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AddressType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for AddressType complex type.
AddressType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Default no-arg constructor
AddressType(StreetType, TextType, USStateCodeType, IDType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Fully-initialising value constructor


Base64Binary - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
Java class for base64Binary complex type.
Base64Binary() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Default no-arg constructor
Base64Binary(byte[], String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Fully-initialising value constructor
binaryObjectBase64 - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ImageType


contains(String[], String) - Method in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
createAddressType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of AddressType
createBase64Binary() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Base64Binary
createDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Date
createDecalType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DecalType
createDmv() - Method in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
createDmv() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Dmv
createDrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
createEYEType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of EYEType
createGMonth() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of GMonth
createGYear() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of GYear
createIDType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of IDType
createImageType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ImageType
createJurisdictionAuthorityCodeType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
createLocationType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of LocationType
createMeasureType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of MeasureType
createPerson() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Person
createPerson(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
createPersonHeightMeasureType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PersonHeightMeasureType
createPersonNameTextType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PersonNameTextType
createPersonNameType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PersonNameType
createPersonPhysicalDetailsType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PersonPhysicalDetailsType
createPersonsType() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PersonsType
createPersonWeightMeasureType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PersonWeightMeasureType
createPropertyRegistrationType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PropertyRegistrationType
createPropertyType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PropertyType
createRACType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of RACType
createReferenceType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ReferenceType
createResidenceType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ResidenceType
createSEXType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SEXType
createStreetType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of StreetType
createString() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of String
createSuperType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of SuperType
createTextType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of TextType
createUSStateCodeType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of USStateCodeType
createVCOType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VCOType
createVehicleBasicsType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VehicleBasicsType
createVehicleRegistration() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VehicleRegistration
createVehicleRegistration(Person) - Method in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
createVehicleRegistrationsType() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VehicleRegistrationsType
createVehicleType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VehicleType
createVMAType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VMAType
createVMOType() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of VMOType


Date - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
Java class for date complex type.
Date() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Default no-arg constructor
Date(XMLGregorianCalendar, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Fully-initialising value constructor
decalMonthDate - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
DecalType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for DecalType complex type.
DecalType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Default no-arg constructor
DecalType(String, String, GMonth, GYear) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Fully-initialising value constructor
decalYearDate - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Dmv - Class in info.ejava.projects.edmv._1
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Dmv() - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
Default no-arg constructor
Dmv(PersonsType, VehicleRegistrationsType) - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
Fully-initialising value constructor
DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType complex type.
DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType
Default no-arg constructor
DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType(TextType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DrivingJurisdictionAuthorityIDType
Fully-initialising value constructor


EDmvParser - Class in ejava.projects.edmv.xml
This class will read in Java objects from a specified XML file.
EDmvParser(Class<?>[], InputStream) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
EDmvParser(Class<?>, InputStream) - Constructor for class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
Pass in the JAXB class that represents the root node of the document and an InputStream for the document to parse.
ejava.projects.edmv.xml - package ejava.projects.edmv.xml
EYEType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
Java class for EYEType complex type.
EYEType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Default no-arg constructor
EYEType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Fully-initialising value constructor


