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- account - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
- Account - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Account() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Default no-arg constructor
- Account(String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, List<Object>) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Fully-initialising value constructor
- accountId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- Adapter1 - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
- Adapter1() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter1
- Adapter2 - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
- Adapter2() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter2
- Adapter3 - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
- Adapter3() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter3
- Adapter4 - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
- Adapter4() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter4
- address - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- address - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
- Address - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Address() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Default no-arg constructor
- Address(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Fully-initialising value constructor
- addressee - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
- addressId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- amount - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
- askingPrice - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- auction - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
- Auction - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Auction() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Default no-arg constructor
- Auction(String, Object, String, String, String, Date, Date, Float, List<Bid>, Float, Object, Object, Integer) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Fully-initialising value constructor
- auctionId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- auctionRef - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
- bid - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- bid - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
- Bid - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Bid() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Default no-arg constructor
- Bid(Date, Float, Object, Object, Integer) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Fully-initialising value constructor
- bidder - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
- bidId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- bidTime - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
- buyer - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- category - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- city - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
- contains(String[], String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- createAccount() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAccount(String, String, String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- createAddress() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAddress1(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- createAuction() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createAuction(Account, Account...) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- createBid() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createESales() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createImage() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createReferencedType() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of
- createSales() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- DateConverter - Class in ejava.projects.esales.xml
- DateConverter() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.xml.DateConverter
- description - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- ejava.projects.esales.dto - package ejava.projects.esales.dto
- ejava.projects.esales.xml - package ejava.projects.esales.xml
- email - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- endDate - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- endTime - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- ESales - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- ESales() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Default no-arg constructor
- ESales(List<Address>, List<Account>, List<Auction>, List<Image>, List<Bid>) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Fully-initialising value constructor
- ESalesParser - Class in ejava.projects.esales.xml
This class will read in Java objects from a specified XML file.
- ESalesParser(Class<?>, InputStream) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
Pass in the JAXB class that represents the root node of the document and an InputStream for the document to parse.
- getAccount() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Gets the value of the account property.
- getAddress() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the address property.
- getAddress() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Gets the value of the address property.
- getAddressee() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the addressee property.
- getAmount() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Gets the value of the amount property.
- getAskingPrice() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the askingPrice property.
- getAuction() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Gets the value of the auction property.
- getAuctionRef() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Gets the value of the auctionRef property.
- getBid() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the bid property.
- getBid() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Gets the value of the bid property.
- getBidder() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Gets the value of the bidder property.
- getBidTime() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Gets the value of the bidTime property.
- getBuyer() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the buyer property.
- getCategory() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the category property.
- getCity() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the city property.
- getDescription() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the description property.
- getEmail() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the email property.
- getEndDate() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the endDate property.
- getEndTime() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the endTime property.
- getFirstName() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the firstName property.
- getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the id property.
- getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the id property.
- getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Gets the value of the id property.
- getId() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Gets the value of the id property.
- getImage() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
Gets the value of the image property.
- getImage() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Gets the value of the image property.
- getItem() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Gets the value of the item property.
- getLastName() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the lastName property.
- getLogin() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the login property.
- getMiddleName() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the middleName property.
- getName() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the name property.
- getObject(String...) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
This method will return either the object or null if we hit the end of stream before getting another instance.
- getPurchasePrice() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the purchasePrice property.
- getRefid() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ReferencedType
Gets the value of the refid property.
- getSampleData() - Static method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- getSeller() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the seller property.
- getShipTo() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the shipTo property.
- getStartDate() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Gets the value of the startDate property.
- getStartTime() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the startTime property.
- getState() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the state property.
- getStreet() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the street property.
- getTitle() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Gets the value of the title property.
- getZip() - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Gets the value of the zip property.
- id - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
- id - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- id - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
- id - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
- image - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ESales
- image - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
- Image - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for anonymous complex type.
- Image() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Default no-arg constructor
- Image(String, Object, byte[], Integer) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Fully-initialising value constructor
- item - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
- lastName - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- log - Static variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- login - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- marshal(Float) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter1
- marshal(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter4
- marshal(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter2
- marshal(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter3
- middleName - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- ObjectFactory - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the ejava.projects.esales.dto package.
- ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: ejava.projects.esales.dto
- parseDate(String) - Static method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.DateConverter
- printDate(Date) - Static method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.DateConverter
- purchasePrice - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- ReferencedType - Class in ejava.projects.esales.dto
Java class for ReferencedType complex type.
- ReferencedType() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ReferencedType
Default no-arg constructor
- ReferencedType(String) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ReferencedType
Fully-initialising value constructor
- refid - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ReferencedType
- SAMPLE_FILE - Static variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- SampleGen - Class in ejava.projects.esales.xml
- SampleGen() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.esales.xml.SampleGen
- seller - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- setAddressee(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the addressee property.
- setAmount(Float) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Sets the value of the amount property.
- setAskingPrice(Float) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the askingPrice property.
- setAuctionRef(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Sets the value of the auctionRef property.
- setBidder(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Sets the value of the bidder property.
- setBidTime(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Sets the value of the bidTime property.
- setBuyer(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the buyer property.
- setCategory(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the category property.
- setCity(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the city property.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the description property.
- setEmail(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the email property.
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the endDate property.
- setEndTime(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the endTime property.
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the firstName property.
- setId(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the id property.
- setId(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the id property.
- setId(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Sets the value of the id property.
- setId(Integer) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Sets the value of the id property.
- setImage(byte[]) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Image
Sets the value of the image property.
- setItem(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Bid
Sets the value of the item property.
- setLastName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the lastName property.
- setLogin(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the login property.
- setMiddleName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the middleName property.
- setName(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the name property.
- setPurchasePrice(Float) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the purchasePrice property.
- setRefid(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.ReferencedType
Sets the value of the refid property.
- setSchema(InputStream) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- setSeller(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the seller property.
- setShipTo(Object) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the shipTo property.
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
Sets the value of the startDate property.
- setStartTime(Date) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the startTime property.
- setState(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the state property.
- setStreet(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the street property.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
Sets the value of the title property.
- setZip(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
Sets the value of the zip property.
- shipTo - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- startDate - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Account
- startTime - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Auction
- state - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
- street - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Address
- um - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter1
- unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter2
- unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter3
- unmarshal(String) - Method in class ejava.projects.esales.dto.Adapter4
- xmlif - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
- xmlr - Variable in class ejava.projects.esales.xml.ESalesParser
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