Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
JPA Build This project holds poms targeted at building JPA applications
JPA::JPA Archetype Setup JPA maven module for use with JPA exercises or anything else where the primary focus is working with JPA.
JPA::Business Logic This project is the root project for a business logic example based on a purchasing example.
JPA::DAO This project provides the home for generic DAO and SQL aspects of working with JPA.
JPA::Utils This project provides the home for core JPA utilities used across different projects.
JPA::EntityManager This project provides the home for JPA EntityManager materials dealing with setting up and using capabilities of the EntityManager.
JPA::Entity This project provides the home for core JPA Entity materials dealing with mapping simple Java objects to database tables using JPA.
JPA::Validation This project provides the home for JPA Validation and Lifecycle materials
JPA::Relation This project provides the home for JPA Relationship materials dealing with mapping foreign key relationships between mapped JPA entity classes.
JPA::Query This project provides the home for JPA Query materials
JPA::Cache This project provides the home for core JPA Cache materials.
JPA::Tuning This project provides the home for JPA and SQL Tuning materials
JPA::Providers::Root This project is the root project for provider-specific materials.