will, however, focus only on the authentication portion and ignore most of the other lifecycle aspects for now.

security userdetailsmgr

3. AuthenticationManagerBuilder Configuration

At this point we know the framework of objects that need to be in place for authentication to complete and how to build a toy InMemoryUserDetailsManager using builder methods within the AuthenticationManagerBuilder class.

In this section we will learn how we can configure additional sources with less assistance from the AuthenticationManagerBuilder.

3.1. Fully-Assembled AuthenticationManager

We can directly assign a fully-assembled AuthenticationManager to other SecurityFilterChains by first exporting it as a @Bean.

  • The WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter approach provides a authenticationManagerBean() helper method that can be exposed as a @Bean by the derived class.

    @Bean AuthenticationManager — WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter approach
    public class APIConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
            return super.authenticationManagerBean();
  • The custom configuration of the AuthenticatonManagerBuilder within the Component-based approach occurs within the @Bean factory that exposes it.

    @Bean AuthenticationManager — Component-based approach
    public AuthenticationManager authnManager(HttpSecurity http,...) throws Exception {
        AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder =
        builder.parentAuthenticationManager(null); //prevent from being recursive
        return builder.build();

With the fully-configured AuthenticationManager exposed as a @Bean, we can look to directly wire it into the other SecurityFilterChains.

3.2. Directly Wire-up AuthenticationManager

We can directly set the AuthenticationManager to one created elsewhere. The following examples shows setting the AuthenticationManager during the building of the SecurityFilterChain

  • WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter approach

    Assigning Parent AuthenticationManager — WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Approach
    public static class H2Configuration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        private final AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; (1)
        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            http.requestMatchers(m->m.antMatchers("/login","/logout", "/h2-console/**"));
            http.authenticationManager(authenticationManager); (2)
    1 AuthenticationManager assembled elsewhere and injected in this @Configuration class
    2 injected AuthenticationManager to be the AuthenticationManager for what this builder builds
  • Component-based approach

    Assigning AuthenticationManager — Component-based Approach
    public SecurityFilterChain h2SecurityFilters(HttpSecurity http,(1)
                                            AuthenticationManager authMgr) throws Exception {
        http.authenticationManager(authMgr); (2)
        return http.build();
    1 AuthenticationManager assembled elsewhere and injected in this @Bean factory method
    2 injected AuthenticationManager to be the AuthenticationManager for what this builder builds

3.3. Directly Wire-up Parent AuthenticationManager

We can instead set the parent AuthenticationManager using the SecurityAuthenticationManagerBuilder.

  • The following example shows setting the parent AuthenticationManager during a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.configure() callback in the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter approach.

    Assigning Parent AuthenticationManager — WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Approach
    public static class H2Configuration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        private final AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
        protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
            throws Exception {
            auth.parentAuthenticationManager(authenticationManager); (1)
    1 injected AuthenticationManager to be the parent AuthenticationManager of what this builder builds
  • The following example shows setting the parent AuthenticationManager during the build of the SecurityFilterChain using http.getSharedObject().

    Assigning Parent AuthenticationManager — Component-based Approach
    public SecurityFilterChain h2SecurityFilters(HttpSecurity http,
                                           AuthenticationManager authMgr) throws Exception {
        AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder =
        builder.parentAuthenticationManager(authMgr); (1)
        return http.build();
    1 injected AuthenticationManager to be the parent AuthenticationManager of what this builder builds

3.4. Define Service and Encoder @Bean

Another option in supplying a UserDetailsService is to define a globally accessible UserDetailsService @Bean to inject to use with our builder. However, in order to pre-populate the UserDetails passwords, we must use a PasswordEncoder that is consistent with the AuthenticationProvider this UserDetailsService will be combined with. We can set the default PasswordEncoder using a @Bean factory.

