1. Introduction

In the previous section we defined a value injection into an attribute of a Spring Bean class and defined a few ways to inject a value on an individual basis. Next, we will setup ways to specify entire collection of property values through files.

1.1. Goals

The student will learn:

  • to supply groups of properties using files

  • to configure a Spring Boot application using property files

  • to flexibly configure and control configurations applied

1.2. Objectives

At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, the student will be able to:

  1. configure a Spring Boot application using a property file

  2. specify a property file for a basename

  3. specify a property file packaged within a JAR file

  4. specify a property file located on the file system

  5. specify a both straight properties and YAML property file sources

  6. specify multiple files to derive an injected property from

  7. specify properties based on an active profile

  8. specify properties based on placeholder values

2. Property File Source(s)

Spring Boot uses three key properties when looking for configuration files (Ref: docs.spring.io):

  1. spring.config.name — one or more base names separated by commas. The default is application and the suffixes searched for are .properties and .yml (or .yaml)

  2. spring.profiles.active — one or more profile names separated by commas used in this context to identify which form of the base name to use. The default is default and this value is located at the end of the base filename separated by a dash (-; e.g., application-default)

  3. spring.config.location — one or more directories/packages to search for configuration files or explicit references to specific files. The default is:

    1. file:config/ - within a config directory in the current directory

    2. file:./ - within the current directory

    3. classpath:/config/ - within a config package in the classpath

    4. classpath:/ — within the root package of the classpath

Names are primarily used to identify the base name of the application (e.g., application or myapp) or of distinct areas (e.g., database, security). Profiles are primarily used to supply variants of property values. Location is primarily used to identify the search paths to look for configuration files but can be used to override names and profiles when a complete file path is supplied.

2.1. Property File Source Example

In this initial example I will demonstrate spring.config.name and spring.config.location and use a single value injection similar to previous examples.

Value Injection Target
    private String audience;

However, the source of the property value will not come from the command line. It will come from one of the following property and/or YAML files in our module.

Source Tree
`-- main
    |-- java
    |   `-- ...
    `-- resources
        |-- alternate_source.properties
        |-- alternate_source.yml
        |-- application.properties
        `-- property_source.properties
JAR File
$ jar tf target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar | \
    egrep 'classes.*(properties|yml)'

2.2. Example Property File Contents

The four files each declare the same property app.audience but with a different value. Spring Boot primarily supports the two file types shown (properties and YAML). There is some support for JSON and XML is primarily used to define configurations.

The first three below are in properties format.

app.audience=Property Source value
app.audience=alternate source property file
app.audience=application.properties value

This last file is in YAML format.

  audience: alternate source YAML file

That means the following — which will load the application.(properties|yml) file from one of the four locations …​

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar
Application @Bean says Hey application.properties value

can also be completed with

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey application.properties value
$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey application.properties value
$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey application.properties value
$ cp src/main/resources/application.properties /tmp/xyz.properties
$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.config.name=xyz --spring.config.location="file:/tmp/"
Application @Bean says Hey application.properties value

2.3. Non-existent Path

If you supply a non-existent path, Spring will report that as an error.

Location Directories Must Exist
java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \



Config data location 'file:src/main/resources/does_not_exit/' does not exist


Check that the value 'file:src/main/resources/does_not_exit/' is correct, or prefix it with 'optional:'

You can mark the location with optional: for cases where it is legitimate for the location not to exist.

Making Location Directory Optional
java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \

2.4. Path not Ending with Slash ("/")

If you supply a path not ending with a slash ("/"), Spring will also report an error.

java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
14:28:23.544 [main] ERROR org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication - Application run failed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to load config data from 'file:src/main/resources'
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: File extension is not known to any PropertySourceLoader. If the location is meant to reference a directory, it must end in '/' or File.separator

2.5. Alternate File Examples

We can switch to a different set of configuration files by changing the spring.config.name or spring.config.location so that …​

app.audience=Property Source value
app.audience=alternate source property file
  audience: alternate source YAML file

can be used to produce

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey Property Source value
$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey alternate source property file
$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey alternate source YAML file

2.6. Series of files

app.audience=Property Source value
app.audience=alternate source property file

The default priority is last specified.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey alternate source property file
$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
Application @Bean says Hey Property Source value

3. @PropertySource Annotation

We can define a property to explicitly be loaded using a Spring-provided @PropertySource annotation. This annotation can be used on any class that is used as a @Configuration, so I will add that to the main application. However, because we are still working with a very simplistic, single property example — I have started a sibling example that only has a single property file so that no priority/overrides from application.properties will occur.

