1. Introduction
In the testing lectures I made a specific point to separate the testing concepts of
focusing on a single class with stubs and mocks
integrating multiple classes through a Spring context
having to manage separate processes using the Maven integration test phases and plugins
Having only a single class under test meets most definitions of "unit testing". Having to manage multiple processes satisfies most definitions of "integration testing". Having to integrate multiple classes within a single JVM using a single JUnit test is a bit of a middle ground because it takes less heroics (thanks to modern test frameworks) and can be moderately fast.
I have termed the middle ground "integration unit testing" in an earlier lecture and labeled them with the suffix "NTest" to signify that they should run within the surefire unit test Maven phase and will take more time than a mocked unit test. In this lecture, I am going to expand the scope of "integration unit test" to include simulated resources like databases and JMS servers. This will allow us to write tests that are moderately efficient but more fully test layers of classes and their underlying resources within the context of a thread that is more representative of an end-to-end usecase.
Given an application like the following with databases and a JMS server…
![]() Figure 1. Votes Application
1.1. Goals
You will learn:
how to integrate MongoDB into a Spring Boot application
how to integrate a Relational Database into a Spring Boot application
how to integrate a JMS server into a Spring Boot application
how to implement an integration unit test using embedded resources
1.2. Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, you will be able to:
embed a simulated MongoDB within a JUnit test using Flapdoodle
embed an in-memory JMS server within a JUnit test using ActiveMQ
embed a relational database within a JUnit test using H2
verify an end-to-end test case using a unit integration test
2. Votes and Elections Service
For this example, I have created two moderately parallel services — Votes and Elections — that follow a straight forward controller, service, repository, and database layering.
2.1. Main Application Flows
![]() Figure 2. VotesService
The Votes Service accepts a vote (VoteDTO) from a caller and stores that directly in a database (MongoDB). |
![]() Figure 3. ElectionsService
The Elections service transforms received votes (VoteDTO) into database entity instances (VoteBO) and stores them in a separate database (Postgres) using Java Persistence API (JPA). The service uses that persisted information to provide election results from aggregated queries of the database. |
The fact that the applications use MongoDB, Postgres Relational DB, and JPA will only be a very small part of the lecture material. However, it will serve as a basic template of how to integrate these resources for much more complicated unit integration tests and deployment scenarios.
2.2. Service Event Integration
The two services are integrated through a set of Aspects, ApplicationEvent, and JMS logic that allow the two services to be decoupled from one another.
![]() Figure 4. Votes Service
The Votes Service events layer defines a pointcut on the successful return of the
![]() Figure 5. Elections Service
The Elections Service eventing layer subscribes to the |
The fact that the applications use JMS will only be a small part of the lecture material. However, it too will serve as a basic template of how to integrate another very pertinent resource for distributed systems.
3. Physical Architecture
I described five (5) functional services in the previous section: Votes, Elections, MongoDB, Postgres, and ActiveMQ (for JMS).
![]() Figure 6. Physical Architecture
I will eventually mapped them to four (4) physical nodes: api, mongo, postgres, and activemq. Both Votes and Elections have been co-located in the same Spring Boot application because the Internet deployment platform may not have a JMS server available for our use. |
3.1. Integration Unit Test Physical Architecture
For integration unit tests, we will use a single JUnit JVM with the Spring Boot Services and the three resources embedded using the following options:
![]() Figure 7. Integration Unit Testing Physical Architecture
H2 Database in memory RDBMS we used for user management during the later security topics
ActiveMQ (Classic) used in embedded mode
4. Mongo Integration
In this section we will go through the steps of adding the necessary MongoDB dependencies to implement a MongoDB repository and simulate that with an in-memory DB during unit integration testing.
4.1. MongoDB Maven Dependencies
As with most starting points with Spring Boot — we can bootstrap our application
to implement a MongoDB repository by forming an dependency on spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
That brings in a few driver dependencies that will also activate the MongoAutoConfiguration
to establish a default MongoClient
from properties.
[INFO] +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb:jar:2.3.2.RELEASE:compile [INFO] | +- org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync:jar:4.0.5:compile [INFO] | | +- org.mongodb:bson:jar:4.0.5:compile [INFO] | | \- org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-core:jar:4.0.5:compile [INFO] | \- org.springframework.data:spring-data-mongodb:jar:3.0.2.RELEASE:compile
4.2. Test MongoDB Maven Dependency
For testing, we add a dependency on de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo
. By setting scope
to test
, we avoid deploying that with our application outside of our module testing.