Defining a Default PasswordEncoder for AuthenticationProvider
@Bean (1)
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
    return ...
1 defining a PasswordEncoder to be injected into default AuthenticationProvider
Defining Injectable UserDetailsService
public UserDetailsService sharedUserDetailsService(PasswordEncoder encoder) { (1)
    User.UserBuilder builder = User.builder().passwordEncoder(encoder::encode);(2)
    List<UserDetails> users = List.of(
        builder.username("user1").password("password2").roles().build(), (3)
    return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(users);
1 using an injected PasswordEncoder for consistency
2 using different UserDetails builder than before — setting password encoding function
3 username user1 will be in both UserDetailsService with different passwords

3.4.1. Inject UserDetailService

We can inject the fully-assembled UserDetailsService into the AuthenticationManagerBuilder — just like before with the inMemoryAuthentication, except this time the builder has no knowledge of the implementation being injected. We are simply injecting a UserDetailsService. The builder will accept it and wrap that in an AuthenticationProvider

Inject Fully-Assembled UserDetails Service — WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Approach
public static class APIConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private final List<UserDetailsService> userDetailsServices;(1)

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
        for (UserDetailsService uds: userDetailsServices) {
            auth.userDetailsService(uds); (2)
1 injecting UserDetailsService into configuration class
2 adding additional UserDetailsService to create additional AuthenticationProvider

The same can be done in the Component-based approach and during the equivalent builder configuration I demonstrated earlier with the inMemoryAuthentication. The only difference is that I found the more I custom-configured the AuthenticationManagerBuilder, I would end up in a circular configuration with the AuthenticationManager pointing to itself as its parent unless I explicitly set the parent value to null.

Inject Fully-Assembled UserDetails Service — Component-based Approach
public AuthenticationManager authnManager(HttpSecurity http,
                List<UserDetailsService> userDetailsServices ) throws Exception { (1)
    AuthenticationManagerBuilder builder = http.getSharedObject(AuthenticationManagerBuilder.class);
    for (UserDetailsService uds : userDetailsServices) {
        builder.userDetailsService(uds); (2)

    builder.parentAuthenticationManager(null); //prevent from being recursive
    return builder.build();
1 injecting UserDetailsService into bean method
2 adding additional UserDetailsService to create additional AuthenticationProvider

3.4.2. Assembled Injected UserDetailsService

The results of the builder configuration are shown below where the builder assembled an AuthenticationProvider (DaoAuthenticationProvider) based on the injected UserDetailsService (InMemoryUserDetailsManager).

The injected UserDetailsService also had two users — user1 and user3 — added with an encoded password based on the injected PasswordEncoder bean. This will be the same bean injected into the AuthenticationProvider.

security injected userdetailsservice

3.4.3. Injected UserDetailsService Example

With that in place, we can now authenticate user1 and user3 using the assigned passwords using the AuthenticationProvider with the injected UserDetailService.

Injected UserDetailsService Authentication Example
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user1:password2
hello, jim :caller=user1

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user3:password2
hello, jim :caller=user3

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u userX:password -v
< HTTP/1.1 401

3.5. Combine Approaches

As stated before — the ProviderManager can delegate to multiple AuthenticationProviders before authenticating or rejecting an authentication request. We have demonstrated how to create an AuthenticationManager multiple ways. In this example, I am integrating the two AuthenticationProviders into a single AuthenticationManager.

Defining Multiple AuthenticationProviders
//AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth
PasswordEncoder encoder = ... (1)
for (UserDetailsService uds : userDetailsServices) { (2)
1 locally built AuthenticationProvider will use its own encoder
2 @Bean-built UserDetailsService injected and used to form second AuthenticationProvider

3.5.1. Assembled Combined AuthenticationProviders

The resulting AuthenticationManager ends up with two custom-configured AuthenticationProviders. Each AuthenticationProviders are

  • implemented with the DaoAuthenticationProvider class

  • make use of a PasswordEncoder and UserDetailsService

security combined userdetails

The left UserDetailsService was instantiated locally as an InMemoryUserDetailsManager, using builder methods from the AuthenticationManagerBuilder. Since it was locally built, it was building the AuthenticationProvider at the same time and could define its own choice of PasswordEncoder

The right UserDetailsService was injected from a @Bean factory that instantiated the InMemoryUserDetailsManager directly. Since it was shared as a @Bean, the factory method used an injected PasswordEncoder to assemble.

The two were brought together by one of our configuration approaches and now we have two sources of credentials to authenticate against.

3.5.2. Multiple Provider Authentication Example

With the two AuthenticationProvider objects defined, we can now login as user2 and user3, and user1 using both passwords. The user1 example shows that an authentication failure from one provider still allows it to be inspected by follow-on providers.

