1. Introduction
This lecture will introduce working with relational databases with Spring Boot. It includes the creation and migration of schema, SQL commands, and low-level application interaction with JDBC.
1.1. Goals
The student will learn:
to identify key parts of a RDBMS schema
to instantiate and migrate a database schema
to automate database schema migration
to interact with database tables and rows using SQL
to identify key aspects of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API
1.2. Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, the student will be able to:
define a database schema that maps a single class to a single table
implement a primary key for each row of a table
define constraints for rows in a table
define an index for a table
automate database schema migration with the Flyway tool
manipulate table rows using SQL commands
identify key aspects of a JDBC call
2. Schema Concepts
Relational databases are based on a set of explicitly defined tables, columns, constraints, sequences, and indexes.
The overall structure of these definitions is called schema
Our first example will be a single table with a few columns.
2.1. RDBMS Tables/Columns
A table is identified by a name and contains a flat set of fields called columns
It is common for the table name to have an optional scoping prefix in the event that the database is shared (e.g., during testing or a minimal deployment).
In this example, the song
table is prefixed by a reposongs_
name that identifies which course example this table belongs to.
Table "public.reposongs_song" (1)
Column |
id | (2)
title | (3)
artist |
released |
1 | table named reposongs_song , part of the reposongs schema |
2 | column named id |
3 | column named title |
2.2. Column Data
Individual tables represent a specific type of object and their columns hold the data.
Each row of the song
table will always have an id
, title
, artist
, and released
id | title | artist | released
1 | Noli Me Tangere | Orbital | 2002-07-06
2 | Moab Is My Washpot | Led Zeppelin | 2005-03-26
3 | Arms and the Man | Parliament Funkadelic | 2019-03-11
2.3. Column Types
Each column is assigned a type that constrains the type and size of value they can hold.
Table "public.reposongs_song"
Column | Type |
id | integer | (1)
title | character varying(255) | (2)
artist | character varying(255) |
released | date | (3)
1 | id column has type integer |
2 | title column has type varchar that is less than or equal to 255 characters |
3 | released column has type date |
2.4. Example Column Types
The following lists several common example column data types. A more complete list of column types can be found on the w3schools web site. Some column types can be vendor-specific.
Category | Example Type |
Character Data |
Boolean/ Numeric data |
Temporal data |
Character field maximum size is vendor-specific
The maximum size of a char/varchar column is vendor-specific, ranging from 4000 characters to much larger values. |
2.5. Constraints
Column values are constrained by their defined type and can be additionally constrained to be required (not null
), unique (e.g., primary key), a valid reference to an existing row (foreign key), and various other constraints that will be part of the total schema definition.
The following example shows a required column and a unique primary key constraint.
postgres=# \d reposongs_song
Table "public.reposongs_song"
Column | Type | Nullable |
id | integer | not null |(1)
title | character varying(255) | |
artist | character varying(255) | |
released | date | |
"song_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) (2)
1 | column id is required |
2 | column id constrained to hold a unique (primary) key for each row |
2.6. Primary Key
A primary key is used to uniquely identify a specific row within a table and can also be the target of incoming references (foreign keys). There are two origins of a primary key: natural and surrogate. Natural primary keys are derived directly from the business properties of the object. Surrogate primary keys are externally generated and added to the business properties.
The following identifies the two primary key origins and lists a few advantages and disadvantages.
Primary Key Origins | Natural PKs | Surrogate PKs |
Description |
derived directly from business properties of object |
externally generated and added to object |
Example |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
For this example, I am using a surrogate primary key that could have been based on either a UUID or sequence number.
2.7. UUID
A UUID is a globally unique 128 bit value written in hexadecimal, broken up into five groups using dashes, resulting in a 36 character string.
$ uuidgen | awk '{print tolower($0)}'
There are different versions of the algorithm, but each target the same structure and the negligible chance of duplication. [1] This provides not only a unique value for the table row, but also a unique value across all tables, services, and domains.
The following lists a few advantages and disadvantages for using UUIDs as a primary key.