The flapdoodle
dependency brings in the following artifacts.
[INFO] +- de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo:jar:2.2.0:test [INFO] | \- de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.process:jar:2.1.2:test [INFO] | +- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.10:compile [INFO] | +- net.java.dev.jna:jna:jar:4.0.0:test [INFO] | +- net.java.dev.jna:jna-platform:jar:4.0.0:test [INFO] | \- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.18:test
4.3. MongoDB Properties
The following lists a core set of MongoDB properties we will use no matter
whether we are in test or production. If we implement the most common
scenario of a single single database — things get pretty easy to work
through properties. Otherwise we would have to provide our own MongoClient
factories to target specific instances.
spring.data.mongodb.authentication-database=admin (1)
spring.data.mongodb.database=votes_db (2)
1 | identifies the mongo database with user credentials |
2 | identifies the mongo database for our document collections |
4.4. MongoDB Repository
Spring Data provides a very nice repository layer that can handle basic
CRUD and query capabilities with a simple interface definition that
extends MongoRepository<T,ID>
. The following shows an example declaration
for a VoteDTO
POJO class that uses a String for a primary key value.
import info.ejava.examples.svc.docker.votes.dto.VoteDTO;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.MongoRepository;
public interface VoterRepository extends MongoRepository<VoteDTO, String> {
4.5. VoteDTO MongoDB Document Class
The following shows the MongoDB document class that doubles as a Data Transfer Object (DTO) in the controller and JMS messages.
import lombok.*;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document;
import java.time.Instant;
@Document("votes") (1)
public class VoteDTO {
private String id; (2)
private Instant date;
private String source;
private String choice;
1 | MongoDB Document class mapped to the votes collection |
2 | VoteDTO.id property mapped to _id field of MongoDB collection |
4.6. Sample MongoDB/VoterRepository Calls
The following snippet shows the injection of the repository into the service class and two sample calls. At this point in time, it is only important to notice that our simple repository definition gives us the ability to insert and count documents (and more!!!).
@RequiredArgsConstructor (1)
public class VoterServiceImpl implements VoterService {
private final VoterRepository voterRepository; (1)
public VoteDTO castVote(VoteDTO newVote) {
return voterRepository.insert(newVote); (2)
public long getTotalVotes() {
return voterRepository.count(); (3)
1 | using constructor injection to initialize service with repository |
2 | repository inherits ability to insert new documents |
3 | repository inherits ability to get count of documents |
This service is then injected into the controller and accessed through the /api/votes
At this point we are ready to start looking at the details of how to report the new votes
to the ElectionsService
5. ActiveMQ Integration
In this section we will go through the steps of adding the necessary ActiveMQ dependencies to implement a JMS publish/subscribe and simulate that with an in-memory JMS server during unit integration testing.
5.1. ActiveMQ Maven Dependencies
The following lists the dependencies we need to implement the Aspects and JMS capability within the application.
The ActiveMQ starter brings in the following dependencies and actives the
class that will setup a JMS connection based on
[INFO] +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-activemq:jar:2.3.2.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] | +- org.springframework:spring-jms:jar:5.2.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] | | +- org.springframework:spring-messaging:jar:5.2.8.RELEASE:compile
[INFO] | | \- org.springframework:spring-tx:jar:5.2.8.RELEASE:compile
5.2. ActiveMQ Integration Unit Test Properties
The following lists the core property required by ActiveMQ in all environments. Without
the pub-sub-domain
property defined, ActiveMQ defaults to a queue model — which will
not allow our integration tests to observe the traffic flow if we care to.
