1. Introduction
Many times, business logic must execute additional behavior that is outside of its core focus. For example, auditing, performance metrics, transaction control, retry logic, etc. We need a way to bolt on additional functionality ("advice") without knowing what the implementation code ("target") will be, what interfaces it will implement, or even if it will implement an interface.
Frameworks must solve this problem every day. To fully make use of advanced frameworks like Spring and Spring Boot, it is good to understand and be able to implement solutions using some of the dynamic behavior available like:
Java Reflection
Dynamic (Interface) Proxies
CGLIB (Class) Proxies
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
1.1. Goals
You will learn:
to decouple potentially cross-cutting logic away from core business code
to obtain and invoke a method reference
to wrap add-on behavior to targets in advice
to construct and invoke a proxy object containing a target reference and decoupled advice
to locate callable join point methods in a target object and apply advice at those locations
1.2. Objectives
At the conclusion of this lecture and related exercises, you will be able to:
obtain a method reference and invoke it using Java Reflection
create a JDK Dynamic Proxy to implement adhoc interface(s) to form a proxy at runtime for implementing advice
create a CGLIB Proxy to dynamically create a subclass to form a proxy at runtime for implementing advice
implement dynamically assigned behavior to methods using Spring Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and AspectJ
identify method join points to inject using pointcut expressions
implement advice that executes before, after, and around join points
implement parameter injection into advice
2. Rationale
Our problem starts off with two independent classes depicted as ClassA
and ClassB
a caller labelled as Client
. doSomethingA()
is unrelated to doSomethingB()
but may
share some current or future things in common — like transactions, database connection,
or auditing requirements.
![]() Figure 1. New Cross-Cutting Design Decision
We come to a point where Reuse is good, but depending on how you reuse may get you in trouble. |
2.1. Adding More Cross-Cutting Capabilities
Of course, it does not end there and we have established what could be a bad pattern
of coupling the core business code of What other choice do we have? |
![]() Figure 2. More Cross-Cutting Capabilities
2.2. Using Proxies
![]() |
What we can do instead is leave However, there is a slight flaw to overcome. |
We need to tie these unrelated parts together. Lets begin to solve this with Java Reflection.
3. Reflection
Java Reflection provides a means to examine a Java class and determine facts about it that can be useful in describing it and invoking it.
![]() |
Lets say I am in |
We can use Java Reflection to solve this problem by
inspecting the target object’s class (
) to obtain a reference to the method (doSomethingA()
) we wish to call -
identify the arguments to be passed to the call
identify the target object to call
Let’s take a look at this in action.
3.1. Reflection Method
Java Reflection provides the means to obtain a handle to
of a class. In the example below, I show code that obtains a reference to the createItem
method, in the ItemsService
interface, and accepting objects of type ItemDTO
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.ItemsService;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
Method method = ItemsService.class.getMethod("createItem", ItemDTO.class); (1)
log.info("method: {}", method);
1 | getting reference to method within ItemsService interface |
Java Class has numerous methods that allow us to inspect interfaces and classes
for fields, methods, annotations, and related types (e.g., inheritance).
getMethod() looks for a method with the String name ("createItem") provided
that accepts the supplied type(s) (ItemDTO
). Arguments is a vararg array,
so we can pass in as many types as necessary to match the intended call.
The result is a Method
instance that we can use to refer to the specific method
to be called — but not the target object or specific argument values.
method: public abstract info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.dto.ItemDTO
3.2. Calling Reflection Method
We can invoke the Method reference with a target object and arguments
and receive the response as a java.lang.Object
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.dto.BedDTO;
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.ItemsService;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
ItemsService<BedDTO> bedsService = ... (1)
Method method = ...
//invoke method using target object and args
Object[] args = new Object[] { BedDTO.bedBuilder().name("Bunk Bed").build() }; (2)
log.info("invoke calling: {}({})", method.getName(), args);
Object result = method.invoke(bedsService, args); (3)
log.info("invoke {} returned: {}", method.getName(), result);
1 | we must obtain a target object to invoke |
2 | arguments are passed into invoke() using a varargs array |
3 | invoke the method on the object and obtain the result |
invoke calling: createItem([BedDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=Bunk Bed))])
invoke createItem returned: BedDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=Bunk Bed))
3.3. Reflection Method Result
The end result is the same as if we called the BedsServiceImpl
//obtain result from invoke() return
BedDTO createdBed = (BedDTO) result;
log.info("created bed: {}", createdBed);----
created bed: BedDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=Bunk Bed))
There, of course, is more to Java Reflection that can fit into a single
example — but lets now take that fundamental knowledge of a Method
reference and use that to form some more encapsulated proxies using
JDK Dynamic (Interface) Proxies and CGLIG (Class) Proxies.