UUID Advantages | UUID Disadvantages |
2.8. Database Sequence
A database sequence is a numeric value guaranteed to be unique by the database. Support for sequences and the syntax used to work with them varies per database. The following shows an example of creating, incrementing, and dropping a sequence in postgres.
postgres=# create sequence seq_a start 1 increment 1; (1)
postgres=# select nextval('seq_a'); (2)
(1 row)
postgres=# select nextval('seq_a');
(1 row)
postgres=# drop sequence seq_a;
1 | can define starting point and increment for sequence |
2 | obtain next value of sequence using a database query |
Database Sequences do not dictate how unique value is used
Database Sequences do not dictate how the unique value is used.
The caller can use that directly as the primary key for one or more tables or anything at all.
The caller may also use the returned value to self-generate IDs on its own (e.g., a page offset of IDs).
That is where the |
2.8.1. Database Sequence with Increment
We can use the increment
option to help maintain a 1:1 ratio between
sequence and primary key values — while giving the caller the ability
to self-generate values within a increment window.
postgres=# create sequence seq_b start 1 increment 100; (1)
postgres=# select nextval('seq_b');
1 (1)
(1 row)
postgres=# select nextval('seq_b');
101 (1)
(1 row)
1 | increment leaves a window of values that can be self-generated by caller |
The database client calls nextval
whenever it starts or runs out of a window of IDs.
This can cause gaps in the sequence of IDs.
3. Example POJO
We will be using an example Song
class to demonstrate some database schema and interaction concepts.
Initially, I will only show the POJO portions of the class required to implement a business object and manually map this to the database.
Later, I will add some JPA mapping constructs to automate the database mapping.
The class is a read-only value class with only constructors and getters. We cannot use the lombok @Value annotation because JPA (part of a follow-on example) will require us to define a no argument constructor and attributes cannot be final.
package info.ejava.examples.db.repo.jpa.songs.bo;
@Getter (1)
public class Song {
private int id; (2)
private String title;
private String artist;
private LocalDate released;
1 | each property will have a getter method() but the only way to set values is through the constructor/builder |
2 | surrogate primary key will be used as a primary key |
POJOs can be read/write
There is no underlying requirement to use a read-only POJO with JPA or any other mapping.
However, doing so does make it more consistent with DDD read-only entity concepts where changes are through explicit save/update calls to the repository versus subtle side-effects of calling an entity setter() .
4. Schema
To map this class to the database, we will need the following constructs:
a table
a sequence to generate unique values for primary keys
an integer column to hold
2 varchar columns to hold
a date column to hold
The constructs are defined by schema
Schema is instantiated using specific commands.
Most core schema creation commands are vendor neutral.
Some schema creation commands (e.g., IF EXISTS
) and options are vendor-specific.
4.1. Schema Creation
Schema can be
authored by hand,
auto-generated, or
a mixture of the two.
We will have the tooling necessary to implement auto-generation once we get to JPA, but we are not there yet. For now, we will start by creating a complete schema definition by hand.
4.2. Example Schema
The following example defines a sequence and a table in our database ready for use with postgres.
drop sequence IF EXISTS hibernate_sequence; (1)
drop table IF EXISTS reposongs_song;
create sequence hibernate_sequence start 1 increment 1; (2)
create table reposongs_song (
id int not null,
title varchar(255),
artist varchar(255),
released date,
constraint song_pk primary key (id)
comment on table reposongs_song is 'song database'; (3)
comment on column reposongs_song.id is 'song primary key';
comment on column reposongs_song.title is 'official song name';
comment on column reposongs_song.artist is 'who recorded song';
comment on column reposongs_song.released is 'date song released';
create index idx_song_title on reposongs_song(title);
1 | remove any existing residue |
2 | create new DB table(s) and sequence |
3 | add descriptive comments |
5. Schema Command Line Population
To instantiate the schema, we have the option to use the command line interface (CLI).
The following example connects to a database running within docker-compose.
The psql
CLI is executed on the same machine as the database, thus saving us the requirement of supplying the password.
The contents of the schema file is supplied as stdin.
$ docker-compose up -d postgres
Creating ejava_postgres_1 ... done
$ docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres \ (1) (2)
< .../src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.0_0__initial_schema.sql (3)
NOTICE: sequence "hibernate_sequence" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: table "reposongs_song" does not exist, skipping
1 | running psql CLI command on postgres image |
2 | -T disables docker-compose pseudo-tty allocation |
3 | reference to schema file on host |
Pass file using stdin
The file is passed in through stdin using the "<" character.