Example Source Tree
|-- pom.xml
`-- src
    `-- main
        |-- java
        |   `-- info
        |       `-- ejava
        |           `-- examples
        |               `-- app
        |                   `-- config
        |                       `-- propertysource
        |                           `-- annotation
        |                               |-- AppCommand.java
        |                               `-- PropertySourceApp.java
        `-- resources
            `-- property_source.properties
app.audience=Property Source value
Annotation Reference
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource;

@PropertySource("classpath:property_source.properties") (1)
public class PropertySourceApp {
1 An explicit reference to the properties file is placed within the annotation on the @Configuration class

When we now execute our JAR, we get the contents of the property file.

java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-annotation-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar
Application @Bean says Hey Property Source value

4. Profiles

In addition to spring.config.name and spring.config.location, there is a third configuration property — spring.profiles.active — that Spring uses when configuring an application. Profiles are identified by
-(profileName) at the end of the base filename (e.g., application-site1.properties, myapp-site1.properties)

I am going to create a new example to help explain this.

Profile Example
|-- pom.xml
`-- src
    `-- main
        |-- java
        |   `-- info
        |       `-- ejava
        |           `-- examples
        |               `-- app
        |                   `-- config
        |                       `-- propertysource
        |                           `-- profiles
        |                               |-- AppCommand.java
        |                               `-- PropertySourceApp.java
        `-- resources
            |-- application-default.properties
            |-- application-site1.properties
            |-- application-site2.properties
            `-- application.properties

The example uses the default spring.config.name of application and supplies four property files.

  • each of the property files supplies a common property of app.commonProperty to help demonstrate priority

  • each of the property files supplies a unique property to help identify whether the file was used

app.commonProperty=commonProperty from application.properties
app.appProperty=appProperty from application.properties
app.commonProperty=commonProperty from application-default.properties
app.defaultProperty=defaultProperty from application-default.properties
app.commonProperty=commonProperty from application-site1.properties
app.site1Property=site1Property from application-site1.properties
app.commonProperty=commonProperty from application-site2.properties
app.site2Property=site2Property from application-site2.properties

The component class defines an attribute for each of the available properties and defines a default value to identify when they have not been supplied.

public class AppCommand implements CommandLineRunner {
    @Value("${app.commonProperty:not supplied}")
    private String commonProperty;
    @Value("${app.appProperty:not supplied}")
    private String appProperty;
    @Value("${app.defaultProperty:not supplied}")
    private String defaultProperty;
    @Value("${app.site1Property:not supplied}")
    private String site1Property;
    @Value("${app.site2Property:not supplied}")
    private String site2Property;
In all cases (except when using an alternate spring.config.name), we will get the application.properties loaded. However, it is used at a lower priority than all other sources.

4.1. Default Profile

If we run the program with no profiles active, we enact the default profile. site1 and site2 profiles are not loaded.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar
commonProperty=commonProperty from application-default.properties (1)
appProperty=appProperty from application.properties (2)
defaultProperty=defaultProperty from application-default.properties (3)
site1Property=not supplied (4)
site2Property=not supplied
1 commonProperty was set to the value from default profile
2 application.properties was loaded
3 the default profile was loaded
4 site1 and site2 profiles where not loaded

4.2. Specific Active Profile

If we activate a specific profile (site1) the associated file is loaded and the alternate profiles — including default — are not loaded.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
commonProperty=commonProperty from application-site1.properties (1)
appProperty=appProperty from application.properties (2)
defaultProperty=not supplied (3)
site1Property=site1Property from application-site1.properties (4)
site2Property=not supplied (3)
1 commonProperty was set to the value from site1 profile
2 application.properties was loaded
3 default and site2 profiles were not loaded
4 the site1 profile was loaded

4.3. Multiple Active Profiles

We can activate multiple profiles at the same time. If they define overlapping properties, the later one specified takes priority.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.profiles.active=site1,site2 (1)
commonProperty=commonProperty from application-site2.properties (1)
appProperty=appProperty from application.properties (2)
defaultProperty=not supplied (3)
site1Property=site1Property from application-site1.properties (4)
site2Property=site2Property from application-site2.properties (4)

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.profiles.active=site2,site1 (1)
commonProperty=commonProperty from application-site1.properties (1)
appProperty=appProperty from application.properties (2)
defaultProperty=not supplied (3)
site1Property=site1Property from application-site1.properties (4)
site2Property=site2Property from application-site2.properties (4)
1 commonProperty was set to the value from last specified profile
2 application.properties was loaded
3 the default profile was not loaded
4 site1 and site2 profiles were loaded