4. JDK Dynamic Proxies
The JDK offers a built-in mechanism for creating dynamic proxies for interfaces. These are dynamically generated classes — when instantiated at runtime — will be assigned an arbitrary set of interfaces to implement. This allows the generated proxy class instances to be passed around in the application, masquerading as the type(s) they are a proxy for. This is useful in frameworks to implement features for implementation types they will have no knowledge of until runtime. This eliminates the need for compile-time generated proxies. [1]
4.1. Creating Dynamic Proxy
We create a JDK Dynamic Proxy using the static newProxyInstance()
of the java.lang.reflect.Proxy
class. It takes three arguments: the classloader
for the supplied interfaces, the interfaces to implement, and handler to implement
the custom advice details of the proxy code and optionally complete the intended call
(e.g., security policy check handler).
In the example below, GrillServiceImpl
extends ItemsServiceImpl<T>
, which implements
. We are creating a dynamic proxy that will implement
that interface and delegate to an advice instance of MyInvocationHandler
that we write.
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.aspects.MyDynamicProxy;
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.GrillsServiceImpl;
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.ItemsService;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
ItemsService<GrillDTO> grillService = new GrillsServiceImpl(); (1)
ItemsService<GrillDTO> grillServiceProxy = (ItemsService<GrillDTO>)
Proxy.newProxyInstance( (2)
new Class[]{ItemsService.class}, (3)
new MyInvocationHandler(grillService) (4)
log.info("created proxy {}", grillServiceProxy.getClass());
log.info("handler: {}",
log.info("proxy implements interfaces: {}",
1 | create target implementation object unknown to dynamic proxy |
2 | instantiate dynamic proxy instance and underlying dynamic proxy class |
3 | identify the interfaces implemented by the dynamic proxy class |
4 | provide advice instance that will handle adding proxy behavior and invoking target instance |
4.2. Generated Dynamic Proxy Class Output
The output below shows the $Proxy86
class that was dynamically created
and that it implements the ItemsService
interface and will delegate to
our custom MyInvocationHandler
created proxy: class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy86
handler: class info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.aspects.MyInvocationHandler
proxy implements interfaces:
[interface info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.ItemsService, (1)
interface java.io.Serializable] (2)
1 | ItemService interface supplied at runtime |
2 | Serializable interface implemented by DynamicProxy implementation class |
4.3. Alternative Proxy All Construction
Alternatively, we can write a convenience builder that simply forms a proxy for all implemented interfaces of the target instance. The Apache Commons ClassUtils utility class is used to obtain a list of all interfaces implemented by the target object’s class and parent classes.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils;
public class MyInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {
private final Object target;
public static Object newInstance(Object target) {
return Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(),
ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(target.getClass()).toArray(new Class[0]),(1)
new MyInvocationHandler(target));
1 | Apache Commons ClassUtils used to obtain all interfaces for target object |
4.4. InvocationHandler Class
JDK Dynamic Proxies require an instance that implements the InvocationHandler
interface to implement the custom work (aka "advice") and delegate the call to the target instance (aka "around advice").
This is a class that we write. The InvocationHandler
interface defines a single reflection-oriented invoke()
method taking the proxy, method, and arguments to the call.
Construction of this object is up to us — but the raw target object is likely a minimum requirement — as we will need that to make a clean, delegated call.
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class MyInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { (1)
private final Object target; (2)
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
throws Throwable { (3)
//proxy call
1 | class must implement InvocationHandler |
2 | raw target object to invoke |
3 | invoke() is provided reflection information for call |
4.5. InvocationHandler invoke() Method
The invoke()
method performs any necessary advice before or after the proxied call
and uses standard method reflection to invoke the target method.
You should recall the Method
class from the earlier discussion on Java Reflection.
The response or thrown exception can be directly returned or thrown from this method.
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
throws Throwable {
//do work ...
log.info("invoke calling: {}({})", method.getName(), args);
Object result = method.invoke(target, args);
//do work ...
log.info("invoke {} returned: {}", method.getName(), result);
return result;
Must invoke raw target instance — not the proxy
Calling the supplied proxy instance versus the raw target instance would
result in a circular loop. We must somehow have a reference to the raw target
to be able to directly invoke that instance.
4.6. Calling Proxied Object
The following is an example of the proxied object being called using its implemented interface.