Do not miss adding the "<" character.
The following schema commands add an index to the title
$ docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres \
< .../src/main/resources/db/migration/V1.0.0_1__initial_indexes.sql
5.1. Schema Result
We can log back into the database to take a look at the resulting schema.
The following executes the psql
CLI interface in the postgres image.
$ docker-compose exec postgres psql -U postgres
psql (12.3)
Type "help" for help.
5.2. List Tables
The following lists the tables created in the postgres database.
postgres=# \d+
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
public | hibernate_sequence | sequence | postgres | 8192 bytes |
public | reposongs_song | table | postgres | 8192 bytes | song database
(2 rows)
5.3. Describe Song Table
postgres=# \d reposongs_song
Table "public.reposongs_song"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null |
title | character varying(255) | | |
artist | character varying(255) | | |
released | date | | |
"song_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"idx_song_title" btree (title)
6. RDBMS Project
Although it is common to execute schema commands interactively during initial development, sooner or later they should end up documented in source file(s) that can help document the baseline schema and automate getting to a baseline schema state. Spring Boot provides direct support for automating schema migration — whether it be for test environments or actual production migration. This automation is critical to modern dynamic deployment environments. Lets begin filling in some project-level details of our example.
6.1. RDBMS Project Dependencies
To get our project prepared to communicate with the database, we are going to need a RDBMS-based spring-data starter and at least one database dependency.
The following dependency example readies our project for JPA (a layer well above RDBMS) and to be able to use either the postgres
or h2
h2 is an easy and efficient in-memory database choice to base unit testing. Other in-memory choices include HSQLDB and Derby databases.
is one of many choices we could use for a production-ready database
<artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-jpa</artifactId> (1)
<!-- schema management --> (3)
1 | brings in all dependencies required to access database using JPA (including APIs and Hibernate implementation) |
2 | defines two database clients we have the option of using — h2 offers an in-memory server |
3 | brings in a schema management tool |
6.2. RDBMS Access Objects
The JPA starter takes care of declaring a few key @Bean
instances that can be injected into components.
is part of the standard JDBC API — which is a very mature and well-supported standard -
is part of the standard JPA API — which is a layer above JDBC and also a well-supported standard.
private javax.sql.DataSource dataSource; (1)
private javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager; (2)
1 | DataSource defines a starting point to interface to database using JDBC |
2 | EntityManager defines a starting point for JPA interaction with the database |
6.3. RDBMS Connection Properties
Spring Boot will make some choices automatically, but since we have defined two database dependencies, we should be explicit.
The default datasource is defined with the spring.datasource
The URL defines which client to use.
The driver-class-name and dialect can be explicitly defined, but can also be determined internally based on the URL and details reported by the live database.
The following example properties define an in-memory h2 database.
#spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.h2.Driver (1)
1 | Spring Boot can automatically determine driver-class-name from provided URL |
The following example properties define a postgres client. Since this is a server, we have other properties — like username and password — that have to be supplied.
Driver can be derived from JDBC URL
In a normal Java application, JDBC drivers automatically register with the JDBC DriverManager at startup. When a client requests a connection to a specific JDBC URL, the JDBC DriverManager interrogates each driver, looking for support for the provided JDBC URL. |
7. Schema Migration
The schema of a project rarely stays constant and commonly has to migrate from version to version. No matter what can be automated during development, we need to preserve existing data in production and formal integration environments. Spring Boot has a default integration with Flyway in order to provide ordered migration from version to version. Some of its features (e.g., undo) require a commercial license, but its open-source offering implements forward migrations for free.
7.1. Flyway Automated Schema Migration
"Flyway is an open-source database migration tool". [2] It comes pre-integrated with Spring Boot once we add the Maven module dependency. Flyway executes provided SQL migration scripts against the database and maintains the state of the migration for future sessions.