Multiple Provider Authenticate Example
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user1:password1
hello, jim :caller=user1

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user1:password2
hello, jim :caller=user1

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user2:password1
hello, jim :caller=user2

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user3:password2
hello, jim :caller=user3

4. UserDetails

So now we know that all we need is to provide a UserDetailsService instance and Spring will take care of most of the rest. UserDetails is an interface that we can implement any way we want. For example — if we manage our credentials in MongoDB or use Java Persistence API (JPA), we can create the proper classes for that mapping. We won’t need to do that just yet because Spring provides a User class that can work for most POJO-based storage solutions.

security userdetails
Figure 5. UserDetailsService

5. PasswordEncoder

I have made mention several times about the PasswordEncoder and earlier covered how it is used to create a cryptographic hash. Whenever we configured a PasswordEncoder for our AuthenticationProvider we have the choice of many encoders. I will highlight three of them.

5.1. NoOpPasswordEncoder

The NoOpPasswordEncoder is what it sounds like. It does nothing when encoding the plaintext password. This can be used for early development and debug but should not — obviously — be used with real credentials.

5.2. BCryptPasswordEncoder

The BCryptPasswordEncoder uses a very strong Bcrypt algorithm and likely should be considered the default in production environments.

5.3. DelegatingPasswordEncoder

The DelegatingPasswordEncoder is a jack-of-all-encoders. It has one default way to encode but can match passwords of numerous algorithms. This encoder writes and relies on all passwords starting with an {encoding-key} that indicates the type of encoding to use.

Example DelegatingPasswordEncoder Values

Use the PasswordEncoderFactories class to create a DelegatingPasswordEncoder populated with a full compliment of encoders.

Example Fully Populated DelegatingPasswordEncoder Creation
import org.springframework.security.crypto.factory.PasswordEncoderFactories;

public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
    return PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder();
DelegatingPasswordEncoder encodes one way and matches multiple ways
DelegatingPasswordEncoder encodes using a single, designated encoder and matches against passwords encoded using many alternate encodings — thus relying on the password to start with a {encoding-key}.

6. JDBC UserDetailsService

Spring provides two Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) implementation classes that we can easily use out of the box to begin storing UserDetails in a database:

  • JdbcDaoImpl - implements just the core UserDetailsService loadUserByUsername capability

  • JdbcUserDetailManager - implements the full UserDetailsManager CRUD capability

JDBC is a database communications interface containing no built-in mapping
JDBC is a pretty low-level interface to access a relational database from Java. All the mapping between the database inputs/outputs and our Java business objects is done outside of JDBC. There is no mapping framework like with Java Persistence API (JPA).

JdbcUserDetailManager extends JdbcDaoImpl. We only need JdbcDaoImpl since we will only be performing authentication reads and not yet be implementing full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) with databases. However, there would have been no harm in using the full JdbcUserDetailManager implementation in the examples below and simply ignored the additional behavior.

security jdbcuserdetails
Figure 6. JDBC UserDetailsService

To use the JDBC implementation, we are going to need a few things:

  • A relational database - this is where we will store our users

  • Database Schema - this defines the tables and columns of the database

  • Database Contents - this defines our users and passwords

  • javax.sql.DataSource - this is a JDBC wrapper around a connection to the database

  • construct the UserDetailsService (and potentially expose as a @Bean)

  • (potentially inject and) add JDBC UserDetailsService to AuthenticationManagerBuilder

6.1. H2 Database

There are several lightweight databases that are very good for development and demonstration (e.g., h2, hsqldb, derby, SQLite). They commonly offer in-memory, file-based, and server-based instances with minimal scale capability but extremely simple to administer. In general, they supply an interface that is compatible with the more enterprise-level solutions that are more suitable for production. That makes them an ideal choice for using in demonstration and development situations like this. For this example, I will be using the h2 database but many others could have been used as well.

6.2. DataSource: Maven Dependencies

To easily create a default DataSource, we can simply add a compile dependency on spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc and a runtime dependency on the h2 database. This will cause our application to start with a default DataSource connected to the an in-memory database.