GrillDTO createdGrill = grillServiceProxy.createItem(
GrillDTO.grillBuilder().name("Broil King").build());
log.info("created grill: {}", createdGrill);
The following shows that the call was made to the target object,
work was able to be performed before and after the call within the
, and the result was passed back as the result
of the proxy.
invoke calling: createItem([GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=Broil King))]) (1)
invoke createItem returned: GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=Broil King)) (2)
created grill: GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=Broil King)) (3)
1 | work performed within the InvocationHandler advice prior to calling target |
2 | work performed within the InvocationHandler advice after calling target |
3 | target method’s response returned to proxy caller |
JDK Dynamic Proxies are definitely a level up from constructing and
calling Method
directly as we did with straight Java Reflection.
They are the proxy type of choice within Spring but have the limitation
that they can only be used to proxy interface-based objects and not
no-interface classes.
If we need to proxy a class that does not implement an interface — CGLIB is an option.
Code Generation Library (CGLIB) is a byte instrumentation library that allows the manipulation or creation of classes at runtime. [2]
Where JDK Dynamic Proxies implement a proxy behind an interface, CGLIB dynamically implements a sub-class of the class proxied.
This library has been fully integrated into spring-core
, so there is nothing
additional to add to begin using it directly (and indirectly when we get to Spring AOP).
5.1. Creating CGLIB Proxy
The following code snippet shows a CGLIB proxy being constructed for a ChairsServiceImpl
class that implements no interfaces.
Take note that there is no separate target instance — our generated proxy class will
be a subclass of ChairsServiceImpl
and it will be part of the target instance.
The real target will be in the base class of the instance.
We register an instance of MethodInterceptor
to handle
the custom advice and optionally complete the call. This is a class that we write when authoring
CGLIB proxies.
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.aspects.MyMethodInterceptor;
import info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.ChairsServiceImpl;
import org.springframework.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
enhancer.setSuperclass(ChairsServiceImpl.class); (1)
enhancer.setCallback(new MyMethodInterceptor()); (2)
ChairsServiceImpl chairsServiceProxy = (ChairsServiceImpl)enhancer.create(); (3)
log.info("created proxy: {}", chairsServiceProxy.getClass());
log.info("proxy implements interfaces: {}",
1 | create CGLIB proxy as sub-class of target class |
2 | provide instance that will handing adding proxy advice behavior and invoking base class |
3 | instantiate CGLIB proxy — this is our target object |
The following output shows that the proxy class is of a CGLIB proxy type and
implements no known interface other than the CGLIB Factory
Note that we were able to successfully cast this proxy to the ChairsServiceImpl
type — the assigned base class of the dynamically built proxy class.
created proxy: class info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.GrillsServiceImpl$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$a4035db5
proxy implements interfaces: [interface org.springframework.cglib.proxy.Factory] (1)
1 | Factory interface implemented by CGLIB proxy implementation class |
5.2. MethodInterceptor Class
To intelligently process CGLIB callbacks, we need to supply an advice class that implements
. This gives us access to the proxy instance being invoked,
the reflection Method
reference, call arguments, and a new type of parameter — MethodProxy
, which is a reference to the target method implementation
in the base class.
import org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class MyMethodInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
public Object intercept(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args,
MethodProxy methodProxy) (1)
throws Throwable {
//proxy call
1 | additional method used to invoke target object implementation in base class |
5.3. MethodInterceptor intercept() Method
The details of the intercept()
method are much like the other proxy techniques
we have looked at and will look at in the future. The method has a chance to
do work before and after calling the target method, optionally calls the target method,
and returns the result. The main difference is that this proxy is operating within
a subclass of the target object.
import org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public Object intercept(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args,
MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
//do work ...
log.info("invoke calling: {}({})", method.getName(), args);
Object result = methodProxy.invokeSuper(proxy, args); (1)
//do work ...
log.info("invoke {} returned: {}", method.getName(), result);
//return result
return result;
1 | invoking target object implementation in base class |
5.4. Calling CGLIB Proxied Object
The net result is that we are still able to reach the target object’s method and also have the additional capability implemented around the call of that method.
ChairDTO createdChair = chairsServiceProxy.createItem(
log.info("created chair: {}", createdChair);
invoke calling: createItem([ChairDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=Recliner))])
invoke createItem returned: ChairDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=Recliner))
created chair: ChairDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=Recliner))
6. Interpose
OK — all that dynamic method calling was interesting, but what sets all that up? Why do we see proxies sometimes and not other times in our Spring application? We will get to the setup in a moment, but lets first address when can we expect this type of behavior magically setup for us and not. What occurs automatically is primarily a matter of "interpose". Interpose is a term used when we have a chance to insert a proxy in between the caller and target object. The following diagram depicts three scenarios: buddy methods of same class, calling method of manually instantiated class, and calling method of injected object.