7.2. Flyway Schema Source
By default, schema files [3]
are searched for in the
overridden using
property -
locations can be from the classpath and filesystem
location expressions support
placeholder expansion
following a naming pattern of V<version>__<name/comment>.sql (double underscore between version and name/comment) with version being a period (".") or single underscore ("_") separated set of version digits (e.g., V1.0.0_0, V1_0_0_0)
The following example shows a set of schema migration files located in the default, vendor neutral location.
|-- application-postgres.properties
|-- application.properties
`-- db
`-- migration
|-- V1.0.0_0__initial_schema.sql
|-- V1.0.0_1__initial_indexes.sql
`-- V1.1.0_0__add_artist.sql
7.3. Flyway Automatic Schema Population
Spring Boot will automatically trigger a migration of the files when the application starts.
The following example is launching the application and activating the postgres
profile with the client setup to communicate with the remote postgres database.
The --db.populate
is turning off application level population of the database.
That is part of a later example.
java -jar target/jpa-song-example-6.0.1-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar --spring.profiles.active=postgres --db.populate=false
7.4. Database Server Profiles
By default, the example application will use an in-memory database.
To use the postgres database, we need to fill in the properties within the selected profile.
7.5. Dirty Database Detection
If flyway detects a non-empty schema and no flyway table(s), it will immediately throw an exception and the program terminates.
FlywayException: Found non-empty schema(s) "public" but no schema history table.
Use baseline() or set baselineOnMigrate to true to initialize the schema history table.
Keeping this simple, we can simply drop the existing schema.
postgres=# drop table reposongs_song;
postgres=# drop sequence hibernate_sequence;
7.6. Flyway Migration
With everything correctly in place, flyway will execute the migration.
The following output is from the console log showing the activity of Flyway migrating the schema of the database.
VersionPrinter : Flyway Community Edition 7.1.1 by Redgate
DatabaseType : Database: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres (PostgreSQL 12.3)
DbValidate : Successfully validated 3 migrations (execution time 00:00.026s)
JdbcTableSchemaHistory : Creating Schema History table "public"."flyway_schema_history" ...
DbMigrate : Current version of schema "public": << Empty Schema >>
DbMigrate : Migrating schema "public" to version " - initial schema"
DefaultSqlScriptExecutor : DB: sequence "hibernate_sequence" does not exist, skipping
DefaultSqlScriptExecutor : DB: table "reposongs_song" does not exist, skipping
DbMigrate : Migrating schema "public" to version " - initial indexes"
DbMigrate : Migrating schema "public" to version " - add artist"
DbMigrate : Successfully applied 3 migrations to schema "public" (execution time 00:00.190s)
8. SQL CRUD Commands
All RDBMS-based interactions are based on Structured Query Language (SQL) and its set of Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands. It will help our understanding of what the higher-level frameworks are providing if we take a look at a few raw examples.
SQL Commands are case-insensitive
All SQL commands are case-insensitive. Using upper or lower case in these examples is a matter of personal/project choice. |
8.1. H2 Console Access
When H2 is activated — we can activate the H2 user interface using the following property.
Once the application is up and running, the following URL provides access to the H2 console.
![]() |
![]() |
8.2. Postgres CLI Access
With postgres activated, we can access the postgres server using the psql
$ docker-compose exec postgres psql -U postgres
psql (12.3)
Type "help" for help.
8.3. Next Value for Sequence
We created a sequence in our schema to managed unique IDs. We can obtain the next value for that sequence using a SQL command. Unfortunately, obtaining the next value for a sequence is vendor-specific. The following two examples show examples for postgres and h2.
select nextval('hibernate_sequence');
call next value for hibernate_sequence;
We add data to a table using the INSERT command.
insert into reposongs_song(id, title, artist, released) values (6,'Don''t Worry Be Happy','Bobby McFerrin', '1988-08-05');
Use two single-quote characters to embed single-quote
The single-quote character is used to delineate a string in SQL commands.
Use two single-quote characters to express a single quote character within a command (e.g., |
We output row data from the table using the SELECT command;
# select * from reposongs_song; id | title | artist | released ----+----------------------+----------------+------------ 6 | Don't Worry Be Happy | Bobby McFerrin | 1988-08-05 7 | Sledgehammer | Peter Gabriel | 1986-05-18
The previous example output all columns and rows for the table in a non-deterministic order. We can control the columns output, the column order, and the row order for better management. The next example outputs specific columns and orders rows in ascending order by the released date.
