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BulkQueryTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria
BulkQueryTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql
BulkQueryTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.BulkQueryTest
BulkQueryTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.BulkQueryTest


cleanup() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.SalesFactory
cleanup(EntityManager) - Static method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
close(EntityManager) - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
createEm() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
CriteriaTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria
CriteriaTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest


ejava.jpa.examples.query - package ejava.jpa.examples.query
ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria - package ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria
ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql - package ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql
em - Variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
em - Variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.SalesFactory
emf - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
ems - Variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
exampleCriteriaCanonicalMetamodelAPI() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleCriteriaCanonicalMetamodelAPIOptimized() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleCriteriaMetamodelAPI() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleCriteriaMetamodelAPIOptimized() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleCriteriaStringAPI() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleCriteriaStringAPIOptimized() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleJPAQL() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleJPAQLOptimized() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleSQL() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleSQLOptimized() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
exampleSQLResultSet() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
This test shows more features of the SqlResultSet -- where we mix entity and value return values.
executeQuery(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
executeQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<T>) - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
executeQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>) - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
executeQuery(CriteriaQuery<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest


JPAQLTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql
JPAQLTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest


log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.BulkQueryTest
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.BulkQueryTest
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NamedQueryTest
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NativeQueryTest
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
log - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest
logger - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest


NamedQueryTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql
NamedQueryTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NamedQueryTest
NativeQueryTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql
NativeQueryTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NativeQueryTest


PERSISTENCE_UNIT - Static variable in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
populate() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.SalesFactory
populate(EntityManager) - Static method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase


QueryBase - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query
QueryBase() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
QueryTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql
QueryTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
QueryTypesTest - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query
This test case provides an example of each of the different query types.
QueryTypesTest() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryTypesTest


SalesFactory - Class in ejava.jpa.examples.query
SalesFactory() - Constructor for class ejava.jpa.examples.query.SalesFactory
setEntityManager(EntityManager) - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.SalesFactory
setUp() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
setUpClass() - Static method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase


tearDown() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
tearDownClass() - Static method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.QueryBase
testAll() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration for using the ALL subquery result evaluation.
testAll() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration for using the ALL subquery result evaluation.
testAny() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration for using the ANY subquery result evaluation
testAny() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration for using the ANY subquery result evaluation
testBetween() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example of using between condition
testBetween() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example of using between condition
testBulkDelete() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.BulkQueryTest
testBulkDelete() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.BulkQueryTest
testBulkUpdate() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.BulkQueryTest
testBulkUpdate() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.BulkQueryTest
testCollectionPathExpressionsInnerJoin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example collection path using an INNER JOIN
testCollectionPathExpressionsInnerJoin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example collection path using an INNER JOIN
testCount() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of the COUNT aggregate function
testCount() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of the COUNT aggregate function
testDateParameter() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
testDates() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test method demonstrates using date functions.
testDates() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test method demonstrates using date functions.
testDISTINCT() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates the use of DISTINCT to limit the results to only unique values
testDISTINCT() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates the use of DISTINCT to limit the results to only unique values
testEntityNativeQuery() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NativeQueryTest
testEquality() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration for comparing two entities within a query
testEquality() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration for comparing two entities within a query
testExplicitJoin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates creating an explicit JOIN based on adhoc criteria
testExplicitJoin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates creating an explicit JOIN based on adhoc criteria
testFetchJoin1() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates the function of a JOIN FETCH to perform the EAGER retrieval of entities as a side-effect of the query
testFetchJoin1() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates the function of a JOIN FETCH to perform the EAGER retrieval of entities as a side-effect of the query
testFetchJoin2() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
testFetchJoin2() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
testFormulas() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of using a math formual within the where clause.
testFormulas() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of using a math formual within the where clause.
testGroupBy() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test method provides an example of using group by
testGroupBy() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test method provides an example of using group by
testHaving() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example usage of the HAVING aggregate query function.
testHaving() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example usage of the HAVING aggregate query function.
testIsEmpty() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example of testing whether the collection is empty
testIsEmpty() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example of testing whether the collection is empty
testIsNull() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of testing for a null value.
testIsNull() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of testing for a null value.
testLike() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates the use of like in where clauses
testLike() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates the use of like in where clauses
testLiteral() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example of an equality test in the where clause
testLiteral() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example of an equality test in the where clause
testLock() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
testLogical() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of using logical AND, OR, and NOT within a query where clause
testLogical() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of using logical AND, OR, and NOT within a query where clause
testMaxMin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of the MIN and MAX aggregate functions
testMaxMin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of the MIN and MAX aggregate functions
testMemberOf() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of testing membership in a collection.
testMemberOf() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of testing membership in a collection.
testMultiSelectConstructor() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides another demonstration of selecting multiple properties -- with this example using a constructor expression to return a typed object for each result in the query.
testMultiSelectConstructor() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides another demonstration of selecting multiple properties -- with this example using a constructor expression to return a typed object for each result in the query.
testMultiSelectEntities() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates how we can leverage multi-selects to extend a JOIN FETCH beyond a single root anchoring point.
testMultiSelectObjectArray() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates a query for multiple properties.
testMultiSelectObjectArray() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates a query for multiple properties.
testMultiSelectTuple() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This query demonstrates a query for multiple properties -- same as above -- except this example used a Tuple return type and select aliases
testMultiSelectTuple() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This query demonstrates a query for multiple properties -- same as above -- except this example used a Tuple return type and select aliases
testNamedNativeQuery() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NamedQueryTest
testNamedQuery() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NamedQueryTest
testNonEntityQuery() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates querying for a non-entity.
testNonEntityQuery() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates querying for a non-entity.
testOrderBy() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test method provides a demonstration of order by capability.
testOrderBy() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test method provides a demonstration of order by capability.
testOuterJoin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example collection path using an LEFT OUTER JOIN
testOuterJoin() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example collection path using an LEFT OUTER JOIN
testPaging() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
testParameters() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
testPathExpressions() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides an example of navigating a path formed by a relationship.
testPathExpressions() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides an example of navigating a path formed by a relationship.
testResultList() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
testResultStream() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates getting results as a stream
testScalarNativeQuery() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.NativeQueryTest
testSimpleSelect() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates a single entity query.
testSimpleSelect() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test demonstrates a single JPAQL query
testSingleResult() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.QueryTest
testSpecialCharacter() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test demonstrates how literal values are automatically escaped
testSpecialCharacter() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
testStringFunctions() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test method demonstrates several date functions
testStringFunctions() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test method demonstrates several date functions
testSubqueries() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of using an explicit subquery
testSubqueries() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of using an explicit subquery
testSumAve() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.criteria.CriteriaTest
This test provides a demonstration of the SUM and AVE aggregate functions
testSumAve() - Method in class ejava.jpa.examples.query.jpaql.JPAQLTest
This test provides a demonstration of the SUM and AVE aggregate functions
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