4.4. No Associated Profile

If there are no associated profiles with a given spring.config.name, then none will be loaded.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.config.name=BOGUS --spring.profiles.active=site1  (1)
commonProperty=not supplied (1)
appProperty=not supplied
defaultProperty=not supplied
site1Property=not supplied
site2Property=not supplied
1 No profiles where loaded for spring.config.name BOGUS

5. Property Placeholders

We have the ability to build property values using a placeholder that will come from elsewhere. Consider the following example where there is a common pattern to a specific set of URLs that change based on a base URL value.

  • (config_name).properties would be the candidate to host the following definition

  • profiles would host the specific value for the placeholder

    • (config_name)-(profileA).properties

    • (config_name)-(profileB).properties

  • the default value for the placeholder can be declared in the same property file that uses it


5.1. Placeholder Demonstration

To demonstrate this further, I am going to add three additional property files to the previous example.

`-- src
    `-- main
        `-- resources
            |-- ...
            |-- myapp-site1.properties
            |-- myapp-site2.properties
            `-- myapp.properties

5.2. Placeholder Property Files

# myapp.properties
app.commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp.properties (2)
app.appProperty="${app.commonProperty}" used by myapp.property (1)
1 defines a placeholder for another property
2 defines a default value for the placeholder within this file
Only the ${} characters and property name are specific to property placeholders. Quotes ("") within this property value are part of the this example and not anything specific to property placeholders in general.
# myapp-site1.properties
app.commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp-site1.properties (1)
app.site1Property=site1Property from myapp-site1.properties
1 defines a value for the placeholder
# myapp-site2.properties
app.commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp-site2.properties (1)
app.site2Property=site2Property from myapp-site2.properties
1 defines a value for the placeholder

5.3. Placeholder Value Defined Internally

Without any profiles activated, we obtain a value for the placeholder from within myapp.properties.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp.properties
appProperty="commonProperty from myapp.properties" used by myapp.property (1)
defaultProperty=not supplied
site1Property=not supplied
site2Property=not supplied
1 placeholder value coming from default value defined in same myapp.properties

5.4. Placeholder Value Defined in Profile

Activating the site1 profile causes the placeholder value to get defined by myapp-site1.properties.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.config.name=myapp --spring.profiles.active=site1
commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp-site1.properties
appProperty="commonProperty from myapp-site1.properties" used by myapp.property (1)
defaultProperty=not supplied
site1Property=site1Property from myapp-site1.properties
site2Property=not supplied
1 placeholder value coming from value defined in myapp-site1.properties

5.5. Multiple Active Profiles

Multiple profiles can be activated. By default — the last profile specified has the highest priority.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.config.name=myapp --spring.profiles.active=site1,site2
commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp-site2.properties
appProperty="commonProperty from myapp-site2.properties" used by myapp.property (1)
defaultProperty=not supplied
site1Property=site1Property from myapp-site1.properties
site2Property=site2Property from myapp-site2.properties
1 placeholder value coming from value defined in last profile — myapp-site2.properties

5.6. Mixing Names, Profiles, and Location

Name, profile, and location constructs can play well together as long as location only references a directory path and not a specific file. In the example below, we are defining a non-default name, a non-default profile, and a non-default location to search for the property files.

$ java -jar target/appconfig-propertysource-profile-example-*-SNAPSHOT-bootexec.jar \
   --spring.config.name=myapp \
   --spring.profiles.active=site1 \
commonProperty=commonProperty from myapp-site1.properties
appProperty="commonProperty from myapp-site1.properties" used by myapp.property
defaultProperty=not supplied
site1Property=site1Property from myapp-site1.properties
site2Property=not supplied

The above example located the following property files in the filesystem (not classpath)

  • src/main/resources/myapp.properties

  • src/main/resources/myapp-site1.properties

6. Summary

In this module we

  • supplied property value(s) through a set of property files

  • used both properties and YAML formatted files to express property values

  • specified base filename(s) to use using the --spring.config.name property

  • specified profile(s) to use using the --spring.profiles.active property

  • specified paths(s) to search using the --spring.config.location property

  • specified a custom file to load using the @PropertySource annotation

  • specified multiple names, profiles, and locations

In future modules we will show how to leverage these property sources in a way that can make configuring the Java code easier.