# select released, title, artist from reposongs_song order by released ASC; released | title | artist ------------+----------------------+---------------- 1986-05-18 | Sledgehammer | Peter Gabriel 1988-08-05 | Don't Worry Be Happy | Bobby McFerrin
We can change column data of one or more rows using the UPDATE command.
The following example shows a row with a value that needs to be changed.
# insert into reposongs_song(id, title, artist, released) values (8,'October','Earth Wind and Fire', '1978-11-18');
The following snippet shows updating the title column for the specific row.
# update reposongs_song set title='September' where id=8;
The following snippet uses the SELECT command to show the results of our change.
# select * from reposongs_song where id=8; id | title | artist | released ----+-----------+---------------------+------------ 8 | September | Earth Wind and Fire | 1978-11-18
We can remove one or more rows with the DELETE command. The following example removes a specific row matching the provided ID.
# delete from reposongs_song where id=8; DELETE 1
# select * from reposongs_song; id | title | artist | released ----+----------------------+----------------+------------ 6 | Don't Worry Be Happy | Bobby McFerrin | 1988-08-05 7 | Sledgehammer | Peter Gabriel | 1986-05-18
8.8. RDBMS Transaction
Transactions are an important and integral part of relational databases. The transactionality of a database are expressed in "ACID" properties [4]:
Atomic - all or nothing. Everything in the unit acts as a single unit
Consistent - moves from one valid state to another
Isolation - the degree of visibility/independence between concurrent transactions
Durability - a committed transaction exists
By default, most interactions with the database are considered individual transactions with an auto-commit after each one. Auto-commit can be disabled so that multiple commands can be part of the same, single transaction.
8.8.1. BEGIN Transaction Example
The following shows an example of a disabling auto-commit in postgres by issuing the BEGIN command. Every change from this point until the COMMIT or ROLLBACK is temporary and is isolated from other concurrent transactions (to the level of isolation supported by the database and configured by the connection).
# BEGIN; (1)
# insert into reposongs_song(id, title, artist, released)
values (7,'Sledgehammer','Peter Gabriel', '1986-05-18');
# select * from reposongs_song;
id | title | artist | released | foo
6 | Don't Worry Be Happy | Bobby McFerrin | 1988-08-05 |
7 | Sledgehammer | Peter Gabriel | 1986-05-18 | (2)
(3 rows)
1 | new transaction started when BEGIN command issued |
2 | commands within a transaction will be able to see uncommitted changes from the same transaction |
8.8.2. ROLLBACK Transaction Example
The following shows how the previous command(s) in the current transaction can be rolled back — as if they never executed. The transaction ends once we issue COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
# select * from reposongs_song; (2)
id | title | artist | released
6 | Don't Worry Be Happy | Bobby McFerrin | 1988-08-05
1 | transaction ends once COMMIT or ROLLBACK command issued |
2 | commands outside of a transaction will not be able to see uncommitted and rolled back changes of another transaction |
With database schema in place and a key amount of SQL under our belt, it is time to move on to programmatically interacting with the database. Our next stop is a foundational aspect of any Java database interaction, the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API. JDBC is a standard Java API for communicating with tabular databases. [5] We hopefully will never need to write this code in our applications, but it eventually gets called by any database mapping layers we may use — therefore it is good to know some of the foundation.
9.1. JDBC DataSource
The javax.sql.DataSource
is the starting point for interacting with the database.
Assuming we have Flyway schema migrations working at startup, we already know we have our database properties setup properly.
It is now our chance to inject a DataSource
and do some work.
The following snippet shows an example of an injected DataSource
That DataSource
is being used to obtain the URL used to connect to the database.
Most JDBC commands declare a checked exception (SQLException
) that must be caught or also declared thrown.
public class JdbcSongDAO {
private final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource; (1)
public void init() {
try {
String url = dataSource.getConnection().getMetaData().getURL();
... (2)
} catch (SQLException ex) { (3)
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
1 | DataSource injected using constructor injection |
2 | DataSource used to obtain a connection and metadata for the URL |
3 | All/most JDBC commands declare throwing a SQLException that must be explicitly handled |
9.2. Obtain Connection and Statement
We obtain a java.sql.Connection
from the DataSource
and a Statement
from the connection.
