Enterprise Java Development@TOPIC@
The end-to-end scenario will test your end-to-end application in a "happy path" scenario. Any white-box or black-box testing of alternate and error paths would be appropriate to put in the separate unit and IT tests.
Provide JUnit tests that verify the EJB functionality of eSales accessed through its remote interface. This will also test the DTOs. These tests should be packaged in the eSales RMI Test project.
Provide JUnit tests that verify the extra business logic functionality of eBidbot interfacing with eSales. These tests may be placed either with the business logic project or where you test the remote interfaces.
Provide JUnit tests that verify the EJB functionality of eBidbot accessed through its remote interface. This will also test its use of DTOs. Theses tests should be packaged in the eBidbot WAR (or optional RMI Test) project.
Perform an end-to-end use case to do the following. This must be demonstrated in an automated JUnit test and then be manually implementable using the Web UI.
Reset all eSales and eBidbot tables (using the SalesTestUtilEJB and BidbotTestUtilEJB)
Populate the eSales tables (using the Ingestor)
Create account for seller, buyer1, and buyer2 in eSales
Create account for buyer2 in eBidbot
Create auction for seller
Get auctions for seller
Get auction for the one created in earlier step
Get open auctions
Place bid for buyer1
Get auctions for buyer1
Place order for buyer2 in eBidbot (stimulate a bid)
Get auction to verify bids were placed for buyer1 and buyer2