DataSource Maven Dependency

6.3. JDBC UserDetailsService

Once we have the spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc and database dependency in place, Spring Boot will automatically create a default javax.sql.DataSource that can be injected into a @Bean factory so that we can create a JdbcDaoImpl to implement the JDBC UserDetailsService.

JDBC UserDetailsService
import javax.sql.DataSource;
public UserDetailsService jdbcUserDetailsService(DataSource userDataSource) {
    JdbcDaoImpl jdbcUds = new JdbcDaoImpl();
    return jdbcUds;

From there, we can inject the JDBC UserDetailsService — like the in-memory version we injected earlier and add it to the builder.

security combinedtotal userdetails
Figure 7. Aggregate Set of UserDetailsServices and AuthenticationProviders

6.4. Autogenerated Database URL

If we restart our application at this point, we will get a generated database URL using a UUID for the name.

Autogenerated Database URL Output
H2 console available at '/h2-console'. Database available at

6.5. Specified Database URL

We can make the URL more stable and well-known by setting the spring.datasource.url property.

Setting DataSource URL
Specified Database URL Output
H2 console available at '/h2-console'. Database available at 'jdbc:h2:mem:users'
h2-console URI can be modified
We can also control the URI for the h2-console by setting the spring.h2.console.path property.

6.6. Enable H2 Console Security Settings

The h2 database can be used headless, but also comes with a convenient UI that will allow us to inspect the data in the database and manipulate it if necessary. However, with security enabled — we will not be able to access our console by default. We only addressed authentication for the API endpoints. Since this is a chapter focused on configuring authentication, it is a good exercise to go through the steps to make the h2 UI accessible but also protected. The following will:

  • require users accessing the /h2-console/** URIs to be authenticated

  • enable FORM authentication and redirect successful logins to the /h2-console URI

  • disable frame headers that would have placed constraints on how the console could be displayed

  • disable CSRF for the /h2-console/** URI but leave it enabled for the other URIs

  • wire in the injected AuthenticationManager configured for the API

6.6.1. H2 Configuration - WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Approach

H2 UI Security Configuration - WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter Approach
public static class H2Configuration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private final AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; (1)

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        http.requestMatchers(m->m.antMatchers("/login","/logout", "/h2-console/**"));
        http.csrf(cfg->cfg.ignoringAntMatchers("/h2-console/**")); (4)
        http.headers(cfg->cfg.frameOptions().disable()); (5)
        http.formLogin().successForwardUrl("/h2-console"); (6)
        http.authenticationManager(authenticationManager); (7)
1 injected AuthenticationManager bean exposed by APIConfiguration
2 apply filter rules to H2 UI URIs as well as login/logout form
3 require authenticated users by the application to reach the console
4 turn off CSRF only for the H2 console
5 turn off display constraints for the H2 console
6 route successful logins to the H2 console
7 use pre-configured AuthenticationManager for authentication to UI

6.6.2. H2 Configuration — Component-based Approach

H2 UI Configuration — Component-based Approach
public SecurityFilterChain h2SecurityFilters(HttpSecurity http,(1)
                                     AuthenticationManager authMgr) throws Exception {
    http.csrf(cfg->cfg.ignoringAntMatchers("/h2-console/**")); (4)
    http.headers(cfg->cfg.frameOptions().disable()); (5)
    http.formLogin().successForwardUrl("/h2-console"); (6)

    http.authenticationManager(authMgr); (7)
    return http.build();
1 injected AuthenticationManager bean exposed by API Configuration
2 apply filter rules to H2 UI URIs as well as login/logout form
3 require authenticated users by the application to reach the console
4 turn off CSRF only for the H2 console
5 turn off display constraints for the H2 console
6 route successful logins to the H2 console
7 use pre-configured AuthenticationManager for authentication to UI

6.7. Form Login

When we attempt to reach a protected URI within the application with FORM authentication active — the FORM authentication form is displayed.

We should be able to enter the site using any of the username/passwords available to the AuthenticationManager. At this point in time, it should be user1/password1, user1/password2, user2/password1, user3/password2.

security h2 formlogin
If you enter a bad username/password at the point in time you will receive a JDBC error since we have not yet setup the user database.