Connections and statements must be closed when complete and we can automated that with a Java try-with-resources statement.
can be used to assemble the statement up front and reused in a loop if appropriate.
public void create(Song song) throws SQLException {
String sql = //insert/select/delete/update ... (1)
try(Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection(); (2)
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
//statement.executeUpdate(); (3)
1 | action-specific SQL will be supplied to the PreparedStatement |
2 | try-with-resources construct automatically closes objects declared at this scope |
3 | Statement used to query and modify database |
9.3. JDBC Create Example
public void create(Song song) throws SQLException {
String sql = "insert into REPOSONGS_SONG(id, title, artist, released) values(?,?,?,?)";(1)
try(Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
int id = nextId(conn); //get next ID from database (2)
log.info("{}, params={}", sql, List.of(id, song.getTitle(), song.getArtist(), song.getReleased()));
statement.setInt(1, id); (3)
statement.setString(2, song.getTitle());
statement.setString(3, song.getArtist());
statement.setDate(4, Date.valueOf(song.getReleased()));
setId(song, id); //inject ID into supplied instance (4)
1 | SQL commands have ? placeholders for parameters |
2 | leveraging a helper method (based on a query statement) to obtain next sequence value |
3 | filling in the individual variables of the SQL template |
4 | leveraging a helper method (based on Java reflection) to set the generated ID of the instance before returning |
Use Variables over String Literal Values
Repeated SQL commands should always use parameters over literal values. Identical SQL templates allow database parsers to recognize a repeated command and leverage earlier query plans. Unique SQL strings require database to always parse the command and come up with new plans. |
9.4. Set ID Example
The following snippet shows the helper method used earlier to set the ID of an existing instance.
We need the helper because id
is declared private.
is declared private and without a setter because it should never change.
Persistence is one of the exceptions to "should never change".
private void setId(Song song, int id) {
try {
Field f = Song.class.getDeclaredField("id"); (1)
f.setAccessible(true); (2)
f.set(song, id); (3)
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("unable to set Song.id", ex);
1 | using Java reflection to locate the id field of the Song class |
2 | must set to accessible since id is private — otherwise an IllegalAccessException |
3 | setting the value of the id field |
9.5. JDBC Select Example
The following snippet shows an examle of using a JDBC select.
In this case we are querying the database and representing the returned rows as instances of Song
public Song findById(int id) throws SQLException {
String sql = "select title, artist, released from REPOSONGS_SONG where id=?"; (1)
try(Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
statement.setInt(1, id); (2)
try (ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery()) { (3)
if (rs.next()) { (4)
Date releaseDate = rs.getDate(3); (5)
return Song.builder()
.released(releaseDate == null ? null : releaseDate.toLocalDate())
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException(String.format("song[%d] not found",id));
1 | provide a SQL template with ? placeholders for runtime variables |
2 | fill in variable placeholders |
3 | execute query and process results in one or more ResultSet — which must be closed when complete |
4 | must test ResultSet before obtaining first and each subsequent row |
5 | obtain values from the ResultSet — numerical order is based on SELECT clause |
9.6. nextId
The nextId()
call from createSong()
is another query on the surface, but it is incrementing a sequence at the database level to supply the value.
private int nextId(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
String sql = dialect.getNextvalSql();
try(PreparedStatement call = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) {
try (ResultSet rs = call.executeQuery()) {
if (rs.next()) {
Long id = rs.getLong(1);
return id.intValue();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("no sequence result returned from call");
9.7. Dialect
Sequences syntax (and support for Sequences) is often DB-specific. Therefore, if we are working at the SQL or JDBC level, we need to use the proper dialect for our target database. The following snippet shows two choices for dialect for getting the next value for a sequence.
private Dialect dialect;
enum Dialect {
H2("call next value for hibernate_sequence"),
POSTGRES("select nextval('hibernate_sequence')");
private String nextvalSql;
private Dialect(String nextvalSql) {
this.nextvalSql = nextvalSql;
String getNextvalSql() { return nextvalSql; }
10. Summary
In this module we learned:
to define a relational database schema for a table, columns, sequence, and index
to define a primary key, table constraints, and an index
to automate the creation and migration of the database schema
to interact with database tables and columns with SQL
underlying JDBC API interactions