Buddy Method: For the
in the same class, Spring will normally not attempt to interpose a proxy in between those two methods (e.g.,@PreAuthorize
). It is a straight Java call between methods of a class. That means no matter what annotations and constraints we define form2()
they will not be honored unless they are also onm1()
. There is at least one exception for buddy methods, for@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods=true)
— where a CGLIB proxy class will intercept calls between@Bean
methods to prevent direct buddy method calls from instantiating independent POJO instances per call (i.e., not singleton components). -
Manually Instantiated: For
has been moved to a separate class but manually instantiated — no interpose takes place. This is a straight Java call between methods of two different classes. That also means that no matter what annotations are defined form2()
, they will not be honored unless they are also in place onm1()
. It does not matter thatClassC
is annotated as a@Component
manually instantiated it versus obtaining it from the Spring Context. -
Injected: For
, an instance ofClassC
is injected. That means that the injected object has a chance to be a proxy class (either JDK Dynamic Proxy or CGLIB Proxy) to enforce the constraints defined onClassC.m2()
Keep this in mind as you work with various Spring configurations and review the following sections.
7. Spring AOP
Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) provides a framework where we can define
cross-cutting behavior to injected @Components
using one or more of the available
proxy capabilities behind the scenes. Spring AOP Proxy uses JDK Dynamic Proxy to
proxy beans with interfaces and CGLIB to proxy bean classes lacking interfaces.
Spring AOP is a very capable but scaled back and simplified implementation of AspectJ. All the capabilities of AspectJ are allowed within Spring. However, the features integrated into Spring AOP itself are limited to method proxies formed at runtime. The compile-time byte manipulation offered by AspectJ is not part of Spring AOP.
7.1. AOP Definitions
The following represent some core definitions to AOP. Advice, AOP proxy, target object and (conceptually) the join point should look familiar to you. The biggest new concept here is the pointcut predicate that is used to locate the join point and how that is all modularized through a concept called aspect.
![]() Figure 4. AOP Key Terms
Join Point is a point in the program (e.g., calling a method or throwing exception) in which we want to inject some code. For Spring AOP — this is always an event related to a method. AspectJ offers more types of join points. Pointcut is a predicate rule that matches against a join point (i.e., a method begin, success, exception, or finally) and associates advice (i.e., more code) to execute at that point in the program. Spring uses the AspectJ pointcut language. Advice is an action to be taken at a join point. This can be before, after (success, exception, or always), or around a method call. Advice chains are formed much the same as Filter chains of the web tier. AOP proxy is an object created by AOP framework to implement advice against join points that match the pointcut predicate rule. Aspect is a modularization of a concern that cuts across multiple classes/methods (e.g., timing measurement, security auditing, transaction boundaries). An aspect is made up of one or more advice action(s) with an assigned pointcut predicate. Target object is an object being advised by one or more aspects. Spring uses proxies to implement advised (target) objects. |
Introduction is declaring additional methods or fields on behalf of a type for an advised object, allowing us to add an additional interface and implementation.
Weaving is the linking aspects to objects. Spring AOP does this at runtime. AspectJ offers compile-time capabilities.
7.2. Enabling Spring AOP
To use Spring AOP, we must first add a dependency on spring-boot-starter-aop
That adds a dependency on spring-aop
and aspectj-weaver
We enable Spring AOP within our Spring Boot application by adding the @EnableAspectJProxy
annotation to a @Configuration
class or to the @SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.context.annotation.EnableAspectJAutoProxy;
public class ...
7.3. Aspect Class
Starting at the top — we have the Aspect
class. This is a special @Component
that defines
the pointcut predicates to match and advice (before, after success, after throws, after finally,
and around) to execute for join points.
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
@Component (1)
@Aspect (2)
public class ItemsAspect {
1 | annotated @Component to be processed by the application context |
2 | annotated as @Aspect to have pointcuts and advice inspected |
7.4. Pointcut
In Spring AOP — a pointcut is a predicate rule that identifies the method join points to match against for Spring beans (only). To help reduce complexity of definition, when using annotations — pointcut predicate rules are expressed in two parts:
pointcut expression that determines exactly which method executions we are interested in
signature with name and parameters
The signature is a method that returns void. The method name and parameters will be usable in later advice declarations. Although, the abstract example below does not show any parameters, they will become quite useful when we begin injecting typed parameters.
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
@Pointcut(/* pointcut expression*/) (1)
public void serviceMethod(/* pointcut parameters */) {} //pointcut signature (2)
1 | pointcut expression defines predicate matching rule(s) |
2 | pointcut signature defines a name and parameter types for the pointcut expression |
7.5. Pointcut Expression
The Spring AOP pointcut expressions use the the AspectJ pointcut language. Supporting the following designators
match method execution join points |
match methods below a package or type |
match methods of a type that has been annotated with a given annotation |
match the proxy for a given type — useful when injecting typed advice arguments |
match the target for a given type — useful when injecting typed advice arguments |
match methods of a type that has been annotated with specific annotation |
match methods that have been annotated with a given annotation |
match methods that accept arguments matching this criteria |
match methods that accept arguments annotated with a given annotation |
Spring AOP extension to match Spring bean(s) based on a name or wildcard name expression |
Don’t use pointcut contextual designators for matching
Spring AOP Documentation recommends we use within and/or execution as our first choice of performant predicate matching and add contextual designators (args , @annotation , this , target , etc.) when needed for additional work versus using contextual designators alone for matching.
