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- Account - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides a base class for table-per-class inheritance strategy example.
- Account() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- Account(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- AccountException - Exception in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class is thrown by Account methods to report a business exception.
- AccountException() - Constructor for exception ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.AccountException
- AccountException(String) - Constructor for exception ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.AccountException
- Album - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of inheriting from a non-entity base class.
- Album() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- artist - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- bakedOn - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- balance - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- BaseObject - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of a non-entity base class that can be mapped into tables defined by entities that derive from this class.
- BaseObject() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- Bread - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of an entity that is part of a single table inheritance approach.
- Bread() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- Bread(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- BRONZE - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer.Rating
- CheckingAccount - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class using separate classes per-concrete derived class.
- CheckingAccount() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- CheckingAccount(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- CHICKEN_NOODLE - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- Circle - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a mixed strategy of inheritance.
- Circle() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Circle
- cost - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- Cube - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an attempt to re-define the JOIN InheritanceType of the parent class to a TABLE_PER_CLASS type.
- Cube() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Cube
- Customer - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an entity sub-class example for a join inheritance strategy.
- Customer() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer
- Customer(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer
- Customer.Rating - Enum in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
- deposit(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- depth - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Cube
- ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated - package ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
- Employee - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an entity sub-class example for a join inheritance strategy.
- Employee() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- Employee(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- expiration - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- fee - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- firstName - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- getArtist() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- getBakedOn() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- getBalance() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- getCost() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- getDepth() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Cube
- getExpiration() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- getFee() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- getFirstName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- getHeight() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- getHireDate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- getId() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- getLastName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Circle
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- getName() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- getPayrate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- getPosx() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- getPosy() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- getRadius() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Circle
- getRate() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- getRating() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer
- getSize() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- getSlices() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- getSoupType() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- getTitle() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- getVersion() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- getWidth() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- GOLD - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer.Rating
- height - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- hireDate - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- id - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- id - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- id - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- id - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- InterestAccount - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class using separate classes per-concrete derived class.
- InterestAccount() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- InterestAccount(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- NEW_ENGLAND_CLAM_CHOWDER - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- payrate - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- Person - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example base class in a join inheritance strategy.
- Person() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- Person(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- posx - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- posy - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- processInterest() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- processInterest() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- Product - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example base class in a single table inheritance strategy.
- Product() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- Product(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- radius - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Circle
- rate - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- rating - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer
- Rating() - Constructor for enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer.Rating
- Rectangle - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a mixed strategy of inheritance.
- Rectangle() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.AccountException
- setArtist(String) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- setBakedOn(Date) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- setBalance(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- setCost(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- setDepth(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Cube
- setExpiration(Date) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- setFee(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- setHeight(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- setHireDate(Date) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- setId(long) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- setId(long) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- setId(long) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- setId(long) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- setLastName(String) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- setPayrate(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- setPosx(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- setPosy(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- setRadius(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Circle
- setRate(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- setRating(Customer.Rating) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer
- setSize(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- setSlices(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- setSoupType(Soup.SoupType) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- setVersion(long) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- setWidth(int) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- Shape - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of mixing two inheritance stratgies; non-entity inheritance and join.
- Shape() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- SILVER - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer.Rating
- size - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- slices - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- Soup - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example of an entity sub-class that is part of a single table inheritance strategy.
- Soup() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- Soup(long) - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- Soup.SoupType - Enum in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
- SoupType(String) - Constructor for enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- text - Variable in enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- text() - Method in enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- title - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- TOMATO - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- ToothPaste - Class in ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated
This class provides an example entity class that derives from a non-entity class and accepts all mapping defaults.
- ToothPaste() - Constructor for class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Album
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Bread
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Circle
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Cube
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Employee
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Person
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Product
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Shape
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- toString() - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.ToothPaste
- type - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup
- UNKNOWN - ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer.Rating
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Customer.Rating
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Soup.SoupType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- version - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.BaseObject
- width - Variable in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Rectangle
- withdraw(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.Account
- withdraw(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.CheckingAccount
- withdraw(double) - Method in class ejava.examples.orm.inheritance.annotated.InterestAccount
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