#activemq spring.jms.pub-sub-domain=true (1)
1 | tells ActiveMQ to use topics versus queues |
The following lists the properties that are unique to the local integration unit tests.
spring.activemq.in-memory=true (1)
1 | activemq will establish in-memory destinations |
5.3. Service Joinpoint Advice
I used Aspects to keep the Votes Service flow clean of external integration and performed
that by enabling Aspects using the @EnableAspectJAutoProxy
annotation and defining
the following @Aspect
class, joinpoint, and advice.
public class VoterAspects {
private final VoterJMS votePublisher;
public void voterService(){} (1)
@Pointcut("execution(*..VoteDTO castVote(..))")
public void castVote(){} (2)
@AfterReturning(value = "voterService() && castVote()", returning = "vote")
public void afterVoteCast(VoteDTO vote) { (3)
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
1 | matches all calls implementing the VoterService interface |
2 | matches all calls called castVote that return a VoteDTO |
3 | injects returned VoteDTO from matching calls and calls publish to report event |
5.4. JMS Publish
The publishing of the new vote event using JMS is done within the VoterJMS
class using an injected jmsTemplate
and ObjectMapper
. Essentially, the
method marshals the VoteDTO
object into a JSON text string and publishes that
in a TextMessage
to the "votes" topic.
public class VoterJMS {
private final JmsTemplate jmsTemplate; (1)
private final ObjectMapper mapper; (2)
public void publish(VoteDTO vote) throws JsonProcessingException {
final String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(vote); (3)
jmsTemplate.send("votes", new MessageCreator() { (4)
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
return session.createTextMessage(json); (5)
1 | inject a jmsTemplate supplied by ActiveMQ starter dependency |
2 | inject ObjectMapper that will marshal objects to JSON |
3 | marshal vote to JSON string |
4 | publish the JMS message to the "votes" topic |
5 | publish vote JSON string using a JMS TextMessage |
5.5. ObjectMapper
The ObjectMapper
that was injected in the VoterJMS
class was built
using a custom factory that configured it to use formatting and write
timestamps in ISO format versus binary values.
public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder jacksonBuilder() {
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
return builder;
public ObjectMapper jsonMapper(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder) {
return builder.createXmlMapper(false).build();
5.6. JMS Receive
The JMS receive capability is performed within the same VoterJMS
class to
keep JMS implementation encapsulated. The class implements a method accepting
a JMS TextMessage
annotated with @JmsListener
. At this point we could have
directly called the ElectionsService
but I chose to go another level of indirection
and simply issue an ApplicationEvent
public class VoterJMS {
private final ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher;
private final ObjectMapper mapper;
@JmsListener(destination = "votes") (2)
public void receive(TextMessage message) throws JMSException { (1)
String json = message.getText();
try {
VoteDTO vote = mapper.readValue(json, VoteDTO.class); (3)
eventPublisher.publishEvent(new NewVoteEvent(vote)); (4)
} catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
1 | implements a method receiving a JMS TextMessage |
2 | method annotated with @JmsListener against the votes topic |
3 | JSON string unmarshaled into a VoteDTO instance |
4 | Simple NewVote POJO event created and issued internal |
5.7. EventListener
An EventListener
is supplied to listen for the application
event and relay that to the ElectionsService
import org.springframework.context.event.EventListener;
public class ElectionListener {
private final ElectionsService electionService;
@EventListener (2)
public void newVote(NewVoteEvent newVoteEvent) { (1)
electionService.addVote(newVoteEvent.getVote()); (3)
1 | method accepts NewVoteEvent POJO |
2 | method annotated with @EventListener looking for application events |
3 | method invokes addVote of ElectionsService when NewVoteEvent occurs |
At this point we are ready to look at some of the implementation details of the Elections Service.
6. JPA Integration
In this section we will go through the steps of adding the necessary dependencies to implement a JPA repository and simulate that with an in-memory RDBMS during unit integration testing.
6.1. JPA Core Maven Dependencies
The Elections Service uses a relational database and interfaces with that using
Spring Data and Java Persistence API (JPA). To do that, we need the following
core dependencies defined. The starter sets up the default JDBC DataSource and
JPA layer. The postgresql
dependency provides a client for Postgres and one that takes
responsibility for Postgres-formatted JDBC URLs.
There are too many (~20) dependencies to list that come in from the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
You can run mvn dependency:tree
yourself to look, but basically it brings in Hibernate and
connection pooling. The supporting libraries for Hibernate and JPA are quite substantial.
6.2. JPA Test Dependencies
During integration unit testing we add the H2 database dependency to provide another option.
6.3. JPA Properties
The test properties include a direct reference to the in-memory H2 JDBC URL. I will explain the use of Flyway next, but this is considered optional for this case because Spring Data will trigger auto-schema population for in-memory databases.
