Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
To provide hands on experience
Mapping relationships between JPA entity classes to a relational database
Propagating dependent primary key values derived from a parent relationship
Relating entity classes which use built-in and composite primary key types
Witnessing the functional and potential performance differences between different mapping styles and properties
At the completion of this exercise, the student will be able to
Map OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, and ManyToMany relationships to the database
Map uni-directional and bi-directional relationships to the database
Derive and propagate a primary key for a dependent entity from a relation to a parent entity
Realize relationships using foreign key joins, primary key joins, and link table joins
Realize relationships to a parent entity using a composite primary/foreign key
Enforce mandatory and allow optional relationships
Reduce interaction with the EntityManager using relationship Cascades
Impact performance through informed decisions on selecting certain relationship styles and properties