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All Classes All Packages


Adapter1 - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Adapter1() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter1
Adapter2 - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Adapter2() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter2
Adapter3 - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Adapter3() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter3
Adapter4 - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Adapter4() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter4
adcPage - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
AddressType - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for AddressType complex type.
AddressType() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Default no-arg constructor
AddressType(String, String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Fully-initialising value constructor
assignTeamsToDivision(Club, Season) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
awayScore - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
awayTeam - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest


city - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
city - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
club - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Club - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Club() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Default no-arg constructor
Club(String, String, Contact, List<Venue>, List<Team>, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Fully-initialising value constructor
contact - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
contact - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
contact - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
contact - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
contact - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Contact - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Contact() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Default no-arg constructor
Contact(String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Fully-initialising value constructor
contactRole - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
ContactRoleType - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for ContactRoleType complex type.
ContactRoleType() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Default no-arg constructor
ContactRoleType(Object, String, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Fully-initialising value constructor
contains(String[], String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
contest - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Contest - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Contest() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Default no-arg constructor
Contest(String, Date, long, Object, Object, Object, Integer, Integer, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Fully-initialising value constructor
createAddressType() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of AddressType
createClub() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Club
createClub(ELeague, String, String, int) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
createContact() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Contact
createContactRoleType() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ContactRoleType
createContest() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Contest
createDivision() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Division
createELeague() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ELeague
createLeague() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
createLeagueMetadata() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of LeagueMetadata
createLeagueMetadata(ELeague) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
createReferencedType() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ReferencedType
createSeason() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Season
createSeason(ELeague, int) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
createTeam() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Team
createTeamSeason() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of TeamSeason
createVenue() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Venue
currentSeason - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague


DateConverter - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.xml
This class will convert the dateTime strings from XML documents to/from java.util.Date instead of the default XMLGregorianCalendar.
DateConverter() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.DateConverter
directions - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
division - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Division - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Division() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Default no-arg constructor
Division(String, String, String, Integer, Contact, List<TeamSeason>, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Fully-initialising value constructor
duration - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest


ejava.projects.eleague.dto - package ejava.projects.eleague.dto
ejava.projects.eleague.xml - package ejava.projects.eleague.xml
ELeague - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ELeague() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Default no-arg constructor
ELeague(List<Contact>, LeagueMetadata, List<Club>, List<Season>, Object) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Fully-initialising value constructor
ELeagueParser - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.xml
This class will read in Java objects from a specified XML file.
ELeagueParser(Class<?>, InputStream) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
Pass in the JAXB class that represents the root node of the document and an InputStream for the document to parse.
eMail - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
ends - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season


getAdcPage() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the adcPage property.
getAwayScore() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the awayScore property.
getAwayTeam() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the awayTeam property.
getCity() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Gets the value of the city property.
getCity() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the city property.
getClub() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Gets the value of the club property.
getContact() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Gets the value of the contact property.
getContact() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Gets the value of the contact property.
getContact() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Gets the value of the contact property.
getContact() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Gets the value of the contact property.
getContact() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Gets the value of the contact property.
getContactRole() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Gets the value of the contactRole property.
getContest() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Gets the value of the contest property.
getCurrentSeason() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Gets the value of the currentSeason property.
getDirections() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the directions property.
getDivision() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Gets the value of the division property.
getDuration() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the duration property.
getEMail() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Gets the value of the eMail property.
getEnds() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Gets the value of the ends property.
getField(ELeague, Team) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
getGroup() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Gets the value of the group property.
getHomeScore() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the homeScore property.
getHomeTeam() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the homeTeam property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the id property.
getLeagueMetadata() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Gets the value of the leagueMetadata property.
getLevel() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Gets the value of the level property.
getLocation() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the location property.
getLogin() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Gets the value of the login property.
getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the name property.
getObject(String...) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
This method will return either the object or null if we hit the end of stream before getting another instance.
getRanking() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Gets the value of the ranking property.
getRefid() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ReferencedType
Gets the value of the refid property.
getRole() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Gets the value of the role property.
getSampleData() - Static method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
getSeason() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Gets the value of the season property.
getStarts() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Gets the value of the starts property.
getStarts() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Gets the value of the starts property.
getState() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Gets the value of the state property.
getState() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the state property.
getStreet1() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Gets the value of the street1 property.
getStreet1() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the street1 property.
getStreet2() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Gets the value of the street2 property.
getStreet2() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the street2 property.
getTeam() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Gets the value of the team property.
getTeam() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Gets the value of the team property.
getTeamSeason() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Gets the value of the teamSeason property.
getVenue() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Gets the value of the venue property.
getZip() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Gets the value of the zip property.
getZip() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Gets the value of the zip property.
group - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division


