package ejava.examples.ejbsessionbank.blimpl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ejava.examples.ejbsessionbank.dao.AccountDAO;
import ejava.examples.ejbsessionbank.dao.OwnerDAO;
* This class implements the business logic of the Teller. Its logically
* implemented in 2 halves; Account and Owner + Account. The Account-only
* half is used to demonstrate some of the basics. The Owner+Account half
* is used to add a small amount of complexity to the data model to demo
* some lazy load issues within the remote facade/EJB layer.
public class TellerImpl implements Teller {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TellerImpl.class);
public static final String OVERDRAWN_ACCOUNTS = "getOverdrawnAccounts";
public static final String ALL_ACCOUNTS = "getAccounts";
private AccountDAO acctDAO;
private OwnerDAO ownerDAO;
public void setAcctDAO(AccountDAO acctDAO) {
this.acctDAO = acctDAO;
public void setOwnerDAO(OwnerDAO ownerDAO) {
this.ownerDAO = ownerDAO;
public Account createAccount(String accountNum) throws BankException {
log.debug("createAccount(num=" + accountNum + ")");
Account account = new Account();
account = acctDAO.createAccount(account);
log.debug("account created:" + account);
return account;
public Account getAccount(String accountNum) throws BankException {
log.debug("getAccount(num=" + accountNum + ")");
Account account = acctDAO.getAccountByNum(accountNum);
if (account==null) {
throw new BankException("unable to locate account:" + accountNum);
log.debug("found account:" + account);
return account;
public List<Account> getOverdrawnAccounts(int index, int count) throws BankException {
log.debug("getOverdrawnAccounts(" +
"index=" + index + ", count=" + count + ")");
List<Account> accounts = acctDAO.findAccounts(
OVERDRAWN_ACCOUNTS, null, index, count);
log.debug("found " + accounts.size() + " accounts");
return accounts;
public List<Account> getAccounts(int index, int count) throws BankException {
log.debug("getAccounts(" +
"index=" + index + ", count=" + count + ")");
List<Account> accounts = acctDAO.findAccounts(
ALL_ACCOUNTS, null, index, count);
log.debug("found " + accounts.size() + " accounts");
return accounts;
public Account closeAccount(String accountNum) throws BankException {
log.debug("removeAccount(num" + accountNum + ")");
Account account = acctDAO.getAccountByNum(accountNum);
if (account == null) {
log.debug("account num found:" + accountNum);
throw new BankException("unable to locate account:" + accountNum);
else if (account.getBalance() != 0) {
log.debug("account balance not 0; bal=" + account.getBalance());
throw new BankException("unable to close account, " +
"invalid balance:" + account.getBalance());
else {
//unlink the account from the owner first
for (Owner owner : ownerDAO.getAccountOwners(account)) {
List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>(owner.getAccounts());
for (Account a : accounts) {
if (a.getId() == account.getId()) {
//now we can remove account
log.debug("removed account:" + account);
return account;
public void updateAccount(Account account) throws BankException {
log.debug("updateAccount(update=" + account + ")");
Account updated = acctDAO.updateAccount(account);
log.debug("updated account:" + updated);
public Ledger getLedger() throws BankException {
return acctDAO.getLedger();
public double getLedgerAveBalance() throws BankException {
return acctDAO.getLedgerAveBalance();
public long getLedgerCount() throws BankException {
return acctDAO.getLedgerCount();
public double getLedgerSum() throws BankException {
return acctDAO.getLedgerSum();
public Owner addOwner(long ownerId, String accountNumber)
throws BankException {
Owner owner = ownerDAO.getOwnerById(ownerId);
if (owner == null) {
throw new BankException("unable to locate owner:" + ownerId);
Account account = acctDAO.getAccountByNum(accountNumber);
if (account == null) {
throw new BankException("unable to locate account:"+accountNumber);
return owner;
public Owner createOwner(String firstName, String lastName, String ssn)
throws BankException {
Owner owner = new Owner();
return ownerDAO.createOwner(owner);
public void removeOwner(long ownerId) {
Owner owner = ownerDAO.getOwnerById(ownerId);
if (owner != null) {
public List<Owner> getOwners(int index, int count) throws BankException {
return ownerDAO.findOwners(
OwnerDAO.GET_OWNERS_QUERY, null, index, count);
public Owner openAccount(long ownerId, String accountNumber)
throws BankException {
Owner owner = ownerDAO.getOwnerById(ownerId);
if (owner == null) {
throw new BankException("owner not found, id=" + ownerId);
Account account = new Account();
return owner;