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:users (1)
spring.jpa.show-sql=true (2)
# optional: in-memory DB will automatically get schema generated
spring.flyway.enabled=true (3)
1 | JDBC in-memory H2 URL |
2 | show SQL so we can see what is occurring between service and database |
3 | optionally turn on Flyway migrations |
6.4. Database Schema Migration
Unlike the NoSQL MongoDB, relational databases have a strict schema that defines how data is stored. That must be accounted for in all environments. However — the way we do it can vary:
Auto-Generation - the simplest way to configure a development environment is to use JPA/Hibernate auto-generation. This will delegate the job of populating the schema to Hibernate at startup. This is perfect for dynamic development stages where schema is changing constantly. This is unacceptable for production and other environments where we cannot loose all of our data when we restart our application.
Manual Schema Manipulation - relational database schema can get more complex than what can get auto-generated and event auto-generated schema normally passes through the review of human eyes before making it to production. Deployment can be a manually intensive and likely the choice of many production environments where database admins must review, approve, and possibly execute the changes.
Once our schema stabilizes, we can capture the changes to a versioned file and use the Flyway plugin to automate the population of schema. If we do this during integration unit testing, we get a chance to supply a more tested product for production deployment.
6.5. Flyway RDBMS Schema Migration
Flyway is a schema migration library that can do forward (free) and reverse (at a cost) RDBMS schema migrations. We include Flyway by adding the following dependency to the application.
The Flyway test properties include the JDBC URL that we are using for the application and a flag to enable.
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:users (1)
1 | Flyway makes use of the Spring Boot database URL |
6.6. Flyway RDBMS Schema Migration Files
We feed the Flyway plugin schema migrations that move the database from version N
to version N+1, etc. The default directory for the migrations is in db/migration
of the classpath. The directory is populated with files that are executed in order
according to a name syntax that defaults to V#_#_#__description
(double underscore between last digit of version and first character of description;
the number of digits in the version is not mandatory)
`-- db
`-- migration
|-- V1.0.0__initial_schema.sql
`-- V1.0.1__expanding_choice_column.sql
The following is an example of a starting schema (V1_0_0).
create table vote (
id varchar(50) not null,
choice varchar(40),
date timestamp,
source varchar(40),
constraint vote_pkey primary key(id)
comment on table vote is 'countable votes for election';
The following is an example of a follow-on migration after it was determined that
the original choice
column size was too small.
alter table vote alter column choice type varchar(60);
6.7. Flyway RDBMS Schema Migration Output
The following is an example Flyway migration occurring during startup.
Database: jdbc:h2:mem:users (H2 1.4) Successfully validated 2 migrations (execution time 00:00.022s) Creating Schema History table "PUBLIC"."flyway_schema_history" ... Current version of schema "PUBLIC": << Empty Schema >> Migrating schema "PUBLIC" to version 1.0.0 - initial schema Migrating schema "PUBLIC" to version 1.0.1 - expanding choice column Successfully applied 2 migrations to schema "PUBLIC" (execution time 00:00.069s)
For our integration unit test — we end up at the same place as auto-generation, except we are taking the opportunity to dry-run and regression test the schema migrations prior to them reaching production.
6.8. JPA Repository
The following shows an example of our JPA/ElectionRepository. Similar to the MongoDB repository — this extension will provide us with many core CRUD and query methods. However, the one aggregate query targeted for this database cannot be automatically supplied without some help. We must provide the JPA Query that translates into SQL query to return the choice, vote count, and latest vote data for that choice.
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Query;
public interface ElectionRepository extends JpaRepository<VoteBO, String> {
@Query("select choice, count(id), max(date) from VoteBO group by choice order by count(id) DESC") (1)
public List<Object[]> countVotes(); (2)
1 | JPA query language to return choices aggregated with vote count and latest vote for each choice |
2 | a list of arrays — one per result row — with raw DB types is returned to caller |
6.9. Example VoteBO Entity Class
The following shows the example JPA Entity class used by the repository and service. This is a standard JPA definition that defines a table override, primary key, and mapping aspects for each property in the class.
import javax.persistence.*;
@Entity (1)
@Table(name="VOTE") (2)
public class VoteBO {
@Id (3)
@Column(length = 50) (4)
private String id;
private Date date;
@Column(length = 40)
private String source;
@Column(length = 40)
private String choice;
1 | @Entity annotation required by JPA |
2 | overriding default table name (VOTEBO ) |
3 | JPA requires valid Entity classes to have primary key marked by @Id |
4 | column size specifications only used when generating schema — otherwise depends on migration to match |
6.10. Sample JPA/ElectionRepository Calls
The following is an example service class that is injected with the ElectionRepository
is able to make a few sample calls. save()
is pretty straight forward but notice that
requires some extra processing. The repository method returns a list of Object[]
values populated with raw values from the database — representing choice, voteCount, and lastDate.