7.6. Example Pointcut Definition
The following example will match against any method in the services package, taking any number of arguments and returning any return type.
//execution(<return type> <package>.<class>.<method>(params))
@Pointcut("execution(* info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.*.*(..))") //expression
public void serviceMethod() {} //signature
7.7. Combining Pointcut Expressions
We can combine pointcut definitions into compound definitions by referencing them
and joining with a boolean ("&&" or "||") expression. The example below adds
an additional condition to serviceMethod()
that restricts matches to methods
accepting a single parameter of type GrillDTO
@Pointcut("args(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.dto.GrillDTO)") //expression
public void grillArgs() {} //signature
@Pointcut("serviceMethod() && grillArgs()") //expression
public void serviceMethodWithGrillArgs() {} //signature
7.8. Advice
The code that will act on the join point is specified in a method of the
class and annotated with one of the advice annotations. The following
is an example of advice that executes before a join point.
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
public class ItemsAspect {
public void beforeGrillServiceMethod() {
The following table contains a list of the available advice types:
@Before |
runs prior to calling join point |
@AfterReturning |
runs after successful return from join point |
@AfterThrowing |
runs after exception from join point |
@After |
runs after join point no matter — i.e., finally |
@Around |
runs around join point. Advice must call join point and return result. |
An example of each is towards the end of these lecture notes. For now, lets go into detail on some of the things we have covered.
8. Pointcut Expression Examples
Pointcut expressions can be very expressive and can take some time to fully understand. The following examples should provide a head start in understanding the purpose of each and how they can be used. Other examples are available in the Spring AOP page.
8.1. execution Pointcut Expression
The execution expression allows for the definition of several pattern elements that can identify the point of a method call. The full format is as follows. [3]
execution(modifiers-pattern? ret-type-pattern declaring-type-pattern?name-pattern(param-pattern) throws-pattern?)
However, only the return type, name, and parameter definitions are required.
execution(ret-type-pattern name-pattern(param-pattern))
The specific patterns include:
modifiers-pattern - OPTIONAL access definition (e.g., public, protected)
ret-type-pattern - MANDATORY type pattern for return type
Example Return Type Patternsexecution(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.dto.GrillDTO *(..)) (1) execution(*..GrillDTO *(..)) (2)
1 matches methods that return an explicit type 2 matches methods that return GrillDTO
type from any package -
declaring-type-pattern - OPTIONAL type pattern for package and class
Example Declaring Type (package and class) Patternexecution(* info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.GrillsServiceImpl.*(..)) (1) execution(* *..GrillsServiceImpl.*(..)) (2) execution(* info.ejava.examples.svc..Grills*.*(..)) (3)
1 matches methods within an explicit class 2 matches methods within a GrillsServiceImpl
class from any package3 matches methods from any class below …svc
and start with lettersGrills
name-pattern - MANDATORY pattern for method name
Example Name (method) Patternexecution(* createItem(..)) (1) execution(* *..GrillsServiceImpl.createItem(..)) (2) execution(* create*(..)) (3)
1 matches any method called createItem
of any class of any package2 matches any method called createItem
within classGrillsServiceImpl
of any package3 matches any method of any class of any package that starts with the letters create
param-pattern - MANDATORY pattern to match method arguments.
will match a method with no arguments.(*)
will match a method with a single parameter.(T,*)
will match a method with two parameters with the first parameter of typeT
will match a method with 0 or more parametersExample noargs () Patternexecution(void info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.GrillsServiceImpl.deleteItems())(1) execution(* *..GrillsServiceImpl.*()) (2) execution(* *..GrillsServiceImpl.delete*()) (3)
1 matches an explicit method that takes no arguments 2 matches any method within a GrillsServiceImpl
class of any package and takes no arguments3 matches any method from the GrillsServiceImpl
class of any package, taking no arguments, and the method name starts withdelete
Example Single Argument Patternsexecution(* info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.GrillsServiceImpl.createItem(*))(1) execution(* createItem(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.dto.GrillDTO)) (2) execution(* *(*..GrillDTO)) (3)
1 matches an explicit method that accepts any single argument 2 matches any method called createItem
that accepts a single parameter of a specific type3 matches any method that accepts a single parameter of GrillDTO
from any packageExample Multiple Argument Patternsexecution(* info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.GrillsServiceImpl.updateItem(*,*))(1) execution(* updateItem(int,*)) (2) execution(* updateItem(int,*..GrillDTO)) (3)
1 matches an explicit method that accepts two arguments of any type 2 matches any method called updateItem
that accepts two arguments of typeint
and any second type3 matches any method called updateItem
that accepts two arguments of typeint
from any package
8.2. within Pointcut Expression
The within pointcut expression is similar to supplying an execution
with just the declaring type pattern specified.
