All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description Bike This class provides the basic annotations required to make a class usable by Java Persistence without any further mapping.Bike This class provides a pure POJO class that is mapped by BIKE-orm.xml into the database.Car This class provides an example of providing more explicite mappings between the entity class and the database using annotations.Car This class provides an example of providing more explicit mappings between the entity class and the database using orm.xml.ColorType This enum is used by the Vase classes to provide an example of how to map enums to the database.Drill This class provides an example of a entity mapped to the database using a generated primary key AUTO-matically generated by the Java Persistence provider (i.e., not using the database for key value).Drill This class provides an example of a entity mapped to the database using a generated primary key AUTO-matically generated by the Java Persistence provider (i.e., not using the database for key value).EggBeater This class provides an example of using a TABLE GeneratedValue schema.EggBeater This class provides an example of using a TABLE GeneratedValue schema.Fan This class demonstrates the use of SEQUENCE generator strategy using annotations.Fan This class demonstrates the use of SEQUENCE generator strategy using descriptors.Gadget This class demonstrates the use of IDENTITY generator strategy using annotations.Gadget This class demonstrates the use of IDENTITY generator strategy using orm.xml.MakeModelPK This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be embedded into the referenced class.MakeModelPK This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be embedded into the referenced class.Manufacturer This class provides an example of an object with no identity of its own and must be stored within a containing object.Manufacturer This class provides an example of an object with no identity of its own and must be stored within a containing object.Mower This class provides an example of expressing an IdClass for a compound primary key using annotations.Mower This class provides an example of expressing an IdClass for a compound primary key using annotations.MowerPK This is an example of a class that can be used for a Java Persistence IdClass.Napsack This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within the containing class.Napsack This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within the containing class.NapsackPK This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be embedded into the referenced class.NapsackPK This class provides an example of a primary key class that can be embedded into the referenced class.Pen This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within the conatining class and doing all the mapping if the PK here instead of the PK class.Pen This class provides an example of embedding a primary key class within the conatining class and doing all the mapping if the PK here instead of the PK class.Tank This class an example of what to do with extra getter/setter fields (or fields) that should not be considered part of the persistence.Tank This class an example of what to do with extra getter/setter fields (or fields) that should not be considered part of the persistence.Umbrella This class provides an example of using LAZY fetch hints.Umbrella This class provides an example of using LAZY fetch hints.Vase This class provides an example of mapping various types to the database, like dates, enums, etc.Vase This class provides an example of mapping various types to the database, like dates, enums, etc.Watch This class provides an example of joining three tables to make a single object.Watch This class provides an example of joining three tables to make a single object.XRay This class provides an example of embedding another object within a containing object being mapped to the database.XRay This class provides an example of embedding another object within a containing object being mapped to the database.