The newest lastDate is used as the date of the election results. The other two values are stored
within a VoteCountDTO
object within ElectionResultsDTO
public class ElectionsServiceImpl implements ElectionsService {
private final ElectionRepository votesRepository;
@Transactional(value = Transactional.TxType.REQUIRED)
public void addVote(VoteDTO voteDTO) {
VoteBO vote = map(voteDTO);
votesRepository.save(vote); (1)
public ElectionResultsDTO getVoteCounts() {
List<Object[]> counts = votesRepository.countVotes(); (2)
ElectionResultsDTO electionResults = new ElectionResultsDTO();
return electionResults;
1 | save() inserts a new row into the database |
2 | countVotes() returns a list of Object[] with raw values from the DB |
7. Unit Integration Test
Stepping outside of the application and looking at the actual unit integration test — we see the majority of the magical meat in the first several lines.
is used to define an application context that includes our complete application plus a test configuration that is used to inject necessary test objects that could be configured differently for certain types of tests (e.g., security filter) -
The port number is randomly generated and injected into the constructor to form baseUrls. We will look at a different technique in the Testcontainers lecture that allows for more first-class support for late-binding properties.
@SpringBootTest( classes = {ClientTestConfiguration.class, VotesExampleApp.class},
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT, (1)
properties = "test=true") (2)
@ActiveProfiles("test") (3)
@DisplayName("votes integration unit test")
public class VotesTemplateNTest {
@Autowired (4)
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private final URI baseVotesUrl;
private final URI baseElectionsUrl;
public VotesTemplateNTest(@LocalServerPort int port) (1)
throws URISyntaxException {
baseVotesUrl = new URI( (5)
String.format("http://localhost:%d/api/votes", port));
baseElectionsUrl = new URI(
String.format("http://localhost:%d/api/elections", port));
1 | configuring a local web environment with the random port# injected into constructor |
2 | adding a test=true property that can be used to turn off conditional logic during tests |
3 | activating the test profile and its associated application-test.properties |
4 | restTemplate injected for cases where we may need authentication or other filters added |
5 | constructor forming reusable baseUrls with supplied random port value |
7.1. ClientTestConfiguration
The following shows how the restTemplate
was formed. In this case — it is extremely simple.
However, as you have seen in other cases, we could have required some authentication and logging
filters to the instance and this is the best place to do that when required.
@EnableAutoConfiguration //needed to setup logging
public class ClientTestConfiguration {
public RestTemplate anonymousUser(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = builder.build();
return restTemplate;
7.2. Example Test
The following shows a very basic example of an end-to-end test of the Votes Service. We use the baseUrl to cast a vote and then verify that is was accurately recorded.
public void cast_vote() {
//given - a vote to cast
Instant before = Instant.now();
URI url = baseVotesUrl;
VoteDTO voteCast = create_vote("voter1","quisp");
RequestEntity<VoteDTO> request = RequestEntity.post(url).body(voteCast);
//when - vote is casted
ResponseEntity<VoteDTO> response = restTemplate.exchange(request, VoteDTO.class);
//then - vote is created
VoteDTO recordedVote = response.getBody();
At this point in the lecture we have completed covering the important aspects of forming an integration unit test with embedded resources in order to implement end-to-end testing on a small scale.
8. Summary
At this point we should have a good handle on how to add external resources (e.g., MongoDB, Postgres, ActiveMQ) to our application and configure our integration unit tests to operate end-to-end using either simulated or in-memory options for the real resource. This gives us the ability to identify more issues early before we go into more manually intensive integration or production. In this following lectures — I will be expanding on this topic to take on several Docker-based approaches to integration testing.
In this module we learned:
how to integrate MongoDB into a Spring Boot application
and how to integration unit test MongoDB code using Flapdoodle
how to integrate a ActiveMQ server into a Spring Boot application
and how to integration unit test JMS code using an embedded ActiveMQ server
how to integrate a Postgres into a Spring Boot application
and how to integration unit test relational code using an in-memory H2 database
how to implement an integration unit test using embedded resources