1. Introduction
But what if we wanted or needed to use real resources? |
![]() Figure 1. Integration Unit Test with In-Memory/Local Resources
![]() Figure 2. How Can We Test with Real Resources
What if we needed to test with a real or specific version of MongoDB, ActiveMQ, Postgres, or some other resource? What if some of those other resources were a supporting microservice? We could implement an integration test — but how can we automate it? |
![]() Figure 3. Integration Test with Docker and Docker Compose
1.1. Goals
You will learn:
how to implement a network of services for development and testing using Docker Compose
how to implement an integration test between real instances running in a virtualized environment
how to interact with the running instances during testing
1.2. Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, you will be able to:
create a Docker Compose file that defines a network of services and their dependencies
execute ad-hoc commands inside running images
integrate Docker Compose into a Maven integration test phase
author an integration test that uses real resource instances with dynamically assigned ports
2. Integration Testing with Real Resources
We are in a situation were, we need to run integration tests against real components. These "real" components can be virtualized, but they primarily need to contain a specific feature of a specific version we are taking advantage of.
![]() Figure 4. Need to Integrate with Specific Real Services
![]() Figure 5. Virtualize Services with Docker
My example uses generic back-end resources as examples of what we need to integrate with. However, in the age of microservices — these examples could easily be lower-level applications offering necessary services for our client application to properly operate.
We need access to these resources in the development environment but would soon need them during automated integration tests running regression tests in the CI server as well.
Lets look to Docker for a solution …
2.1. Managing Images
You know from our initial Docker lectures that we can easily download the images
and run them individually (given some instructions) with the docker run
Knowing that — we could try doing the following and almost get it to work.
$ docker run --rm -p 27017:27017 \
-e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret mongo:4.4.0-bionic
$ docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret postgres:12.3-alpine
$ docker run --rm -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 \
$ docker run --rm -p 9080:8080 \
-e MONGODB_URI='mongodb://admin:secret@host.docker.internal:27017/votes_db?authSource=admin' \
-e DATABASE_URL='postgres://postgres:secret@host.docker.internal:5432/postgres' \
-e spring.profiles.active=integration dockercompose-votes-api:latest
However, this begins to get complicated when:
we start integrating the API image with the individual resources through networking
we want to make the test easily repeatable
we want multiple instances of the test running concurrently on the same machine without interference with one another
Lets not mess with manual Docker commands for too long! There are better ways to do this with Docker Compose — covered earlier. I will review some of the aspects.
3. Docker Compose Configuration File
The Docker Compose (configuration) file is based on
YAML — which uses a concise way to express information
based on indentation and firm symbol rules. Assuming we have a simple network of four (4)
nodes, we can limit our definition to a version
and services
version: '3.8'
Refer to the Compose File Reference for more details.
3.1. mongo Service Definition
The mongo
service defines our instance of MongoDB.
image: mongo:4.4.0-bionic
# ports:
# - "27017:27017"
3.2. postgres Service Definition
The postgres
service defines our instance of Postgres.
image: postgres:12.3-alpine
# ports:
# - "5432:5432"
3.3. activemq Service Definition
The activemq
service defines our instance of ActiveMQ.
image: rmohr/activemq:5.15.9
# ports:
# - "61616:61616"
# - "8161:8161"
port 61616 is used for JMS communication
port 8161 is an HTTP server that can be used for HTML status
3.4. api Service Definition
The api
service defines our API server with the Votes and Elections Services.
This service will become a client of the other three services.
context: ../dockercompose-votes-svc
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: dockercompose-votes-api:latest
- "${API_PORT}:8080"
- mongo
- postgres
- activemq
- spring.profiles.active=integration
- MONGODB_URI=mongodb://admin:secret@mongo:27017/votes_db?authSource=admin
- DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:secret@postgres:5432/postgres
3.5. Compose Override Files
I left off port definitions from the primary file on purpose.
That will become more evident in the Testcontainers topic in the next lecture when we need dynamically assigned port numbers.
However, for purposes here we need well-known port numbers and can do so easily with an additional configuration file — docker-compose.override.yml
Docker Compose files can be layered from base (shown above) to specialized. The following example shows the previous definitions being extended to include mapped host port# mappings. We might add this override in the development environment to make it easy to access the service ports on the host’s local network.
version: '3.8'
- "27017:27017"
- "5432:5432"
- "61616:61616"
- "8161:8161"
When started — notice how the container port# is mapped according to how the override file has specified.
$ docker ps
rmohr/activemq:5.15.9 1883/tcp, 5672/tcp,>8161/tcp, 61613-61614/tcp,>61616/tcp (1)
1 | notice that only the ports we mapped are exposed |
Override Limitations May Cause Compose File Refactoring
There is a limit to what you can override versus augment. Single values can replace single
values. However, lists of values can only contribute to a larger list. That means we cannot
create a base file with ports mapped and then a build system override with the port mappings
taken away.
4. Test Drive
Lets test out our services before demonstrating a few more commands. Everything is up and running and only the API port is exposed to the local host network using port# 9090.
