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All Classes Class Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AllFKIndex This environment sets up the queries with indexes on foreign keys between tables.ByIndex CompositeIndex This setup creates an environment where both terms in the where clause are part of a composite index.CompositeIndexTest This test suite evaluates the use of a composite index.CompositeSelectWhere This test environment sets up a composite index that does not exactly align with the query.CompositeWhereSelect This test environment sets up a composite index with both the where and select clause represented in a way that should be usable without accessing table.CompoundQuery DualIndexes This setup creates an environment where both terms in the where clause are indexed by a separate index.Fetch This test will obtain various object graphs to show the impact of EAGER and LAZY fetch policies and actions.FetchEagerThick This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.FetchEagerThin This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.FetchLazyThick This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships and the plot field mapped.FetchLazyThin This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.FetchTest This test suite evaluates the use of different uses of fetch=LAZY and fetch=EAGERFKIndex This environment sets up the queries with indexes on foreign key column.ForeignKeyIndexTest ForeignKeys FullTableScan FullTableScanNoIndex FullTableScanSingleIndex FullTableScanSingleIndexReverse Creates reverse indexes for tests to work withFullTableScanTest IndexTest JoinCompositeFKIndexes This test environment sets up the queries with separate table and FK indexes.JoinNoIndex This test environment sets up the queries with no indexes.JoinQuery This set of tests demonstrates queries over table joinsJoinTableFKIndexes This test environment sets up the queries with separate table and FK indexes.JoinTableIndexes This test environment sets up the queries with just indexes against the table columns and not the foreign keys.JoinTest LoopEager This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.LoopLazy This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.LoopQuery This test will perform nested queries that can either be expressed as subqueries or repeated loops in the DAO.LoopTest This test suite evaluates the use of loops within queries.MovieFactory MovieFactory.SQLStatement MovieRoleFKIndexTest MyTestA MyTestB MyTestSuiteTest NoColumnIndex This environment sets up the queries with no column indexes.NoFKIndex This test environment sets up the queries with no indexes.NonNullIndex NonNullUniqueIndex NonUniqueIndex QueryBase QueryTest QueryTest.MovieRelease SizeEager This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.SizeLazy This environment sets up the object model with all fetch=LAZY relationships.SizeQuery This test will perform counts using multiple techniques.SizeTest This test suite evaluates the use of getting the counnt of a collection in various ways.SuiteBase TableFKIndexes This environment sets up the queries with indexes on foreign keys and columns without adding the ID to the composite indexTestBase TestBase.ResultsConsumer TestLabel UniqueIndex ValueQuery This set of tests demonstrate how having no index, single column indexes, and composite indexes can impact the query for data for a row.ValueQueryTest WhereColumnIndex This test environment sets up the queries with an index on the where clause.