homeScore - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
homeTeam - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest


id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
id - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen


leagueMetadata - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
LeagueMetadata - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
LeagueMetadata() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Default no-arg constructor
LeagueMetadata(String, Object) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Fully-initialising value constructor
level - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
location - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
log - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
login - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact


marshal(Float) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter1
marshal(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter4
marshal(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter2
marshal(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter3


name - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
name - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
name - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
name - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
name - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
name - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
nextId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
nextRefId() - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen


ObjectFactory - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ejava.projects.eleague.dto package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: ejava.projects.eleague.dto


parseDate(String) - Static method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.DateConverter
printDate(Date) - Static method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.DateConverter


ranking - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
ReferencedType - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for ReferencedType complex type.
ReferencedType() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ReferencedType
Default no-arg constructor
ReferencedType(String) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ReferencedType
Fully-initialising value constructor
refid - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ReferencedType
refid - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
reportScores(Season) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
role - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType


SAMPLE_FILE - Static variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
SampleGen - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.xml
This class provides the ability to generate a sample set of League DTOs and XML document.
SampleGen() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
scheduleSeason(ELeague, Season) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.SampleGen
season - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Season - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Season() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Default no-arg constructor
Season(String, String, Date, Date, List<Division>, List<Contest>, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Fully-initialising value constructor
setAdcPage(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the adcPage property.
setAwayScore(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the awayScore property.
setAwayTeam(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the awayTeam property.
setCity(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Sets the value of the city property.
setCity(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the city property.
setContact(Contact) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Sets the value of the contact property.
setContact(Contact) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Sets the value of the contact property.
setContact(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Sets the value of the contact property.
setContact(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Sets the value of the contact property.
setCurrentSeason(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Sets the value of the currentSeason property.
setDirections(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the directions property.
setDuration(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the duration property.
setEMail(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Sets the value of the eMail property.
setEnds(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Sets the value of the ends property.
setGroup(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Sets the value of the group property.
setHomeScore(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the homeScore property.
setHomeTeam(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the homeTeam property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(long) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the id property.
setLeagueMetadata(LeagueMetadata) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ELeague
Sets the value of the leagueMetadata property.
setLevel(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Sets the value of the level property.
setLocation(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the location property.
setLogin(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Sets the value of the login property.
setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contact
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.LeagueMetadata
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the name property.
setRanking(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
Sets the value of the ranking property.
setRefid(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ReferencedType
Sets the value of the refid property.
setRole(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.ContactRoleType
Sets the value of the role property.
setSchema(InputStream) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
setStarts(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
Sets the value of the starts property.
setStarts(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
Sets the value of the starts property.
setState(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Sets the value of the state property.
setState(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the state property.
setStreet1(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Sets the value of the street1 property.
setStreet1(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the street1 property.
setStreet2(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Sets the value of the street2 property.
setStreet2(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the street2 property.
setTeam(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Sets the value of the team property.
setZip(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
Sets the value of the zip property.
setZip(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Sets the value of the zip property.
starts - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Contest
starts - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Season
state - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
state - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
street1 - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
street1 - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
street2 - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
street2 - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue


team - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
team - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Team - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Team() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Default no-arg constructor
Team(String, String, List<ContactRoleType>, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Team
Fully-initialising value constructor
teamSeason - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Division
TeamSeason - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
TeamSeason() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Default no-arg constructor
TeamSeason(String, Object, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.TeamSeason
Fully-initialising value constructor


um - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter1
unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter2
unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter3
unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Adapter4


venue - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Club
Venue - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Venue() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Default no-arg constructor
Venue(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
Fully-initialising value constructor


xmlif - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser
xmlr - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.xml.ELeagueParser


zip - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.AddressType
zip - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.dto.Venue
A C D E G H I L M N O P R S T U V X Z 
All Classes All Packages