getBinaryObjectBase64() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ImageType
Gets the value of the binaryObjectBase64 property.
getDecalMonthDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Gets the value of the decalMonthDate property.
getDecalYearDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Gets the value of the decalYearDate property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
Gets the value of the id property.
getID() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.IDType
Gets the value of the id property.
getLocationAddress() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.LocationType
Gets the value of the locationAddress property.
getLocationCityName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Gets the value of the locationCityName property.
getLocationPostalCodeID() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Gets the value of the locationPostalCodeID property.
getLocationStateCodeUSPostalService() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Gets the value of the locationStateCodeUSPostalService property.
getLocationStreet() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Gets the value of the locationStreet property.
getObject(String...) - Method in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
This method will return either the object or null if we hit the end of stream before getting another instance.
getPeople() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
Gets the value of the people property.
getPerson() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.PersonsType
Gets the value of the person property.
getPersonBirthDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Gets the value of the personBirthDate property.
getPersonDigitalImage() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personDigitalImage property.
getPersonEyeColorCode() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personEyeColorCode property.
getPersonGivenName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Gets the value of the personGivenName property.
getPersonHairColorText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personHairColorText property.
getPersonHeightMeasure() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personHeightMeasure property.
getPersonMiddleName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Gets the value of the personMiddleName property.
getPersonName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Gets the value of the personName property.
getPersonPhysicalDetails() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Gets the value of the personPhysicalDetails property.
getPersonRaceCode() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personRaceCode property.
getPersonSexCode() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personSexCode property.
getPersonSuffixName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Gets the value of the personSuffixName property.
getPersonSurName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Gets the value of the personSurName property.
getPersonWeightMeasure() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Gets the value of the personWeightMeasure property.
getPropertyOwnerPerson() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PropertyType
Gets the value of the propertyOwnerPerson property.
getRef() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ReferenceType
Gets the value of the ref property.
getResidence() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Gets the value of the residence property.
getResidenceEndDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
Gets the value of the residenceEndDate property.
getResidenceStartDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
Gets the value of the residenceStartDate property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getSourceIDText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
Gets the value of the sourceIDText property.
getStreetName() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
Gets the value of the streetName property.
getStreetNumberText() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
Gets the value of the streetNumberText property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.MeasureType
Gets the value of the value property.
getVehicle() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Gets the value of the vehicle property.
getVehicleColorPrimaryCode() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Gets the value of the vehicleColorPrimaryCode property.
getVehicleID() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Gets the value of the vehicleID property.
getVehicleLicensePlateID() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Gets the value of the vehicleLicensePlateID property.
getVehicleMakeCode() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Gets the value of the vehicleMakeCode property.
getVehicleModelCode() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Gets the value of the vehicleModelCode property.
getVehicleModelYearDate() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Gets the value of the vehicleModelYearDate property.
getVehicleRegistration() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.VehicleRegistrationsType
Gets the value of the vehicleRegistration property.
getVehicleRegistrationDecal() - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Gets the value of the vehicleRegistrationDecal property.
getVehicleRegistrations() - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
Gets the value of the vehicleRegistrations property.
GMonth - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
Java class for gMonth complex type.
GMonth() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Default no-arg constructor
GMonth(XMLGregorianCalendar, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Fully-initialising value constructor
gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0 - package gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0 - package gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0
gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0 - package gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1 - package gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1
gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1 - package gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
GYear - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
Java class for gYear complex type.
GYear() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Default no-arg constructor
GYear(XMLGregorianCalendar, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Fully-initialising value constructor


id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.IDType
id - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
IDType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for IDType complex type.
IDType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.IDType
Default no-arg constructor
IDType(TextType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.IDType
Fully-initialising value constructor
ImageType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for ImageType complex type.
ImageType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ImageType
Default no-arg constructor
ImageType(String, String, Base64Binary) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ImageType
Fully-initialising value constructor
info.ejava.projects.edmv._1 - package info.ejava.projects.edmv._1


JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0
Java class for JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType complex type.
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Default no-arg constructor
JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Fully-initialising value constructor


locationAddress - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.LocationType
locationCityName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
locationPostalCodeID - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
locationStateCodeUSPostalService - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
locationStreet - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
LocationType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for LocationType complex type.
LocationType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.LocationType
Default no-arg constructor
LocationType(String, String, AddressType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.LocationType
Fully-initialising value constructor
log - Variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser


MeasureType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for MeasureType complex type.
MeasureType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.MeasureType
Default no-arg constructor
MeasureType(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.MeasureType
Fully-initialising value constructor


ObjectFactory - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0 package.
ObjectFactory - Class in info.ejava.projects.edmv._1
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the info.ejava.projects.edmv._1 package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: info.ejava.projects.edmv._1