$ docker ps
dockercompose-votes-api:latest>8080/tcp (1)
postgres:12.3-alpine 5432/tcp
mongo:4.4.0-bionic 27017/tcp
rmohr/activemq:5.15.9 1883/tcp, 5672/tcp, 8161/tcp, 61613-61614/tcp, 61616/tcp
1 | only the API has its container port# (8080 ) mapped to a host port# (9090 ) |
4.1. Clean Starting State
We start off with nothing in the Vote or Election databases.
$ curl http://localhost:9090/api/votes/total
$ curl http://localhost:9090/api/elections/counts
"date" : "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"results" : [ ]
4.2. Cast Two Votes
We can then cast votes for different choices and have them added to MongoDB and have a JMS message published.
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/api/votes -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"source":"jim","choice":"quisp"}'
"id" : "5f31eed580cfe474aeaa1536",
"date" : "2020-08-11T01:05:25.168505Z",
"source" : "jim",
"choice" : "quisp"
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/api/votes -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"source":"jim","choice":"quake"}'
"id" : "5f31eee080cfe474aeaa1537",
"date" : "2020-08-11T01:05:36.374043Z",
"source" : "jim",
"choice" : "quake"
4.3. Observe Updated State
At this point we can locate some election results in Postgres using API calls.
$ curl http://localhost:9090/api/elections/counts
"date" : "2020-08-11T01:05:36.374Z",
"results" : [ {
"choice" : "quake",
"votes" : 1
}, {
"choice" : "quisp",
"votes" : 1
} ]
5. Inspect Images
This is a part that I think is really useful and easy. Docker Compose provides an easy interface for running commands within the images.
5.1. Exec Mongo CLI
In the following example, I am running the mongo
command line interface (CLI)
command against the running mongo
service and passing in credentials as
command line arguments. Once inside, I can locate our votes_db
collection, and two documents that represent the votes
I was able to cast earlier.
$ docker-compose exec mongo mongo -u admin -p secret --authenticationDatabase admin (1)
MongoDB shell version v4.4.0
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("1fbd09ab-73e3-459f-b5f5-5d23903f672c") }
MongoDB server version: 4.4.0
> show dbs (2)
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
votes_db 0.000GB
> use votes_db
switched to db votes_db
> show collections
> db.votes.find({},{"choice":1}) (3)
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f31eed580cfe474aeaa1536"), "choice" : "quisp" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5f31eee080cfe474aeaa1537"), "choice" : "quake" }
> exit (4)
1 | running mongo CLI command inside running mongo image with command line args expressing credentials |
2 | running CLI commands to inspect database |
3 | listing documents in the votes database |
4 | exiting CLI and returning to host shell |
5.2. Exec Postgres CLI
In the following example, I am running the psql
CLI command against the running postgres
service and passing in credentials as command line arguments. Once inside, I can locate
our Flyway migration and VOTE table and list some of the votes that are in the election.
$ docker-compose exec postgres psql -U postgres (1)
psql (12.3)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \d+ (2)
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description
public | flyway_schema_history | table | postgres | 16 kB |
public | vote | table | postgres | 8192 bytes | countable votes for election
(2 rows)
postgres=# select * from vote; (3)
id | choice | date | source
5f31eed580cfe474aeaa1536 | quisp | 2020-08-11 01:05:25.168 | jim
5f31eee080cfe474aeaa1537 | quake | 2020-08-11 01:05:36.374 | jim
(2 rows)
postgres=# \q (4)
1 | running psql CLI command inside running postgres image with command line args expressing credentials |
2 | running CLI commands to inspect database |
3 | listing table rows in the vote table |
4 | exiting CLI and returning to host shell |
5.3. Exec Impact
With the capability to exec a command inside the running containers, we can gain access to a significant amount of state of our application and databases without having to install any software beyond Docker.
6. Integration Test Setup
At this point we should understand what Docker Compose is and how to configure it for use with our specific integration test. I now want to demonstrate it being used in an automated "integration test" where it will get executed as part of the Maven integration-test phases.
6.1. Integration Properties
We will be launching our API image with the following Docker environment expressed in the Docker Compose file.
- spring.profiles.active=integration
- MONGODB_URI=mongodb://admin:secret@mongo:27017/votes_db?authSource=admin
- DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:secret@postgres:5432/postgres
That will get digested by the run_env.sh script to produce the following.
--spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/postgres \
--spring.datasource.username=postgres \
--spring.datasource.password=secret \
That will be integrated with the following properties from the integration
I have chosen to hard-code the integration URL for ActiveMQ into the properties file since we won’t be passing in an ActiveMQ URL in production. The MongoDB and Postgres properties will originate from environment variables versus hard coding them into the integration properties file to better match the production environment and further test the run_env.sh launch script.
6.2. Maven Build Helper Plugin
We will want a random, not in use port# assigned when we run the integration tests so that
multiple instances of the test can be run concurrently on the same build server
without colliding. We can leverage the build-helper-maven-plugin
to identify a
port# and have it assigned the value to a Maven property.
I am assigning it to a docker.http.port
property that I made up.
