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AllTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This class provides an example of grouping a set of classes within a suite so they can be more easily managed as a suite.
AllTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.AllTest
applicantId - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest


borrowerId - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyTest
borrowerId - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest


cleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.ManyManyMapTest
This method will cleanup the database of our ManyToMany entities.
cleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.OneManyMapTest
This method will cleanup the database of our OneToMany entities.
cleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.onetomany.OneManyUnidirectionalTest
This method will cleanup the database of our OneToMany entities.
CompositeTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite
CompositeTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite.CompositeTest


DemoBase - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This class provides an example of how common text fixtures can be reused at both the class and object level.
DemoBase() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase


ejava.examples.orm.map - package ejava.examples.orm.map
ejava.examples.orm.onetomany - package ejava.examples.orm.onetomany
ejava.examples.orm.rel - package ejava.examples.orm.rel
ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite - package ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite
em - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
emf - Static variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase


findMedia(Collection<Media>, boolean) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyJoinTableTest


image - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest


log - Static variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite.CompositeTest
logBase - Static variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
logger - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase


ManyManyMapTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.map
This class demonstrates a Many-to-Many relationship represented as a Map in the owning entity.
ManyManyMapTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.map.ManyManyMapTest
ManyToManyTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demo of a ManyToMany relationship.
ManyToManyTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToManyTest
ManyToOneUnidirectionalTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demonstration of a amny-to-one, uni-directional mapping.
ManyToOneUnidirectionalTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToOneUnidirectionalTest


OneManyMapTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.map
This class demonstrates a One-to-Many relationship represented as a map in the parent.
OneManyMapTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.map.OneManyMapTest
OneManyUnidirectionalTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.onetomany
OneManyUnidirectionalTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.onetomany.OneManyUnidirectionalTest
OneToManyJoinTableTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demo of a OneToMany relationship using a Join (or Link) table.
OneToManyJoinTableTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyJoinTableTest
OneToManyMapTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demo of a OneToMany relationship using a Map In this relationship, a field from the related object is used to populate the key of a Map entry.
OneToManyMapTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyMapTest
OneToManyTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demo of OneToMany and ManyToOne relationships.
OneToManyTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyTest
OneToOneTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demo of using a class that has been mapped to the database with only basic class annotations.
OneToOneTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest


PERSISTENCE_UNIT - Static variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
PHOTO_FILE - Static variable in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
postcleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.ManyManyMapTest
postcleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.OneManyMapTest
postcleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
precleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.ManyManyMapTest
precleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.OneManyMapTest
precleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.onetomany.OneManyUnidirectionalTest
precleanup() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase


RelationshipOwnershipTest - Class in ejava.examples.orm.rel
This test case provides a demo of a ManyToMany relationship.
RelationshipOwnershipTest() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest


setUp() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyTest
This setUp method creates a Borrower to be used during the test methods.
setUp() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
setUp() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest
This setUp method creates a few objects that we'll use to test a few relations.
setUpBase() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
setUpBase() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToOneUnidirectionalTest
setUpDownShared() - Static method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase


tearDown() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest
This method makes sure there are no relationships left over after test
tearDownBase() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
tearDownBaseClass() - Static method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.DemoBase
testCacadePersist() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
This test provides an example of persisting an object tree from the owning side.
testCreateManyToOne() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToOneUnidirectionalTest
This version of MediaCopy uses a READ-ONLY foreign key mapping based on JPA 1.0
testCreateManyToOneMapsId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToOneUnidirectionalTest
This version of the MediaCopy uses a JPA 2.0 @MapsId annotation to link the foreign and primary key properties.
testManyOneBiDirectional() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyTest
This provides a basic demonstration of setting up a One/Many relationship.
testManyToManyBiCreate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToManyTest
testManyToManyInverseMap() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.ManyManyMapTest
This method tests the case where one entity owns the many-to-many, bi-directional relationship and the other side forms the inverse side.
testManyToManyUniCreate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.ManyToManyTest
testManyToOneEmbeddedIdMapsId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite.CompositeTest
testManyToOneEmbeddedIdPKReuse() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite.CompositeTest
testManyToOneIdClassPK() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite.CompositeTest
testManyToOneIdClassPKReuse() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.composite.CompositeTest
testMapCreate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyMapTest
testOneToManyInverseParentMap() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.OneManyMapTest
This method tests the case where the child owns the relationship and the parent is the inverse side.
testOneToManyJoinCreate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyJoinTableTest
testOneToManyJoinFind() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyJoinTableTest
testOneToManyJoinRemove() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyJoinTableTest
testOneToManyOwningParent() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.onetomany.OneManyUnidirectionalTest
This method tests the case where the parent owns the relationship.
testOneToManyOwningParentMap() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.OneManyMapTest
This method tests the case where the parent owns the relationship.
testOneToOneBiDirectional() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
This demonstrates a OneToOne bi-directional relationship between two logically independent object; Applicant and Borrower.
testOnetoOneInverse() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest
This method will verify that setting only the inverse side of a OnetoOne relationship does not update the database.
testOnetoOneOwnership() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.RelationshipOwnershipTest
This method will verify that setting only the owning side of a OnetoOne relationship does update the database, but leaves the cache in an inconsistent state until refreshed.
testPersistOnSetter() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
This test demonstrates an issue I found with inserting objects on the inverse side of a relationship during the owner's setter().
testPrimaryKeyJoin() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
This demonstrates a OneToOne uni-directional relationship between the Borrower and Person where they are being joined by primary key instead of a separate column in the borrower table.
testRemove() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToManyTest
This provides a basic demonstration of removing entities from a One/Many relationship.
testUni() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.rel.OneToOneTest
This test provides an example of setting a OneToOne relationship between two independent objects in the database.


XtestManyToManyMap() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.map.ManyManyMapTest
This method tests the a simpler version of the owning/inverse case.
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