within(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items..*) (1) within(*..ItemsService+) (2) within(*..BedsServiceImpl) (3)
1 | match all methods in package info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items and its subpackages |
2 | match all methods in classes that implement ItemsService interface |
3 | match all methods in BedsServiceImpl class |
8.3. target and this Pointcut Expressions
The target
and this
pointcut designators are very close in concept
to within
when used in the following way. The difference will show up
when we later use them to inject typed arguments into the advice.
These are considered "contextual" designators and are primarily placed in
the predicate to pull out members of the call for injection.
target(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.BedsServiceImpl) (1) this(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.BedsServiceImpl) (2)
1 | matches methods of target object — object being proxied — is of type |
2 | matches methods of proxy object — object implementing proxy — is of type |
@target(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) (1) @annotation(org.springframework.core.annotation.Order) (2)
1 | matches all methods in class annotated with @Service |
2 | matches all methods having annotation @Order |
9. Advice Parameters
Our advice methods can accept two types of parameters:
typed using context designators
dynamic using
Context designators like args
, @annotation
, target
, and this
allow us to assign a logical name to a specific part of a method call so
that can be injected into our advice method.
Dynamic injection involves a single JointPoint
object that can answer
the contextual details of the call.
Do not use context designators alone as predicates to locate join points
The Spring AOP documentation recommends using within and execution
designators to identify a pointcut and contextual designators like args
to bind aspects of the call to input parameters. That is guidance is not
fully followed in the following context examples. We easily could have made
the non-contextual designators more explicit.
9.1. Typed Advice Parameters
We can use the args
expression in the pointcut to identify criteria for
parameters to the method and to specifically access one or more of them.
The left side of the following pointcut expression matches on all executions of
methods called createGrill()
taking any number of arguments. The right side of the
pointcut expression matches on methods with a single argument. When we match that
with the createGrill
signature — the single argument must be of the type GrillDTO
@Pointcut("execution(* createItem(..)) && args(grillDTO)") (1) (2)
public void createGrill(GrillDTO grillDTO) {} (3)
@Before("createGrill(grill)") (4)
public void beforeCreateGrillAdvice(GrillDTO grill) { (5)
log.info("beforeCreateGrillAdvice: {}", grill);
1 | left hand side of pointcut expression matches execution of createItem methods with any parameters |
2 | right hand side of pointcut expression matches methods with a single argument and maps that to name grillDTO |
3 | pointcut signature maps grillDTO to a Java type — the names within the pointcut must match |
4 | advice expression references createGrill pointcut and maps first parameter to name grill |
5 | advice method signature maps name grill to a Java type — the names within the advice must match
but do not need to match the names of the pointcut |
The following is logged before the createGrill method is called.
beforeCreateGrillAdvice: GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=weber))
9.2. Multiple,Typed Advice Parameters
We can use the args
designator to specify multiple arguments as well. The right hand side
of the pointcut expression matches methods that accept two parameters. The pointcut method
signature maps these to parameters to Java types. The example advice references the pointcut
but happens to use different parameter names. The names used match the parameters used in the
advice method signature.
@Pointcut("execution(* updateItem(..)) && args(grillId, updatedGrill)")
public void updateGrill(int grillId, GrillDTO updatedGrill) {}
@Before("updateGrill(id, grill)")
public void beforeUpdateGrillAdvice(int id, GrillDTO grill) {
log.info("beforeUpdateGrillAdvice: {}, {}", id, grill);
The following is logged before the updateGrill method is called.
beforeUpdateGrillAdvice: 1, GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=green egg)
9.3. Annotation Parameters
We can target annotated classes and methods and make the value of the annotation
available to the advice using the pointcut signature mapping. In the example
below, we want to match on all methods below the items
package that have
an @Order
annotation and pass that annotation as a parameter to the advice.
import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
@Pointcut("@annotation(order)") (1)
public void orderAnnotationValue(Order order) {} (2)
@Before("within(info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items..*) && orderAnnotationValue(order)")
public void beforeOrderAnnotation(Order order) { (3)
log.info("before@OrderAnnotation: order={}", order.value()); (4)
1 | we are targeting methods with an annotation and mapping that to the name order |
2 | the name order is being mapped to the type org.springframework.core.annotation.Order |
3 | the @Order annotation instance is being passed into advice |
4 | the value for the @Order annotation can be accessed |
I have annotated one of the candidate methods with the @Order
and assigned a value of 100
import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
public class BedsServiceImpl extends ItemsServiceImpl<BedDTO> {
public BedDTO createItem(BedDTO item) {
In the output below — we see that the annotation was passed into the
advice and provided with the value 100
before@OrderAnnotation: order=100
Annotations can pass contextual values to advice
Think how a feature like this — where an annotation on a method with attribute values — can be of use with security role annotations.