people - Variable in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
person - Variable in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.PersonsType
Person - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Person() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Default no-arg constructor
Person(String, String, PersonNameType, PersonPhysicalDetailsType, Date, List<ResidenceType>) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Fully-initialising value constructor
personBirthDate - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
personDigitalImage - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
personEyeColorCode - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
personGivenName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
personHairColorText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
personHeightMeasure - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
PersonHeightMeasureType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PersonHeightMeasureType complex type.
PersonHeightMeasureType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonHeightMeasureType
Default no-arg constructor
PersonHeightMeasureType(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonHeightMeasureType
Fully-initialising value constructor
personId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
personMiddleName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
personName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
PersonNameTextType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PersonNameTextType complex type.
PersonNameTextType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameTextType
Default no-arg constructor
PersonNameTextType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameTextType
Fully-initialising value constructor
PersonNameType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PersonNameType complex type.
PersonNameType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Default no-arg constructor
PersonNameType(PersonNameTextType, PersonNameTextType, PersonNameTextType, TextType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Fully-initialising value constructor
personPhysicalDetails - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
PersonPhysicalDetailsType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PersonPhysicalDetailsType complex type.
PersonPhysicalDetailsType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Default no-arg constructor
PersonPhysicalDetailsType(EYEType, TextType, PersonHeightMeasureType, PersonWeightMeasureType, RACType, SEXType, ImageType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Fully-initialising value constructor
personRaceCode - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
personSexCode - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
PersonsType - Class in info.ejava.projects.edmv._1
Java class for PersonsType complex type.
PersonsType() - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.PersonsType
Default no-arg constructor
PersonsType(List<Person>) - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.PersonsType
Fully-initialising value constructor
personSuffixName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
personSurName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
personWeightMeasure - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
PersonWeightMeasureType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PersonWeightMeasureType complex type.
PersonWeightMeasureType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonWeightMeasureType
Default no-arg constructor
PersonWeightMeasureType(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonWeightMeasureType
Fully-initialising value constructor
propertyOwnerPerson - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PropertyType
PropertyRegistrationType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PropertyRegistrationType complex type.
PropertyRegistrationType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PropertyRegistrationType
Default no-arg constructor
PropertyRegistrationType(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PropertyRegistrationType
Fully-initialising value constructor
PropertyType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for PropertyType complex type.
PropertyType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PropertyType
Default no-arg constructor
PropertyType(String, String, List<ReferenceType>) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PropertyType
Fully-initialising value constructor


RACType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
Java class for RACType complex type.
RACType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Default no-arg constructor
RACType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Fully-initialising value constructor
ref - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ReferenceType
ReferenceType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for ReferenceType complex type.
ReferenceType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ReferenceType
Default no-arg constructor
ReferenceType(Object) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ReferenceType
Fully-initialising value constructor
residence - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
residenceEndDate - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
residenceId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
residenceStartDate - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
ResidenceType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for ResidenceType complex type.
ResidenceType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
Default no-arg constructor
ResidenceType(String, String, AddressType, Date, Date) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
Fully-initialising value constructor


SampleGen - Class in ejava.projects.edmv.xml
SampleGen() - Constructor for class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
setBinaryObjectBase64(Base64Binary) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ImageType
Sets the value of the binaryObjectBase64 property.
setDecalMonthDate(GMonth) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Sets the value of the decalMonthDate property.
setDecalYearDate(GYear) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.DecalType
Sets the value of the decalYearDate property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
Sets the value of the id property.
setID(TextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.IDType
Sets the value of the id property.
setLocationAddress(AddressType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.LocationType
Sets the value of the locationAddress property.
setLocationCityName(TextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Sets the value of the locationCityName property.
setLocationPostalCodeID(IDType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Sets the value of the locationPostalCodeID property.
setLocationStateCodeUSPostalService(USStateCodeType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Sets the value of the locationStateCodeUSPostalService property.
setLocationStreet(StreetType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.AddressType
Sets the value of the locationStreet property.
setPeople(PersonsType) - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
Sets the value of the people property.
setPersonBirthDate(Date) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Sets the value of the personBirthDate property.
setPersonDigitalImage(ImageType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personDigitalImage property.
setPersonEyeColorCode(EYEType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personEyeColorCode property.
setPersonGivenName(PersonNameTextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Sets the value of the personGivenName property.
setPersonHairColorText(TextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personHairColorText property.
setPersonHeightMeasure(PersonHeightMeasureType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personHeightMeasure property.
setPersonMiddleName(PersonNameTextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Sets the value of the personMiddleName property.
setPersonName(PersonNameType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Sets the value of the personName property.
setPersonPhysicalDetails(PersonPhysicalDetailsType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.Person
Sets the value of the personPhysicalDetails property.
setPersonRaceCode(RACType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personRaceCode property.
setPersonSexCode(SEXType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personSexCode property.
setPersonSuffixName(TextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Sets the value of the personSuffixName property.
setPersonSurName(PersonNameTextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonNameType
Sets the value of the personSurName property.
setPersonWeightMeasure(PersonWeightMeasureType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.PersonPhysicalDetailsType
Sets the value of the personWeightMeasure property.
setRef(Object) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ReferenceType
Sets the value of the ref property.
setResidenceEndDate(Date) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
Sets the value of the residenceEndDate property.
setResidenceStartDate(Date) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.ResidenceType
Sets the value of the residenceStartDate property.
setSchema(InputStream) - Method in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setSourceIDText(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
Sets the value of the sourceIDText property.
setStreetName(TextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
Sets the value of the streetName property.
setStreetNumberText(TextType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
Sets the value of the streetNumberText property.
setValue(byte[]) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.MeasureType
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
Sets the value of the value property.
setVehicle(VehicleType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Sets the value of the vehicle property.
setVehicleColorPrimaryCode(VCOType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Sets the value of the vehicleColorPrimaryCode property.
setVehicleID(IDType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Sets the value of the vehicleID property.
setVehicleLicensePlateID(IDType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Sets the value of the vehicleLicensePlateID property.
setVehicleMakeCode(VMAType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Sets the value of the vehicleMakeCode property.
setVehicleModelCode(VMOType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Sets the value of the vehicleModelCode property.
setVehicleModelYearDate(GYear) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Sets the value of the vehicleModelYearDate property.
setVehicleRegistrationDecal(DecalType) - Method in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Sets the value of the vehicleRegistrationDecal property.
setVehicleRegistrations(VehicleRegistrationsType) - Method in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
Sets the value of the vehicleRegistrations property.
SEXType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
Java class for SEXType complex type.
SEXType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Default no-arg constructor
SEXType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
Fully-initialising value constructor
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
sourceIDText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
streetName - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
streetNumberText - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
StreetType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for StreetType complex type.
StreetType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
Default no-arg constructor
StreetType(TextType, TextType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.StreetType
Fully-initialising value constructor
String - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1
Java class for string complex type.
String() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Default no-arg constructor
String(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
Fully-initialising value constructor
SuperType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for SuperType complex type.
SuperType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
Default no-arg constructor
SuperType(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.SuperType
Fully-initialising value constructor