6.8. H2 Login

security h2 login

Once we get beyond the application FORM login, we are presented with the H2 database login. The JDBC URL should be set to the value of the spring.datasource.url property (jdbc:h2:mem:users). The default username is "sa" and has no password. These can be changed with the spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties.

6.9. H2 Console

Once successfully logged in, we are presented with a basic but functional SQL interface to the in-memory H2 database that will contain our third source of users — which we need to now setup.

security h2 main

6.10. Create DB Schema Script

From the point in time when we added the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency, we were ready to add database schema — which is the definition of tables, columns, indexes, and constraints of our database. Rather than use a default filename, it is good to keep the schemas separated.

The following file is being placed in the src/main/resources/database directory of our source tree. It will be accessible to use within the classpath when we restart the application. The bulk of this implementation comes from the Spring Security Documentation Appendix. I have increased the size of the password column to accept longer Bcrypt encoded password hash values.

Example JDBC UserDetails Database Schema
--users-schema.ddl (1)
drop table authorities if exists; (2)
drop table users if exists;

create table users( (3)
      username varchar_ignorecase(50) not null primary key,
      password varchar_ignorecase(100) not null,
      enabled boolean not null);

create table authorities ( (4)
  username varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
  authority varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
  constraint fk_authorities_users foreign key(username) references users(username));(5)
  create unique index ix_auth_username on authorities (username,authority); (6)
1 file places in `src/main/resources/database/users-schema.ddl
2 dropping tables that may exist before creating
3 users table primarily hosts username and password
4 authorities table will be used for authorizing accesses after successful identity authentication
5 foreign key' constraint enforces that `user must exist for any authority
6 unique index constraint enforces all authorities are unique per user and places the foreign key to the users table in an efficient index suitable for querying

The schema file can be referenced through the spring.database.schema property by prepending classpath: to the front of the path.

Example Database Schema Reference

6.11. Schema Creation

The following shows an example of the application log when the schema creation in action.

Example Schema Creation
Executing SQL script from class path resource [database/users-schema.ddl]
SQL: drop table authorities if exists
SQL: drop table users if exists
SQL: create table users( username varchar_ignorecase(50) not null primary key,
    password varchar_ignorecase(100) not null, enabled boolean not null)
SQL: create table authorities ( username varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
    authority varchar_ignorecase(50) not null,
    constraint fk_authorities_users foreign key(username) references users(username))
SQL: create unique index ix_auth_username on authorities (username,authority)
Executed SQL script from class path resource [database/users-schema.ddl] in 48 ms.
H2 console available at '/h2-console'. Database available at 'jdbc:h2:mem:users'

6.12. Create User DB Populate Script

The schema file took care of defining tables, columns, relationships, and constraints. With that defined, we can add population of users. The following user passwords take advantage of knowing we are using the DelegatingPasswordEncoder and we made {noop}plaintext an option at first.

The JDBC UserDetailsService requires that all valid users have at least one authority so I have defined a bogus known authority to represent the fact the username is known.

Example User DB Populate Script
insert into users(username, password, enabled) values('user1','{noop}password',true);
insert into users(username, password, enabled) values('user2','{noop}password',true);
insert into users(username, password, enabled) values('user3','{noop}password',true);

insert into authorities(username, authority) values('user1','known');
insert into authorities(username, authority) values('user2','known');
insert into authorities(username, authority) values('user3','known');

We reference the population script thru a property and can place that in the application.properties file.

Example Database Populate Script Reference

6.13. User DB Population

After the wave of schema commands has completed, the row population will take place filling the tables with our users, credentials, etc.

Example User DB Populate
Executing SQL script from class path resource [database/users-populate.sql]
SQL: insert into users(username, password, enabled) values('user1','{noop}password',true)
SQL: insert into users(username, password, enabled) values('user2','{noop}password',true)
SQL: insert into users(username, password, enabled) values('user3','{noop}password',true)
SQL: insert into authorities(username, authority) values('user1','known')
SQL: insert into authorities(username, authority) values('user2','known')
SQL: insert into authorities(username, authority) values('user3','known')
Executed SQL script from class path resource [database/users-populate.sql] in 7 ms.
H2 console available at '/h2-console'. Database available at 'jdbc:h2:mem:users'

6.14. H2 User Access

With the schema created and users populated, we can view the results using the H2 console.

security h2 users

6.15. Authenticate Access using JDBC UserDetailsService

We can now authenticate to access to the API using the credentials in this database.