9.4. Target and Proxy Parameters
We can map the target and proxy references into the advice method using
the target()
and this()
designators. In the example below, the
name is mapped to the ItemsService<BedsDTO>
and the proxy
name is mapped to a vanilla java.lang.Object
The target
type mapping constrains this to calls to the BedsServiceImpl
@Before("target(target) && this(proxy)")
public void beforeTarget(ItemsService<BedDTO> target, Object proxy) {
log.info("beforeTarget: target={}, proxy={}",target.getClass(),proxy.getClass());
The advice prints the name of each class. The output below shows that the target is of the target implementation type (i.e., no proxy layer) and the proxy is of a CGLIB proxy type (i.e., it is the proxy to the target).
target=class info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.BedsServiceImpl,
proxy=class info.ejava.examples.svc.aop.items.services.BedsServiceImpl$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$a38982b5
9.5. Dynamic Parameters
If we have generic pointcuts and do not know ahead of time which parameters we will
get and in what order, we can inject a
parameter as the first argument
to the advice.
This object has many methods that provide dynamic access
to the context of the method — including parameters.
The example below logs the classname, method, and array of parameters in the call.
@Before("execution(* *..Grills*.*(..))")
public void beforeGrillsMethodsUnknown(JoinPoint jp) {
log.info("beforeGrillsMethodsUnknown: {}.{}, {}",
9.6. Dynamic Parameters Output
The following output shows two sets of calls: createItem
and updateItem
. Each
were intercepted at the controller and service level.
beforeGrillsMethodsUnknown: GrillsController.createItem,
[GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=weber))]
beforeGrillsMethodsUnknown: GrillsServiceImpl.createItem,
[GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=weber))]
beforeGrillsMethodsUnknown: GrillsController.updateItem,
[1, GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=green egg))]
beforeGrillsMethodsUnknown: GrillsServiceImpl.updateItem,
[1, GrillDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=green egg))]
10. Advice Types
We have five advice types:
For the first four — using JoinPoint
is optional. The last type (@Around
is required to inject ProceedingJoinPoint
— a subclass of JoinPoint
— in order to
delegate to the target and handle the result. Lets take a look at each in order to
have a complete set of examples.
To demonstrate, I am going to define an advice of each type that will use the same pointcut below.
@Pointcut("execution(* *..MowersServiceImpl.updateItem(*,*)) && args(id,mowerUpdate)")(1)
public void mowerUpdate(int id, MowerDTO mowerUpdate) {} (2)
1 | matches all updateItem methods calls in the MowersServiceImpl class taking two arguments |
2 | arguments will be mapped to type int and MowerDTO |
There will be two matching calls:
the first will be successful
the second will throw a NotFound RuntimeException.
10.1. @Before
The Before advice will be called prior to invoking the join point method. It has access to the input parameters and can change the contents of them. This advice does not have access to the result.
@Before("mowerUpdate(id, mowerUpdate)")
public void beforeMowerUpdate(JoinPoint jp, int id, MowerDTO mowerUpdate) {
log.info("beforeMowerUpdate: {}, {}", id, mowerUpdate);
The before advice only has access to the input parameters prior to making the call. It can modify the parameters, but not swap them around. It has no insight into what the result will be.
beforeMowerUpdate: 1, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=bush hog))
Since the before advice is called prior to the join point, it is oblivious that this call ended in an exception.
beforeMowerUpdate: 2, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=john deer))
10.2. @AfterReturning
After returning advice will get called when a join point successfully returns without throwing an exception. We have access to the result through an annotation field and can map that to an input parameter.
@AfterReturning(value = "mowerUpdate(id, mowerUpdate)",
returning = "result")
public void afterReturningMowerUpdate(JoinPoint jp, int id, MowerDTO mowerUpdate, MowerDTO result) {
log.info("afterReturningMowerUpdate: {}, {} => {}", id, mowerUpdate, result);
The @AfterReturning
advice is called only after the successful call and not the exception case.