TextType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for TextType complex type.
TextType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.TextType
Default no-arg constructor
TextType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.TextType
Fully-initialising value constructor


um - Variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
USStateCodeType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1
Java class for USStateCodeType complex type.
USStateCodeType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Default no-arg constructor
USStateCodeType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
Fully-initialising value constructor


value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ansi_d20._1_0.JurisdictionAuthorityCodeType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.EYEType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.RACType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.SEXType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.usps_states._1.USStateCodeType
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Base64Binary
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.Date
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GMonth
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.GYear
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.xsd._1.String
value - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.MeasureType
VCOType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
Java class for VCOType complex type.
VCOType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Default no-arg constructor
VCOType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VCOType
Fully-initialising value constructor
vehicle - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
VehicleBasicsType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for VehicleBasicsType complex type.
VehicleBasicsType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleBasicsType
Default no-arg constructor
VehicleBasicsType(String, String, List<ReferenceType>) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleBasicsType
Fully-initialising value constructor
vehicleColorPrimaryCode - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
vehicleId - Static variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.SampleGen
vehicleID - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
vehicleLicensePlateID - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
vehicleMakeCode - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
vehicleModelCode - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
vehicleModelYearDate - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
vehicleRegistration - Variable in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.VehicleRegistrationsType
VehicleRegistration - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for anonymous complex type.
VehicleRegistration() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Default no-arg constructor
VehicleRegistration(String, String, IDType, DecalType, VehicleType) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
Fully-initialising value constructor
vehicleRegistrationDecal - Variable in class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleRegistration
vehicleRegistrations - Variable in class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.Dmv
VehicleRegistrationsType - Class in info.ejava.projects.edmv._1
Java class for VehicleRegistrationsType complex type.
VehicleRegistrationsType() - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.VehicleRegistrationsType
Default no-arg constructor
VehicleRegistrationsType(List<VehicleRegistration>) - Constructor for class info.ejava.projects.edmv._1.VehicleRegistrationsType
Fully-initialising value constructor
VehicleType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0
Java class for VehicleType complex type.
VehicleType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Default no-arg constructor
VehicleType(String, String, List<ReferenceType>, IDType, VCOType, VMAType, VMOType, GYear) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0.VehicleType
Fully-initialising value constructor
VMAType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
Java class for VMAType complex type.
VMAType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Default no-arg constructor
VMAType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMAType
Fully-initialising value constructor
VMOType - Class in gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0
Java class for VMOType complex type.
VMOType() - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Default no-arg constructor
VMOType(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.ojp.it.jxdm._3_0_3.proxy.ncic_2000._1_0.VMOType
Fully-initialising value constructor


xmlif - Variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
xmlr - Variable in class ejava.projects.edmv.xml.EDmvParser
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