<!-- assigns a random port# to property server.http.port -->
<portName>docker.http.port</portName> (1)
1 | a dynamically obtained network port# is assigned to the docker.http.port Maven property |
The following is an example output of the build-helper-maven-plugin
during the build.
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:3.1.0:reserve-network-port (reserve-network-port) @ dockercompose-votes-it --- [INFO] Reserved port 60616 for docker.http.port
6.3. Maven Docker Compose Plugin
After generating a random port#, we can start our Docker Compose network.
I am using the
] to perform that role. It automatically
hooks into the pre-integration-test
phase to issue the up
command and the post-integration-test
phase to issue the down
command when we configure it the following way. It also
allows us to name and pass variables into the Docker Compose file.
<API_PORT>${docker.http.port}</API_PORT> (1)
1 | dynamically obtained network port# is assigned to Docker Compose file’s API_PORT variable,
which controls the port mapping of the API server |
6.4. Maven Docker Compose Plugin Output
The following shows example plugin output during the pre-integration-test
that is starting the services prior to running the tests.
[INFO] --- docker-compose-maven-plugin:0.8.0:up (default) @ dockercompose-votes-it ---
Creating network "dockercompose-votes-it_default" with the default driver
Creating dockercompose-votes-it_mongo_1 ... done
Creating dockercompose-votes-it_api_1 ... done
The following shows example plugin output during the post-integration-test
that is shutting down the services after running the tests.
[INFO] --- docker-compose-maven-plugin:0.8.0:down (default) @ dockercompose-votes-it ---
Killing dockercompose-votes-it_api_1 ...
Killing dockercompose-votes-it_api_1 ... done
Killing dockercompose-votes-it_postgres_1 ... done
Removing dockercompose-votes-it_mongo_1 ... done
Removing dockercompose-votes-it_postgres_1 ... done
Removing network dockercompose-votes-it_default
6.5. Maven Failsafe Plugin
The following shows the configuration of the maven-failsafe-plugin
. Generically, it
runs in the integration-test
phase, matches/runs the IT
tests, and adds test
classes to the classpath. More specific to Docker Compose — it accepts the dynamically
assigned port# and passes it to JUnit using the it.server.port
<it.server.port>${docker.http.port}</it.server.port> (1)
1 | passing in generated docker.http.port value into it.server.port property |
At this point, both Docker Compose and Failsafe/JUnit have been given the same dynamically assigned port#.
6.6. IT Test Client Configuration
The following shows the IT test configuration class that maps the it.server.port
property to the baseUrl for the tests.
@EnableAutoConfiguration //needed to setup logging
public class ClientTestConfiguration {
private String host;
@Value("${it.server.port:9090}") (1)
private int port;
public URI baseUrl() {
return UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
public URI electionsUrl(URI baseUrl) {
return UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(baseUrl).path("api/elections")
public RestTemplate anonymousUser(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = builder.build();
return restTemplate;
1 | API port# property injected through Failsafe plugin configuration |
6.7. Example Failsafe Output
The following shows the Failsafe and JUnit output that runs during the integration-test
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:3.0.0-M4:integration-test (integration-test) @ dockercompose-votes-it ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running info.ejava.examples.svc.docker.votes.ElectionIT
...ElectionIT#init:46 votesUrl=http://localhost:60616/api/votes (1)
...ElectionIT#init:47 electionsUrl=http://localhost:60616/api/elections
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 10.372 s - in info.ejava.examples.svc.docker.votes.ElectionIT
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
1 | URLs with dynamic host port# assigned for API |
6.8. IT Test Setup
The following shows the common IT test setup where the various URLs are being constructed around the injected.
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class ElectionIT {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private URI votesUrl;
private URI electionsUrl;
private static Boolean serviceAvailable;
public void init() {
log.info("votesUrl={}", votesUrl);
log.info("electionsUrl={}", electionsUrl);
6.9. Wait For Services Startup
We have at least one more job to do before our tests — we have to wait for the API server to finish starting up. We can add that logic to a @BeforeEach and remember the answer from the first attempt in all following attempts.
@BeforeEach public void serverRunning() { List<URI> urls = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList( UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(votesUrl).path("/total").build().toUri(), UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(electionsUrl).path("/counts").build().toUri() )); if (serviceAvailable!=null) { assumeTrue(serviceAvailable);} else { assumeTrue(() -> { (1) for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { try { for (Iterator<URI> itr = urls.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { URI url = itr.next(); restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class); (2) itr.remove(); (3) } return serviceAvailable = true; (4) } catch (Exception ex) { //... } } return serviceAvailable=false; }); } }
1 | Assume.assumeTrue will not run the tests if evaluates false |
2 | checking for a non-exception result |
3 | removing criteria once satisfied |
4 | evaluate true if all criteria satisfied |
At this point our tests are the same as most other Web API test where we invoke the server using HTTP calls using the assembled URLs.
7. Summary
In this module we learned:
to create a Docker Compose file that defines a network of services and their dependencies
to integrate Docker Compose into a Maven integration test phase
to implement an integration test that uses dynamically assigned ports
execute ad-hoc commands inside running images