We have access to the input parameters and the result. The result can be changed before
returning to the caller. However, the input parameters have already been processed.
afterReturningMowerUpdate: 1, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
=> MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
10.3. @AfterThrowing
The @AfterThrowing
advice is called only when an exception is thrown. Like the successful
sibling, we can map the resulting exception to an input variable to make it accessible to the
@AfterThrowing(value = "mowerUpdate(id, mowerUpdate)", throwing = "ex")
public void afterThrowingMowerUpdate(JoinPoint jp, int id, MowerDTO mowerUpdate, ClientErrorException.NotFoundException ex) {
log.info("afterThrowingMowerUpdate: {}, {} => {}", id,mowerUpdate,ex.toString());
The @AfterThrowing
advice has access to the input parameters and the exception.
The exception will still be thrown after the advice is complete.
I am not aware of any ability to squelch the exception and return a non-exception here. Look to @Around
to give you that capability at a minimum.
afterThrowingMowerUpdate: 2, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=john deer))
=> info.ejava.examples.common.exceptions.ClientErrorException$NotFoundException: item[2] not found
10.4. @After
is called after a successful return or exception thrown. It represents logic
that would commonly appear in a finally
block to close out resources.
@After("mowerUpdate(id, mowerUpdate)")
public void afterMowerUpdate(JoinPoint jp, int id, MowerDTO mowerUpdate) {
log.info("afterReturningMowerUpdate: {}, {}", id, mowerUpdate);
The @After
advice is always called once the joint point finishes executing.
afterReturningMowerUpdate: 1, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
afterReturningMowerUpdate: 2, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=john deer))
10.5. @Around
is the most capable advice but possibly the more expensive one to execute.
It has full control over the input and return values and whether the call is made at all.
The example below logs the various paths through the advice.
@Around("mowerUpdate(id, mowerUpdate)")
public Object aroundMowerUpdate(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, int id, MowerDTO mowerUpdate) throws Throwable {
Object result = null;
try {
log.info("entering aroundMowerUpdate: {}, {}", id, mowerUpdate);
result = pjp.proceed(pjp.getArgs());
log.info("returning after successful aroundMowerUpdate: {}, {} => {}", id, mowerUpdate, result);
return result;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
log.info("returning after aroundMowerUpdate excdeption: {}, {} => {}", id, mowerUpdate, ex.toString());
result = ex;
throw ex;
} finally {
log.info("returning after aroundMowerUpdate: {}, {} => {}",
id, mowerUpdate, (result==null ? null :result.toString()));
The @Around
advice example will log activity prior to calling the join point, after
successful return from join point, and finally after all advice complete.
entering aroundMowerUpdate: 1, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=bush hog))
returning after successful aroundMowerUpdate: 1, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
=> MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
returning after aroundMowerUpdate: 1, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
=> MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=1, name=bush hog))
The @Around
advice example will log activity prior to calling the join point, after
an exception from the join point, and finally after all advice complete.
entering aroundMowerUpdate: 2, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=john deer))
returning after aroundMowerUpdate exception: 2, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=john deer))
=> info.ejava.examples.common.exceptions.ClientErrorException$NotFoundException: item[2] not found
returning after aroundMowerUpdate: 2, MowerDTO(super=ItemDTO(id=0, name=john deer))
=> info.ejava.examples.common.exceptions.ClientErrorException$NotFoundException: item[2] not found
11. Other Features
We have covered a lot of capability in this chapter and likely all you will need. However, know there were a few other topics left unaddressed that I thought might be of interest in certain circumstances.
Ordering - useful when we declare multiple advice for the same join point and need one to run before the other
Introductions - a way to add additional state and behavior to a join point/target instance
Programmatic Spring AOP proxy creation - a way to create Spring AOP proxies on the fly versus relying on injection. This is useful for data value objects that are typically manually created to represent a certain piece of information.
Schema Based AOP Definitions - Spring also offers an means to express AOP behavior using XML. They are very close in capability — so if you need the ability to flexibly edit aspects in production without changing the Java code — this is an attractive option.
12. Summary
In this module we learned:
how we can decouple potentially cross-cutting logic from business code using different levels of dynamic invocation technology
to obtain and invoke a method reference using Java Reflection
to encapsulate advice within proxy classes using interfaces and JDK Dynamic Proxies
to encapsulate advice within proxy classes using classes and CGLIB dynamically written sub-classes
to integrate Spring AOP into our project
to identify method join points using AspectJ language
to implement different types of advice (before, after (completion, exception, finally), and around)
to inject contextual objects as parameters to advice
After learning this material you will surely be able to automatically envision the implementation techniques used by Spring in order to add framework capabilities to our custom business objects. Those interfaces we implement and annotations we assign are likely the target of many Spring AOP aspects, adding advice in a configurable way.