All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract class for oneOf,anyOf schemas defined in OpenAPI spec
Callback for asynchronous API call.
ApiClient class.
ApiException class.
API response returned by API call.
The new contest to be added.
This class represents a page of contests.
Encodes request bodies using gzip.
Gson TypeAdapter for Byte Array type
Gson TypeAdapter for java.util.Date type
If the dateFormat is null, ISO8601Utils will be used.
Gson TypeAdapter for JSR310 LocalDate type
Gson TypeAdapter for JSR310 OffsetDateTime type
Gson TypeAdapter for java.sql.Date type
If the dateFormat is null, a simple "yyyy-MM-dd" format will be used
(more efficient than SimpleDateFormat).
This class is used to convey a generic message -- usually the result of an error.
Representing a Server configuration.
Representing a Server Variable for server URL template substitution.