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- ClubDAO - Interface in ejava.projects.eleague.dao
This interface defines the data access methods defined for the Club portion of the League.
- ClubDAOException - Exception in ejava.projects.eleague.dao
This class defines an unchecked exception that can be thrown by the ClubDAO.
- ClubDAOException(String) - Constructor for exception ejava.projects.eleague.dao.ClubDAOException
- ClubDAOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ejava.projects.eleague.dao.ClubDAOException
- connection - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc.JDBCClubDAO
- createVenue(Venue) - Method in interface ejava.projects.eleague.dao.ClubDAO
This method will create a new venue in the DB and update the provided object with the PK of that entity.
- createVenue(Venue) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc.JDBCClubDAO
- createVenue(Venue) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.jpa.JPAClubDAO
- ejava.projects.eleague.dao - package ejava.projects.eleague.dao
- ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc - package ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc
- ejava.projects.eleague.jpa - package ejava.projects.eleague.jpa
- em - Variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.jpa.JPAClubDAO
- getVenues(int, int) - Method in interface ejava.projects.eleague.dao.ClubDAO
This method will return all venues in the DB between the start and count values.
- getVenues(int, int) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc.JDBCClubDAO
This method is left un-implemented,
- getVenues(int, int) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.jpa.JPAClubDAO
- JDBCClubDAO - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc
This class implements data access to the club portion of the league using JDBC.
- JDBCClubDAO() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc.JDBCClubDAO
- JPAClubDAO - Class in ejava.projects.eleague.jpa
This class provides a sparse example of a JPA DAO for the class project.
- JPAClubDAO() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.eleague.jpa.JPAClubDAO
- logger - Static variable in class ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc.JDBCClubDAO
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ejava.projects.eleague.dao.ClubDAOException
- setConnection(Connection) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.jdbc.JDBCClubDAO
This method injects a connection to be used by all DAO methods.
- setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class ejava.projects.eleague.jpa.JPAClubDAO
This method injects an entity manager to be used by all DAO methods.
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