Example Logins using JDBC UserDetailsService
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/anonymous/hello?name=jim -u user1:password
hello, jim :caller=user1 (1)

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/anonymous/hello?name=jim -u user1:password1
hello, jim :caller=user1 (2)

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/anonymous/hello?name=jim -u user1:password2
hello, jim :caller=user1 (3)
1 authenticating using credentials from JDBC UserDetailsService
2 authenticating using credentials from directly configured in-memory UserDetailsService
3 authenticating using credentials from injected in-memory UserDetailsService

However, we still have plaintext passwords in the database. Lets look to clean that up.

6.16. Encrypting Passwords

It would be bad practice to leave the user passwords in plaintext when we have the ability to store cryptographic hash values instead. We can do that through Java and the BCryptPasswordEncoder. The follow example shows using a shell script to obtain the encrypted password value.

Bcrypt Plaintext Passwords
$ htpasswd -bnBC 10 user1 password | cut -d\: -f2 (1) (2)

$ htpasswd -bnBC 10 user2 password | cut -d\: -f2

$ htpasswd -bnBC 10 user3 password | cut -d\: -f2
1 script outputs in format username:encoded-password
2 cut command is breaking the line at the ":" character and returning second field with just the encoded value

6.16.1. Updating Database with Encrypted Values

I have updated the populate SQL script to modify the {noop} plaintext passwords with their {bcrypt} encrypted replacements.

Update Plaintext Passwords with Encrypted Passwords SQL
update users
set password='{bcrypt}$2y$10$UvKwrln7xPp35c5sbj.9kuZ9jY9VYg/VylVTu88ZSCYy/YdcdP/Bq'
where username='user1';
update users
set password='{bcrypt}$2y$10$9tYKBY7act5dN.2d7kumuOsHytIJW8i23Ua2Qogcm6OM638IXMmLS'
where username='user2';
update users
set password='{bcrypt}$2y$10$AH6uepcNasVxlYeOhXX20.OX4cI3nXX.LsicoDE5G6bCP34URZZF2'
where username='user3';
Don’t Store Plaintext or Decode-able Passwords
The choice of replacing the plaintext INSERTs versus using UPDATE is purely a choice made for incremental demonstration. Passwords should always be stored in their Cryptographic Hash form and never in plaintext in a real environment.

6.16.2. H2 View of Encrypted Passwords

Once we restart and run that portion of the SQL, the plaintext {noop} passwords have been replaced by {bcrypt} encrypted password values in the H2 console.

security h2 bcrypt
Figure 8. H2 User Access to Encrypted User Passwords

7. Final Examples

7.1. Authenticate to All Three UserDetailsServices

With all UserDetailsServices in place, we are able to login as each user using one of the three sources.

Example Logins to All Three UserDetailsServices
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user1:password -v (2)
> Authorization: Basic dXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQ= (1)
hello, jim :caller=user1

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user2:password1 (3)
hello, jim :caller=user2

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user3:password2 (4)
hello, jim :caller=user3
1 we are still sending a base64 encoding of the plaintext password. The cryptographic hash is created server-side.
2 password is from the H2 database
3 password1 is form the original in-memory user details
4 password2 is from the injected in-memory user details

7.2. Authenticate to All Three Users

With the JDBC UserDetailsService in place with encoded passwords, we are able to authenticate against all three users.

Example Logins to Encrypted UserDetails
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user1:password (1)
hello, jim :caller=user1

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user2:password (1)
hello, jim :caller=user2

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/authn/hello?name=jim -u user3:password (1)
hello, jim :caller=user3
1 three separate user credentials stored in H2 database

8. Summary

In this module we learned:

  • the various interfaces and object purpose that are part of the Spring authentication framework

  • how to wire up an AuthenticationManager with AuthenticationProviders to implement authentication for a configured security filter chain

  • how to implement AuthenticationProviders using only PasswordEncoder and UserDetailsSource primitives

  • how to implement in-memory UserDetailsService

  • how to implement a database-backed UserDetailsService

  • how to encode and match encrypted password hashes

  • how to configure security to display the H2 UI and allow it to be functional